Trump can’t even find a chief of staff because everyone who gets near him needs a lawyer!

For a couple years now I’ve been referring to Donald Trump as the head of a “crime family” and it’s interesting that more and more people who give “expert” opinions on our 24/7 Cable TV world which includes MSNBC – which I watch when I watch anything – are including similar references.  Today I heard a former prosecutor refer to Trump as someone who reminds him of a Mafia boss.  A couple days ago I heard a different former prosecutor say that the Mueller investigation, based on how they are proceeding, as reminding him of investigations of organized crime syndicates.  These former prosecutors are examining the filings of the Mueller investigation and the Southern District of New York’s (SDNY) case against Michael Cohen.

One former prosecutor after another point out we now have a (so-called) president who would be facing felony charges had he not been (the so-called) president because the Justice Department guidelines suggest presidents can’t be indicted.  Trump’s response to the documents leading ALL these former prosecutors to imply Trump is in “deep water” was beyond curious.  Trump claimed the documents essentially exonerated him and ended his “tweet” pointing this out with a “thank you.”  Even the husband of Trump advisor Kellyanne Conway – a conservative lawyer – pointed out Trump’s response was laughable.  (My interpretation of reading Conway’s comments)

Michael Cohen has a history of LYING and that makes him a witness who needs to have everything he says to prosecutors corroborated by other evidence.  It appears there’s enough corroboration to Cohen’s guilty pleas that Trump should be very leery of what he’ll face the day he leaves office.  I’m guessing we’re getting close to the point where Trump will be working on some kind of deal with Mike Pense to pardon him once he has vacated his (so-called) presidency.  And, of course, Pense also has “issues” which will make any time when he’s the “so-called” president as awkward.  (Keep in mind I’ve predicted Trump will never resign, however, the idea of an orange jumpsuit may cause him to come up with a “Plan B.”)

While there are surely a certain number of Democrats in Congress who are in the pocket of the “moneychangers” so many Americans are disgusted with, there surely are MANY young Democrats who came to Washington DC on the “blue wave” of 2018 who have the courage to FIGHT for the basic American values which have been stripped away since the days of Ronald Reagan as America’s corporate interests have consolidated POWER into what has become a right wing ATTACK on what has become the remnants of the New Deal and the push for a system of government which melded socialist ideals with a capitalist form of government.

This ASSAULT on our government by right wing groups led, in part, by the now infamous “Koch brothers” has resulted, in effect, to a group of people who are willing to continue supporting Trump, now looking at a series of issues facing legal jeopardy, because while “we the people” are all worked up at every STUPID thing Trump does, they are skimming off as much taxpayer MONEY as they can before the “gravy train” reaches the end of its “line.”  For example, I’d like to know how much MONEY the Koch’s claimed from the one piece of legislation Trump was able to push through Congress – the tax scam.  My guess is it’s BILLIONS!  The so-called “donor class” of the republican party got what it wanted – “mo money!”

They could care less about Trump’s legal jeopardy, they could care less how Trump gained the office of the (so-called) president, and they could care less about the DAMAGE Trump is causing to our government – in fact, they FAVOR the DAMAGE Trump is inflicting on the institutions which are the backbone of our government – because they HATE the government because it limits the DAMAGE they can do to America as they are profiting from America’s natural resources with NO concern about the future of this nation or, for that matter, the world.  They’ve apparently got two more years to be plundering America’s taxpayers, America’s resources, and America’s wealth in general.  This has been ongoing for 30 years, but it’s at a climactic point in 2018/2019.

Donald Trump is now referred to as “individual 1” in court documents describing illegal payments to women who had affairs with Trump which he wanted to hide from voters, especially after the Access Hollywood tape came out and 19 women were accusing Trump of sexual misconduct.  The court documents state Michael Cohen arranged the payments on the instructions of “individual 1” for the purpose of affecting the election results.  In other words, it’s possible the election, which swung on a small percentage of votes in three states, put Trump into the “White House” because of these campaign law violations.  In fact, it’s  exactly why these laws were enacted – to keep anyone from surreptitiously gaining access to the presidency by hiding information from voters which they SHOULD have before an election via illegal payoffs.

Even though the Justice Department has determined a President can’t be indicted while in office there’s several people speculating Trump will be liable for an indictment once he’s out of office if he doesn’t win re-election – the statute of limitations will not have run out after 2020 so Trump will be very intense in his efforts to get re-elected.  While many people, including – I suppose – me, are suggesting much of Trump’s “policy” is “inhumane” the reality is he’s “human” and it stands to reason his focus is NOT on what’s best for America.  In fact, most observers have pointed out over and over that Trump is focused on himself under any circumstance – let alone one where he’s the TARGET of an investigation which could identify him as a traitor.

In the mean time the problems facing “we the people,” the world problems America traditionally would  be taking the lead on. and the general problems of the economic system go without competent leadership.  Of course, that’s been the case since Trump moved into the “White House” it just wasn’t so obvious.  In fact, there are a plethora number of questions in reference to how the Trump family is enriching itself at the expense of “we the people.”  Jared Kushner is allegedly doing all sorts of covert actions with various middle east moneyed interests in order to save his bad investment on 5th avenue – which, apparently, he managed to pull off – while “advising” Mohammad bin Salman how to “weather the storm” after he (MBS) allegedly ordered the MURDER of Jamal Khashoggi.  Yikes!

Trump, himself, is liable to be exposed to a significant number of Emoluments Clause violations which our founders put in the constitution in anticipation of exactly what is happening right now – preventing the president, or any elected official, from profiting off of their office.  Obviously, we’ve been watching one politician after another getting rich either while in office or soon after leaving office.  We just haven’t seen the willingness to “flip off” the constitution in the way Trump and his family has – as if they are clearly a MAFIA organization.  This plundering wherever they can find the opportunity is just “business as usual” for the Trumps.  They were not concerned with our constitution prior to Trump’s “election” (with three MILLION fewer votes) and they’re certainly showing NO signs of concern now.

If fact, Trump showed his disdain for the constitution well before he ever became our so-called president.  He was “vaulted” into the presidential “picture” by leading the so-called “birther” movement when Barack Obama was president.  He’s expressed an affinity for one dictator after another since “winning” (with 3 MILLION less votes) the “election,” along with a disgust of a legal process he finds contemptuous – along with not in the least understanding it.  He expects to be able to do whatever he likes and he lashes out at anyone who would disagree with him – including the “free press,” the justice department, and any people he doesn’t like either in the democratic party or honorable republicans.

Of course, this national nightmare would have long since been OVER except for the complicity of the chicken s@!t republican party.  Surely, there’s enough republicans in Congress who care about something more than their next election to have some kind of accountability for Trump.  Well, obviously, the answer to that stupid statement is “NOT!”  Fortunately Devin Nunes and his republican cohorts will no longer be in charge in the House starting in January.  The Mid Term elections, to people like me, means our republic still has a chance to “turn things around.”  The Senate is another matter.  Mitch McConnell is still in charge in the Senate which means NOTHING of substance which will affect Trump is likely to even receive a vote – although, if Trump is impeached republicans will be FORCED to vote – essentially on whether or not the president is “above the law.”

If you remember, McConnell famously claimed, during the first days of Barack Obama’s administration the number one goal of the republicans was that Obama would fail.  He wasn’t willing to allow Obama to stand or fall on the merits of his own decisions he led an orchestrated agenda of OBSTRUCTION to BLOCK virtually EVERYTHING Obama introduced.  McConnell initiated around 700 FILIBUSTERS.  Now McConnell is BLOCKING every attempt to hold Trump accountable for his illegal behavior – this despite, at one point, being belittled by our so-called president.  For some reason, these republicans are cowering to Trump.  Recently I read that McConnell, himself, may be compromised by Russian money along with other Senators whose behavior has been, at a minimum, curious – like Lindsey Graham.

Now we’re finding out more about how the Russians allegedly filtered MILLIONS of dollars through the NRA which was then “funneled” to republicans like Trump and very likely McConnell and Graham – and, who knows who else.  The bottom line is there are a few republicans who may be facing charges along the lines of treason.  Keep in mind, unless you’re Trump, Vladimir Putin is no great “leader.”  He’s the head of maybe the world’s most significant organized crime syndicate which has infiltrated the U.S. along with many other countries and he’s the EXPERT, as the former head of the KGB, at “compromising” people who help him achieve his ends – the clearest one significant to “we the people” is destabilizing America and other Western nations – like Great Britain, France, Germany, Italy, and many others.  The right wing “push” going on around the world very likely is the work of Vladimir Putin.

Robert Mueller is going to expose ALL of this and it remains to be seen if republicans continue to act like cowards in the face of the Trump assault on out republic.  I believe Trump and several members of his family are looking at the potential of legal jeopardy.  They really are acting as if they are an organized crime family – very small time compared to Putin who Trump appears to be totally envious of – and the Justice Department seems to have more than just Trump in their “sights.”  I’ve said before that Trump would rue the day he decided to run for president and I believe that day is here or, maybe, it’s past that day.  Trump can’t even find a chief of staff because everyone who gets near him needs a lawyer!


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