Trump might be the perfect “stooge” for the Russians and the republicans, but Robert Mueller is perfect for “we the people.”

During the 2016 campaign for president of the United States while many, including myself, were observing what we thought was republicans selecting a buffoon as a candidate for the highest office in the land, well, the joke was on us.  Donald Trump was the perfect candidate for all the right wing republicans who want to “Make America White Again,” and who couldn’t get their draconian legislation past Barack Obama.  Additionally, he was the perfect candidate for Vladimir Putin who had/has a passionate HATE for Hillary Clinton (and Obama).  I don’t believe either Putin or the right wing republicans thought Trump had the slightest chance to actually win, but they were dead set on damaging Mrs. Clinton to the “nth” degree in the process of the election.  As it turned out, both got more than they could have dreamed of.

Let’s start with the Russians.  It’s clear to me their intention was to create as much discord in America as they could.  While their efforts were aimed at propping up Trump, in reality, I believe, their goal was to tear down Mrs. Clinton as much as possible to further weaken her ability to govern once, as expected, in office.  Of course, just as they’re still involved in their efforts to use our open society against us, that is to turn Americans into divisive cliques – they would possibly be more-so had Clinton won – because I’m not sure “we the people” would be as aware of what they were/are up to had Trump not been elected.  For example, it’s unlikely there would  be a “special counsel” investigating the Trump campaign’s potential involvement with the Russians had Mrs. Clinton won.  (I don’t believe democrats carry out political vendettas against their defeated opponents)

However, presuming the intentions of the Russians was/is to sow discontent and exacerbate the divisions that already exist in America, Trump is likely beyond their wildest dreams.  It’s like the gift that just keeps giving – in the form of “tweet” after “tweet.”  As more evidence comes out showing what the Russians were/are up to – instead of reacting in a way that would make “we the people” believe he wants to do something about it – Trump roils into fits of “Twitter” rage.  Keep in mind, there’s no doubt the Russians knew the level of Trump’s narcissism before they “chose” him as the republicans’ candidate back in 2016. (I believe their “work” in cultivating Trump began well before 2016) He’ll NEVER accept that his “brilliance” wasn’t the reason he “won” the election (with 3 MILLION less votes than Mrs. Clinton).  But ………

Therefore, the Russian “intrusion” into America’s politics will continue as long as Trump is in  the “White House.”  They will continue to strategically send the REAL “fake news” to the places in America where the people are the most vulnerable.  (Sadly, it’s as if they’re working hand and hand with Fox “news” and people like Sean Hannity)  And you have to wonder – well, at least I am wondering – how they’ve figured out where those places are?  It does make me think they’re getting help from somewhere.  I’m sure, at this point, the Russians are preparing the “true” Trump supporters for impeachment possibilities and they’ll be “ginning” them up to a fever pitch.  Remember, their goal is to destabilize America, and Trump is the perfect “stooge” to allow them success.  The Russians would like nothing better than to see Americans fighting in the streets over the so-called “Russia thing” – as Trump put it to Lester Holt when he admitted to obstructing justice – after Trump is impeached OR after he and his republican enablers cut off Mueller’s investigation prior to its completion.

Not only is Trump perfect for the Russians by allowing them to turn Americans against each other, but he’s the perfect (so-called) president, from the Russians point of view, in regard to what he’s doing to America’s stature around the globe.  Trump, in his obsession with undoing as much of President Obama’s work as possible, is undermining “we the people’s” best interests in several areas world wide, especially to Vladimir Putin’s delight, in regard to dealing with NATO.  Just as Trump, himself, recently “tweeted,” the Russians “are laughing their asses off” at “we the people” (my words) he’s correct – contrary, however, to what Trump thinks, they’re laughing AT him (and, unfortunately, us for falling for their “tricks”).  Which brings me to the republicans.  Who knew?  That is, who knew it would be the republicans who would be willing to allow our nation to be attacked, without response, by the Russians.  All that bloviating over the years is, presently, ringing quite HOLLOW!

So, as I stated earlier, Trump is also a perfect president for the republicans.  I’ve mentioned many times over the years – since the era of Bush/Cheney – the republican “dream” as articulated by none other than Karl Rove for the so-called “permanent republican ‘majority.'”  They believed back in the days of Bush/Cheney that with control of the courts, the “White House,” and Congress – along with GOP TV (Fox) and the right wing water carriers on the radio airwaves – they could have a “stranglehold” on POWER in our “democracy” for the foreseeable future.  That is, with their “caginess” they could maintain POWER indefinitely with much less than a majority of voters supporting them.  (GW Bush seemed perfect for the job of president – but, he had one problem – a sliver of a “moral compass” and believed in the constitution – to a degree)

How would they pull this off?  Well, by gerry rigging the voting process on one “front.”  Let’s start with gerrymandering – where they “rig” the voting districts across as much of America as they can, creating “safe districts” in their quest to control the House of Representatives.  And, obviously, they’ve succeeded in this part of the plan.  For the past several elections, democrats have earned MILLIONS more votes than republicans in the “battles” for seats in the House of Representatives, yet republicans continue to have a significant “majority.”  George W Bush bungled up so much during his regime that democrats managed to take back control of the House in 2006 as the American public clearly voted democrats into control of the House to stop the war in Iraq.  (Of course, what “we the people” got was the so-called “surge” as Bush and republicans thumbed their collective noses at democrats daring them to “do something about it” – which of course, they didn’t, but, I digress – it’s a habit)

The next part of the republican scheme is voter suppression.  We saw that in its most arrogance when Trump actually set up a commission designed to PROVE 3 to 5 MILLION illegal aliens ALL voted for Hillary Clinton – explaining why he LOST the popular vote.  But, their actual “plan” is much more sophisticated than that.  First, it relies on their control of the courts – the courts that started all this by declaring Bush president back in 2000 (I’m digressing again) – in 2014, led by Justices Alito and Roberts – GW Bush appointees to the court – the Supreme Court GUTTED the 1965 Voting Rights Act that so many heroic – mostly – African Americans shed their BLOOD in order to get passed.  Almost as if in coordination with the right wing court one state after another began instituting VOTER SUPPRESSION laws within days of the courts ruling.  Just those laws, themselves, aside from the Russians, aside from Comey, and aside from the false narrative presented by the media, and aside from Hillary Clinton’s poor campaign – those voter suppression tactics may have been enough to carry the election for Trump.

I heard reports right after the election that somewhere around 300,000 people in Wisconsin were disenfranchised in 2016 by their new voter ID law.  Additionally, other states which passed various forms of restrictive voter ID laws prior to the election were North Carolina, Pennsylvania, Michigan, and Florida – to name a few.  Something like a TOTAL of 75,000 votes across Wisconsin, Michigan, and Pennsylvania swung the electoral college in Trump’s direction.  There were other factors in the 2016 election, but this was a significant one that gets little attention.  The point is, it’s part of the strategy that leads republicans to believe they can control our government with significantly less than a 50% plus one level of support.  I believe Trump, himself, believes 40% is enough to get re-elected.

And, of course, the courts are a very IMPORTANT part of this republican scheme – which would essentially turn America into an autocracy.  The Supreme Court has made some – shall we say – curious decisions of late – but, in my view, they ALL pale compared to “Citizens United.”  The Citizens United decision, for example, essentially made it easier for the Russians to “interfere” in the 2016 election.  It’s what is allowing Charles and David Koch to pour HUNDREDS OF MILLIONS of dollars into each election cycle.  They’ll likely “invest” close to HALF A BILLION dollars during the 2018 election as they attempt to continue the republican stranglehold on government.  And, as I mentioned above, they’ve got the perfect “stooge” in the “White House” – so, if they can prevent the democratic “wave” of 2018 – the Koch’s and their “peer group” will be every bit as happy as Vladimir Putin – they’ll essentially be working together to keep Trump in POWER!

Why do I call Trump the “perfect stooge?” you might ask.  Well, for starters, he is a significant improvement, in the eyes of the republican “puppet masters” in that he has NO moral compass and believes the constitution is a ridiculous burden on his vision of POWER.  Additionally, he’s willing to FIGHT the free press in a manner that would make people like Erdogan of Turkey and Putin in Russia proud.  Of course, in America, the press is still “standing” and “we the people” still have the opportunity to vote these republicans out of office – despite the obstacles mentioned above – but Trump will not shy away from his attempt to turn America into a totally fascist state as long as he’s still in the “White House.”  To the republican “elite” they couldn’t ask for more – as the saying goes, “It’s all about the POWER baby!”  (Well, actually, I think I just made up that “saying.”)  The daily dose of “scandal” bothers the republican leaders NOT (at all) – all they care about is having someone in the “White House” who will sign their legislation – like the recent HUGE gift to America’s wealthy in the “tax scam.”  (the $1.4 BILLION headed to the Koch’s will leave a smile on their faces as they pour much of it back into the pockets of their republican “puppets” who will continue to vote against the interests of “we the people” – “it’s all about the money, baby!” – I think that might actually be a “famous saying”)

If you remember all the self-righteous republicans joining the “never Trump” team after the “Access Hollywood” tape came out and then, later, doing exactly what Amarosa Manigault predicted – which was “bowing down to Trump.”  Makes my stomach curl just writing that!  Paul Ryan, Mitch McConnell, Lindsey Graham, and now even, apparently Bob Corker – and, maybe even Mitt Romney – plus scores of other republicans, they’re all “soiling” themselves as they “bow down to Trump.” As the Mueller investigation continues to “unwind” it will be interesting to watch these republicans equivocate as they try to find their way back to the “never Trump” team they abandoned for political expediency.  We’ve learned “for sure” the “Russia thing” is NO “hoax” – so Trump will have to aim his “tweet storm” in a different direction.  Sadly, “we the people” still have little hope there are honorable republicans in Congress willing to do “the right thing” in the face of overwhelming evidence there’s a tyrant in the “White House.”  Is he still their perfect tyrant?

What will be interesting lies ahead – with the final report of Mueller.  It seems clear to me that Trump is in Mueller’s “headlights.”  And, Jared Kushner, Donald Jr., and many others along the way could be facing serious charges.  This issue with the Russians, despite the words of people like Hannity, is serious business.  We’re talking words like, espionage, sedition, treason, traitor.  This could get very ugly and, I believe, there really are Americans who want to FIGHT BACK against the Russians in a way that shows we can GOVERN ourselves and we’re going to keep our OPEN society despite their (the Russians) efforts to undermine it!  Trump might be the perfect “stooge” for the Russians and the republicans, but Robert Mueller is perfect for “we the people.”

Final Thought:  I didn’t elaborate on Trump’s propensity to LIE – he’s a pathological LIAR which puts him in the company of other tyrants like the above mentioned Erdogan and Putin – PLUS Trump’s actions are putting smiles on the faces of the leaders in China, for sure, and likely other places around the world as Trump is taking us down instead of up.  Pulling out of the Paris Climate Accords and the TPP will just cause Trump even more unfavorable comparisons to the president he despises above all others, Barack Obama.  And, if he succeeds in undoing the Iran agreement, the comparison will become even more stark.  Trump is making President Obama more popular than he ever was while in office!

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