Please, if you’re from Kentucky, work to make sure “Moscow Mitch” does NOT return to the Senate after 2020!

Most of us (Americans) have resolved ourselves to the fact individual 1 is going to be bloviating from the “White House” for nearly another two (miserable and painful) years – from a political perspective. We’re all (well, those of us who don’t want this nation to be defined by racism) looking at individual 1 as the motivator of a swelling number of White Nationalists who are attempting to “cleanse” this nation of people who don’t have a historical connection to Western Europe – meaning “white.” And, individual 1 deserves credit for motivating the KILLER of the 20 people in El Paso this past weekend, although he’ll likely just blame the gun and deny culpability. However, I’m certainly NOT surprised by the resounding SILENCE coming from the republicans in Congress. The republicans who’ve enabled the divisive language of individual 1, republicans who’ve been BLOCKING sensible gun control legislation for as long as I can remember, and I could (and will) provide a much more extensive list of things the republicans have been BLOCKING for – in some instances – generations!

“We the people” are almost numbed by all the SCANDALS which, at any other time, would by themselves (I almost said “individually”) be enough for our Congress to say, “Enough.” I’ve said this before, but imagine had President Obama ginned up a group of Blacks to commit mass shootings in venues filled with “White” conservatives. Hell, imagine had Obama paid off a couple women, including a “porn star” to keep silent, right before an election, so that “we the people” would be voting without knowing the truth? What if Obama had conspired with the Russians to get elected??? I can certainly remember when republicans tried to convince “we the people” they were the party which would stand up to Vladimir Putin. Oh, those were the days, weren’t they.

I could go on and on – just this past weekend while the gunman who left a right wing manifesto on the internet which virtually mimicked a “tweet” coming from individual 1 himself, our so-called president was playing golf at his Bedminster New Jersey resort and “we the people” were putting untold amounts of money directly into his pockets as the taxpayers were ponying up for the security detail and the media who are forced to stay at his facilities virtually every weekend. This is a VIOLATION of our CONSTITUTION which has been tolerated since individual 1 took the oath of office – thumbing his nose at the emoluments clause in our founding document and republicans saying, “So What?”

But, the bottom line here is that the republican party’s right wing “slide” has been an issue for, at least to people who think like me, since the 1970’s. (Keep in mind, the democrats of the 1960’s became the republicans in the 1970’s and beyond because of Lyndon Johnson’s support of the Civil Rights movement and the Nixon “Southern Strategy”) There was the near impeachment of Richard Nixon, he resigned, of course, because otherwise he was going to be removed from office by Congress. It took one term of Jimmy Carter, one of the most honest presidents to work in the Oval Office, for the republicans to put together the Reagan scam – which, by the way, started in Philadelphia, Mississippi, with a speech introducing the Reagan campaign which was laced with racist tropes. Reagan’s two terms were full of lies and he managed to leave office as, to republicans, some godlike figure. (He should have been prosecuted for the Iran/Contra fiasco – which began the trend of republican presidents ignoring the constitution and democrats enabling them)

Recently audio of a conversation between Reagan and Nixon simply confirmed what those of us who read books and pay attention already knew (well, I have the advantage that I was there for both of their administrations), both Nixon and Reagan were racists. Not as overt as individual 1, but we could have a lengthy discussion of which is worst. Many are saying individual 1 is simply the manifestation of what has been festering in republican “circles” for years. It simply took the democrats (and, “we the people”) to nominate an African American who was brilliant enough to put together two campaigns which ended up with him gaining a significant MAJORITY of the vote in two elections. Ever since President Obama’s first election victory we’ve been listening to these right wing extremists – including the White Nationalists but also a depressing number of so-called “mainstream” republicans – shouting, “We want OUR country back.”

The inference, of course, is that America is a country for “White” people. (Tell that to the Native Americans) And, while MOST of our “liberal media” don’t want to talk like this, the administration of individual 1 is dangerously similar to the Third Reich. From the “Make America Great Again” (Hitler’s mantra was “Make Germany Great Again” – and, by the way, Putin is in the middle of a scheme to “Make Russia Great Again”) moniker on hats and signs, the adoption of Germany’s propaganda scheme, and things like – in the campaign – individual 1 having his audience giving him the “heil” salute. Since taking the “oath” of office, there have been disturbing instances of our so-called president requiring, one by one, the members of his cabinet to give thanks for the privilege they have/had of serving HIM. (Not the country, of course) I could go on and on, but I hope you get the idea.

One thing we can be certain of is the republicans in Congress continuing their issue with “lockjaw.” Another thing we can COUNT on is that individual 1 will accept no responsibility for the “climate” he’s created with all his DIVISIVE speeches throwing out RACIST tropes as if he’s once again tossing paper towels to the people of Puerto Rico. So, NOTHING will change, UNLESS “we the people” MAKE it change. We not only are CHALLENGED to vote individual 1 out of office in a MASSIVE wave election – we MUST remove as many republicans from the Senate as possible – making sure that if “Moscow Mitch” is still in the Senate, he’s in the minority.

Speaking of “Moscow Mitch,” yesterday, as I was deleting massive amounts of emails, I found myself depleting my bank account (which is anything but full) with donations to various requests for some of my funds – with a few dollars going to Amy McGrath (A former Marine fighter pilot) who is running against “Moscow Mitch” in the upcoming Senate election in Kentucky. Please, if you’re from Kentucky, work to make sure “Moscow Mitch” does NOT return to the Senate after 2020! By the way, in a book I read during the past year, the author suggested “Moscow Mitch” had received $800,000 from a Russian source. Along with his money which comes from the NRA, the fossil fuel industry, etc. he will NOT be lacking in funds for the 2020 election. (I truly hope my $10 makes a difference for Ms. McGrath!) But I digress……………..

Just to accentuate my final point regarding the republican party’s willingness to associate themselves with the RACIST element of our nation – apparently, instead of trying to be a “big tent” party – I have to remind you of the “Tea Party” which burst onto the scene shortly after President Obama’s first victory. The “Tea Party” wing of the republican party has pretty much become the republican party. If you watched Mueller’s testimony you saw another embarrassing example of “Tea Party” republicans dominating their side of the investigation and focused on virtually anything but the FACTS. People like Jim Jordan of Ohio, Matt Gaetz of Florida, Devin Nunez of California, and, possibly the most embarrassing of all, Louis Gohmert of Texas leave on wondering “what on earth were they yelling about” when they finish their turn of questioning? If you don’t remember the signs at the “Tea Party” rallies, shortly after Obama’s first election, go back and check it out. The signs were not only RACIST but disgusting. Our “liberal media” was complicit in normalizing what eventually brought us individual 1, because they failed to call it out for what it was at the time. And, the media continues the failure of connecting the “dots” between these “Tea Party” republicans and the RACISM espoused by individual 1.

I recently wrote that individual 1 would create a “crisis” to get our minds off the arrest of Jeffrey Epstein and Epstein’s “connection” to our so-called president – both men ALLEGEDLY abusers of women. (I wrote ALLEGEDLY in case someone reads this :o) So, since I wrote that, a couple weeks ago, individual 1 has attacked the so-called “squad” – four freshmen (women) members of Congress who happen to be “non-white” – in a clearly RACIST attack (The “classic,” go back to where you came from” – despite the FACT they’re all Americans) aimed at changing the media’s focus from Epstein. But, the Epstein issue is big, so individual 1 doubled down by attacking Elijah Cummings and his home-town of Baltimore. Those two actions – and a rally where individual 1 stood back and absorbed his audience shouting “Send her back” in reference to Ilhan Omar – was individual 1 at his RACIST best – making sure “We the people” have no question about his personal beliefs. (Do you remember the saying, “Kill two birds with one stone?”)

Well, then, over this past weekend, more than 30 people were MURDERED in two mass shootings – one in El Paso and one in Dayton, Ohio. The shooter in El Paso, as I referenced above, posted a “White Nationalists” manifesto just minutes before he started KILLING innocent people who were shopping for “back to school” supplies on a “no tax” day which drew THOUSANDS of people into the Wal-Mart where the MURDERS took place. Again, the shooter’s manifesto mirrored remarks which have been spewed out by our so-called president – who blamed “video games” and mental illness for these murders.

And, remember, just a week prior to this, there was a mass MURDER at a Garlic Festival in Gilroy, California by someone ALSO being “connected” to “White Nationalists.” There are cells of these people – ALL armed to the “hilt” – all over America. These recent shooters are young, malleable, (White) Americans – who are susceptible to radicalization coming from many “angles.” I’m not suggesting anything in regard to individual 1 other than, from my point of view, his rhetoric is being interpreted by a hoard of White Nationalists all across the country and, in many instances, he’s going to be actually causing people to believe they are “patriots” as they, in their deranged minds, “cleanse” this nation from “invaders.” Clearly, individual 1’s words did not pull the triggers in these horrific MURDERS – but, we’re NOT (and likely not going to be) talking about Epstein. (And, there will be a “bevy” of new scandals to talk about)

It’s almost impossible to keep up with the SCANDALS and the daily examples that America has an incompetent THUG in the “White House.” People like me (and, more numbering in the MILLIONS) have been encouraging the democratic led House of Representatives to, at a minimum, authorize an IMPEACHMENT inquiry. Lay out ALL the FACTS in regard to the “scandal a day” administration we’re enduring and decide what really are “high crimes and misdemeanors.” If individual 1 has not passed that thresh-hold it may NEVER be passed. I’m struggling to think America would elect another so-called president as incompetent as individual 1. I guess we’ll find the answer to that one in November 2020. I have friends who have assured me individual 1 will win the 2020 election in a landslide. I truly hope they’re wrong.

I could go on and on, OK, if you’re still reading I know what you’re thinking :o), but I want to end this “rant” by suggesting what I think might come of all this. I just have a feeling the shooting in El Paso is going to take the campaign of Beto O’Rourke to new heights. I believe his direct approach to dealing with and verbalizing issues like this is going to appeal to progressive voters. I may be wrong, but look for O’Rourke to gain in the polls as democrats are attempting to sort out who best can take on individual 1 in the 2020 election. I’m in the “whoever” they choose is who I’ll vote for camp, but my sense is O’Rourke’s campaign may be re-ignited.

Final Thought: After these most recent mass shootings – keep in mind that, in America, there is an average of more than ONE mass shooting per day. A “mass shooting” is defined, as I understand it, where four or more people are victims of an individual assault – the calls for “gun control” have emerged maybe louder than ever. And, of course, “We the people,” by and large, expect NOTHING coming from our national legislature because not only is “Moscow Mitch” blocking legislation aimed at protecting our next election, he’s (along with virtually EVERY other republican and a few democrats) been blocking “gun control” legislation for YEARS. For example, even “universal background check” legislation has been blocked because the NRA doesn’t like it – or ANYTHING which might slow the SALE of guns in America.

And, let me emphasize, this OBSTRUCTION is simply to make sure America is the place where anyone can buy ANY kind of gun you can imagine. The shooter in Gilroy was 19 years old and used an AK47 which was purchased “legally.” The shooter in El Paso had some kind of automatic weapon with magazines holding 100 rounds in each. And, the shooter in Dayton was dead within 30 SECONDS of him firing his first shot, and, yet, NINE people were dead (including his sister???? That makes me wonder) and something like another dozen injured. In 30 SECONDS! Praise God the Police were there that quickly, but what kind of insanity is it that allows this type of fire power to be purchased “LEGALLY” by virtually anyone who wants a gun.

And, I’ll (try to) leave with this. I’ve heard NRA spokespeople, on many occasions, suggest “The way to stop a bad person with a gun is a ‘good’ person with a gun.” Just think about that. For example, the gunman in El Paso entered the Wal Mart while there were supposedly at least 1000 shoppers inside. Picture in your mind if a bunch of “good” people inside the store were “packing” and decided to “save the day” by pulling out their fire arm and firing in the direction they THOUGHT the shooting was coming from. Picture if, maybe, a half dozen to a dozen “good people” were in the Wal Mart and, suddenly, there were bullets coming from all directions. Aside from all the EXTRA “collateral damage” this would cause, picture yourself as the Police Officers coming on the scene trying to identify who the “bad guy” is. I’m just sayin…………

(I was a Middle School Teacher and I’ve often thought of how I would have felt had many of my cohorts been bringing weapons to school to protect us from an “invader” – after individual 1’s suggestion that arming teachers would solve the problem of school shootings. Here’s a thought: BAN assault weapons, initiate a buy back program as an attempt to “put the toothpaste back in the tube,” and prosecute people who hoard weapons and ammunition to the point where “hunting” or “self protection” can no longer be considered a rational explanation for their gun ownership. I’ve said this for years, the NRA has “twisted” the meaning of the 2nd amendment – to where people I know who can’t even tell me what the second amendment says – claim their “second amendment rights” are in danger – and our Congress has enabled this misinformation in return for MILLIONS in “donations” from the “Gun Lobby” ie the NRA)

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