I’m already picturing in my head individual 1 BRAGGING that he somehow limited the deaths to “under 200,000” in Covid-19 to avoid accountability! Yikes!!!

The way this Covid-19 crisis is playing out, politically, is just making me even more cynical when I think about “republicans.” I logged onto “MediaMatters.org” today and got reminded they’re the “keep track of right wing news outlets so I don’t have to” website. And, as I perused the sight I thought I’m even more thankful because I can barely stomach what’s coming from the mouths of the talking heads on Fox “news,” and people like Rush Limbaugh. The right wing message machine, of course, goes way deeper than those two outlets, but they reach a lot of people. As I’ve said, there have been surveys which suggest Fox viewers are more ill-informed than people who watch NOTHING. And, Rush Limbaugh? Well years ago Al Franken wrote a book titled “Rush Limbaugh is a big fat IDIOT,” where he pointed out the pathological LYING aimed at the “ditto heads.”

Honestly, I’ve always wondered how so many Americans could be comfortable calling themselves “ditto heads,” but when you listen to them, well, it becomes clear. And, this is the group individual 1 so affectionately referred to as the “uneducated voters” that he “loves.” Well, when you get into the details of what is being said on Fox and coming out of the mouth of Limbaugh it helps to understand why so many Americans come across as, well, STUPID. And, I wish I didn’t feel the need to write it like that, but that’s just how it looks to me. For example, I’ve been watching Yahoo’s finance page to follow the travails of the Stock Market and I read many of the articles from various economic “experts” who are stationed on Wall Street.

At the bottom of each article is a section for “comments.” In the past, I’ve just briefly looked at some of the comments and, clearly, you can see the partisan divide in those comments. But, now, where many of the “experts” are questioning the decision making of our IMPEACHED so-called president the “haters” appear to be coming out of the “woodwork” to defend him with postings which defy logic. And, by haters I mean people who hate and attack anyone who might criticize individual 1. Every day, when I read this stuff and talk to people who support him it becomes clearer to me America has a large segment of our population operating as if in a CULT. They’re STILL finding ways to BLAME Obama for individual 1’s incompetence! Yikes!!!

And, just as their “dear leader,” these people are looking “under the rocks” for someone, something, to BLAME beside looking at the FACTS in regard to how this pandemic is playing out. The reality is, the first weeks and months are the time to make the wise and thoughtful decisions on how to best attack what we all knew was coming – including individual 1. Despite him downplaying the significance of the threat he couldn’t wish this away and, ultimately, he won’t be able to LIE his way out of all the BLUNDERS he’s committed (and continues to commit) as this virus has spread throughout America – just as the scientists and doctors who work on epidemics said it would. Individual 1 had the data and chose to ignore it – in an attempt to prevent the stock market from tumbling downward – which is incredibly short sighted – kind of like the saying “shooting yourself in the foot.”

Of course, individual 1 didn’t hide his stupidity, his selfishness, and his lack of compassion and he can’t hide his NARCISSISM because it’s on display EVERY time he gets in front of the podium and attempts to give himself another “10” for doing a TERRIBLE job in leading “we the people” as we fight this virus. Today, for example, instead of “opening the country for Easter Sunday” he said the “stay at home” order (suggestion?) will be in place until the end of April. Here’s why that’s so absurd. No one who’s in this fight is listening to him. The ONLY people listening to him right now are the Fox viewers and the others in the right wing media world.

People in my state (Washington) weren’t going to “go back to work” in the places which are shuddered because of anything individual 1 says. Our governor – who’s doing a great job, and getting the disgusting sixth grade level put-downs coming from individual 1in the process, will lift the “shelter in place” order when it’s appropriate – which doesn’t appear to me to likely be “the end of April.” Of course, I have no idea when is the “safe” time to re-open places like restaurants, movie theaters, GOLF courses, and BASEBALL stadiums. I’m guessing they pretty much have to “stamp this thing out” before it’s safe to go back to “business as usual.”

Do you think the people of New York are going to listen to individual 1? The people of Louisiana DID listen to our IMPEACHED so-called president when deciding if it was safe to hold the Mardi Gras back in early March and, well, check out how things are going in Louisiana right now. And, keep in mind, many of the MILLION or so people who were crammed into the streets for that celebration have spread all over the country – likely spreading the virus with them.

And, then there’s Florida. About a week and a half ago I mentioned the bluetooth thermometer I purchased (Kinsa) which sends your temperature reading if you have a fever to a data base coming out of Oregon State University’s communicable disease department and around the time Florida’s beaches were crammed full of students on spring break including with a plethora of other tourists, because Ron DeSantis wouldn’t (and still hasn’t as far as I know) shut their beaches down, well Florida looked like it was “lit up” based on the data coming into Kinsa. They keep a map of the United States and it is predictive of “hot spots” about two weeks before the CDC notices an “outbreak.”

Well, Florida has now passed up Washington State on the lists of states based on the number of confirmed Covid-19 cases. Here in Washington we’re all (well most of us) “hunkered” down in our homes/apartments (Plus, they’re working hard to find places for the homeless people – which there are far too many, and who will likely get NO relief from the “rescue” bill) while Floridians are still congregating on the beaches and in establishments like bars and restaurants which are still open – at least the last time I checked. I guess Florida wants to be like New York and, very possibly, in about a week or two, that’s what it may be looking like.

Of course, individual 1 looks at all the wide open spaces in the Mid West and he thinks “why are we shutting those places down?” OK, it was a long time ago and I didn’t survive the downturn of the early 1980’s but I operated a farm for almost 10 years – and, I can virtually guarantee you the farmers in the Mid West are, well, FARMING! First, it’s not hard to “socially distance” on a farm. Secondly, the plants still grow and the animals continue to produce – even in a pandemic. Now, from my “geezer” vantage point, I’m guessing the real issue with all those “wide open spaces” individual 1 sees and then thinks “why are we shutting those places down?” is there are very few people there – even though, as I just said, they’re still farming. But here could be the major problem for the farmers.

You need people to help harvest the crops and the absolute BEST farm workers, from my experience, come from MEXICO. Of course, despite his history of employing illegal immigrants (for MANY years) individual 1 based his (so-called) presidential “run” on xenophobia and racism – and, now he’s got the border “closed.” I haven’t read anything yet concerning all those BEAUTIFUL farms in the Central Valley, the Salinas Valley and other places in California where you see such amazing farms which stretch for as far as you can see. But, who’s going to pick the crops where there aren’t mechanical “pickers?” I can guarantee you the crops are growing despite the Covid-19 crisis.

My point is this, with the exception of the CULT members who have kept individual 1’s “approval rating” pretty consistently between 40% and 45% his entire first (and, God willing, his LAST) term, people aren’t listening to him. Here’s another irony – because individual 1 and his cult are REALLY up in arms with how this pandemic and the crash of the stock market are affecting his re-election chances. In fact, as I was briefly reading the stuff Media Matters has documented coming from Fox, Limbaugh, and a few other websites – they are spreading around some incredible “conspiracy theories” about how this virus is the latest democratic plan to “impeach” our already IMPEACHED so-called president. (By the way, he can be impeached as many times as the House might do so, although, I think they’ve made their point and everyone knows the Senate republicans are living in fear of his “tweet storms” and would NEVER convict)

So, there was an ad which came out, I forget from who – but it used individual 1’s own words for about 30 seconds to document his stupidity. Of course, the reaction of his campaign was to sue the TV stations which were running the ad in “swing states” to “cease and desist.” I wouldn’t have seen it where I live except for the reaction online to individual 1 trying to censor ads coming from the opposition. Well, I don’t do “Twitter” but I did see excerpts of how the “Twitter” sphere reacted to the attempt to censor that ad – first, one person “tweeted” the ad and then a plethora of people started “re-tweeting” it. (I hope I have my terminology correct) In one day they said 6.5 MILLION people had seen the ad – likely more attention than it would have received if individual 1’s campaign had said nothing. Americans don’ t like censorship and many had “fun” with our IMPEACHED so-called president’s campaign attempting to do so.

I even watched Joe Scarborough (who I rarely see on TV because he is off the air by the time I’m usually up – plus I’m not much for “daytime” TV plus he’s not one of my “favorites”) who assured his viewers he’s a lawyer so he wanted to inspect the ad to see if the “cease and desist” order individual 1’s campaign sent to the TV stations airing it was “legit,” and it was pretty funny. (probably not to individual 1) Scarborough played the ad and then shared the info on the “cease and desist” order which he then said he needed a closer look in order to see if that would be justified. Of course, the ad was simply individual 1’s own words, but Scarborough played it again, examined part of it. And, then he played it again, examining another part of it. Finally, he asked one of his guests what they thought, which required playing it again. So, he – without breaking into a grin, looking serious – played the ad at least four times to determine the “cease and desist” order was absurd and couldn’t withstand scrutiny from any court in America. It really was quite funny.

The reason I bring that up is because ads coming from individual 1 asking if he’s a better president than President Obama or ads with ridiculous leading questions comparing him to “Crazy Bernie Sanders” or “Sleepy Joe Biden” seem to be following me around the internet. Maybe because I decided to answer one of them. When I chose Obama as the better president (well, duh) after I clicked “submit” the screen went black. Of course, the first time I did it I made the mistake of putting in my email address and whoever’s running his campaign apparently didn’t notice my answer. So, now I’ve decided to keep answering them – because they keep sending them – I just use a different email address and I’m using some creative “First and Last” names. My point is, individual 1 is FLOODING the internet with advertising and the first time he sees it coming from the “other side” panic seems to set in.

This ad he’s all worked up about – he didn’t like how they used his “This is a democrat hoax” at one of his rallies in describing the “Chinese virus” as he called it (and, if you’re not sure, that is just another example of his xenophobia) is just going to be the first in a long line of ads which are simply going to compare his words with the “reality on the ground” as in the time from from which he said them. The interesting thing is he just keeps doing it – saying STUPID stuff – because he’s got this need to be in the limelight, so he basically has NO press secretary and he leads out the briefings every day and democrats just put their TV’s on “record” and parts of another ad are his gift to them, virtually EVERY day!

Of course, I’m sure he’s got some kind of a plan. For example, I’m sure when people like Anthony Fauci suggested if we just “open up the country” there could be between 2 MILLION and 4 MILLION deaths (republicans think that would be OK because most would be elderly – so much for “pro life” eh?) at some point individual 1 realized that would be REALLY bad for his re-election chances. So, knowing he’s made this entire episode SO much worse than it should otherwise have been had he not “blown” it off to begin with. (In something like this, EVERY day you lose can be catastrophic when you look at the spread of the virus) Here’s my guess as to his “NEW” plan. Today Dr. Birx suggested “if we do everything ‘perfect’ from here onward we may be able to limit the fatalities to between 100,000 and 200,000. I’m already picturing in my head individual 1 BRAGGING that he somehow limited the deaths to that number. He’ll say, “without my great leadership it could have been over 2 MILLION.” Honestly, I’ll be surprised if we don’t hear something like that from him.

Final Thought: For me, to listen to Dr. Fauci and Dr. Birx today suggesting, at this point, the best case scenario is now losing between a hundred thousand and two hundred thousand lives, it makes me even angrier at “we the people” having an incompetent BOOB as our IMPEACHED so-called president and a republican led Senate who have NO guts whatsoever when many of them HAVE to know THEIR president is making things so much worse in this nation. I certainly hope Dr. Fauci and Dr. Birx are wrong – but, up until this point in time it’s been Dr. Fauci who has given honest transparent information which has “played out.” Those figures means we’ll all be stuck in our homes much longer and makes me want to YELL at the governors in the states who are STILL not taking this seriously!

6 thoughts on “I’m already picturing in my head individual 1 BRAGGING that he somehow limited the deaths to “under 200,000” in Covid-19 to avoid accountability! Yikes!!!

  1. Otto VonWolfGang

    So what’s stopping all of you liberals from self-isolating? If that’s the key to ending this pandemic don’t come out of your homes until this war is over and scientist have a tested and certified vaccine. Think of the power you’d be able to wield since your team be the last men/women standing. With only republicans and Trump supporters on the streets, the catastrophic number of deaths that you predict so confidently would create a vacuum of power and you could just take over, triumphantly shouting… I told you so!

    The same balls that you are claiming Trump and his administration don’t have… seem to be notably missing from your team for sure. I’d like to use the word “hypocrite” here but I’ll leave that notion for you to contemplate and do a little self-examination.

    1. dfpiper Post author

      Hi Otto, I’ve suggested several times now you stop watching Fox “news” but, apparently you just can’t do so. Actually, when you ask “what’s stopping all of you liberals from self isolating?” That comes across to me as a stupid question. It’s the virus. We’re trying to, as they say, “flatten the curve” which just doesn’t seem to be able to sink into your head. (That even helps republicans) You still seem to be thinking in terms of “liberal v …… I want to write “conservative” but I’m past that with those of you who continue in individual 1’s cult, I don’t see anything which resembles true conservatism. The problem I see with what I’m trying to infer from your post – “with only republicans and Trump (makes me shudder to write that word) supporters on the streets…..” almost comes across as if your head is filled with right wing conspiracy theories. Here’s the problem with what you’re suggesting – which actually is a bit true across this nation with people who watch Fox and listen to Limbaugh still on the “streets.”

      That means the people who care about each other (republican, “liberal,” independent, and ???) and are “sheltering in place” will need to be doing so much longer. Your inference – to just let this happen unabated, which to a degree is actually happening in some places – means MORE hospitals will be overrun by Covid-19 patients which means more people will DIE, and also means more of our precious medical personnel, who, by the way, are acting in heroic fashion while risking their lives for ALL of us – without asking our “political affiliation,” will be themselves, in many instances (too many), infected with this terrible virus.

      And, I have to say, your comment “The same balls that you are claiming (individual 1 – I couldn’t bring myself to write the word again, sorry) and his administration don’t have…seem to be notably missing from your team for sure” almost makes no sense to me. I’m not sure what you’re talking about? Balls??? If you’re referring to my suggestion that individual 1 is INCOMPETENT I don’t see how you could express it in those terms. I’m just guessing as to what you’re talking about. If you’re suggesting I’ve said individual 1 doesn’t have “the balls” to do the right thing in this crisis – maybe that’s true, but I don’t remember ever suggesting that. From my standpoint he’s all about his own self and his re-election – which, as I try to figure out your point here, very well could be what’s driving your point. Here’s the reality, individual 1’s incompetence is simply clarifying to any Americans who are not part of the cult that he’s got to go – sadly, that can’t happen until November of this year. (The republican led Senate had the chance to remove him a couple months ago and chose, instead, this – with, of course, one courageous exception)

      There’s no doubt he will try to LIE his way into another four years, but I don’t think he’ll be able to confuse enough Americans after his actions on this crisis for them to feel as if he’s a capable “commander in chief.” I’m even guessing members of the cult will start falling off bit by bit because his incompetence at the beginning of this crisis have put “we the people” behind the “eight ball” and his refusal to act like a “commander in chief” have almost made “catching up” impossible and it’s going to affect even his cult. (Of course, MOST of them, like you, watch Fox “news” and/or listen to Limbaugh so maybe they won’t know any better) He’s still not using his authority to make sure my daughter, for example, has proper “PPE” when she is on these “front lines.” (That, alone, makes me angry, to be honest) He hasn’t used his authority to make sure hospitals have the ventilators they need – so, for example, already in New York they are “prioritizing” who “lives or dies.” To me, that’s a sad state of affairs – to you, ????????????????

      From your post I’m inferring you are of the mind we just treat this like another “flu” and allow 2 to 4 MILLION Americans to die from it. Of course, that would happen in the space of a couple months and it’s just hard for me to imagine Americans thinking like that. What that would do to our medical system and, quite simply, to the moral fiber of our nation is, well, unthinkable to me. (That would be more than we lost in WW II) It grieves my heart there are people in this nation who think like that – that we would have such a lack of respect for human life. And, here’s an irony with that type of thinking to me, almost every person I’ve listened to with that point of view has considered him/her self “pro life” – meaning anti abortion. You mentioned the word “hypocrite” in your posting – and, I’m not sure how you meant it – plus you mentioned “your team,” I’m really not sure what that means, especially in this instance, but, to me, a hypocrite would be someone who says he/she is anti abortion but is willing to allow 2 to 4 MILLION Americans die without putting up a fight. And, trust me, our medical system is overwhelmed as it is with MOST Americans supporting the “social distancing” fight against this virus, just picture the chaos if we just allowed this virus to have it’s way with “we the people.” Yikes!!!

      To me, there are no “teams” in this fight. Everyone SHOULD be in this fight together. But, sadly, in my view, there are enough people who think like I’m inferring your thinking to make it worse for everyone. I’ve been pointing out for a couple weeks now, for example, Florida’s governor (a disciple of individual 1) has been refusing to act to close down his state and they are going to be the next “hot spot.” Well, it’s happening and it’s going to be happening in several other states where their governors (all republicans, by the way) are failing to take decisive steps, just as individual 1 in the beginning of all this. Again, that’s making it worse for the rest of us. And, the only way I can interpret that is lack of leadership from the top. (and, that means individual 1) Clearly, you seem to be worried about the election – I think that has already been determined because it’s unlikely individual 1 is miraculously going to change. He can’t do his rallies right now so he continues to do them as he pretends he’s his own press secretary in the “daily briefings.” He’ll be setting the “bar” much higher, I’ve been predicting of late, so that he can claim he did a great job when “the smoke clears” but his BLUNDERS, simply put, can’t be erased. He’s counting on his supporters’ short term memory issues. It would be nice if he’d make sure our medical professionals had what they need in this battle – and, by the way, I hope he does, but I’m skeptical – but, that would be a start. Instead he’ll continue complaining about the prices of ventilators and accusing hospitals of stealing supplies – and, remember, every STUPID thing he says will, eventually, come right back at him in campaign ads!

      I’ll end this by referring to my friend who I mention here often who originally suggested to me this is just another case of the flu. He said something like, “60 thousand die from the flu every year” and, so I checked for this year and “at least” 24 thousand Americans have died from the flu in the past year – it could be more because the CDC said they weren’t sure.??? (maybe 50,000?) Well, if we treated Covid-19 like “another flu” we’d already be well past even the 50,000 and, with the mitigation efforts which are in place it’s possible to keep the death toll between 100,000 and 240,000 from what I heard yesterday. I pointed out to my friend – who I’ve said before, Otto, could be your twin – our hospital system cannot handle the “surge” coming from this pandemic and, along with the HUGE numbers of deaths should we follow his suggestion, which is just treat it like another “flu” (of course, it’s NOT the “flu”) they’d have to be digging mass graves for all the bodies.

      I just re-read your post and, I do have to say, I really am having a hard time understanding this: “Think of the power you’d be able to wield since your team (?) be the last men/women standing.” That sentence comes across to me as something the result of conspiracy theorists. I really don’t understand what you mean. If you’re thinking I want (individual 1) supporters to be the “catastrophic number of deaths” I think you’re confused. This virus is “bipartisan.” Yes, it’s true the governors who are not ordering “shelter in place” are republicans and, it’s true individual 1 refusing to make a national order of “shelter in place” is a republican – but, the virus doesn’t attack just republicans. You do seem worried individual 1 is going to LOSE in November and I believe those concerns are well founded. But, as usual, once democrats are in control – hopefully in the Senate as well – this nation can begin the process of healing – spiritually, medically, and politically. Individual 1 is going to leave a much larger mess to either Biden or Sanders than even Bush/Cheney left for President Obama. And, it WILL be necessary to remove the obstructionist in chief, Moscow Mitch, frp, the Senate to make sure it’s possible for the recovery to happen.

      Between now and election day we’re going to see a bunch of republicans acting like democrats. They just managed to get an extremely “socialist” bill passed to “get us through” this crisis – and, there will be more where that came from. No one – and that’s including, of course, republicans – seems worried about the deficit now and they (the GOVERNMENT) managed to find about 5 TRILLION taxpayer dollars aimed at big business and Wall Street plus a little over a TRILLION for “we the people” (ie Main Street) so it will be interesting to see how the American people respond to claims coming from individual 1 and his supporters that democrats are “socialists.” In the last 20 years the MOST socialist “stuff” I’ve seen has been the reaction to crises during republican administrations – the TARP bailouts and this last one – which is likely to have version “2.0” and version 3.0″ at the very least. Since the Great Depression we’ve pretty much been a “democratic socialist” country – despite republican attempts to convince the public we’re a “free market” capitalist society.

      Thanks for your comment, Otto – I’ve managed to vent some of my frustration here – hopefully mostly at individual 1 and his continued self centered incompetence – so, hopefully I can take a day off from writing on the “blog” – which, is actually, simply my place to voice my frustrations out somewhere in cyberspace. Despite the inference I’m trying to understand from your post I hope you stay in your home and stay healthy. I’m guessing we’ll be beyond the worst of this around July, but who knows? I miss the breakfasts I have with my friend, your “twin” – maybe by them we’ll be able to meet up again and I can talk some sense into his head. Personally, I’m already working on my garden so my family has food and I can give some away come summer – If you have a spot, I recommend the same. I’m sorry you continue to allow right wing conspiracy theories into your head, but I do enjoy it when you stop by. God Bless you!

      1. Otto VonWolfGang

        Classic response from a liberal. I don’t understand? What do you mean? Are you suggesting?

        Do you read your own Blogs? Caustic slander of the worst kind spewed from your pen at almost every writing. You often refer to republicans as racist, morons or immoral bigots. Don’t recall even once you referring to a member of your “Team” as one who should be put in the same category. Notably, you seem remarkably capable of discerning the “Teams” along party lines while denying that they exist. Who do you think is falling for that Con? It reminds me of the WWF good guy vs bad guy routine. Everyone knows who is on what side? Except you of course… right? Please, save that kind of logic for your 6th graders.

        In truth, of course you understand what I’m suggesting. You apparently hate the politics of some people, mostly republicans, so much that if you had your way their voices would be rendered “void”. Because in your world their thoughts are worthless to an enlightened society or worse…. dangerous. You leave not room in your rhetoric for compromise. Your ploy (a cunning plan or action designed to turn a situation to one’s own advantage) is to paint everything black (no pun intended) or white. with no sense of compromise.

        Notably, the first relief proposal from the republicans was nearly 1 trillion dollars. Even though another proposal could have been presented anytime after this one was accepted that the democratic leadership rejected the bill altogether. Again the republicans offered second compromise and the democrats did what? Wouldn’t ever bring it to a vote. Only after a ridiculous amount of pork was included by the “extremely socialist” democrats was the vote taken and passed. Now, not 1 trillion as the republicans wanted but at least 6 trillion. Are following the dots here?

        I could go on but in the interest of self-respect I’ll end here. Honestly, discussing this with you is like conversing with a person who lives in an altered state of reality. Have you ever taken mind altering drugs like marijuana or LSD? If so it’s entirely possible that you’re having paranoid delusions on a apocalyptic scale.

        Stay indoors. Don’t answer your door. Have your food brought to your home.

        Be well my friend. Be nicer to everyone, I’ll try to act likewise 🙂

        Code: 263978 Moscow out

        1. dfpiper Post author

          Hi Otto, nice to have you back – looks like you had your Wheaties today! I’ll try to address your, apparently very defensive response, bit by bit. Let me start with “liberal?” What does that have to do with anything? Let me make a suggestion, try operating in the world of FACTS for a change. I’ve said this to you before and you’re not listening – turn off Fox “news” and quit listening to Limbaugh. It’s right wing propaganda and almost ALWAYS based on LIES! I keep asking you to do this and you just refuse to listen. Let me be more clear – individual 1 is a pathological LIAR (for example, yesterday’s press briefing had over 10 PROVABLE LIES) and him and Sean Hannity are like blood brothers. Stop listening to them. (I know that’s likely futile, but I’ll keep trying – someday, you’ll thank me)

          Yes, (most of the time) I read my own blog – at least before I post something. And, maybe surprising to you, if something’s TRUE it’s NOT slander. Just to be clear, here’s the definition of slander, “the action or crime of making a false spoken statement damaging to a person’s reputation.” Maybe in your eyes what I write here is damaging to someone’s reputation and is false, but I don’t see evidence of you being able to suggest ANYTHING I’ve written here to be false. I do try to operate in the world of FACTS. And, while it’s true I’ve been lobbying for “we the people” to vote (“today’s version of”) the republican party into the history books for several years now (beginning with GW Bush/Cheney LYING (sound familiar?) “we the people” into the DISASTROUS Iraq fiasco I always try to support my points of view with FACTS. I don’t see you, in any of your posts for that matter, EVER disputing anything on a factual basis. Honestly, it feels like defensive hurt feelings kind of stuff which you yourself can’t really defend – or at least I hope you’re not defending the actions of individual 1 – who, by the way, most of my “rantings” over the past couple of years have been aimed squarely at him. And, by the way, I’m constantly reading books by academically peer reviewed authors who give exhaustive reference to their sources to help me better understand the reality we’re all dealing with while a pseudo mob boss sits in the “White House.” (I’d love to debate that)

          You suggest I “often refer to republicans as racists, morons, or immoral bigots.” First, I’d really like to know where you got that “accusation.” It’s true I’ve suggested (“today’s) republicans need to be voted into the history books and, most of my ranting is aimed directly at individual 1, (I suppose as a member of the cult you feel that means it’s also aimed at you) but I don’t even think I called individual 1 a moron (not that it hasn’t crossed my mind) – I usually use words like “incompetent” or “incompetent boob” or words to that effect. Clearly, he has no idea what he’s doing – but, I digress… What I’ve pointed out is Rex Tillerson and John Kelley are the ones who referred to him as a “moron.” (Actually, it was a f*@king moron, but, whatever they both worked for/with him if you’ve forgotten) I believe I refer to him as a pathological LIAR, an extreme narcissist, a misogynist, a xenophobe, and, yes, a racist. And, it’s true, that I find it hard to understand how someone who’s not a racist could eagerly support one who is. Just sayin…….

          Yes, it’s true “racist” is a loaded term – but, individual 1 has enough “data” to take any questions away from whether he’s a racist or not. You’d have to be just totally naive to believe otherwise. I won’t go into all the “data” – like the refusing to rent to African Americans, to the “Central Park Five,” to the connections to the white nationalist world, to the “shit hole country” remarks, to all the people who have heard him spewing the so-called “N” word, to – well, I guess I did go into some of the data. You bring up my “team” and wondering why I never put anyone from my “team” in the same category. Well, I’m not sure what my “team” actually is, but that put aside, if there was a member of my “team” in the same category I’d look for a different “team.” Right now I have to admit, when it comes to politics, I have no choice but to depend on democrats because I really do want individual 1 to be able to defend himself in court on all the legal issues he’s going to be facing once out of office – sooner rather than later, but, for example if Joe Biden referred to African nations as “shit hole countries” I just wouldn’t be able to support him. Or if he was in favor of kicking the “Dreamers” (many my former students) out of the country, I couldn’t support him. And, I could go on – but, I have to say, unlike the individual 1 cult I do have my limits.

          You say I have trouble “discerning the “Teams” along party lines while denying that they exist.” That really makes me wonder if you’re actually reading my “blog?” (if that’s what it is?) I thought I’d been pretty clear, I don’t have any problem “discerning” the “teams” – I’m presuming you’re referring to republican v democrat. While I’ve always been an independent – thanks to GW Bush/Dick Cheney and now individual 1 I have no choice but to support democrats. First, I don’t want this nation to evolve into an autocracy for my children and grand children, I’d like it to at least put up a fight for the constitution and against the Climate Crisis (just like Covid-19 it appears to me republicans will wait until it’s WAY too late to do ANYTHING in that looming crisis as well as this one), I really would like the government to at least try to balance its budget – and, now hopefully pay back some of the money it’s borrowing right now – mostly, I might add to protect Wall Street, (as usual) and based on the Russian invasion of the last election I’d like to see “vote by mail” nationwide so that ALL Americans have the right to participate in our democratic republic. Getting back to your “teams” comment, the present make-up of what I’m surmising is your “team” just won’t work for me. If by “teams” you’re referring to the two parties which pretty much “rule” America, I don’t think I’ve ever denied that – I’d like to know where you got that idea??? And sides??? Well, here’s the polling data (and, I’m presuming you’re on the “other” side) 40 – 45% (as of now – we’ll see as the virus spreads across states he won) support individual 1 and around 55% are committed to do everything they can to VOTE him out of office. Voting, that’s the American way to deal with a crisis like this – isn’t it? (It is true republicans have a knack at “winning” without a majority)

          You say, “You apparently hate the politics of some people, mostly republicans, so much that if you had your way their voices would be rendered “void”. Well, while, at least in my own mind, I think the appropriate word for what I think of the politics of “some people” would be despise – and, I’m thinking of all those individual 1 supporters who marched on Charlottesville (which he called “very fine people”) carrying Tiki Torches, wearing Nazi arm bands and carrying Confederate flags while chanting “Jews will not replace us” – I’d say it’s safe to say I despise them – just trying to be honest here. And, the many other of his supporters who are overt racists, like the guy who drove across Texas to shoot up El Paso’s Wall Mart or the guy who killed a bunch of people in New Zealand or the guy who shot up the church in South Carolina or the Tabernacle in Pittsburgh – all after writing online “manifestos” supporting white nationalism – I have to say I don’t have good feelings about people like that. I do understand, by no means does that represent “the republican party” – but, it represents too many of those in individual 1’s base from my perspective. I actually, to be totally honest here, wish the republican party was actually acting like it was a conservative party – in the style of the father of conservatism Edmund Burke. I’d even much prefer Barry Goldwater. But, today’s “tea party” version is too much for me to stomach – especially with their withering in the face of individual 1’s tweets. I’m still predicting there will be a day in the not too distant future when many of them will be denying they “knew individual 1” three times.

          You say I leave no room in my rhetoric for “compromise” and, again, I don’t see any suggestion on your part what that would mean. I’ve said many times I long for the day when there’s actually a dialogue between “liberals” (ie “progressives”) and, actual “conservatives.” Here’s the definition of “conservative:” “holding to traditional attitudes and values and cautious about change or innovation, typically in relation to politics or religion.” Liberal? “open to new behavior or opinions and willing to discard traditional values.” Personally, I find myself somewhere between those two definitions, but in case you haven’t been paying attention, since the days of Newt Gingrich so-called “conservatives” have really been “obstructionists.” And, they haven’t been shy about it. Moscow Mitch (and, by the way, I’m sure you have no idea how much money he’s accepted from Russian sources – just sayin…) FILIBUSTERED more legislation in the 8 years of President Obama (and, by the way, I was often very critical of him, in case you missed it) than all the other filibusters in the HISTORY of our country. To me, that’s not “conservatism” or it’s NOT “compromise” as you would suggest. And, it’s true when it comes to the racism, the misogynism, and the rest of what individual 1 “brings to the plate” I don’t see a lot of room for compromise.

          Although, that being said, it took the Covid-19 crisis to FORCE Moscow Mitch and the republicans to come up with a “rescue bill” which may actually help those who need it most – and, while I’m certainly not one of them I’m not sending the $1200 back (although, I’ve already started donating at least some of it – which goes against my “don’t count your chickens before their hatched” philosophy – but, again, I digress). And, if you don’t want you $1200, I’d by happy to take it – I really want to buy a new garden tractor! There I go again, “digressing.” It will be interesting to see if democrats can actually prevent individual 1 from getting some of the “Slush fund” he wants to “oversee.” The first thing he did when signing the bill, of course, was to make a “signing statement” suggesting he doesn’t recognize any oversight on that money. Of course he wouldn’t because it’s been strictly written into the bill neither him nor anyone else in the Executive branch or Congress are to get any of the money. Stay tuned on that one! And, when you suggest there was a ridiculously amount of “pork” added to the bill I’m a bit confused – as you referenced democrats putting it there. I have to say, the $500 BILLION slush fund wasn’t their idea – of course they weren’t going to agree to that without “strings.”

          So, here’s what’s in the bill thanks to the democrats. $340 BILLION in loans to small business’s which will be forgiven should the business continue to pay their employees until the crisis wanes and then hires them back. Is that pork? (I forgot to ask, is a $500 BILLION slush fund pork?) Is the 100% of their wages unemployment benefits for workers who’ve lost their jobs so they can pay their rent and feed their families pork? (Maybe you’re referring to pork as in they can buy pork so their families can eat?) Is the money intended for hospitals so they can stay afloat during this crisis pork? Or the money to state and local governments who’ve pretty much been “on an island” dealing with this crisis pork? I mean, states have to balance their budgets – and, by the way, it would cost a lot less for them to do so if the federal government – under the Defense Production Act had been producing the PPE needed in hospitals, the ventilators needed in hospitals, the testing needed to figure out how widespread this pandemic actually is, along with the other supplies needed by our front line HEROES risking their own lives every day to fight this “war” – was providing these needed supplies to the places where the need is critical – and, therefore, preventing the present situation where states are bidding against each other for the what they need. That really makes no sense – I guess, unless you’re in the cult.

          You end your comment by suggesting I’m in an “altered state of reality” – but, as I’ve said, you’ve included not ONE fact to support whatever it is you’re trying to say. It still does appear you’re in that select group of Americans who simply want this virus to run it’s course with no mitigation as a way of euthanizing a few million old people – although it’s toll would be on many who are NOT in the “old” category. It would be good that, before you say I’m “in an altered state of reality” you’d come up with a factual basis for the “charge.” The damage caused in the present crisis, for example, by individual 1’s inaction will be immeasurable (just like the Russian’s influence on the 2016 election which put him in the “White House”) in the amount of lost lives – today there were 30 THOUSAND new confirmed cases and another THOUSAND deaths – and, just an FYI this is NOT just another case of the “flu.” Please try to back up your accusations with facts in the future.

          I’ll end this by saying I noticed one thing missing from your (defensive) rant – and, that’s the November election. It’s likely becoming clear to even you that an IMPEACHED so-called president can’t expect to be re-elected when proving all those who claim he’s unfit for the job, who claim he’s incompetent – as they point to all his previous business FAILURES as proof, and who claim he cares more about himself than the American people correct. Millions of American’s lives are on the line right now and they’re watching individual 1 more carefully than in the past three years and I’m guessing even some in the cult will begin to realize what he’s been doing is making matters worse. Personally, I hope he changes course, instructs our manufacturing base to produce what our health care HEROES need and what the critically ill patients need and what our states need, but I suspect he just can’t help himself and he’ll keep LYING and trying to gloss over the blunders. From my experience pathological LYING and narcissism are mental illnesses – and, I wouldn’t suspect they’ll be dealt with as such at this point in his life.

          Love you, have a great day!

  2. Otto VonWolfGang

    Dude… I love your response. The truth is that I am attempting to put into perspective your ranting for others who read this blog. You make all my points very clear by your response. Your counter offense is my perfect defense. I really don’t even hope to change your mind at this point, but someone needs to question your assertions if not for the salvation of your own sanity.

    1) You twist every word into “…. i’m not sure what you’re saying”.
    2) You find a double meaning in every comment and apply your own meaning to support your bent,
    intentionally ignoring the obvious and clear meaning of plain statements.
    3) You more often than not make statements that place yourself in a theoretical mid-point that frankly
    only exists in your mind.
    4) You apparently thrive in a world defined by your own terms and fluid definitions of moral and political
    5) Be honest, it is not your goal or even aspiration to accomplish anything less than the implantation of
    your personal “values”. You have become in your mind both Judge and Junior of all thing moral.
    6) Opinions and ideas of others are not just odious to you, but in the case of the 61,943,670 people who
    voted for Trump in the 2016 presidential election and were re-enforced by 306 electoral votes that
    gave him the presidency… in your mind… Are Very Dangerous People!

    * A pathological liar is defined by an individual who chronically tells grandiose lies bending truths in an
    effort that stretches or exceed the limits of common understanding and believably. He/she does this
    in order to support such creative thinking commonly resorting to elaborate conspiratorial theories and
    obtuse connections to common facts. Furthermore, this pathology is marked by motives that are
    beyond a mere attempt to persuade, its purpose is to dominate all disparate opinions and opposition .

    (Introspection might be helpful here, personal counseling is recommended)

    Code: 263979 Moscow out

    1. dfpiper Post author

      Otto, I’m really confused by what your point is, although it seems being locked in your house is getting to you. Let me start with the definition of innuendo: “an allusive or oblique remark or hint, typically a suggestive or disparaging one.” That’s the word which came to mind when I read your comment. Again, I don’t see any facts of which you base your opinions – if they’re even opinions. It’s almost like defensive whining about what I’m saying here. Please challenge my points of view with actual facts.

      Of course, you did include one definition and one “fact.” You pointed out how many votes individual 1 received (I believe, actually, it was a bit higher, but….) and his number of electoral votes. You got the latter correct (306) – I’ve never questioned that – although I do question the legitimacy of those results based on what I’ve read about the Russian “intrusion” into our election process. There is no question they were spewing misinformation to MILLIONS of unsuspecting Americans and, of course, just as I’ve said it will be impossible to quantify individual 1’s incompetence with the Covid-19 crisis it’s also impossible to quantify how many votes were affected by the Russian “invasion” back in 2016 (which, by the way, is ongoing – thankfully, at least, Facebook says they’re trying to fight it this time around – we’ll see). I would suggest you read the Mueller report (I’ve read it twice as I’ve said here numerous times) to enlighten yourself to what the Russians were actually doing. Most of you “conservatives” (I wish you’d check the definition of “conservative” at some point – I’ve written it here many times via Edmund Burke “The father of conservatism”) won’t even consider educating yourselves to the actual reality here. And, by the way, I’ll just add Hillary Clinton got 65,844,610 votes. It’s true the antiquated Electoral College saved your man’s “bacon” but, the reality is he LOST by more votes than any other candidate who “won” based on the Electoral College in American history – a fun FACT.

      I like that you included the definition of a “pathological LIAR.” I’m surprised you didn’t see our IMPEACHED (so-called) president’s face in your mind as you were writing those words. I do have to say – that definition was actually the closest thing I’ve seen from your comments to a FACT (aside from individual 1’s vote total – which was actually a bit low as I said – I believe individual 1 actually got 62,979,636 votes – about 46.1% to Mrs. Clinton’s 48.2%.) Maybe that’s why he’s such an UNPOPULAR (so-called) president. Regardless individual 1 does “chronically tell grandiose lies bending truths in an effort that stretches or exceeds the limits of common understanding and believability.” (I fixed a couple of the words) I could go on, but I’ll just add this: “This pathology is marked by motives that are beyond a mere attempt to persuade, it’s purpose is to dominate all disparate opinions and opposition.” I couldn’t define individual 1 any better – unless I included the definition of narcissism, misogynism, xenophobia, and racism. But the LYING is just unbelievable to me – I’ve never seen anything like it. (Of course, I’ve never seen someone who’s been connected to organized crime for over 30 years in a public setting before)

      In just his first three years according to the Washington Post FACT checker he told “more than 16,200 false or misleading claims.” I know you’ll attack the Post, but the reality is they’ve documented EVERY one of the “lies or misleading claims.” I mean all you need to do is watch/listen to him for a few moments and you see the LIES coming hot and heavy. The number of LIES have increased each of his first three years in office. Just the other day, in one of his (politically inspired) Covid-19 press briefings (ie campaign event), he was fact checked 13 times with outright LIES! For some other examples, over 70 times during the Ukraine investigation he claimed the whistleblower complaint was “inaccurate” when it mirrored even his summary of the “call.” Close to 100 times he claimed the “phone call” with Ukrainian President Zelensky was “perfect” – when, obviously, it WASN’T “perfect.” (It was pure extortion – which, maybe in the world of the Italian or Russian mafiya would be “perfect” but not in our constitutional system of government. Just sayin…) His claims the Russian investigation was a “hoax” (apparently, one of his favorite words – he’s even called the coronavirus pandemic “a democratic “hoax” – Yikes!!) were repeated HUNDREDS of times. Many times he hears a “conspiracy theory” on Fox “news” (By the way, you really should stop watching it) and the next day it’s in a “tweet” or an accusation toward the press. The list of LIES is seemingly endless – you can easily see it via “Google.”

      My wish, especially in the present pandemic crisis; it would be great if he could show actual leadership. I just don’t think he has it in him. Like I’ve said, narcissism is a mental disorder and I just don’t think he has the capacity to show empathy, tell the truth, admit to mistakes, or to allow something like the fight against this pandemic to be more important than him. Here’s a good example of what’s wrong right now. Just in the past few days there has been a Captain of an Air Craft Carrier out in the Pacific with over 4000 members of his crew and the coronavirus had infected nearly 100 sailors. He felt compelled to write a letter to the Secretary of the Navy to get his crew off the ship (Apparently no one was listening to him) before the entire ship was infected. The letter ended up “leaking” to the press and the (temporary) Secretary of the Navy fired the Captain. The Captain put his crew ahead of himself and walked off the ship with his head held high – to a rousing sendoff from the sailors on the ship – who knew he was fired for standing up for their health and well being. That’s leadership. Individual 1 SHOULD have taken a clue from this Captain to maybe change his own behavior – but, like I’ve said, he’s incapable of doing that. The firing of this Captain will just be another “black mark” on individual 1’s term in office. He just keeps making it worse. Yes, it was the (temporary) Secretary of the Navy who “fired” him, but individual 1 IS the Commander in Chief. (Honestly, right now not a comforting feeling)

      And, you brought up all the people who voted for him as a reason to keep a CORRUPT immoral deplorable (so-called) president in office. I’m not buying that one. Anyone can make a mistake, including voters – the problem is when we are unable to admit we made a mistake. The republican Senate had the opportunity to end this nightmare but cowered in the face of all the “tweets” they’d be subjected to and now we have this – a total incompetent “boob” on a daily basis trying to convince “we the people” he hasn’t been blundering his way through this national emergency – and, no, your idea to call it the “flu” and just let it “do what it’s going to do” is workable. Our hospitals can’t handle the “surge” as it stands (now) with most states “shutting down” – I just can’t see America piling MILLIONS of bodies into mass graves – that’s not a good look! Republicans would be much better off if they just admitted they made a terrible mistake voting this CORRUPT person into the “White House.” For heavens sake, there was no “trick” in getting all the judges – they’re just the result of the Heritage Foundation recommendations and Moscow Mitch in charge of the Senate. Any republican could have done the same.

      And, when you recommend “personal counseling” I’d just remind you of the saying “The skunk smells his own hole first!”

      Have a great day, stay healthy, and – maybe – read some books! I’m reading one right now which I’d recommend. “CRIME in PROGRESS Inside the Steele Dossier and the Fusion GPS Investigation of Donald Trump.” It’s really an interesting read if you’re actually interested in learning the TRUTH about individual 1. Virtually ALL of the information in the book comes from the public records – with the exception of the Dossier – which, to an extent, is sourced, except where the sources would be in danger of being killed by Vladimir Putin if exposed. You should read it!

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