When it’s time for individual 1’s “presidential library,” “we the people” will have to ask the Russians for the details of what transpired during his administration.

I’m writing this in the (unlikely) hopes a republican would somehow find their way to this site. Just think about this as you’re considering your continued support of individual 1: When it’s time for the “presidential library,” well, “we the people” will have to ask the Russians for the details of what transpired during individual 1’s “administration.” It’s becoming more and more clear that individual 1 goes out of his way to make sure “we the people” are UNABLE to know what he’s “up to.” He uses his private cell phones to communicate with his personal associates along with his contacts outside the U.S along with berating anyone who might be taking notes.

American law prevents our intelligence community from “listening in” to our so-called president’s phone calls while the Russians, the Chinese, and who knows who else are not restricted and likely know MORE about what he is doing than “we the people.” Now, for one, despite individual 1’s refusal to honor the presidential records act I do not want to give up my 4th Amendment right to privacy. The solution to all of this is for “we the people” to vote in record numbers to cleanse this nation of both our so-called president but, also, as many republicans in the Senate and House that we can possibly vote into the history books.

Now, except for one really (well, OK, two) important factor(s), I’d be confident our so-called president will be sitting in those history books right next to Benedict Arnold come November of 2020 – with Mitch McConnell, William Barr, Mike Pompeo, Mike Pense, and I could go on – sitting right next to him. So, what are the factors which might make this problematic? First it would be the Supreme Court’s purge of the Voting Rights Act of 1965 and the second “factor” would be that we know the republicans are going to CHEAT!

Let’s talk about the second “factor” first. It’s no secret individual 1 willingly CHEATED to “win” the election in 2016. EVERYONE knows about the “Russia if you’re listening” point in the 2016 campaign where individual 1 solicited the help of the Russians to “win” the election. If you read the Mueller report (which is unlikely, because, apparently ONLY 1% of us did – I say “us” because I read it twice) you would know there WAS “collusion” despite William Barr’s successful knocking down of the report before it was actually published with his dishonest “summary.” (Of course, Barr has clearly shown himself to be willing to participate in the CHEATING for the 2020 election) And, the republicans have shown themselves to be “on board” with the willingness to CHEAT shown by their “leader.”

Now, let’s look at the other “factor.” Within days of the Supreme Court’s gutting of the Voting Rights Act of 1965 we saw state governments, curiously ALL being led by republican governors, implementing voter SUPPRESSION tactics designed to make it more difficult (if not impossible) for varying groups of people who likely vote for democrats to actually vote. Some of these schemes have been overturned by other courts, but the reality is there is a concerted effort by republicans – wait, I just thumped myself on the side of the head, this scheme has been going on for my lifetime and I’m closing in on 73 – to prevent blocks of people who MIGHT vote for democrats from making it to the polls – like, for example, African Americans and immigrants. This, of course, is also CHEATING! (Maybe why so many republicans continue to support individual 1)

Just the other day there was a vote in the House of Representatives to “fix” the damage done to the Voting Rights Act by the Supreme Court and ONLY one republican voted in favor of the bill. As we all know, the bill will simply be put on the pile of other bills passed by this Congress in the House and sent to the Senate to die under the “watchful” eye of Moscow Mitch. That pile is now getting close to 400 bills passed by the House which will never see the “light of day” as long as republicans, and therefore Moscow Mitch, control the Senate.

This brings up the important reality that it’s not only CRITICAL to vote individual 1 into the history books but it’s IMPERATIVE the voters turn the Senate “blue.” If the democratic party proves unable to make the case to people across this nation as to the seriousness of these two things happening, well, we deserve what we get. If you haven’t been paying attention, individual 1 is turning the image of America into a laughing stock world wide.

Not surprisingly, people in places like Canada, Mexico, Europe – both Western and Eastern – are anxiously waiting to see how “we the people” respond to what is clear to them – an attack from within on the very fabric of our nation. The right wing assault on people who believe in democracy, of course, goes well beyond the borders of the United States. And, sadly, some of the very people in America pushing this, what amounts to a white nationalist movement, challenge against democracy are busy in Europe as well. I’m talking about (deplorable) people like Steve Bannon. Make no mistake, there are many around the world who are hoping for American leadership in this fight against white nationalism!

If you haven’t read “The Family” by Jeff Sharlet I suggest you give it a read. It gives an insight into the surreptitious group of WEALTHY people around the world who believe THEY have the right to “rule the world.” We’re talking about many of the BILLIONAIRES you hear Bernie and Elizabeth warning “we the people” about, although a couple of them are actually running as democrats. Personally, I actually could see myself actively supporting Tom Steyer. I chose to send Steyer $1 in order to help him on the debate stage. After all, he’s been at the forefront of the “need to impeach” as long as just about anyone. I’ve said I believe democrats would be making a mistake to rule him out simply because he’s been very successful in business. (In my mind, he’s clearly a “progressive” – or LIBERAL – take your choice)

Getting back to “The Family” it lays out a clear vision of the so-called “Christians” in Washington DC who are “pulling the wool” over the “eyes” of a significant number of Americans who consider themselves “evangelical Christians” and believe right wing judges who may overturn Roe are a trade-off for what, I believe, they either don’t understand what is happening or they, sadly, don’t care. It really does make me angry when I see an American wearing a shirt which says “I’d rather be Russian than democrat.” These are people who have no idea who did the FIGHTING for the privileges they take for granted. I almost want to say to them – “Move to Russian then!” These members of the “Family” believe those of us who are not the “rich and powerful” don’t deserve to be involved in the decision-making of this country.

These people have included some of the worst dictators around the world in some of their “prayer breakfasts.” In fact, this is the group that originally came up with the annual “prayer breakfast” which included presidents of both parties. It would likely make my skin crawl to hear individual 1 at this breakfast, but it has welcomed, for example, Indonesia’s Suharto as an example I can remember off the top of my head. This group would include the dominionists – if you’re not sure who that would be, “look it up.” But, that would explain why so many of the leaders of the so-called “Christian right” are part of this right wing assault on America’s republic.

Sadly, in all of this, we’ve learned how so many otherwise well meaning Americans have proven susceptible to the “Big Lie” strategy (see my previous couple of posts) of individual 1 and the republicans who don’t think twice before LYING directly to the faces of their supporters. If you’re one of those getting LIED to, TURN OFF Fox “news,” quit watching your Sinclair network news outlet, and/or double check the information you’re allowing into your head. Today, I tried to watch the impeachment hearing in the House Judiciary Committee, but STILL, one republican after another spent their time furthering the Russian talking points about how “Ukraine did it.” Even though I see this over and over, I have trouble believing virtually ALL the republicans are doing Putin’s “bidding.” Yikes!!!

Final Thought: During individual 1’s time in office we’ve often heard about how he’s going to “drain the swamp.” Well, as far as I can tell, he’s FILLING the swamp, not “draining” it. And, his most successful “addition” to the swamp, it appears to me, is William Barr. I’ve said this many times on this site: I expect Barr to end up right next to individual 1 in the History Book section presently dominated by Benedict Arnold. I believe, when all is said and done, it will be determined individual 1’s potential DAMAGE to America FAR exceeds anything Mr. Arnold ever accomplished.

Individual 1’s brazenous is almost beyond belief. While he’s being impeached largely due to Rudy Giuliani (and “The three amigos”) attempting to get the Ukrainians to investigate Joe Biden (as the so-called president’s lawyer) which is clearly ILLEGAL – a clear violation of American campaign finance laws – Giuliani is over in Ukraine doing it AGAIN! It’s as if both Giuliani and individual 1 can’t stop – like they both are above the law. Neither are able to admit they’ve ever made a mistake and, as my former basketball coach used to caution against, don’t let one mistake lead to another. That they’re still doing this in the face of impeachment is incredible!

Oh yes, one more almost unbelievable act of brazenous by our so-called president. While the House Judiciary Committee is recommending Articles of Impeachment – almost to the minute – individual 1 will be meeting with Russian Foreign Minister Lavrov in the Oval Office. That’s correct, instead of giving Ukrainian President Zelensky the meeting he feels is so important (Zelensky had a meeting with Putin today in an attempt to get the Russians out of his country) individual 1 will be sending the WRONG signal to Ukrainians as he meets with Lavrov! OMG!

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