Republicans in Congress could put an end to this Trumpian disaster today if they had the courage, but clearly, they’re comfortable in being complicit.

Did you ever imagine what things would be like in America if a MAFIA boss could somehow make his/her way into the “White House” as a so-called “president?”  Naturally, I’m not talking about places like Russia where Vladimir Putin is regarded as not only the head of the country but, also, the head of an incredible world-wide crime syndicate.  Of course, I’m talking about America’s so-called president Donald Trump who, every day, acts more and more like the crime syndicate boss many have alleged he actually is.  What “we the people” are seeing, is the tearing down of our traditional institutions – deconstructing the administrative state as Steve Bannon put it – right in broad daylight!  And, somewhere around 35 – 40% of “us” are falling for it.

America, as “we the people” have come to know her since the days of FDR in the 1930’s and 40’s is clearly “on the line.”  People like me didn’t understand the level of Trump’s lack of “scruples” until seeing him in action over the past couple of years.  It’s like a mafia boss brazenly pushing one boundary after another until he realizes the republican party, as it exists in America as of 2018 is incapable of standing up to this national disaster, and then thinking, “I can do whatever I want!”  Every day this continues, things get worse for “we the people,” looking at the long term health of this nation.

Trump’s motto was “Make America Great Again.”  As each day passes that he remains in office America becomes “less ‘great.'”  He’s attempting to destroy our Justice Department, our Intelligence Agencies, our Congress, and, virtually, everything our founders set up to prevent someone like him from gaining control in America, not to mention the fundamental structure of the institutions which have been evolving since WW II.  His actions are clearly consistent with the worst tyrants of the last century and, so far, the only thing preventing him from completely destroying America is those “checks” our founders put in place that Trump continues to struggle against.  (And, Congressional republicans refuse to enforce)

Of course, I haven’t even mentioned the media – the “fourth estate” in America’s system of checks and balances.  Trump may despise the media more than he despises Robert Mueller, if that’s possible.  Members of our media, many who are going to be regarded as TRUE patriots when all of this “is said and done,” keep attempting to uncover the TRUTH about Trump and what he did in his attempt to gain the “White House.”  Curiously, I don’t believe Trump ever expected to succeed and, as I’ve said several times previously on this site, he’ll come to “rue” the day he decided to obliterate President Obama’s legacy and run for president – if he’s not already at that point.

Yes, America’s government is much different than America’s business world and many of Trump’s supporters believe(d) that coming from the business world was an “asset.”  Maybe that would be true if it was a person who was the head of a public company that had to answer to stockholders and a true board of directors.  Trump’s business is a closely held private enterprise where he did what he pleased when he pleased.  Do you get the impression he thinks that’s the way the government should work?

In reading Michael Lewis’ “The Fifth Risk” it’s clear Trump – and those he brought with him – had no idea what he/they was/were getting into when he took the “reins” of government.  To top that off, “we the people” had no idea how he managed to get those “reins.”  And, it’s true there’s a significant minority of Americans who don’t care how Trump got the “reins,” but, thankfully, there’s WAY MORE of “we the people” who absolutely do care – including a few republicans.  As departments like the Department of Agriculture, the Department of Energy, and the Center for Disease Control – to name a few – become dysfunctional, even Trump’s most ardent supporters are going to begin realizing the level of DAMAGE he’s inflicting on this nation.

And, while “inflicting” this DAMAGE, we are all learning about what kind of person was somehow “elected” (with THREE MILLION fewer votes than his opponent) to be our so-called president.  He acts like a Mafia boss and, as I watch the investigation of the “Russia thing” unfold, it’s clear the investigators are acting like they’re investigating a Mafia boss.  Trump lashes out at anyone who challenges him – in any way, kind of reflexively – and he talks like someone who should be cast in the next version of the Godfather.  Just the other day I heard him reference his former “Lawyer” Michael Cohen (usually referred to as his “fixer” – that, alone, should have told us all we needed to know) as “weak” because he’s now cooperating with the investigation.

Let that sink in a bit.  Our so-called president is calling someone who’s doing the right thing as “weak.”  He’s stated on multiple occasions, which I’ve heard with my own ears, that he hates “flippers.”  To him, a “flipper” is someone who decides to cooperate with the government to save their own skin (That they’re telling the TRUTH apparently is irrelevant) .  Of course, the corollary of that statement is that he would prefer people NOT cooperate with the government he’s in charge of which he took an oath to defend while upholding the constitution and the laws of the land.  We’ve definitely never had anyone remotely like him living in the “White House.”  Even Richard Nixon had a basic underlying respect for the constitution.  While many are seeing the parallels between Nixon and Trump, I will be totally surprised if Trump resigns.

Keep this in mind.  When Trump is out of the “White House” he’s likely to be facing legal jeopardy – unless, of course, Mike Pense becomes president and pardons him as Gerald Ford did for Nixon.  Of course, Pense would be guaranteeing NO CHANCE to get elected in the next election and this would all presuppose Trump is impeached – which is hard to imagine with the present membership of republicans in the Senate.  They appear to want to be “standing” right beside Trump (and Benedict Arnold) in America’s history books.  (I’m guessing Trump could be facing State “issues” after leaving office which are out of the reach of presidential pardons)

Not only has Trump become exposed for HOW he managed to “win” the “election” (with THREE MILLION fewer votes than his opponent – oh yes, I already said that) but, as the investigation has proceeded I believe it’s uncovered and is uncovering Trump’s Mafiya background in dealing with the Russian “underworld” along with the Mafia families who’ve been in New York for generations.  Multiple reports have suggested Trump has long ago been “cut off” by American banks due to his propensity for refusing to pay back loans.  Many have wondered where Trump got the funds to buy a bunch of golf properties with cash – the suggested answer being Russia.  In fact, Trump’s connection to Russian “dirty money” is well documented and goes back 30 years or more.  (Ponder that along side Trump’s claim, “I have nothing to do with Russia”)

Trump has been bullying his way through life and skirting the legal system for most of his adult life, according to what I’ve read.  He talks of his “Roy Cohn” who was, apparently, a lawyer for the underworld who also represented Joseph McCarthy during the “communist purge” after WW II.  According to reports it was Cohn who “taught” Trump to never apologize and to always “attack, attack, attack.”  This “trait” has been on display over and over again since Trump became our so-called president.

Another thing; Trump is a master proponent of “projection.”  (Unfortunately, I’ve come to believe our “liberal media” thinks every day Americans understand what “projection” is, so – even when they’re pointing out it’s happening AGAIN – they don’t explain what it is.  I’ve asked several people who are “educated” “What is projection?” and, almost NONE of them could even give an answer (other than talking about movie cameras).  Trump is constantly accusing his opponents of doing exactly what he’s guilty of.  (Remember all the “lock her up” chants?)  The latest example is a “tweet” (keep in mind, I don’t do social media so I’ve seen this in “second hand” reporting – from multiple sources) showing Trump’s “political enemies” (I guess – Bill Clinton was in the photo – I thought Trump gave him money) “behind bars” with a caption that referenced the term “treason.”

Well, I’ve pointed out many times on this site I believe Trump’s actions in the 2016 election, if proven to be true – and, I’m talking about conspiring with the Russians to get elected, will amount to TREASON.  Actually, I felt his performance while standing next to Vladimir Putin in Helsinki was essentially TREASON.  And, as I’m writing this Trump is in Argentina at the “G-20 Summit” and we’ll see if he’s smart enough to listen to his advisors to avoid a meeting with Putin while Americans are digesting he was secretly working on a “deal” in Moscow during the 2016 election while repeatedly denying it.  I suppose NO ONE should be surprised he was LYING, now should they?

Of course, Trump has a long history of associating himself with people who don’t know the TRUTH – and, that should be no surprise considering the connections to the Mafiya.  (That’s the spelling of the reference to the Russian “Mafiya”)  And, what about his strong supporters from New York like Roger Stone and Jerome Corsi?  Trust me, they don’t have a “history” of truth telling.  Corsi is the person who came up with the “Swift Boat” character assassination of John Kerry which Kerry famously failed to adequately respond – likely costing him the “White House” and Stone has been a republican “hit man” since the days of Nixon.  Corsi came up with the “Birther conspiracy” re: Barack Obama and, I believe, it was Stone who, along with Lee Atwater,  came up with the “Willy Horton adds” during the campaign of George HW Bush.  (Despite the lack of “scruples” by the Bush’s they seem like saints to me,  compared to Trump)  (RIP HW – who passed away while I was writing this – I could write much about him, read “Family of Secrets” by Russ Baker – it’s an “eye opener”)

Have you heard the saying, “Birds of a feather, flock together?”  Well, I just listened to Jerome Corsi interviewed by Ari Melber on MSNBC and it’s apparent why he’s associated with Trump.  I’ll put it this way, pathological LIARS actually believe their LIES as the words come out of their mouths! Interestingly, I just finished reading “The Death of Truth” by Michiko Kakutani and she eloquently points out the danger in America right now as so many of “us” are willing to allow our “leaders” to get away with LYING.  She clearly explains first, how our founders set up our constitution in a way to prevent “factions” from taking control and turning America into an autocracy.  Then she points out how Trump, his sycophants like Corsi and Stone,  and the Russians are working to “incite” the very “factionalism” our founders worked to prevent via “checks and balances.”

I can’t tell you how many times I’ve heard the phrase, “All politician LIE.”  Well, to varying degrees, I suppose, all human beings LIE.  But Trump and people like Putin take LYING to the extreme which most people can’t even comprehend –  likely, explaining why so many Americans continue to support Trump.  They just can’t bring themselves to believe he’s the LIAR he’s portrayed by the “liberal media” – AND, unfortunately, they believe Fox “news” and people like Rush Limbaugh – who are paid LIARS.  This is all putting our nation at risk every day it continues.

As I said above, I believe Trump is acting as if he’s a Mafia boss (whether it’s true or not) and Putin has been credibly defined as a Mafiya boss – the head of Russia’s Mafiya.  It appears Mueller is investigating Trump as if he’s a Mafia boss and, I believe, Trump’s family is likely a bit nervous after Michael Cohen’s admissions in court the other day.  Republicans in Congress could put an end to this disaster today if they had the courage, but clearly, they’re comfortable in being complicit.  I guess the question becomes;  When Mueller’s probe is completed will they (republicans) continue to act as sycophants???

Final Thought:  Every day I wonder, “why are republicans OK with the DAMAGE Trump is inflicting on America?  Have they really evolved to the point where they’re OK with the destruction of America’s traditional (since WW II) institutions – which took so much BLOOD to establish and grow?  And, when are democrats going to fight for the votes of Americans who are working class and live in the rural areas of this country?  From my vantage point, they are the ones being hurt the MOST by republican policy.  I continue to believe many “conservatives” support the republican party strictly because of the abortion issue – yet, there’s never a national dialogue about abortion.  Personally, I believe the issue is much more complicated than “pro life” or “pro choice.”  It seems to me, that’s the issue which must be “bridged” for this nation to once again “pull together.”  Just sayin…………………….





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