Trump is following through on his threat to shut down the government because Mexico is refusing to pay for his wall.

Donald Trump continues to demonstrate he’s unstable and the reality is “we the people” are likely stuck with him for the next couple of years unless republicans in the Senate come to their collective senses.  Unfortunately, the “plan B” option is Mike Pense who I, personally, consider almost a worse option.  Here’s a really SERIOUS issue in all of this.  Europe is heading in a 1930’s “nationalistic” movement direction which is alarming when you look closely at it.  Somewhat of an extension of what brought Trump upon us in the U.S.  And, the antidote to that movement would be leadership coming from the “White House” which is impossible as long as Trump is the occupant.

And, while I’m part of a chorus wondering what’s going on with the republican party which has clearly been complicit in allowing Trump to continue RUINING America and, essentially, her alliances in the “Western World” in the face of the onslaught coming from Vladimir Putin – who must be almost disbelieving as to the mushrooming benefits from this ordering Russian cyber criminals to launch the attack on America which brought Trump into power.  The only explanation I can come up with regarding the complicity of the republican party is that the CORRUPTION in Washington D.C. is so DEEP that they believe their silence will allow them to keep their “dirt” incognito.  Robert Mueller is “following the money” and it’s beginning to appear there are others at the helm of the republican party who are going to be in the “news” before all is said and done with Trump and Russia.

For anyone paying attention to our government it should come as no surprise that Congress, for example, is corrupt up to their eyeballs – meaning members of Congress – resulting from the Citizens United decision of the Supreme Court back in 2009 which unleashed an incredible flow of MONEY from “who knows where” into the political spectrum – much of it undisclosed.  It appears many members of Congress are more focused on the moneychangers than our country’s best interest, and, trust me, the republicans are at the forefront.  That being said, investigators are beginning to uncover how the RUSSIANS have managed to filter MILLIONS into the process, allegedly much of it through the NRA – either “witting or unwitting” vessels of RUSSIAN illegal money.  I’ve read where Mitch McConnell, for example, may have received close to a MILLION dollars from RUSSIAN sources which could help to explain why McConnell is so willing to BLOCK virtually any “microscopic” look at Trump and his administration. 

The republicans are the so-called party of “family values” gone terribly bad and they seem to be so far over the edge that a bunch of them are willing to go right over that “edge” with Trump – the “edge” which is getting closer and closer every day.  For example every day I’m hearing more and more people using terms like “Mob boss,” in describing our so-called president which I (and many others) started picking up on over a year ago.  One pundit after another are looking closely at the unraveling series of Trump scandals which seem to be getting piled on top of each other and seeing “organized crime.”  The plethora of law breaking is beginning to look well beyond the unbelievable stage I found myself in over a year ago – and, it’s going to get a lot worse.

Watching Trump continually trying to LIE himself out of “hot water” is both telling and, to a degree, sad – to see someone so pathetic finding himself in such an important position and being solely focused on trying to LIE himself out of a crisis that’s only going to get worse by the day.  I say “sad” because it’s just hard for me to understand how someone this dishonest could get himself into that position (answer:  Apparently, he’s a really good LIAR) and watching someone like this “squirm” as the LYING intensifies is beginning to feel like watching someone in a hopeless situation facing legal charges from virtually every direction.  And, the more Trump continues trying to LIE himself out of trouble the WORSE it’s going to get.  Even a retired sixth grade teacher can figure this out!

And, putting a stop to all this is dependent on the republican party coming to its senses.  That doesn’t feel very likely as I watch what is happening day by day.  First, republicans in several states where democrats have taken back the governor’s mansion in the recent mid-term election, while republicans remain in control of the legislature, are undermining the traditional power of the incoming governor – to me, almost unbelievable they would do this in “broad daylight.” (Actually, some of this legislation has passed “in the middle of the night”)  Now, the republicans in Congress who will soon be in the minority are attempting to push through ANOTHER tax scam which will funnel even MORE taxpayer dollars to their “donor class” who seem to endlessly have their arms extended for as much tax money as they can get their hands on.  And, trust me, they (the republicans) will attempt to do this “under the radar” so “we the people” won’t even know what’s happened!

Clearly there’s no election result which will get the attention of the right wing republicans until they’ve virtually all been voted into the history books.  I believe that will be the height of Trump’s legacy as our so-called president – that he’s led this group of greedy, mean-spirited, corrupt people out of OUR government.  This disaster is, hopefully, going to wake up the Americans who have grown to take the benefits of living in America for granted to the point where much of what “made America great” in the first place has been destroyed.  Time and time again republicans have caused “we the people” to question whether or not they are even capable of putting aside their personal interests to those of our nation.  And, today, things got even worse.

In the wake of Trump’s decision to unilaterally pull American troops from Syria – getting an “atta boy” from who else but Vladimir Putin, James Mattis, the Secretary of Defense, has resigned in protest to Trump’s impulsive and irrational behavior which is taking America perilously close to the “brink.”  The FACT about the only person applauding the Syria decision is Putin doesn’t even get the attention of a single republican.  Of course, to top it off, Trump is following through on his threat to shut down the government because Mexico is refusing to pay for his wall.  In regard to Syria, possibly the worst outcome of this reckless decision (and, I’m certainly not in favor of our military adventurism in the Middle East post 9/11) could be the slaughter of a group of Kurds who agreed to help in the battle against ISIL along side American troops – all the while trusting the Americans to protect them from Erdogan of Turkey who hates the Kurds.  This will be historically BAD if it happens the way many experts feel it’s likely to “play out.”

If republicans don’t come to their senses “sooner rather than later” the DAMAGE (as I’ve phrased it since Trump took office) could become irreversible.  I could write all night trying to explain all the peril which is looming as long as Trump is allowed to remain in office, but the reality is Trump is both “Making China Great Again” and “Making Russia Great Again.”  It appears more and more he’s a traitor to the “American Way” and, evidently, republicans won’t have the courage to act at least until Mueller has finished his investigation – and, it’s looking more and more likely that won’t even get their attention.

Trump has spent two years LYING to his “base” to prepare them for whatever he anticipates is coming from the investigation – convincing them it’s a “witch hunt” and that they can not believe a word that is found in it.  This, of course, as many like myself have pointed out numerously, is the clear work of a pseudo- autocrat.  I can only imagine Trump is envious of the power enjoyed by people like Putin, Erdogan, Duterte in the Philippines, and other ruthless dictators.  Trump has even expressed admiration for Kim Jong un – arguably the most egregious and ruthless dictator on the face of the earth.

America has a lot of history she has been unwilling to face over the years and my hope is that, when all is said and done, once Trump is out of office “we the people” will be more willing to take a honest look at our REAL history.  If that somehow happens, then ultimately these HORRIBLE four years maybe someday will be considered worthwhile.  Racism; a lingering problem.  Huge deficits as the result of a seemingly never ending run of “tax cuts for the wealthy;” a lingering problem.  Militarism; a lingering problem.  Sexism; a lingering problem.  Refusal to provide health care for her people; a lingering problem.  I could go on – but, I hope you get the idea.  Presently, I’m reading a book about the history of liberalism, and right wing republicans have been working to undermine “we the people” since the days of FDR.  For example, the fight to create a national health care plan started in the New Deal and the republican fight to prevent national health insurance started during the New Deal.  It’s really hard to understand why republicans are OK with MILLIONS of Americans without health insurance.  Of course, there’s more:

“We the people” in the form of our CIA have participated in the overthrow of endless popularly elected governments around the world over the years.  We’ve got a lot to be repentant about, a lot to ponder as we attempt the challenge of retaking American idealism at home and around the world once Trump is out of office (and, in jail?) – and, the world needs our leadership likely now more than it has for as long as I can remember – right now Vladimir Putin is “winning” – not only here, but all across Europe and Trump’s doing the “bidding” for him – helping to undermine America’s strongest allied relationships.  Again, Americans are dependent on republicans to end the nightmare and their lack of courage is unbelievable – even to me, someone who’s railed against republicans since Bush/Cheney LIED us into Iraq.  I believe Trump’s “instability” is such that “we the people” can’t afford to have him in the Oval Office for another two years.  Let’s just hope and pray republicans come to their senses “sooner rather than later.”

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