I checked my pocket version of the constitution again and I believe there is no restriction on the number of times a (so-called) president can be IMPEACHED.

I have to admit, I’m really getting tired of “chasing my tail,” which is what I call trying to keep up with individual 1’s scandalous behavior. But, at the same time, as a citizen who has been blessed with the right to VOTE, I feel an obligation to continue working to understand what is going on with the government which is, ultimately, accountable to “we the people.” Individual 1 is busy with what I’ve always called the republican “wet dream” and that is their “permanent republican ‘majority.'” Of course, republicans know better than MOST Americans they will NEVER again represent a “majority” of “us” – so, they have to do it their way. Which I’ve been attempting to point out for years requires CHEATING. I’ve always wondered when “we the people” are going to “wise up” to their scheme, but NOW I’ve got another thought which keeps running across my mind. I’ll get to it!

Individual 1, who was denigrated by many of the republicans who are now his sycophants, has the personality which, republicans figured out soon after he “won” the election, to actually pull this off. GW Bush was in the position, also, to do this – republicans had the “White House,” control of the Supreme Court, and both Houses of Congress – but, his incompetence led to President Obama. The difference between Bush and individual 1 is Bush had respect for the constitution at a much higher level than our so-called president. Bush lacked individual 1’s brazenous by a “country mile.” Republicans now view individual 1’s pathological LYING as an asset!

President Obama “fixed” the mess he inherited from Bush/Cheney – and, make no mistake, it was a REAL mess. Not only were there TWO fiasco’s going on (Iraq and Afghanistan) – wars which had been terribly mismanaged, were the result of neo-con philosophy, were unwinnable, and had been funded “off the books” – but the economy, in general, was teetering on the brink of another Great Depression. Thanks to Obama and his economic advisers (and, by the way, almost NO republicans) the “recovery” which is ongoing started with the stimulus package passed in 2009 – a package which was too small, again, because of republicans like Moscow Mitch.

This leads me to my thoughts for today (and, likely, the next few days). I, long ago, decided I didn’t want anything to do with Wall Street. I sold my stocks, fortunately, when the market was at its peak in 2007 and then watched as the DOW went from 14,000 in 2007 down to about 6,500 shortly after President Obama took office. I remember being tempted to jump back in when it was at 6,500 but that was when I decided Wall Street is a glorified gambling casino so I’ve just kept what little amount of money I have in savings. Of course, that was a bad economic choice as the DOW is now approaching 30,000 although I’m at peace just observing from afar. In an effort to keep myself somewhat educated on economic affairs, I continue to follow the market and, in the process, a few individual stocks. (What I try NOT to do is make economic observations regarding the economy as good or bad based on the stock market.)

As someone who has placed solar panels on the roofs of my outbuildings and who drives a Chevrolet Volt (I rarely buy gas) plus my wife drives a totally electric Nissan Leaf, I follow solar stocks and companies like Tesla. Recently, if you haven’t been paying attention, the stock market has been “surging” upward. While it’s true the unemployment numbers are low, the issue with “income inequality” continues to cause America’s Middle Class to, at best, stagnate and likely, recede. I keep thinking, virtually EVERY day, “Is this the day the market is going to “crash” and start its downward trend into a “bear market?” Yet, every day, it seems to be up, up, up. Today, for example, Tesla jumped almost 10% to over $900 – despite still NEVER producing a profit across one year’s time-frame.

So, I keep trying to figure out what is going on and, it’s starting to sink in. I believe I finally have to point my finger at individual 1. If you’ve read any of my posts over the past three years you know I’ve stated many times this economy, which individual 1 “inherited” from Obama, is the one thing he’s inherited in his life which he hasn’t destroyed. At the same time, I pointed out when the tax “scam” was passed, doing a major tax cut when the economy was already “heating up” and when the recipients of the money ALREADY had TRILLIONS in cash, made no sense. (Other than republican “donors” demanding a “return on their investment.”) I thought inflation could heat up and and the deficit would BALLOON.

Well, I was correct on the deficit but inflation continues about the same. So, I’m getting a good dose of reality, that I’m no economist – despite taking an online “Master Class” from Paul Krugman. However, my feeling about the Market – which is how too many people judge the economy, in my view, is still there’s a “crash” a coming. In my mind, I get this picture of individual 1 with a tire pump hooked to a balloon and pumping as fast as he can. The balloon, of course, represents the DOW and, as they say, “the rich are getting richer” with every “pump.” The amounts of money being accumulated by the “titans” of Wall Street is unimaginable to someone like me. For example, today Elon Musk’s net worth went up BILLIONS. Tomorrow???

in my effort to figure out how this could be happening with an economy producing MILLIONS of homeless people because they can’t afford to pay the rents on even low end apartments I try to allow logic to guide my thinking. Well, I did a minimal amount of research and feel comfortable with my belief individual 1 has succeeded in intimidating the head of the Federal Reserve Bank to keep the “loose money” era going – despite those at the top “swimming” in cash. My “gut” tells me this balloon, at some point, is going to burst and it’s going to be a big “explosion” when it happens. I almost hope it happens before the start of this year’s election voting because I believe whoever wins in November will be facing the bursting balloon soon after the election is over. Not only do I want individual 1 to have to face the voters if the economy “crashes,” I don’t trust him or his sycophants to have a clue how to fix it when it does. (Which, of course, is inevitable)

Another example of what makes no sense to me would be interest rates. I looked the other day and 30 year mortgage rates are almost as low as I’ve ever seen them. That’s a good thing for people buying homes and refinancing their homes, but it also allows for home values to be too high for those at the “bottom.” It’s what has led to rents at levels where many people can’t afford to even rent an apartment. These artificially low interest rates are great for those rich Wall Street executives who can borrow money at extremely low rates and then buy stocks like Tesla or Amazon or Apple or Google or one of the other stocks which seem to just keep going up. Tesla has gone from 185 to over 900 in less than six months. My limited understanding of economics tells me lowering interest rates is an effective tool to fight off an economic downturn, which should be saved for that time.

I have to admit, I’m one who wants Tesla to succeed, but that kind of a “jump,” I believe, is more the result of the “easy money” situation on Wall Street than in Tesla’s economic success (although, they have been doing better). The question becomes, in my mind, how much “air” can individual 1 pump into that “balloon?” I don’t think the interest rates can go much lower – which, of course, takes that “strategy” (lowering them) off the table when the “balloon” bursts. I suppose the Fed can continue “pumping” more money into the system – but, I still have to believe when the bubble (balloon) bursts, it’s going to be historic.

If this happens before November, the American people will see the incompetence of individual 1 and his republican sycophants up close. In my lifetime I’ve never seen republicans show they can “fix” a bad economy, but they’re really good at taking a wrecking ball to a strong economy. Between now and November we’ll hear individual 1 constantly “crowing” this is the best economy in the history of the country – which is just another of his 16,000+ mountain of LIES. If it crashes prior to the election, I can guarantee you he’ll be blaming democrats, including President Obama – on that, you can be assured.

And, while we’re all focused on individual 1’s “revenge tour” demonstrating to people like Susan Collins what he ACTUALLY learned in the IMPEACHMENT “trial” individual 1 and his rich sycophants will be funneling as much of America’s wealth as they can into their private “coffers.” Our so-called president keeps “we the people” aghast, almost daily, on his relentless assault on the constitution and the institutions of our government in a manner which makes it almost impossible to process, intellectually, all the DAMAGE being created to the fundamental “norms” of our government – and, almost impossible to ignore. Remember, the constitution is just a document which works as long as those who pledge to “defend and protect” it, actually believe in its sanctity. Obviously, individual 1 is not one who takes that oath seriously.

While I was busy trying to figure out why the stock market seems to be getting “pumped” to an artificially high level (That’s just my instincts speaking) individual 1 has been busy pardoning some of his loyal sycophants in a manner FAR beyond anything I’ve ever seen – in a manner which makes me feel it may be time for a new constitutional amendment reeling in that power. Honestly, I’m expecting individual 1 to pardon HIMSELF right before he leaves office (along with other family members over any future indictments – what the heck, you never know unless you try, right?)

As I’m writing this, he’s acting as though it’s just a matter of time until he pardons Roger Stone and Michael Flynn and, who knows, maybe Paul Manafort. Of course, he WON’T pardon Micheal Cohen or Rick Gates – both also his former associates but, in his words, “rats.” I guess when our founders put the pardon power into the constitution they just couldn’t imagine a (so-called) president like individual 1. Or was it, they couldn’t imagine a Senate like this republican led Senate who would enable someone like our so-called president. The IMPEACHMENT section in the constitution, it seems to me, was put there SPECIFICALLY in case we ever allowed a (so-called) president like individual 1 to gain power. Our founders trusted our Congress to do their jobs! Which brings me to that other thought I mentioned above.

Can a (so-called) president be IMPEACHED twice? Is there any limit on the number of times a (so-called) president can be IMPEACHED? To me, what individual 1 has done to Ukraine was unthinkable. It was outright EXTORTION – which, I believe, is a CRIME for those who claimed he shouldn’t have been convicted because the House managers didn’t accuse him of committing a crime – but, whatever. He OBSTRUCTED Justice, by some accounts, during the Mueller investigation – which was “whitewashed” by William Barr and now he’s clearly OBSTRUCTING Justice again! I can’t stop thinking of Susan Collins claiming “he’s learned his lesson.” I believe the only lesson he’s learned is republicans live in FEAR of him!

I checked my pocket version of the constitution again and I believe there is no restriction on the number of times a (so-called) president can be IMPEACHED. Individual 1 has been committing potentially IMPEACHABLE acts by the “bucket load” since the day he LIED about his “oath” to the constitution. I certainly don’t expect the House to IMPEACH him again this year, but it would be nice if they would broach the subject publicly. Just as individual 1 is publicly proclaiming he could intercede in Judicial prosecutions “If I want to” I’d like to see the House point out they have the right to IMPEACH our so-called president again. They have the power to give the Senate more opportunity to get this right. That MIGHT be the only way to cause individual 1 to put the “brakes” on this “revenge tour.” Just sayin…………….

Final Thought: What happens to a person who is accused of a crime, goes to court and receives an acquittal and then goes out and starts committing crimes again? Well, I think the answer is obvious – he or she gets INDICTED (for a president wold be IMPEACHED) again! I believe House democrats are leaving it up to “we the people” to “IMPEACH” individual 1, and, I get it – but he can do a LOT of DAMAGE between now and January 20, 2021!

BTW – withholding the aid to Ukraine was also ILLEGAL. And, I heard today individual 1, as part of his “revenge tour,” fired the person who OK’ed the aid – i.e. cleared it of the obstacles Ukraine had to prove (pass) in order to get the aid released – like them (Ukraine) fighting “corruption.” Once the aid was “cleared” it became ILLEGAL to withhold it without giving Congress the reason why – which DIDN’T happen! My next post will point out some of the other victims of his “revenge tour” – of course, with “we the people” being the ultimate victims!

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