I picture the first question on the employment contract for individual 1’s administration is; “Will you LIE with impunity?”

Tonight Iran launched about 15 ballistic missiles toward a couple bases in Iraq which have been housing American troops and, based on the original reports, there were no American casualties and, very possibly, that was Iran’s intention. That is, very possibly they were attempting to calm their own people by “revenging” the death of Qasem Suleimani (and the others who were with him when he was assassinated), and not “hitting” America with an attack which would stimulate a response from individual 1. In other words, are the Iranians the “adults” in the room? Of course, they know they are over-matched in any war with the U.S., but they could cause a lot of damage.

Here’s my point: If the original reports are true about the Iranian response to Suleimani’s killing it is further evidence individual 1, Mike Pense, Mike Pompeo, and the Secretary of Defense Esper have ALL been LYING (surprise, surprise) about their motivation in killing Suleimani. If Suleimani was really planning an “imminent” attack on “hundreds of Americans” you would have to believe the Iranians wouldn’t have chosen to “miss” their target in their response to Suleimani’s murder! Here’s my logic – if Suleimani’s forces were ready to attack, they certainly would have based on the murder of their leader. Maybe this will still transpire, but it appears to me tonight’s “response” from the Iranians is confirmation the original assertion “justifying” the assassination was “poppycock.”

Of course, you can be assured individual 1’s administration will be unable to “brief” the Congress on their claims of an imminent attack coming from Suleimani because I don’t believe there was one (of course there are republicans in Congress who STILL don’t believe their “commander in chief” is a pathological LIAR). I believe the Iranian “proxies” are always “on guard” based on the FACT the Middle East is STILL in turmoil due to the ILLEGAL invasion of Iraq by GW Bush back in 2003. We’re just living through more of the barrage of LIES which have been coming from individual 1 since the day he took the oath (which, obviously, was meaningless) to defend our constitution. The Iranians gave our so-called president an “out” and he responded by intensifying the sanctions and spewing a bunch more LIES about President Obama.

In his remarks today, at least the part I listened to, individual 1 was seeking more involvement from our NATO “partners” – MOST of who must be wondering “what the hell” is going on in America with this pathological, neurotic, narcissistic, racist, misogynistic, xenophobic (so-called) president who is threatening to turn the Middle East (and possibly the world) into turmoil. Yes, he’s temporarily turned the headlines away from IMPEACHMENT, but just like his Middle East “policy” (if anything he does can be considered via “policy”), any “success” will be short lived. Regarding IMPEACHMENT I still believe Nancy Pelosi continues to hold the “cards,” despite all the (predictable) republican bloviating to the contrary.

I’ve written this before, but I believe Ms Pelosi is planning to make sure the Senate “Trial” has not happened prior to the State of the Union speech. Meaning, if the republicans are going to “fix” the “trial” – as per the claims of Moscow Mitch – then when the trial takes place it will be on Pelosi’s terms. Individual 1 has ginned up MILLIONS of Americans who, quite frankly, are ignorant when it comes to America’s role in the world, to believe he’s keeping us safe. When I hear people at one of his rallies cheering when he bloviates: “I’m going to bomb the shit out of………….. (fill in the blank) the word that comes to my mind is “STUPID” – not only individual 1 but his audience. Personally, “keeping us safe” if far from his mind – he’s enraged about IMPEACHMENT!

There have been something in the neighborhood of 15,000 LIES coming out of the mouth of individual 1 since he took office and some are more significant than others. The LIES relating to the attempt to justify Suleimani’s ASSASSINATION are possibly the most significant. Of course, individual 1’s supporters will believe him – I’ve watched him LIE straight to their faces at rallies as they CHEER! Honestly, I can’t find words to describe that behavior in any way which is at all positive. I have to wonder what people around the world are thinking about the American people. I can tell you one thing for sure, they EXPECT “we the people” to end this nightmare in November if not sooner. (unless they’re in Russia and, possibly, Israel) And, it’s likely going to have to be November based on what I heard from republican Senators as they came out of the SCIF after getting LIED to themselves by individual 1’s “briefers.” They willingly accept it! (The LYING) It really is embarrassing! I picture the first question on the employment contract for individual 1’s administration is; “Will you LIE with impunity?”

In relation to the LYING about something this serious, all this should just be mounting evidence as to why individual 1 should be removed from office. Pelosi is correct when she says he will IMPEACH himself. Virtually every week, he gives additional reasons why he’s UNFIT to be in the office he holds – the evidence is MOUNTING. Of course, Moscow Mitch will do everything he can to make sure NONE of that evidence makes it into the “trial” of our so-called president – because, rest assured, the republicans know he’s UNFIT for office as well – it’s just they FEAR his “tweets” and their focus is on keeping POWER (ie more judges). It’s interesting the hypocrisy coming from the republicans who were in office during the trial of Bill Clinton. See Moscow Mitch and Lindsey Graham videos.

All this didn’t seem quite as serious to me until individual 1 decided to do the thing I was most concerned with and that’s threatening to start another WAR in the Middle East. At some point I have to believe, as an optimist, the FEALTY of the republicans in Congress will catch up to them – the only question is how much DAMAGE are they willing to look away from before they come to their senses – or are they simply counting on their belief “we the people” are so STUPID as to keep them in office indefinitely. I’m listening to one republican Senator after another giving a justification as to why they DON’T want ANY witnesses or ANY of the documents individual 1 blocked from the House during the IMPEACHMENT inquiry – apparently because they FEAR what these witnesses and documents would say to the American people.

Make no mistake, even the republicans in Congress – including over 20 republican Senators – must face the voters in November. Additionally, there ARE voters – even in “Red States” – who aren’t completely sucked into the individual 1 cult and will be wondering why their Senators were supportive of a president soliciting aid from a foreign nation in his/her election – despite the reality, by now, EVERYONE knows it’s ILLEGAL. (They [voters] might even be concerned with their health care!) Also, many might question why it’s so important to prevent witnesses and documents from being part of the trial – an action which suggests, on its face, a cover-up. When this chapter in America’s History is finally documented these republicans are likely to find themselves in a place which will cause their children to question “what were you thinking?”

There are so many issues which are being “swept under the rug” while this inept so-called president is in office – like fighting Climate Change, providing Health Care for all, rebuilding our infrastructure, etc. – but it all might seem inconsequential if this deplorable “leader” is allowed to LIE “we the people” into another WAR. Sadly, as I listen to America’s political leaders, including many democrats, I have little to no faith individual 1 will be stopped if he’s determined to start this WAR as a way to save his butt regarding IMPEACHMENT and his own future once he’s no longer in this office – which protects him (being in office) – based on an obscure “memo” written over 50 years ago, after Watergate, preventing a president from being indicted while still in office.

America has a history of allowing her leaders to VIOLATE laws, often with impunity, with NO recourse. For example, Reagan and HW Bush got away with the Iran/Contra fiasco and Bush/Cheney/Rumsfeld et al got away with a plethora of ILLEGAL behavior which included MULTIPLE violations of the FISA laws – which is interesting when you think of the republican response to the Carter Page stupidity – along with an innumerable number of examples of TORTURE – which they publicly admitted to authorizing, not to mention LYING us into Iraq. No consequences in all these instances. The sad reality is the LYING and manipulation coming from the republicans is routine and it’s working – whether on their “base,” the media, the Congress, or the rest of the government – specifically the Justice Department and the Intelligence Community – both of which seem to be bending to individual 1’s will!

I’m fairly certain individual 1 expects he won’t have to face the “consequences” of his ILLEGAL behavior once out of office – although, there’s been a lot of investigating of his actions that occurred prior to taking office which may very well prove to be an issue for him – provided he is unable to get bailed out by the statute of limitations. The issue which has Michael Cohen in prison, the reason I refer to our so-called president as “individual 1,” is because that’s how he’s described in Cohen’s sentencing guidelines – he allegedly “directed” the illegal action. Whether he can avoid prosecution on those two FELONIES once out of office remains to be seen, but you have to think he does have to consider the possibility. (I can hear the chants next year at the democratic convention; “Lock him up”) Additionally, Robert Mueller clearly “memorialized” the evidence individual 1 OBSTRUCTED Justice (10 instances!) in case there might be follow up in the future.

And, it’s not just the members of Congress in the republican party who have locked arms in order to prevent individual 1 from what they KNOW is ILLEGAL, immoral, and inept behavior – which has threatened ALL of us with escalating possibilities of disastrous consequences. It’s as if many facets of America just believe things have always worked out in the past so it’s apparent that will continue – especially now that they have all those judges so they go along with EVERYTHING. I believe people like John Bolton are facing real serious decisions in the near future. Bolton, apparently has information about what was happening during his time in the “White House” during the IMPEACHMENT “misbehavior” which would, supposedly, implicate individual 1 even further. There are people who need to look up the definition of patriotism!

Republicans in the Senate don’t want to hear from Bolton. I’ve heard Lindsey Graham, Marko Rubio, and others come right out and say they are not interested in what Bolton has to say or in ANY of the others with direct access to what was actually happening when individual 1 was trying to get the Ukrainians to help him in his re-election campaign (nor any of the documents) along with spurring on the Russian talking points about the 2016 interference in that election. Bolton, Mick Mulvaney, and the others are also auditioning for their places in the History books. Essentially, on the republican side, we’re looking at a lot of cowardice. In the short term, they just want this to be over. The “long term?” Well, I don’t think that has crossed their minds.

For years my complaints about democrats was they were afraid to defend their own beliefs – that they were/are “spineless.” Well, the republicans are taking “spineless” to an entirely new level never even imagined before. Bolton, for example, should not need a subpoena in order to give his information which he claims is germane to what is an extremely important time in America’s history. There will be endless questions as to whether or not he’s more interested in the profits from the book he’s supposedly writing over his patriotic duty to report the FACTS as to what was happening while he was the National Security Adviser to individual 1. If we come out of this FIASCO further legitimizing the support for ILLEGAL behavior coming from the “White House,” America will definitely be in a spiral for second class status in the world. The world continues to become MORE dangerous, and, from what I’ve read in the past 10 years, the United States is largely responsible for why.

America is the wealthiest nation on earth, yet it seems our “leaders” are focused on “ruling the world” militarily. It all reminds me of Dwight Eisenhower warning of the impending power of the “military industrial complex.” I believe our nation’s largest manufacturing sector is making WEAPONS. It goes well beyond the NRA (although, they are a serious problem) because I have to wonder what would happen to those employment figures individual 1 brags about if we cut back on the manufacture of “weapons of mass destruction.” Just the other day our so-called president “bragged” about a “hypersonic missile” which implies were into another arms race – in this case likely with the Russians and the Chinese. Let’s see, what’s the phrase that comes to mind: deja vu all over again! A lot more people are going to make a lot more MONEY!

All of this has caused me to take a second look at Wall Street which “chugs” along as if “all is well” in the words of individual 1, after the Iranians chose to fire their missiles – supposedly the “revenge” for the murder of Qasem Suleimani – into the desert of Iraq apparently in an attempt to “stand down” in this recent crisis. The stock market continues to “bloom” as if all really is “well” and, most certainly, a serious “correction” is on the horizon. The money-changers in New York seem, to me, oblivious to anything beyond figuring out how to make more MONEY. Yes, the stock market has taken a jump forward, so “all must be well.” Along with individual 1 you have to wonder if they have any idea how “well” things are outside of Manhattan in New York? My experience tells me things can change in a hurray!

Final Thought: Actually, I’m writing THIS “thought” before I finish whatever ends up being this “rant” to appease myself after my drive to and from a few errands this morning. As usual, I was listening to MSNBC on my XM radio and, as happens when I take too long to run my errands, Chuck Todd’s “show” came onto the radio. And, as usual, I was listening to “experts” discussing the “political news of the day” in a manner which always causes me to be SHOUTING at my radio. And, as usual, Todd has what I call the Fox compulsion to have republicans on his show – apparently thinking they’re “fair and balanced” – and, today’s topic was Nancy Pelosi’s withholding the Articles of Impeachment from the Senate.

The “consensus” I gathered from Todd and his guests was that “Pelosi has no leverage and she should turn the Articles over so Moscow Mitch (My characterization) can get on with it. Of course, that is the attitude of, apparently, many members of the media which see the inevitability of the Senate acquitting and see no reason to drag this out further. In fact, they pointed out several democrats have been suggesting “it’s time,” likely worrying about the Senate “trial” conflicting with the upcoming Iowa caucuses.

I certainly don’t have a “crystal ball” but I, for one thing, think Pelosi has plenty of “leverage” and “we the people” are not so stupid (at least enough of us to matter) as to not appreciate Pelosi’s attempt to make sure the key witnesses who were blocked from testifying before the House procedure testify – people like John Bolton, Mick Mulvaney, and those in the OMB who were instrumental in BLOCKING the APPROVED aid (illegally) for Ukraine. This could also include those in the DOD who were part of the email chain wondering what the “H E double toothpick” was going on?

My final thought on this topic would be, and I hope it’s true, that Pelosi is just “running out the clock” – using individual 1’s strategy to prevent witnesses from testifying starting with the Mueller investigation – so that when our so-called president is giving his State of the Union speech he has not been “exonerated.” (Even though EVERYONE knows the Senate “trial,” whenever it happens will be a complete sham.) I believe Pelosi’s strategy could very well be focused on causing individual 1 to have to give his speech while still under the House’s “indictment” AND, ultimately, to force republican Senators to have to vote as to whether or not they believe a president should be able to BREAK THE LAW, whether a president should be able to SOLICIT foreign help to get elected (like he did with Russia as well), and, additionally, I believe while the interest is high, she’s giving individual 1 more “rope” as he has a tendency to commit IMPEACHABLE acts almost at random.

I may end up being completely wrong, but I find it interesting how the “pundits” just assume Ms. Pelosi has no strategy and no leverage. Is this because she’s a woman going “up against” all these white republican men (who, by the way have proven themselves to be incredibly incompetent – over and over)? This all should be interesting, but I hope she’s got “something up her sleeve” these pundits are not sophisticated enough to figure out. (Why Todd insists on inviting republican hacks onto his show boggles my mind – but, there’s never any blow-back on the consequences of “normalizing” these people. Likely because of who owns MSNBC (Comcast, I believe) I believe her plan may be to make sure the “trial” has not ended by the time of the State of the Union speech without the “pundits” understanding that was exactly the plan. Should be an interesting speech!

One more thing: Today Ms. Pelosi said she is going to send the Article of IMPEACHMENT to the Senate next week. Personally, I hope she sends them toward the end of the week so that the “trial” will start after the Martin Luther King holiday. Therefore, the “trial” will be ongoing during the State of the Union speech.

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