“Nancy Pelosi cancels the House summer break and orders the beginning of an IMPEACHMENT inquiry of our so-called president.”

This morning I was listening to democrats who are rationalizing why they have not started into an impeachment “inquiry” regarding individual 1’s “clear” criminal activity both while in the “White House” and prior to him becoming our so-called president. Of the members of the House, Barbara Boxer, speaking on MSNBC, said, “They are in a search for the truth and they are in a search for proof.” Well, I’ve read Robert Mueller’s report twice and I watched his testimony – both of which we’ve heard over and over “We need to wait for Mueller’s report” and then “We need to hear Mueller’s testimony.” Now it’s a “search for the truth and a search for proof.”

That last sentence, to me, says democrats don’t believe Mueller’s report – because, if they haven’t found “the truth” and “proof,” then, what were we waiting for? Mueller, basically, gave democrats (and, we the people) a plethora of evidence – both in the report – and, in his testimony, which was confined to “the four corners of the report.” If this wasn’t so serious I’d say all this democratic procrastination has become laughable. Not only was there many PROVABLE instances of OBSTRUCTION in Mueller’s report but individual 1 has ordered consistent OBSTRUCTION of Congress as he’s ORDERED virtually EVERY “fact witness” to defy the subpoenas issued by House committees.

This is all really serious and, as I’ve pointed out numerous times on this site, “we the people” have no alternative but to depend on democrats to carry on the FIGHT against this brazen ATTACK on the fundamental institutions of our nation – which would be our “free and fair elections” and our Justice Department at the core – but other institutions as well. Individual 1 has found his “Roy Cohn” in William Barr and the faith of the American people in our Justice Department is heading toward a “cliff” that will be hard to survive if Barr pushes us over it. When too many of our citizens lose faith in the Justice Department as being (at least somewhat) fair then our republic is in serious danger. Additionally, as Mueller said in his testimony, (and, as I’ve been pointing out here – sorry for “patting myself on the back”) “the Russians are here right now and they plan to be involved in our 2020 election.”

Essentially, if the democrats can’t find the “evidence” and “proof” they need from what is in Mueller’s redacted report (they’re FINALLY going to court to get access to the Grand Jury information) they simply need to publicly state they are relying on the voters to decide whether or not individual 1 should continue to be president. Those who have been paying attention KNOW the “evidence” supporting impeachment is overwhelming. It was obvious to me as I read through Mueller’s report – both times – Mueller compiled the evidence FOR CONGRESS on at least 10 instances of OBSTRUCTION of Justice – providing it for them because he was prevented from charging our so-called president with a crime because of the now infamous OLC memo.

However, when, in the report, Mueller stated – “If we had confidence after a thorough investigation of the facts that the president clearly did not commit obstruction of justice, we would so state. Based on the facts and the applicable legal standards, however, we are unable to reach that judgment. The evidence we obtained about the president’s actions and intent presents difficult issues that prevent us from conclusively determining that no criminal conduct occurred. Accordingly, while this report does not conclude the president committed a crime, it also does not exonerate him.” – the inference is undeniable. But for the OLC memo individual 1 would have been indicted for OBSTRUCTION of Justice – at least five times (those last words are my conclusion) This would indicate democrats don’t want an impeachment inquiry, but also know how pissed off their “base” will be when they actually say that out loud. So, they just “slow walk” all this “evidence” to a point when it will be too late for said inquiry. (It’s close to too late as I’m writing this)

Apparently, democrats were seeking something they SHOULD have known was impossible when they subpoenaed Mueller to testify – meaning some kind of explosive interview – and, what they got was confirmation of all the reasons they SHOULD have opened the impeachment inquiry months ago – they HAD the EVIDENCE and the PROOF the day Mueller’s report was made public. (Actually, from my standpoint – I’ve been paying attention all along – I wasn’t surprised by much in Mueller’s report – they COULD have started impeachment hearings long ago) I’ve been pointing out since before Mueller’s report was publicized that Nancy Pelosi would continue to BLOCK an impeachment inquiry – because, that’s what she’s done before.

While I respect Ms. Pelosi, I think she’s blocking IMPEACHMENT inquiries for POLITICAL reasons – exactly what she has said SHOULDN’T happen. Every member of our government, obviously including members of Congress, take an oath to defend the Constitution – which, to my mind, would include holding the president accountable for “high crimes and misdemeanors” by members of Congress. What democrats are apparently saying is that committing OBSTRUCTIVE acts – something Mueller said “We concluded the obstruction of justice statutes can validly prohibit a president’s corrupt efforts to use his official powers to curtail, end, or interfere with and investigation.” – aren’t “high crimes and misdemeanors.” And, worse yet, to me, is when you read the OBSTRUCTION statutes, which Mueller explains in painstaking detail, individual 1 is also OBSTRUCTING Congress as they are “investigating” whether he OBSTRUCTED the Mueller investigation. It’s really “tipping” on the absurd. It’s OBSTRUCTION of OBSTRUCTION! Yikes!!!

One more thing about OBSTRUCTION. Mueller points out OBSTRUCTION is an extremely serious legal offense – a serious FELONY. Preventing people from interfering in investigations is fundamental to preserving the integrity of the Justice system. That’s why EACH obstruction offense, if found guilty, carries the punishment of a substantial fine and up to TWENTY years in prison – that’s for each offense. Individual 1 allegedly has committed MULTIPLE “obstructive acts.” And, Mueller was quite clear, if Congress fails to act, the evidence was “memorialized” so that “at a later date” – like, after individual 1 leaves office, he can be indicted for these heinous acts!

Those who support individual 1 are saying “so what?” The acquaintance I know who is an individual 1 supporter referred to Mueller as making a “fool” of himself in the testimony. That, while people I know who watched the testimony and support impeachment have said to me the republicans, like Jim Jordan, Matt Gaetz, and Louis Gohmert were the ones who made fools of themselves. I, personally, tried to focus on the details of what was said (again, I had read the report twice prior to Mueller’s testimony) and, there were only a few things which surprised me. (I fully expected the republicans, like Jordan and the others, to focus on attacking either the process or Mueller himself, instead of the findings of the report – which is exactly what they did)

As I stated in my previous post, one of the “surprises” came from a republican from Colorado – his name again slips my forgetful mind – elicited from Mueller that individual 1 can be indicted once he’s out of office. I would have expected that bit of information to be “honed” out by a democrat – evidently, they didn’t think it was important – but, essentially the two “yes” answers to the question “Can the (so-called) president be indicted after he leaves office?” gave them (democrats) the answer to the question they were probing during the entirety of the morning session. Surprisingly, it took a republican to elicit if from Mueller.

When Mueller said individual 1 can be indicted after leaving office it was the same as saying “If we could have indicted the president, save for the OLC memo, we would have.” He couldn’t, and if you had read the report you would have known he wouldn’t, answer that question due to the constraints he put on himself and also were confirmed by the Justice department prior to the testimony. Mueller, clearly, intended from the start to leave it to Congress to “finish the job” he – and his team – started. I’m not a “stable genius” – like our so-called president – but, I’m smart enough to connect the dots Mueller provided – so, to me, the democrats continuing to slow walk this process as if they’re “looking for proof” or “looking for evidence” is disingenuous at best, and shameful, at worst.

Remember, while the attention of America is focused on the ARGUMENT as to what degree our so-called president is a CRIMINAL, there are thousands of immigrants fleeing unimaginably horrific homelands trying to protect their children finding themselves, first of all, separated from their children, and secondly packed into cages like “sardines” so that they can’t even lie down to rest. And, I’ve read that they are also subjected to 24 hours a day of light – which, in both instances, is TORTURE. I truly hope I’m wrong, but I have no doubt our so-called president would lose not one “wink” of sleep over ordering this inhumane policy – in his mind – as a deterrent for others who might be seeking asylum in America.

I was hoping to make my point a bit more succinctly – believe me, I understand my tendency to get carried away with too many words – but, to me, it’s time for the democrats to “s@#t or get off the pot!” This “slow walk” they’ve been on for the past several months, apparently with no “appetite” for IMPEACHMENT right from the start is continuing to make them look “weak.” If there’s no impeachment “at the end of the tunnel” they should simply say so. They could still seek testimony “for the record” but simply make it clear to “we the people” that it’s up to us to determine if individual 1 deserves to continue as our so-called president. Yes, I know that the Senate will not “convict” if individual 1 is impeached, but, to me – just as it was back in 2007 – that is irrelevant. The House has its role and the Senate its role.

I believe what the democrats in the House of Representatives are confirming in this “crisis” is that they are spineless. Maybe that’s the result of the diversity of their caucus, but the bottom line in this instance still is “If this doesn’t fall into the category of High Crimes and Misdemeanors” – regarding ALL the illegal acts of individual 1 – then what would it take? In the run up to the 2016 election he famously said, “I could shoot someone on Fifth Avenue in New York and my supporters would still support me.” Well, if he did that, I have to wonder, “Would the democrats impeach him” for that?

Nancy Pelosi has now “etched in stone” that authorizing TORTURE is NOT a “High Crime or Misdemeanor” (as per Bush/Cheney and TORTURE) and now she is setting the precedent that committing MULTIPLE acts of OBSTRUCTION of Justice, committing campaign finance (essentially bribes) payoffs to hide illicit affairs just prior to an election, willingly taking the help of a foreign “adversary” to get elected, separating children from their parents and then deporting the parents without their child, putting people in CAGES under 24 hour lighting without room to lie down, LYING to investigators AND to the American people, committing NUMEROUS emoluments violations, and, generally, believing the (so-called) president can do whatever he wants – none of these acts are “High Crimes and Misdemeanors.”

At some point democrats will realize republicans will not cooperate with ANYTHING they want to accomplish. (this has been reality for YEARS) They’ve been given the responsibility to provide ACCOUNTABILITY for all the misdeeds of the republicans via their overwhelming election victory in 2018. There is no reason for democrats to be acting as if they FEAR individual 1 OR his base. At some point, the issue becomes what is “right” vs. what is “wrong.” Trust me, “we the people” know the difference and the expectation is for democrats to act aggressively to COMBAT the ILLEGAL activity of individual 1 and his sycophants. This “activity” goes well beyond what I’ve pointed out here – they are eviscerating our institutions systematically on a daily basis. “We the people” appear to be “chasing our tails” trying to keep up with all the SCANDALS. It’s up to democrats in Congress to “reel” this republican ASSAULT on our basic principles in, and that action starts with IMPEACHMENT.

However, as I said above, the democrats need to act (almost immediately) or publicly state they are focusing their attention to legislation – which Mitch McConnell will BLOCK at every turn – and the 2020 election. It’s coming across as if the democrats want endless “investigations” in order to keep all of individual 1’s misdeeds right on the “front page.” I believe that could turn off way more voters than it energizes. Here’s what I believe would “energize” the democratic base, as never before – “Nancy Pelosi cancels the House summer break and orders the beginning of an IMPEACHMENT inquiry of our so-called president.” Now, that would get some people’s attention! (including individual 1)

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