It’s time to re-affirm that “no one is above the law” in America is MORE than a hollow saying.

I’ve pointed out here, on several occasions, my belief that republican governors in many states have adopted individual 1’s solution to situations which aren’t going as planned and that is LYING. I was basing my inferences on, well, logic. In places where governors refused to institute ANY protections against the spread of the coronavirus it seemed to me their states would eventually pay a severe “price” for that lack of action. I singled out states like South Dakota, Iowa, Arizona, Texas, Georgia, and Florida (and others) as “suspects.” Well, over the time since I started speculating, actual “evidence” has appeared to support my “thesis” in places like Georgia, Florida, Iowa, and Texas. (As usual, I’m working off my 73 year old memory which, at times, is faulty – like there are likely more examples I’m not remembering right now)

So, I was NOT surprised the other day when I read an article about how, in Texas, they are NOT reporting Covid-19 positive test results coming from the so-called “rapid tests” which are available in some areas of the state. They are estimating the “under count” of people who have this virus is in the tens of thousands. Now, why would this be happening in states run by republican governors? Well, it’s no secret to me republicans will do ANYTHING they can to remain in POWER and failing to properly FIGHT this virus is actually getting the attention of voters – so, they believe LYING about what is really happening is the solution to their lack of action.

Here’s the problem with that strategy – and, I’m talking about “reality” and not the MORAL failure of these politicians who LIE with impunity – and that is the number of people who are DYING in their states. In several of the states I mentioned (and, more) the hospitals and morgues are FULL to overflowing. Recently I’ve read about places like Texas, Florida, and Mississippi having “waiting lists” at the crematoriums. This isn’t because of the “flu,” or a major uptick in people having heart attacks, cancer, etc. It’s directly the result of Covid-19. In Texas I’ve read about a similar situation to what was going on in New York back in April – and, that is people DYING in their homes from Covid-19 because they can’t get into a hospital or think they can’t get into a hospital. This leads to an under-count in the number of Covid related deaths being reported.

I’m no doctor (Even though I once stayed at a Holiday Inn :o) but I’ve paid close attention to many doctors during this pandemic who continue pointing out our lack of a coordinated national strategy has led to thousands of unnecessary deaths and stress on our hospital system – where nurses and doctors in the Covid-19 units are burning out in increasing numbers – those who have avoided contracting the virus. Individual 1’s inept response to the pandemic gives a clear view of how POWER corrupts – as republicans around the country are demonstrating a willingness to do whatever they can to keep an incompetent, corrupt, immoral racist in POWER despite their “oath” to the constitution. They are demonstrating what I’ve said for years – that republicans believe in “the end justifies the means” and the “end” for them is POWER, under any circumstances. It’s really quite sad – for someone like me who believes in our two party system of government.

If you weren’t around back in 1980 when the right wing wacko – soon to be republican standard bearer – Ronald Reagan, was running against Jimmy Carter (who was unpopular with democrats). Republicans put forth a “third party” candidate who they actually paid for his advertising – his name was John Anderson and he was a liberal republican. He pulled a significant number of votes, around 7%, from disenchanted democrats and then many working class democrats switched to the republican party out of disenchantment with Carter, helping to elect Reagan. It’s true Reagan may not have needed this “dirty trick,” but, just the same, “the end justifies the means” with republicans, and, back then, just like today, republicans were/are willing to do whatever it takes to “win” an election.

True to form, tonight it was reported individual 1’s campaign is “jumping through hoops” so it can get Kanye West, I don’t know much about him other than he’s African American and he wears a MAGA hat, listed on the ballot as if he’s running for president in several “swing states” – most notably Wisconsin. This is such a brazen attempt to peel off African American votes from Joe Biden and it’s shameful for Mr. West to allow himself to be used in this manner. I don’t believe it will “work,” but it reminds me of 1980 and I’m guessing Roger Stone is somewhere right in the middle of this scheme.

The bottom line is individual 1 is committed to doing NOTHING to mitigate the Covid-19 pandemic other than encouraging states to stop testing and trying to LIE about the devastation this deadly virus is causing. Of course, it’s old people and “Black and Brown” people who are suffering the worst under this virus to does anyone believe that is not part of the republican “calculus” when they are formulating what they should be doing. I’ve said this many times and I believe it’s obvious to most Americans, the focus of republicans is on Wall Street while the democrats are focused on “Main Street.” This FACT has brought us to a serious “crossroads” as the so-called HEROES Act is being debated in our nation’s capital.

The HEROES Act looks to be focused on “Main Street” – apparently that’s the view from republicans – but I believe even Jerome Powell understands the danger which lies ahead if Congress doesn’t act to shore up those Americans who are unemployed, the State and Local Governments around the nation who are losing massive amounts of tax revenue, and all the small businesses who are likely to be going through bankruptcy court if they don’t get help “sooner rather than later.” It appears to me this is VERY serious – maybe as serious as any time in my lifetime. The mushrooming affect of inaction to our economy could reverberate all the way to,………. well, you guessed it, Wall Street.

Democrats are trying to help but republicans generally have a reflexive “no” to anything coming from the democratic House. I’ve said this before, but here’s how I see this (and, it’s likely much MORE serious than I understand) if the 30 – 40 MILLION Americans on unemployment who had their benefits expire at the end of LAST month don’t get further assistance many of them will be in much MORE serious economic trouble than they already are. Soon rents won’t be getting paid and, after that, it will be mortgages, and then banks, etc. It appears to me its much easier to stop an economic “tailspin” before it starts than after it gains momentum. So, this is a critical time for republicans – after all, they are in charge of the “White House,” and the Senate – and my hope is democrats don’t cave in these negotiations. The Postal Service MUST be saved, individual 1 MUST not be allowed to go after Social Security and Medicare, and states MUST have the funds necessary for people to vote from home in this elections – because the pandemic likely will still be raging – possibly much worse than right now.

And, oh, by the way, if you’re old like me, you SHOULD be paying attention to the continuation of the republicans going after Social Security, Medicare, and Medicaid as they have been pretty much since the inception of those great American programs. Individual 1 wants to repeal the payroll tax which is where the funds for Social Security and Medicare come from. That has happened before as a way to stimulate the economy, but in this instance those who are still working DON’T need a stimulus – it’s just a “back door” way to undermine our great social “safety net.” I’m on Social Security and I’m very thankful for it – I don’t know a single OLD person who is collecting Social Security benefits who support individual 1’s attempt to harm it.

Then there’s the “Trust Act” coming from Mitt Romney, another “back door” attack on Social Security and Medicare. Why would you expect anything less? Yes, Romney voted to convict individual 1 and, for that, he’ll forever have a better place in the history books than the rest of the Senate republicans, but that doesn’t give him a “pass” on being a “deplorable” republican. Going after Social Security, AGAIN, he’s done it before, is part of Romney’s MO. Of course, the democrats have a bill which would actually strengthen Social Security and Medicare but don’t expect ANY republicans to sign on to it. If it’s going to pass it will be because “we the people” finally said “enough already” and voted individual 1 and many of his republican sycophants out of office this November. Stay tuned…………………….. (Oh yes, and wear a mask!)

Final Thought: As I’ve said here, individual 1 and his sycophants are planning to “throw” everything including the “kitchen sink” at this upcoming election – and, “we the people” are depending on those who claim there’s no way they would vote for our IMPEACHED so-called president to understand it is IMPERATIVE they vote for Biden and whoever he ultimately chooses for his VP. Despite individual 1 being hopelessly behind in the polling he will not allow that to slow his CHEATING down and we’re going to see how a desperate despot acts knowing he’s potentially looking at a lot of legal exposure once he’s out of office. He will be attempting to get young people and people of “color” to choose not to vote at all or he’ll be trying to make it so difficult for them to vote they just say “F” it.

I read the other day a column by former republican opinion writer, Jennifer Rubin, suggesting investigations of individual 1 once he’s out of office would be counter productive because, according to Ms Rubin, this would simply lead to more division in America. Well, I have to say to her, after adding I like to read her columns, I totally disagree. Back when Bush/Cheney left office President Obama blocked all the investigations into their illegal activity – including an investigation taking place in Spain – as Obama said “I’m looking forward instead of back.” I’ve lamented that decision since the day it was made because I believe it simply led to individual 1’s brazen disrespect for the law and the republicans’ willingness to go along with behavior which not too long ago you just wouldn’t recognize them, based on what we’re seeing today.

By looking the other way from Bush/Cheney the illegal wiretapping AND, more importantly to me, the TORTURE was, essentially, given the “OK” in the future. Republicans were further led to believe democrats don’t have the guts to call them on their illegal behavior. And, I say this knowing republicans believe in “payback” – but, I have to say, if a democrat is brazenly violating the law I really don’t want them protected from their lawbreaking because they hold the “White House.” This idea presidents and their lackeys are “above the law” needs to be put to rest – NOW! Which means, for starters, individual 1 MUST face the Southern District of New York for the charges which put Michael Cohen in jail – FELONIES our IMPEACHED so-called president “directed” him to commit.

Based on the hearings in the Senate Judiciary committee today where Sally Yates was “grilled” by republicans who continue to act as if there was no Russian interference in the 2016 election, to me, “looking forward instead of back” simply sends the WRONG message to them AND the American people. By numerous accounts the OBSTRUCTION of Justice committed by individual 1 during the Mueller Investigation very well could number up to 10 clear violations – serious FELONIES! As I’ve said here (I read Mueller’s report twice), Mueller took pains to explain the seriousness of OBSTRUCTION as a fundamental ATTACK on our “rule of law.” Anyone attempting to derail any investigation is preventing prosecutors from doing their basic duty. Clearly, individual 1 had NO hesitation to OBSTRUCT repeatedly along the way of Mueller’s investigation.

And, William Barr, as far as I’m concerned, was also OBSTRUCTING the investigation when he succeeded in undermining the “gist” of the Mueller investigation with his DISHONEST “summary” the day after the report was handed to him and then he further undermined the report the day he made the redacted version available to “we the people.” Barr knew EXACTLY what he was doing and he succeeded in blocking any chance Congress would take up the OBSTRUCTION charges which, clearly, Mueller was counting on them to decide if our IMPEACHED so-called president should have been IMPEACHED for the Russia OBSTRUCTION.

We now have what amounts to an organized crime syndicate in charge of our government with Mr. Barr acting as individual 1’s “Roy Cohn.” The list of illegal activity coming out of this “White House,” I’m certain, is well beyond what “we the people” know. This is why I disagree so strongly with Ms Rubin and believe the entire “cabal” should be investigated once we get them out of office and prosecute ANY wrongdoing so that this type of behavior is not perpetuated – keeping in mind republicans have “etched” Bribery/Extortion into future behavior of our executive branch of government because they didn’t have the GUTS to do what they KNEW was right in the IMPEACHMENT trial and vote to CONVICT individual 1. That vote is the main reason why I believe Ms Rubin is dead wrong in suggesting individual 1 and his sycophants should “walk away” from this administration with no accountability. It’s time to re-affirm that “no one is above the law” in America is MORE than a hollow saying.

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