If democrats don’t understand this is a WAR – they will continue to find themselves in the minority!

I’ve been writing about how the republican party has adopted Joseph Goebbels’ “Big Lie Theory” for years now – and, lamenting how our “liberal media” continues to “look the other way” – often times wondering about how Trump and republicans keep repeating the same “untruths.”  I’ve also been pointing out we’re in a WAR for the heart and soul of this nation since well before Trump arrived on the scene AND that republicans have a plan “affectionately” called “the permanent republican ‘majority'” – the first time I heard it was coming from the mouth of Karl Rove – where they gain a stranglehold on our nation’s government – the “White House,” the Congress, the Courts, and the media – the very government they so much seem to despise – a stranglehold which will be difficult to “unwind” once they have intimidated the “liberal media” to “shut up.”  It’s all in plain sight!

For example – right now, earlier this evening, our so-called president – who evidently doesn’t have a job to do other than fly around the country and give campaign style speeches to – well – MOBS – was pushing the new narrative which is that democrats are in favor of “mob rule.”  Last week I had breakfast with a friend of mine who is a die hard Trump supporter and he kept using the word “mob” in talking about democrats.  Well, obviously, I haven’t been listening to the right wing media outlets of late – I wondered what the heck is he talking about?  Are demonstrators now being referred to as “mobs?”  Well, not only are demonstrators being referred to as “mobs” – apparently, referring to the THOUSANDS of women who descended on the Capital in PROTEST to the confirmation of Brett Kavanaugh – CREDIBLY accused of sexual assault when he was in high school and college – but, apparently, the crowds chanting “lock her up” are considered, like Kavanaugh, choir boys and girls.  Does anyone remember Richard Nixon?

So, now “we the people” are hearing the word “Mob” or the phrase “Mob rule” repeated OVER and OVER again by not only Trump, but his surrogates and his sycophants.  Apparently, this is in reference to Mitch McConnell using the term in reference to American citizens expressing their right to address THEIR government during the Kavanaugh “proceeding.”  Lest you’ve forgot, the allegations against Kavanaugh were severe, there were MORE than one, AND they were not fully investigated.  McConnell was clear from the start – Kavanaugh was going to be on the court.  The result is Kavanaugh will be forever working with a “cloud” over his head AND the court has LOST more of its credibility with a large segment of the American public. Is it any wonder MILLIONS of Americans are beyond frustration?

I can only imagine the other justices on the court are going to be uneasy sitting next to a man who has pulled them down via his unbridled ambition – while bringing charges of sexual assault and visual examples of his partisanship to the court.  Has ANY other judge in American history  promised “what goes around comes around” prior to his/her assention to the court?  I’m sure the judges now all rue the day when democrats control the Congress – both houses – with this year a good chance democrats will take control of the House.  They will NOT forget Kavanaugh’s divisive rhetoric anytime soon!

Reports were that Trump’s “base” is all fired up now that the Kavanaugh hearings became so contentious – apparently caring less as to the allegations against him – as opposed to “winning.”  Clearly, the court, Kavanaugh, and even Trump would have benefited from a full FBI investigation into the allegations against Kavanaugh – but, it’s clear the republicans didn’t want to take a chance that the democrats would take control of the Senate – highly unlikely, based on the “map” this year – so they were willing to put a STAIN on the Supreme Court that could be difficult to remove.  (It’s HIGHLY unlikely Kavanaugh, for example, will EVER be impeached – although, it wouldn’t surprise me if further investigations were ordered should the dems control one of the Houses of Congress)

Getting back to my first point, this repeated use of the word “Mob” and the phrase “Mob rule” is just the latest attempt by the republican propagandists to stoke even more FEAR into those Americans (sorry) STUPID enough to be falling for their shtick.  This has been going on now for years and it just irks me listening to Americans in “mobs” (closer to the true definition of a “mob” – here’s Webster’s definition:  “a large and disorderly crowd of people; especially : one bent on riotous or destructive action.”) at Trump “rallies” chanting “Lock her up” to a bunch of people who, themselves, are in danger of being locked up and attacking ANYONE who “demonstrates” against Trump.

I likely won’t forget (and, at 71 I forget much) Michael Flynn leading the chant – lock her up – at the republican convention in 2016 in reference to Hillary Clinton and her emails.  Well, who’s going to be locked up now?  And, Trump leading a crowd in Mississippi to “lock her up” referring to Christine Blasey Ford was beneath contempt.  Tonight, he had them chanting this somewhere in Iowa to Diane Feinstein.  Does anyone wonder why there’s a 30 point gap in favor of democrats with women?  And, keep in mind, it’s Trump, his son and son in law, and others associated with his “crime family” who very well could end up being the ones, like Flynn, locked up.

If you haven’t studied the Nazi’s in Germany of the 1930’s Goebbels was the head of propaganda and he developed “the Big Lie Theory” – which goes like this:  “you repeat a LIE often enough and people start believing it’s true.”  I’ve been observing this for years.  You often hear of how republicans are using this theory as “talking points” – where you hear the same LIE from one pundit to another in orchestration with political “leaders” and those controlling the airwaves – ie Rush Limbaugh and the other right wing “water carriers” on the radio airwaves – which, by the way, are CONTROLLED by right wing corporate interests – AND, those on our TV’s like Fox “news” and ALL the local TV stations across America controlled by Sinclair Broadcasting.  Last year, a good example went viral, of Sinclair’s execs DICTATING to all their local stations what would be the “evening news” in unison.

The problem republicans, and Trump – the perfect buffoon for the “money changers” behind the scene who are “pulling the strings” – are having is with the small percentage of the “media” they don’t control.  Like (what Trump calls the “failing”) New York Times, the Washington Post, CNN, MSNBC, and outlets like Free Speech TV where you find some of the few remaining “liberal talkers” who get broadcast on the radio – if you can find a station not owned by Clear Channel that’s willing to put them on the air.  These outlets are still doing “investigative reporting” – and, reports are that they cause Trump to throw things when he’s eating his cheeseburgers and drinking his diet coke right before bedtime – you know, when he torches the “Twitter” universe.

Reports are coming out almost daily through the above named outlets – due to the almost unbelievable amount of leaking coming from Trump’s “White House” AND due to the relentless investigating by some reporters who are going to end up in the upper echelon of American history – looking WAY down on Trump and his sycophants place next to Benedict Arnold – when all is said and done with this NEW chapter in America’s dark history.  Those who’ve benefited from “white privilege” will not easily give up what they appear to believe is their “birthright.”  Considering almost all of us (meaning “we the people”) are “immigrants,” it’s rather astonishing to me listening to the right wing supporters of Trump give their reasons for supporting him.

However, the proceeding with Kavanaugh clearly showed why Trump’s supporters are supporting him.  It’s all about the Supreme Court and Roe v wade.  That makes the argument simplistically, but, in reality, it’s a simplistic argument.  Today, for example, I listened, on MSNBC, to a college student who was the head of the campus republicans at the University of Nevada being asked what those he represented supported?  As usual, with republican, he couldn’t come up with a coherent answer to the question.  My first thought was a college “republican” should be able to give a good answer, although he said something like “we’re in favor of reducing health care costs.”  Well, he – like the republican “leaders” he apparently supports – has no idea how to do that, although he did say they weren’t in favor of repealing “Obamacare” without an alternative – which, of course, leaves republicans with no answer – because, they’re only about winning elections and NOT governing.

Just as it was in the 1930’s in Germany, the “Big Lie Theory” is all about winning “elections” and CONTROLLING how “we the people” think – obviously, back then “we the people” were Germans.  Interestingly, the people who “fell” for the shtick back then were the “conservative Christians.”  Do you see the parallel?  And, there’s other parallels I’ve pointed out several times you’ll find in the archives if you’re interested.  Republicans have proven over and over again they are inept at governing but obsessed with “winning” – AT ALL COSTS.

It only took Bush/Cheney less than two years to turn a $250 BILLION surplus into a $250 BILLION deficit and less than three years to LIE “we the people” into what appears to be ENDLESS warfare in Afghanistan and Iraq – warfare that has spread across the Middle East and into Africa and will be “out of control” as long as “we the people” allow our “leaders” to pursue “winning.”  It could be the disaster that ultimately destroys America’s standing as “leader of the free world” as if our “leaders” learned NOTHING from Viet Nam.  What’s the old saying?  “Those who ignore history are bound to repeat it.”  President Obama inherited an economy in “free fall” with annual deficits of $1.5 TRILLION as the “parting gifts” of Bush/Cheney.  Remember, Bush/Cheney were the result of a “conservative” Supreme Court.

President Obama’s administration orchestrated what policies they could, in the face of Mitch McConnell attempting to ensure their failure with 700 FILIBUSTERS, policies which reduced the deficit (republicans screaming all the way) by 70% “down” to $400 BILLION as their administration left office.  Of course, Trump (and his republican enablers) have the deficit OVER $1 TRILLION already – and, that’s going to skyrocket when the predictable result of the “tax scam” AND all the deregulating via executive orders (remember, republicans hate them) causes the next “Great recession” – which, I believe, will be in the next two years – it may be on the horizon already as signs of inflation are emerging – with Trump already complaining about the Fed raising interest rates – he appears to have NO clue.

Trump is BRAGGING about the economy – which appears to be flourishing – but, it’s already showing the signs of “over heating” one would expect from the short sighted republican greed.  Remember, the “tax scam” is taking OVER a TRILLION dollars from “we the people” and funneling it to corporations and wealthy individuals who were already “swimming” in money.  Trump inherited a healthy economy and does nothing other than to “pump” money to those who didn’t need it and encouraging the same kind of financial recklessness which caused the crash in 2007.  Hang on!  (And, what if there’s a real trade war with China????)

Interest rates are on the rise and will need to be increased enough to halt inflation which will put a halt to the housing “boom” which is the engine driving the present economy and, likely, housing prices are going to hit another “roadblock” in the next couple of years.  (take a breath – I know a run on sentence when I see one ;o)  Where I live that will leave many people “under water” – similar to what happened in 2007 and 2008.  Around here builders are building new homes as fast as they can to, what we used to say when I was farming, “make hay while the sun shines.”  The “bubble” is expanding and I have NO confidence the republicans will know what to do when it bursts.

Occasionally, I listen to Trump’s head of the Office of Economic Development – he speaks with a constant s@#t eating grin on his face – and, I have to personally question his bonafides.  Part of me wants to hope he’s correct – but, I don’t trust ANYONE connected to Trump in any way – and, my instincts from observing the economy since in my teens tells me danger is on the horizon.  For example, the last time I listened to him he was still predicting rising revenue from all the jobs created will offset the deficits caused by the tax scam.  Reports I’ve read elsewhere say deficits NORTH of a TRILLION for the foreseeable future.

To me, everything Trump does is short sighted and poorly thought out.  Yet his followers will believe anything he says.  I never watched the “Apprentice,” but, apparently, Millions of Americans did – and, the other day, I heard a report that is where Trump got his popularity.  Well, evidently, those who got to know him there don’t realize he’s been bankrupt 7 times and it’s been the Russians (and his daddy) who continually bailed him out.  At some point Mueller will point out how connected Trump is to Russian money and how much those around him are connected to the Russian “mafiya.”  And, that would include Kellyanne Conway and Don McGahn – the “White House” counsel.

Russian money is heavily invested in America’s republican party – it’s not just Trump.  Read “The House of Trump/House of Putin” by Craig Unger and “Trump/Russia” by Seth Hettena.  (McConnell, Graham, to name a couple have received hundreds of thousands of dollars from Russian oligarchs living in America – and, virtually all of these “oligarchs” are connected to Putin and part of the Russian mafiya)  There is no doubt in my mind the Russians are the reason Trump is in the “White House” and things will get dicey when the 60% of Americans who realize this is “bad” understand “how bad is it?”  When it becomes clear Trump’s so-called presidency is illegitimate – what will that mean regarding Kavanaugh?  And, what will the MOBS yelling “lock her up” be doing when they realize they’ve been duped?

So, we have a so-called president in office with the help of the Russians and attempting to stay in office using propaganda techniques developed by the Nazi’s in 1930’s Germany.  Is it any wonder we have HUGE throngs of protestors converging on our nation’s Capitol?  With the so-called president having been accused of the sexual misconduct he bragged about on video tape by at least 19 women and whose legitimacy is in question having nominated a man CREDIBLY accused of attempted rape among other sexual misconduct to the Supreme Court and then pushing the nominee through without a thorough investigation is it any wonder women are turned off and protesting en masse?  And, calling that “mob rule” while leading a mob in chants of “lock her up” regarding the accuser – well, we’ll see how that plays out in November.  As I’ve said many times, this is a WAR for the heart and soul of America.  It appears democrats are FINALLY beginning to realize this.

If those Americans who see what’s happening with Trump don’t vote in November, this country will be facing disasters I couldn’t imagine just a few years ago.  (My next post should be about climate change deniers)  My biggest disappointment with President Obama was that he didn’t appear to understand the gravity of what was happening.  He didn’t understand what the result would be when he (in trying to do the honorable and traditional thing) “looked the other way” to the ILLEGAL behavior of GW Bush and Dick Cheney – both credibly WAR CRIMINALS.  When “we the people” are unwilling to “police ourselves” – that is, hold ALL Americans to the rule of law, our republic deteriorates.  We’re seeing that in “spades” as we now have a so-called president with TWO allegations of committing felonies and likely much more legal jeopardy to follow – a man with a history of bullying and pushing legal boundaries – and 35 to 40% of America OK with that.

I can’t remember an election I’ve anticipated with more concern.  And, keep in mind, I’m not sure democrats have the “stones” (I apologize for a sexist analogy – I can’t think of anything more appropriate.  I’ll add, there are hundreds of WOMEN running for office as democrats and I believe they will be much stronger than their male predecessors)  necessary to carry the fight should they gain control of the House.  If they don’t understand this is a WAR – democrats will continue to find themselves in the minority!  I hope they look back to 2006, digest what happened, and DON’T do a repeat performance.  Republicans will NOT lose graciously!

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