We have a so-called president who’s in his fifth version of “He said he didn’t do it” as he tries to protect his “cash cow” coming from the Saudi’s.

“He said he didn’t do it.”  How many times have we heard those words coming from the mouth of our so-called president as he attempts to deflect whatever the most recent absurd situation he’s trying to “get through” without getting to the truth.  As we’ve all learned by now, our so-called president lives in a world of LIES – referred to by his surrogates as “alternative facts.”  In this most recent case we’re talking about the MURDER of Jamaal Khashoggi, journalist from the Washington Post, who was killed and then, apparently, had his body cut into pieces with the BONE SAW the 15 man assassination “team” brought with them from Saudi Arabia.  Khashoggi’s “crime” was to write opinions in the Post not favorable to MBS (Muhammad bin Salman).  With Trump calling, in America, the press as the “enemy of the people” it’s no wonder an American “ally” would feel at ease in MURDERING a journalist who was a dissident.

There’s little doubt this MURDER was ordered by MBS, but as Trump says “MBS says he didn’t do it.”  If you remember, recently Judge Kavanaugh “said he didn’t do it.”  Roy Moore said “he didn’t do it.”  Rob Porter said “he didn’t do it.”  For Trump that appears to be all it takes.  In this case the MURDER seems to be the work of Jared Kushner’s “good buddy” MBS who is also the Crown Prince of Saudi Arabia and, therefore, in charge of BARRELS of money.  What is it that appears to be the motivating factor in just about any decision emanating from our present occupant of the “White House?”  I would contend it’s “barrels of money.”

And, the evidence is becoming clearer that the Saudi’s are “into” the Trump organization far deeper than “we the people” have been led to believe as our “dissident” journalists have been attempting to keep up with ALL the scandals coming from this “White House.”  Seemingly, a scandal (or more) per day.  The issue with Khashoggi should be of extreme interest to those Americans who are recognizing Trump is a threat to the very foundation of our republic.  His attacks on our “free press” have been incessant and they make me wonder to what lengths will he go to get rid of those in the press investigating him and his businesses.  To me, that’s one reason Trump seems to admire dictators like Vladimir Putin, Erdogan of Turkey, Duterte of the Philippines, MBS, and others around the world.  These dictators just pull out the “bone saws” and “eliminate” their “problem.”  (Of course, Putin uses poison)  Journalists are killed in ways “we the people” have a hard time imagining to discourage others from reporting! (Sadly, it appears to work)

In Khashoggi’s case the evidence is overwhelming as to what happened – it happened in the Saudi Embassy in Turkey and the Turks have video and audio recordings of the MURDER (and, dismemberment).  There, obviously, are many reasons why Trump wants to believe the ridiculous denials of MBS and they can be summed up in those “barrels of money.”  The Saudi’s will choose a “fall guy,” arrest him, and likely have a public execution and Trump will be satisfied “justice was done.”  Clearly, Trump’s number one priority is keeping those “barrels of money” coming.  Of course, recent presidents have saddled up close to the Saudi’s because they wanted to keep the “barrels of oil” coming – but, Trump has more complicated interests.

Trump has hotels all around the world which are frequented by members of the Saudi royal family to the tune of MILLIONS of dollars and he doesn’t want to do anything to cause that “flow” to slow down.  It’s been reported Trump’s hotels which were experiencing financial stress have become profitable again because of the YUGE (In Bernie’s words) amounts of money the Saudi’s “drop” on the Trump organization every time they “come to town.”  Additionally, Trump himself has pointed out the Saudi’s have spent “MILLIONS” (“They’ve got a lot of money”) investing in Trump properties in New York and other places around the globe.  Kind of like the members of the Russian Mafiya, who’ve purchased numerous properties in Trump projects as a way to “launder” their “ill gotten” gains.

Before he was “elected” (with 3 MILLION less votes that the first WOMAN to run for president) many “republicans” were part of the “never Trump” movement.  Now, the money changers are throwing money his way in an attempt to keep the money flowing their way.  The tax “scam” has proved to be HIGHLY beneficial to the bottom lines of the republican donor class and, on top of the money Trump is getting from them, he continues to “play” the media as if it was his personal harmonica.  I, personally, choose to watch MSNBC when I watch anything and they’re continuing to report virtually every word Trump says.  He’s got their reporters (and the others in the “White House” press corp) falling all over each other as they try to get the latest “scoop.”  In the process scandals which would have been the topic of conversation for weeks are now long forgotten in days.

As we go into this coming election (in about two weeks) there’s still HUNDREDS of children who’ve been RIPPED from their families – many likely to be permanently torn away.  There’s the looming TRILLION plus deficits for as far as the CBO can see which NO ONE is talking about.  There’s the Supreme Court which now has TWO “conservatives” credibly accused of sexual misconduct – the recent addition accused of attempted RAPE.  There’s a foreign policy which is headed “who knows where” – with traditional allies scratching their heads and wondering whether “we the people” are going to put a stop to this or not???  There’s the CONTINUED “meddling” in our election process and, in reality, our very nation’s “business” by Vladimir Putin, who’s number one goal is to destroy America’s standing in the world from the inside out – and, in Trump, he’s got the perfect “idiot” (their – meaning the Russians – characterization) to get the job done.  Trump continues to do Putin’s bidding as either a “witting” or “unwitting” agent of the Kremlin.  Any way you look at it, it’s BAD for “we the people.”  (In essence, the Russian “meddling” is an act of war)

I’ve referred to Trump as a “sixth grade bully” on many occasions.  I was a sixth grade teacher for the last 20+ years of my working life and Trump really reminds me of sixth graders I had in the classroom.  Today, as I had just turned on MSNBC – like clockwork – there was Trump with a gaggle of reporters climbing over each other trying to get today’s “scoop.”  It would be laughable if it weren’t all so serious.  (In my view, the media should follow him, but not give him access to live mikes and not report every word that comes from his mouth – they need to understand how they’re being played)  So, here’s Trump talking about “lying Ted” Cruz – who he was getting ready to head to Texas, at tax payers expense in “Air Force one,” in an attempt to prevent LYING Ted from losing to Beto O’Rourke.  It’s Texas, so even Ted Cruz is likely to win simply because he’s a republican – but, apparently Trump and Cruz have “kissed and made up.”

Today Trump said, “he’s no longer LYING Ted Cruz” because he’s been great on my agenda – or words to that affect.  So, the disrespect to Cruz’s wife is no longer an issue, nor what Trump said about his Dad – it’s just politics as usual in America.  Cruz and Trump are the perfect example of the republican party.  Neither one could give a rip about anything which would fall in the category of “moral values” – despite being leaders in the “party of moral values.”  Roy Moore was OK – because he’s a republican.  Kavanaugh’s OK because he’s a republican.  Trump’s OK because (he says) he’s a republican.  Of course, in Trump’s case, if it suited him better, he’d be a democrat or “whatever.”  And, of course, with Cruz, Trump’s OK because he’s going to help me keep my job.  (To me, it ALL stinks!)

As Trump was explaining why “LYING Ted” is no longer “LYING Ted” I just got this picture in my mind of a couple sixth graders on the playground having an argument and then making up.  And, the second boy (in this instance it would be Cruz) would be following the first around like a little puppy dog – bullying, therefore, successful.  Of course, the one thing bullies don’t like is when someone fights back – which is what, I hope, “we the people” will do on November 6th.  As I’m watching Trump, who was energized by his “win” with Kavanaugh’s confirmation (by the slimmest majority in Supreme Court history – I believe), I see someone who’s scared stiff about the upcoming election – he’s working “overtime” to prevent the “blue wave” – which likely would expose all kinds of stuff Trump doesn’t want “we the people” to know.

What those who might be thinking about NOT voting should consider is that republicans have multiple “strategies” they can use to stop the “blue wave” – and, most of them either are, or should be, illegal.  (In other words, EVERY  vote is important) There’s the voter suppression which is no secret to anyone who’s been paying attention to American politics for the past – well – MANY years.  This has always been an issue, but our right wing Supreme Court made it doubly so when they GUTTED the Voting Rights Act of 1965.  “Conservatives” have been implementing all kinds of DIRTY strategies ever since with the idea of making it either harder, or impossible, for “left” leaning voters to have their word count.

Then there are the Russians, who, believe me, are still busy turning “we the people” against each other in very sophisticated ways that will undoubtedly help Trump and the republicans.  And, of course, there are the unlimited funds (the “Koch brothers,” for example – it might now be “brother” – have “ponied” up something in the neighborhood of half a BILLION dollars – a big “thank you” to republicans for the tax “scam”) which is flowing freely as republican donors realize their “ill gotten” gains from the republican tax giveaway.  I could go on, but you get the point.  (at least I hope you do)

Most of all, should “we the people” do our usual and not show up at the polls, the “Russia thing” will soon be ended and we’ll likely NEVER know what Robert Mueller had discovered.  Mueller has stayed quiet during all of this, but we mostly know what he’s considering – at least on the “obstruction of justice” front.  He’s been trying for months now to interview Trump in order to figure out if he had “corrupt intent” when he was CLEARLY obstructing Mueller’s investigation.  It seems to me, based on the June 9, 2016 meeting with the Russians, “collusion” is a no-brainer.  But, of course, I’m no lawyer.  However, if we want to find out exactly what happened, the Democrats had better AT LEAST take back control of the House of Representatives.  I’ve said from the start, taking back the Senate would need a minor miracle.  (although, I am praying)

So we have a so-called president who’s in his fifth version of “He said he didn’t do it” as he tries to protect his “cash cow” coming from the Saudi’s.  Apparently president is a job with no requirements because Trump is doing nothing but giving campaign speeches in places that are “bright red.”  As long as he’s our so-called president America will be headed toward third world status.  I could go on and on about the DAMAGE, as I’ve referred to it, he’s caused this great nation – but, you can check out the archives.  The point here is that Trump is doing “double duty” these days – first, trying to prevent democrats from having any control of our government so he can continue doing as he pleases and secondly, trying to LIE for the Saudi’s so that they continue to unload massive amounts of their MONEY into HIS bank account.  You have to give Trump credit – no one has been able to figure out how to PILFER more of America’s wealth in our history – and, he’s doing right out in plain sight.  (And, of course, no one’s talking about all the children pulled from their families with no end of their trauma in sight.)

Final Thought:  Maybe that’s why so many around the world are thinking “we the people” are not that bright.  I guess we have an opportunity to regain our “status” world wide (with those people who believe in democracy) on November 6th.  Count me as one who will believe it when I see it – regarding whether or not progressives show up at the ballot box.  Let’s hope so, because the alternative is a disaster of epic proportions!  I have a friend who’s a Trump supporter and he truly believes there’s going to be a “red wave.”  Yikes!!!

OMG:  I wanted to re-read this before publishing it and, while I was doing so I happened to be listening to MSNBC and they showed a clip where, last night, Trump actually claimed he’s a NATIONALIST!  I’m not sure what was more shocking to me – Trump making such an incredible statement OR the audience breaking out in applause.  Do they know what that means? I thought to myself.  If you’re not sure, let me clue you in – HITLER was a NATIONALIST!  I’ve been pointing out the parallels between Trump and Hitler since he was running for president.  Do people really not care?  Or are America’s voters as “uneducated” as Trump claimed when he was a candidate.  He said it: “I love uneducated voters.”  What did he actually mean?  I’ll have more on this later, but, again, OMG!

Just a quick reminder:  We are a nation of IMMIGRANTS!

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