Bolton’s criticism of the democrats was their Articles of IMPEACHMENT weren’t broad enough. Yikes!!!

A bit over a month ago Mike Pense, the “head of the coronavirus task force” said, “By Memorial day this will all be behind us.” Of course, what he was talking about was Covid-19 which is beginning to RAGE out of control in several states which don’t begin with “New York” or “New Jersey.” And, as I shared in a recent post, standing along side Pense and suggesting we’d all be “rockin” by June was none other than “senior ‘White House’ adviser” Jared Kushner – he of the incredibly BAD advice who gets to keep giving BAD advice because, well, ??????

Then, just like the cherry on top of a chocolate sundae, there stood William Barr – the one person in America who may be digging a deeper place in the section of the American History books now under the guise of Benedict Arnold – who was threatening to “sick” (pun intended) the Justice Department on states who had “stay at home” orders he (or individual 1 by extension) didn’t agree with. Like, for example, in states like mine, Washington, where the “curve” is going down. I believe the reason our state has had fewer people contracting the virus is because our governor, who is repeatedly threatened by the “tweeting” of our IMPEACHED so-called president, doesn’t pay much attention to individual 1’s “tweets.”

Of course, republicans everywhere seem to live in fear of getting one of those nasty “tweets” and, after you get one, in many instances, there have been reports of some of those “very fine people” individual 1 mentioned after Charlottesville’s “Unite the Right” rally; people carrying Tiki Torches, wearing Nazi armbands and other Nazi paraphernalia, marching with confederate flags, and chanting “Jews will not replace us” – representatives of that “group” seem to show up at the homes or offices of whoever is on the other end of one of individual 1’s nasty “tweets” brandishing their “weapons of war” in acts of vial intimidation for what purpose? Apparently, if the purpose is pure intimidation it’s working because the Senate appears to be full of republicans who are cowards. People who place their job above their country. People who have forgotten how to do what is right and will carry the burden of that cowardice for the rest of their lives. I’m reminded of the title of one of Rick Wilson’s books, “Everything (individual 1) Touches dies.” (Of course, he uses our IMPEACHED so-called president’s surname – I’ve adopted the name he was given by the Southern District of New York’s US Attorney)

And, of course, other than despising out IMPEACHED so-called president, I don’t feel any “connection” to Mr. Wilson. In fact, over the years, I believe he’s been one of the reasons I felt it was important to lobby for the “end of the republican party as we know it.” Some of the unscrupulous stuff coming out of the “republican brand” have had Wilson’s and some of his closest associates’ unmistakable fingerprints. His specialty is NASTY political ads which challenge the limits of credulity but avoid courtrooms for things like lible. (He “torpedoed” a war hero Saxby Chambliss for the “crime” of being a democrat) Now, Wilson is part of a group which calls itself the “Lincoln Project” – a group of disgruntled republicans who are fine with people like Dick Cheney but individual 1 is “over the top” for them.

In the cause of transparency and being truthful I have to say I’ve enjoyed some of the ads coming from the Lincoln Project aimed at individual 1 and members of his administration – I believe they have one just for Mike Pense if I’m not mistaken. Other members of the Lincoln Project who I know of are George Conway, Steve Schmidt, and Bill Crystal – all “true blue” republicans – UNTIL individual 1 took over the party. People I know who support individual 1 call them “RINO’s” (republican in name only) although my guess is some of them have become “independents” (like me :o). I find it really interesting to listen to people like these (and, George Will, for another example) speaking out as if they’d read my blog.

Not only are these members of the “Lincoln Project” aghast at the DAMAGE being inflicted EVERY day by individual 1 and his lap dogs (sycophants?) on America I believe they might even be reflecting on how we got to this place. I’m not totally sure about that because it would require honest self reflection and they’ve participated in some of what has America being torn apart at the seems right now – with, of course, the continuing help of the Russians via Facebook. The Covid-19 crisis MUST be causing some republicans to understand the futility in having MILLIONS of Americans – MOSTLY the least advantaged – for example, without health insurance. Maybe they are able to see the ONLY reason America is NOT in a full throttled depression right now would be the extra $600 per week going to those who are unemployed – money republicans desperately want ended.

Of course, when there’s a report that consumer spending rose record amounts in May from April many republicans seem unable to make the connection – it’s like the House democrats are saving the economy for them and they have no idea why it’s happening. I’ve explained this before and I’m no economist so it can’t be extremely difficult – those on unemployment are SPENDING the $600 each week, by and large – putting that money back into the economy. So, you have landlords getting their rent payments, you’ve got car dealers getting car payments, you’ve got grocery stores selling virtually everything on the shelves, etc. etc. My prediction is once those payments stop the economy is headed south. We’ll see…………….

That economy stuff aside, another thing the members of the “Lincoln Project” understand is the devastation being caused by the pandemic and the incredible FAILURE of individual 1 in dealing with it. Not only has there NEVER been a NATIONAL response to the virus with a NATIONAL plan of how to mitigate it, but NOW our IMPEACHED so-called president has simply “moved on.” He’s pretending there is no virus and he’s still saying, “even without a vaccine it will just go away.” Well, I would suppose, if you can ONLY get the virus once then that would eventually be true once we made it to “herd immunity” – which, according to what I just read would mean 80% to 90% would have to get it to reach that point. (That would be, for all you who weren’t adept at math about 300,000,000 people) Well, so far less than 1% have contracted the virus in America so we have a long way to go. In other words, our IMPEACHED so-called president is – in the words of Rex Tillerson and James Mattis, “a MORON.” Or, according to Mike Pompeo, “full of shit.” (Maybe that explains why he’s willing to cram 20,000 people into the BOK arena in Tulsa, Oklahoma – or does it say something about his supporters who’ll fill the arena???)

I’ve mentioned the digitally “connected” thermometer I purchased a couple months back which has a history of predicting where “flu like” outbreaks will occur about two weeks ahead of the CDC. It’s made by a company called Kinsa and they produce what they call their “health weather map” which shows where there are outbreaks of “atypical” instances of elevated temperatures – different areas of the country. About two or three weeks ago I was showing the map to my son and pointed out Florida, Texas, North and South Carolina, Southern California, Alabama, Georgia, Oklahoma, and Arizona – right where he was living a couple years ago, in Maricopa County – according to the map all of them were places where the virus was likely going to spike. Guess what happened? Once again the Kinsa map got it absolutely correct! (And, there were a few other states, I’m going off the top of my head)

Of course, this was predictable for others – just NOT people like Pense and Kushner and others in the “White House.” For heavens sake, Larry Kudlow has repeatedly insisted “the virus has been contained.” (Why he’s saying anything about the virus is curious because he knows NOTHING about it – of course, he also claimed “there is no systemic racism” in America – honestly, these people are pathetic – after all, isn’t he supposed to be advising on economics) Kevin Hassett is really good at smiling into the camera as he’s giving absurd advice which, more often than not, proves false. It’s possible his “cubic model” of Covid-19, which suggested deaths would be at ZERO by May 15, is what was behind the ABSURD remarks by Pense and Kushner. The bottom line here is our present government is full of people who are in “over their heads” and are making things much worse – people who, I believe, are infected by “short termism,” and they don’t really even do that very well.

It will be interesting to see the response to this SPIKE in confirmed cases of Covid-19 which is happening in over 20 states (and, likely to spread based on how “we the people” are dealing with it) Many of these states with the large increases are in states I’ve suggested the (republican) governors are LYING about the statistics to protect their asses due to their poor leadership. For example, I believe Ron DeSantis has instructed his state authorities to LIE about the cause of death in instances where they can get away with it – for example, maybe someone in assisted living with another condition who gets the virus and dies died because of the previous condition – get it? – I believe this may be true in Iowa, Nebraska, Arizona, Texas, and who knows where else. “We the people” don’t know what goes on in those conference calls with individual 1 and the republican governors. They want the economy open “come hell or high water.”

Of course, there are external motivations. I’m a baseball fan and I really want baseball to have a season this year. Well, they’ve been trying to figure out how to do it – without fans. One idea was to do it in the Spring Training facilities of the teams – some in Florida and some in Arizona. Well, as you can see, that is likely a very bad idea because – due to the governors of those states to push “re-opening” their cases are out of control AND their hospitals are filling up fast. I’ve heard the governors suggest “we have many hospital beds” while doctors are saying that’s not the case. Who would you believe?

Here’s one thing I can say for sure – you CAN’T believe ANYONE who is in individual 1’s administration because they either act out of ignorance or they’re just plain LIARS. Memorial day has long since come and gone and the disease has been progressively increasing ever since. Of course, that means we’re in the middle of June and, it appears to me, when it comes to Covid-19 we’re NOT “rockin.” Virtually EVERY member of the administration of our IMPEACHED so-called president has been wrong with EVERYTHING they’ve said, except for Dr. Anthony Fauci – who is now persona non grata – apparently, because he knows what he’s talking about and he tells the TRUTH. Neither of those things work in this “White House.”

The Covid-19 crisis has simply confirmed what numerous people besides me have been saying for over 3 years now (actually over 4 years counting the campaign) – and that is individual 1 is UNFIT for the office he holds. He’s not only incompetent but he’s corrupt as you would expect with someone who has undeniable ties to organized crime – which his evangelical Christian base is willing to overlook along with his history of sexual abuse of women and his pathological LYING, for some judges, to me, that may be the worst of all of this – Sadly, there exists the possibility of more crises before we can get this thug out of office and it’s all coming back to his republican enablers as the History books are written – and, none of individual 1, William Barr, Moscow Mitch, or any of those who have chosen to “hitch their wagons to his” will be able to rewrite these History books. They’re going to have to live for eternity in the darkest of pages for the “stuff” they’re inflicting on “we the people” as I’m writing this. Truly, Mr. Wilson appears to be correct, everything individual 1 touches dies.

Final Thought: The “scandal a day” administration marches on. Now, we’re at that stage where John Bolton’s book – filled with the information he SHOULD have given during the IMPEACHMENT trial – is likely to be the “topic of the day” for the next week or so – or until individual 1 commits another outrageous act to get Bolton out of the headlines. Hold on to your derriere’s because it will take something really outrageous to get our so-called “liberal media’s” attention off of the accusations in Bolton’s office. Bolton has outlined additional allegations which SHOULD be IMPEACHABLE and individual 1 is doing every thing he possibly can to block this book from being published. Of course, every day they spend trying to block the book’s publishing the more people will buy it (like me – today I heard Michael Steele, the former head of the RNC say I’m not spending $29.95 to read Bolton’s stuff. My first thought: it’s $32.95).

It’s been interesting listening to individual 1 attempt to lobby against people actually buying Bolton’s 592 pages of “dirty laundry.” The most interesting comment I heard from our IMPEACHED so-called president today was when he suggested maybe Bolton wasn’t telling the truth. He said, “he’s been known to LIE.” I have to say my jaw drops everytime I hear individual 1 accuse someone else of being a LIAR. Our IMPEACHED so-called president takes a back seat to no one when it comes to being a LIAR! Listening to individual 1 it’s as if he “gave him a chance” when he hired Bolton to be his National Security Adviser because he wouldn’t need Senate Confirmation – apparently because Bolton was so BAD. (I actually tend to agree)

From what I’ve heard in the early reports of what is in the book from people with pre-publishing copies it almost appears if Mr. Bolton has been on this site – for a little guidance. Either that, or he chose to keep working in an environment he KNEW was incompetent and unfit but stayed just long enough to get the info needed for this “inside job” in the book. I believe Bolton will always be remembered for two things – first, he was one of the architects of the ill-advised invasion of Iraq and, secondly, of course, refusing to testify in the IMPEACHMENT hearings in the House – then requiring a subpoena he knew would never come before he would testify during the Senate IMPEACHMENT trial of individual 1. Apparently, in his book, his criticism of the democrats was their Articles of IMPEACHMENT weren’t broad enough. Yikes!!!

OK, I chose to re-read this rant before I publish it and as I was reading above about individual 1’s rally for tomorrow (today is “Juneteenth”) I got a couple thoughts I felt the need to “capture.” First, I had written about three weeks ago about individual 1 holding this rally on “Juneteenth” and the significance of the date to African Americans and whether this was MORE of a “dog whistle” to his “base” (full of white nationalists) than normal. Well, for some reason, which I will speculate on in a “second” the rally was moved back one day. In addition, individual 1 is planning to accept the republican nomination on “Ax handle Saturday” in Jacksonville, Florida – a date which, in Jacksonville for African Americans, commemorates the day when the KKK chased African Americans through the streets with clubs and baseball bats attempting to “beat them into submission” for the crime of sitting at lunch counters.

When I first wrote about this it appeared to me this was intentional on individual 1’s part, but since I’m of the conclusion this was arranged by someone else – likely, maybe, Stephen Miller. I don’t think individual 1 had a clue about “Juneteenth” until he was clued in about a week ago, by, I think, a member of the Secret Service. But, it is a strange coincidence these two events were scheduled in these places on these days. Any way you look at it, in my view, it’s a huge “dog whistle” to those die hard individual 1 supporters who know a lot more about “” than I. If this is not his own work then it just represents the type of people our IMPEACHED so-called president has surrounded himself with. Again, my guess is this is the work of Mr. Miller who will be right next to Mr. Barr when the history books of this era in American History is finally written. And, one thing I’m getting from the extended rallies after the MURDER/LYNCHING of George Floyd is the History books of this time will be more accurate than the History books of my time. (I was in elementary school in the 1950’s)

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