“We the people” need to VOTE as many republicans OUT of office as we can – which would include, hopefully, Moscow Mitch along with individual 1 himself!

I’ve come to almost dread opening my emails because I have a seemingly endless number of requests for money every single day, most of which, I end up deleting. I also get many emails from the Washington Post and New York Times which I keep because a couple years ago I felt the need to support their investigative reporting by subscribing to their online newspapers. Well, today, as I was deleting three days worth of (mostly) spam, I noticed a byline from the Post which suggested now that the economy is “slowing” our so-called president’s “erratic behavior” is becoming “more problematic.” The first thought through my mind was: “Why did the economy have to “slow” for individual 1’s “behavior” to seem “problematic?”

For heaven’s sake, (and, I didn’t use that term because individual 1 referred to himself as “The Chosen one”) – it’s hard for me to think ANYONE could have missed the reality that our so-called president is exhibiting “erratic behavior” prior to this week. Well, actually, the Post article suggested (via the headline) that his (I’m assuming) BAD behavior is more “noticeable.” I’ve been “noticing” it for over two years now and I have to believe there are MILLIONS more who call themselves Americans who’ve been noticing it (Not to mention the MILLIONS around the world). Individual 1 is acting like a MAFIA boss or a wannabee dictator who is on bad medication and is being backed into a corner – take your pick. (Personally, I believe he actually IS a small time “Mafia boss” based on the history of his business dealings – therefore, he’s got legal issues on the horizon – ie, 2021)

Yesterday, a poll came out suggesting individual 1’s approval rating has dropped to 36% with an extremely HIGH disapproval rating of 62% – to him, I’m sure, that’s “fake news.” It’s hard to win elections with those kinds of “numbers.” (unless, maybe, you’re running against democrats) And, if the economy, as many (including me) have predicted is soon to be “going South,” I can guarantee you that “approval” number will go further “South” along with the economy. Here’s what’s interesting to me: What will republicans do when it gets even worse for individual 1? Especially in the Senate? Today, the Dow Jones Average dropped another 600+ points and, right before individual 1 was leaving to go to the G7 Summit and his unnerving (and LYING) way he chose to reassure the reporters who asked him about the Stock Market’s latest “dive” he said, “Don’t worry, the market is still up over 50% since my “election” – I’m sure you remember it was around 16,000 when I took office.”

As usual, both the reporters at his “gaggle” and the commentators on MSNBC who were playing the tape FAILED to correct him in “real time.” The market was around 20,000 the day he took the oath of office, so it’s increased about 25% since he began his assault on what President Obama left him. Remember, in Obama’s 8 years in office the market increased from around 6,500 shortly after he took office to that nearly 20,000 number individual 1 INHERITED. That’s an increase of around 300% – which makes the increase during individual 1’s administration look a bit tepid. Just sayin…………….

For another example, if Senate republicans miraculously (once the economy is no longer a “selling point” for re-election) “discover” the TRUTH put forth in the “Mueller Report,” which suggests our so-called president is a “criminal” – will they suddenly be – as republicans were at the end of the Watergate scandal – ready to vote to convict should the democrats grow a spine and impeach individual 1 – as they clearly SHOULD? I’ve always characterized the main issue I have with democrats is they are “spineless” (and, they do seem to be), but republicans? OMG, they are making democrats look like the second coming of Genghis Khan!

So, we can’t expect ANY republicans to respond to ANYTHING coming from this so-called president honestly. And, I’m talking about the “never Trumpers” as well. For example, I tried to read “Everything Trump touches dies” by Rick Wilson, but, over and over in the book, Wilson referred to the “history” of conservatism (like, since the days of Reagan) in an incredibly self serving manner. As if the republican party suddenly became “the party of individual 1” – and, previous to that they were the champions of “free trade,” character, and economic conservatism. It’s like Wilson, along with virtually every other republican, still believe the republican tax cuts actually (until this last one for the “never Trumpers”) reduced the deficit – or that republicans actually reduced spending. And, Wilson is not alone!

Today I was driving around and former republican Congressman Joe Walsh came on MSNBC because he’s planning to challenge individual 1 in the republican primaries. Walsh has a lot of his own baggage to deal with – he apparently feels his baggage is less “heavy” than that of individual 1 (Which I have a tendency to agree with) – but, to me a LIAR is a LIAR – and, in Walsh’s case it’s not yet apparent to me if he’s pathological or simply willing to throw out untruths with impunity as a way to impress the “uneducated voters” which make up a significant portion of the republican “base.”

Walsh was explaining why he believes he is being “called” to challenge individual 1. Reason one was him complaining about the deficit which is CLEARLY going dramatically UP because of the republican tax scam. Here’s what really bugged me about his interview – I believe i was on the program “KC DC.” – he said, “individual 1 (he used our so-called president’s real name – I can’t bring myself to do so except in rare circumstances) has increased the deficit faster than President Obama.” Before I could calm myself down the moderator (I’m too lazy to look up her name – but, she SHOULD know better) was interviewing Mark Sanford and, essentially, he said the same thing – suggesting “conservatives” are deficit hawks. I wanted to gag!

This is how our “liberal media” has helped to “normalize” these republicans and how they helped to “normalize” individual 1 himself. I’ve pointed out NUMEROUS times here that President Obama INHERITED an economy which was shedding jobs at the rate of 800,000 per MONTH, and had an ANNUAL deficit of $1.5 TRILLION and turned it into an economic juggernaut – which individual 1 INHERITED and is soon apparently to “crash,” – ADDING jobs at around 250,000 per month and REDUCING the deficit to around $400 BILLION as he left office. Had republicans been able to avoid the temptation to funnel a couple TRILLION to their benefactors and had followed the path Obama left for them we’d be soon having an economy with an annual surplus! Republicans LIE about this ALL the time!

As I’m writing this, there are still children in cages near our Southern border, the Amazon is on fire, individual 1 is in Europe further damaging our standing with our traditional allies, we’re soon to have a crisis with the debt ceiling (which no one is talking about), our traditional institutions are being undermined every day, and there are SO MANY reasons to IMPEACH individual 1 and the democrats are too timid to follow through. That’s my way of saying we NEED people to vote en masse in 2020 FOR DEMOCRATS. And, then “we the people” need to “encourage” the democrats to ACTUALLY act on their fundamental beliefs or we’ll vote them OUT as well! Which will require ENDING, for example, the filibuster.

Just recently, Mitch McConnell gave democrats a warning – in anticipation of him returning to the MINORITY – about getting rid of the filibuster. Harry Reid ended the filibuster on “minor” judicial nominations during Obama’s administration because McConnell BLOCKED every Obama nomination and NOW McConnell is stuffing the courts with right wing judges, two of which are on the Supreme Court, and democrats are helpless to stop him, because he blew up the filibuster on Supreme Court nominations. This “warning” coming from McConnell is simply ANOTHER example of how republicans view democrats as SPINELESS. (Kind of how I view them) I hope McConnell is correct, he’s headed for the minority (in fact, come on Kentucky, FINALLY vote him into the history books) and I hope the democrats have the GUTS to pass their progressive agenda. (Trust me, the republican scare tactics will be in full force!)

Individual 1, with the help of William Barr, above and beyond the “Russia thing” which Robert Mueller investigated for almost two years, have been “thumbing their noses” at democrats (and, for that matter, the constitution) in the House. Nancy Pelosi has been blocking the impeachment inquiry (Jerry Nadler is doing an “impeachment investigation” ) essentially, since the day the democrats re-took control of the House in 2018. I’ve pointed out several times this is NOT “new territory” for Ms Pelosi. I agree she is a “master politician” which is a large part of the problem – in my view. What individual1 is doing, if it’s NOT impeachable, then I can’t imagine what would cause democrats to impeach a president in the future.

We KNOW republicans consider LYING about sex an impeachable offense – and, of course, in the case of individual 1, it’s OK. It’s true that, as far as I can tell, individual 1 has not had an affair with an intern in the Oval Office – but he’s been credibly accused of sexual assault by NEARLY 20 women and he’s called every one of them LIARS. After watching him over the past couple of years who do you believe is the LIAR? The issue with Jeffrey Epstein seemed to die with Epstein himself – although I have to believe there’s a “there there.” None of this matters to today’s republicans! I always say we are all hypocrites to a degree, but republicans take hypocrisy to incredible HEIGHTS!

The solution to all of this is what I’ve been pointing out for YEARS! “We the people” need to VOTE as many republicans OUT of office as we can – which would include, hopefully, Moscow Mitch along with individual 1 himself! Ahead of the 2018 election I pointed out it was the MOST important election of my lifetime – putting democrats in charge in the House has blocked MUCH of individual 1’s DAMAGE – considering what he could have accomplished without democrats controlling the House. That all being said, the 2020 election is even MORE important than the 2018 election. Democrats have a chance to get republicans out of control of anything aside from their generational control of the courts. “We the people” need to be prepared to vote these republicans into the history books. (Keep in mind, the damage to the court system will last well beyond my lifetime)

Here’s the main problem with that comment aimed at voting republicans out of office. As I said above, our “liberal media” has a propensity to NORMALIZE these republicans because Fox, over time, has caused this cable TV mantra – across the cable TV 24/7 news spectrum – to imply commentary is “fair and balanced” – which apparently means you have to invite a republican propagandist into EVERY conversation as we explore what is REALLY going on with OUR government. Personally, my hope is that EVERY person who has chosen to take part in individual 1’s assault on the fundamentals of our democratic republic becomes unemployed ASAP. And, after individual 1 is gone from the “White House” and is defending himself in the many court cases which are pending until he’s no longer protected by his position – via that STUPID OLC memo – my hope is that I’ll NEVER have to see one of these people on TV EVER again.

And, I’m talking about people who are working/worked in the “White House” – ie Sarah Sanders, Sean Spicer, Rence Priebus, John Kelly (who proved himself to be as racist and misogynist as individual 1), and ESPECIALLY Steven Miller – to name a few. Plus, you have Jim Jordan (Come on Ohio, get rid of this thug), Matt Gaetz, and Devin Nunez in the House, to name a few. And, of course, there’s MOSCOW MITCH in the Senate. We need to put ALL these people into the history books and, as we try to recover from the DAMAGE they’ve done to our nation, we need to SHAME them from the public spotlight. Yes, most will likely become lobbyists, but keep them OFF of our TV screens.

Final Thought: My hope is that the young people actually vote in the HUGE numbers many are suggesting might happen. I personally know SEVERAL young persons EXCITED to vote for the first time – and AGAINST individual 1. I believe a LANDSLIDE is possible if democrats don’t screw this opportunity up. Personally, I listened to Beto O’Rourke the other day and he totally inspired me. I really want the democrats to nominate someone younger than Biden, Sanders, or Elizabeth Warren. Keep in mind, the ONLY reason individual 1 is our so-called president (with nearly 3 MILLION less votes than his opponent in 2016) is because the republicans had about 25 years to SMEAR Mrs. Clinton. They’ll ONLY have about 6 months to smear the next candidate – so that candidate will likely be NO WHERE near as despised as individual 1. (Or Mrs. Clinton, for that matter)

Add to that the Russians supporting individual 1 and James Comey coming out with his incredibly questionable comment 11 days before the election and you have an entirely different environment. Trust me, I know, for example, William Barr CAN NOT be trusted and he could interfere in some kind of, at this point in time, unimaginable way to sway unsuspecting voters. We KNOW the Russians are still “at it,” but this time we KNOW it as the election approaches and, at least, democrats SHOULD be able to fight back. (We also KNOW there are others attempting to affect the election from other countries – countries who would love to see America continue to be in a partisan civil war. But, we KNOW this ahead of time and democrats SHOULD be able to fight back.

I still believe someone like O’Rourke, or Bennett of Colorado, Cory Booker, or the governor of Montana Steve Bullock will emerge from the primaries as the democratic nominee. I just believe the voters want someone younger than Joe Biden when “push comes to shove” and, personally, I think O’Rourke is the type of FIGHTER the democrats need leading the FIGHT to overcome the DAMAGE individual 1 has inflicted on the United States and the World in his (sadly) four years in office. There’s a LOT of work to be done!

And, one more thing, democrats had better be keenly FOCUSED on every republican running for the Senate in 2020 – if possible EVERY one of them should be challenged. Right now I’m assuming democrats are recruiting candidates to challenge incumbent republicans – full stop.

Oh yes, Tom Steyer has made the next “debate stage” and his opponents need to avoid challenging him based on the FACT he’s a wealthy, successful, business person. He’s been putting his money where his mouth is and will undoubtedly support the democratic candidate if it’s NOT him. The other candidates would be well advised to challenge him on the issues and not because he’s rich. Not all rich people support the republican agenda and, to me, he’s a welcome addition to the debates! He can really help the democratic party assuming he gets a “fair shake.”

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