Russia is still here, and, apparently, to get rid of them, “we the people” will need to get rid of Trump!

For years the republican party has been dreaming of what Karl Rove, during the Bush/Cheney regime, called “the permanent republican ‘majority.'”  This, of course, meant they would have control over all three branches of government and would create a circumstance where they would not be subject to the wrath of the voting public.  To make this work, they needed a somewhat “buffoon” at the top who would simply sign whatever they could manage to get through Congress.  Of course, George W Bush was not the best “buffoon” because, despite his inability to put a complete sentence together in a press conference, he had some measure of respect for the American tradition of government.  We haven’t heard much from Rove lately (I haven’t heard anything) but I’m sure he’s out there playing a role in what’s going on somehow, somewhere.  What Rove and the republicans have proven is they’ll do anything to “win” including getting a “boost” from the Russians!

Bush had the makings of the republican “dream,” but he blew it by listening to all the war mongers that took us into Iraq when we should have been taking care of Osama bin Laden and that was it – after 9/11.  The democrats temporarily gained control of Congress only to lose it during President Obama’s tenure by showing an incredible lack of will to defend their own fundamental beliefs.  The democratic “leaders” often times didn’t support their own president.  Obviously, in politics, the racist undertones goes both ways.  Democrats have traditionally been the supporters of the working class of America and, in many instances, they still are.  But, they tend to “sway back and forth” depending on the latest poll.  In my mind that’s why the Affordable Care Act is “crumbling” instead of being improved – toward a “medicare for all” or some other “plan” that leads to universal coverage for the American people.  (Yes, I’m digressing – it’s a bad habit, I write off the “top of my head”)

Bush had Dick Cheney to take care of the – what I call – republican dictatorship – another phrase for “the permanent republican ‘majority.'”  In their vision – and, I believe republican donors such as David and Charles Koch among many support this view – they DON’T need a ‘majority’ for their plan to work.  In fact, while many, including myself along with much of Trump’s support staff in the “White House” consider Donald Trump a pathological LIAR, a NARCISSIST of the highest order, a misogynist, a racist, and on and on, he may be the PERFECT buffoon for those who believe in this “permanent republican ‘majority.'”  That’s because he’ll sign ANYTHING they bring him – he’s got NO IDEA of how American government works, no idea of American History, (he still believes Frederick Douglass is with us) and his idols on the world stage are the exact opposite of what Americans supposedly believe in.  One thing about Bush/Cheney, they would never have partnered with Putin to win an election which, apparently, can’t be said for Trump.

For example, Trump believes Vladimir Putin is a great “leader.”  The fact he has journalists KILLED, he jails and tortures his political opponents, is widely considered “un-American,”  and has amassed a huge fortune while in office.  Trump would have us believing he’s longing for the day he has the same “power.”  Trump has been attacking the so-called “liberal media” since “day one,” he’s been going after the intelligence community since day one.  In fact, his first official act as our so-called president was to stand before the CIA wall of honor and SOIL himself with maybe the worst collection of remarks by any president in American history.  To today’s republicans, that is irrelevant.  ALL of that is irrelevant.  What they see in Trump is a mechanism to turn America into their “permanent republican ‘majority’ as laid out, originally, by Rove.

How, you might ask are they going to do this?  Well, if you’re paying attention, they’re in the middle of the most egregious attack on the fundamentals of America in her history.  Trump is making a play to turn himself into another Putin – or maybe Erdogan of Turkey would be a better comparison.  And, the sad reality is that more and more republicans are going along with this plan – and, “we the people” don’t have much hope in the short term other than to unite behind the democrats to stop what’s happening.  As I’m writing this, Trump is furthering his attacks on the FBI and the Justice Department – both of which are SUPPOSED to be totally independent of ANY meddling from the “White House” – as he’s trying to head off the Mueller investigation which is likely to paint a portrait of someone involved with organized crime, not to mention “collusion” and obstruction, when the investigation concludes.

Trump and both his son and son-in-law are in Mueller’s “cross-hairs.”  Additionally, I believe there are many in Trump’s support staff who are vulnerable to legal issues because virtually NONE of them had any idea what they were getting into when Trump unexpectedly “won” the election.  (albeit, with 3 MILLION less votes than Mrs. Clinton)  Republicans are doing everything they can to head off Mueller’s investigation before it gets to Trump (I, personally, believe it got there long ago – he’s in the details at this point in time) and, at the same time, they are allowing the Russians to continue their intrusion into America’s “open society.”  When all is said and done with what’s going on right now, republicans will have put themselves into something near the head of the class regarding America’s hall of SHAME!

It’s not impossible for someone like myself to feel a bit of compassion for some in the “White House” who may end up facing criminal charges as “collateral damage” to Trump’s attempt at turning the U.S. into a Russian satellite, but this is too important for me, or anyone else who loves this country, to allow themselves into “wimp mode.”  There’s nothing more important at this point in time than STOPPING Trump – sooner rather than later!  The people in the “White House” – if there are any – who have a semblance of moral rectitude, chose to be there.  Those on the front lines, like Sarah Sanders and John Kelly have proven themselves to be willing LIARS and unrepentant racists – willingly defending Trump’s attacks on our history as a “land of immigrants.”  They know what they’re doing and what they’re defending!

Hope Hicks, I’m not so sure.  She seems to be a young, naive lady who happened into this sphere and is way over her head.  To this day I haven’t heard anything coming from her mouth to suggest I can characterize her in any way – as opposed to John Kelly who confirmed his racist, misogynist beliefs after the fiasco with the “Gold Star family” – although reports suggest Hicks may be up to her eyebrows in Trump’s continued OBSTRUCTION of Mueller’s investigation.  My point here is, when all is said and done regarding the “Russia thing” there needs to be accountability for Trump and those in his “circle” who conspired with the Russians to get him elected and those participating in the cover-up.

I used a lot of ink in my disdain for President Obama’s decision to “look forward instead of back” as he let Bush/Cheney leave Washington with a “get out of jail free card” regarding all their ILLEGAL behavior during their disastrous regime.  Just the idea that they were allowed to publicly authorize TORTURE without even a single investigation has bothered me to this day.  That is exactly why Trump has stated he’d authorize waterboarding “and a whole lot more” and people hardly blink an eye.  Had Bush/Cheney faced charges as WAR CRIMINALS we’d NEVER see another president suggesting TORTURE is OK.  Most Americans are better than that (plus, it’s proven that TORTURE doesn’t work) and our nation has played the role, during my lifetime, as one of the beacons in the fight for “human rights,” at least publicly.   Looking the other way only encourages people, down the road, to continue pushing the limits of what is “acceptable.”

To me, TORTURE is NOT acceptable, nor is what Trump is attempting to do – which is to turn America into a “sister country” to Russia.  Hopefully, we’ll, at some point, fully understand what has motivated him to have this bromance with Putin while allowing the continued presence of Russia in our political process.  I suppose, in his mind, as long as they’re working for his behalf, why not?  (or worse – I’m not sure how much credit to give his thought process)  Of course, Trump could never pull this off by himself – so, he needs the republicans to help.  And, many of them are choosing to do just that – which is clearly to put their own power over their country.  My guess is the idea that being “White” will soon mean you’re (I’m) no longer in the “majority” in an America that will soon be officially a “minority majority” nation scares them – especially, the racists in the so-called “tea party.”  Kind of reminds me of South Africa when apartheid was on its way out.

The bottom line here, however, using the phrase I’ve heard republicans use countless times in my own lifetime (I’m 70), we are a “nation of laws, not men.”  What that means, and has always meant, is that even republicans are supposed to follow the laws – even though, just as organized criminals behave, the present version of republicans seem to feel the laws don’t apply to them and they’re constantly looking for ways to circumvent them.  The latest version of this – their infamous “Nunes memo” which landed with a “thud” comparable to the drop of a “needle” at an NBA game will hardly slow them down as they attempt to prevent “we the people” from getting Russia out of our business.  Today, some of what I heard, well, made me gag – AGAIN!

I’m not sure, at this point, who’s the bigger LIAR, Sean Hannity or Trump.  Clearly, and unbelievably, and SADLY we have a president STUPID enough to be using Hannity as one of his leading “advisors.”  It wouldn’t surprise me to see Trump bring Hannity into the “White House.”  Today, Trump was quoted as saying, “This is shameful” or “This is disgraceful” or words to that effect – and, it is – for once I have to agree with him.  Trump is SHAMEFUL and DISGRACEFUL and, to me, Hannity is almost worse.  These people are disgusting.  I can kind of understand Trump – he’s GUILTY of something, or he wouldn’t be acting and LYING as he is, but Hannity?  Trump, Hannity, and many republicans are working together to impede a federal investigation – Hannity is calling for Mueller to be “jailed” and for all charges to be dropped against Mike Flynn (who’s already plead GUILTY to LYING to the FBI – I don’t think you can change that) and Paul Manafort – who’s accused of essentially being connected to Russia’s organized crime network.  I guess Hannity’s just an old “softy.”  Don’t hold your breath!

Hannity and Trump are making these LUDICROUS claims based on Nunes releasing a memo that claims the FBI “illegally” got a FISA warrant on Carter Page, of all people – AFTER he was no longer part of Trump’s campaign – the same Carter Page that numerous members of Trump’s campaign have claimed played NO PART in his campaign.  So what’s the big deal here?  Are we trying to have something both ways – something that’s meaningless regardless?  Is this Benghazi part 2?  Page has been on the FBI’s radar since 2013 which makes this whole thing even more ludicrous.  Now Nunes is claiming the “next memo” will be designed to tear down our State Department – likely some kind of TERRIBLE situation regarding the infamous “Uranium 1” deal in 2010!  That’s right, in 2010!  That will prove Trump’s innocence regarding the “Russia thing” – which, if he was innocent, you’d think he would have simply, from the start, encouraged the investigation to run its course ASAP – without the 30+ LIES regarding meetings with Russians by Trump campaign members ALONG WITH Trump’s refusal to hold Russia accountable for their intrusion on our election AND all the OBSTRUCTION.

Russia is still here, and, apparently, to get rid of them, “we the people” will need to get rid of Trump!  There are enough “uneducated voters” in America, the ones Trump claimed to “love” during the campaign, who watch Fox and Hannity and actually believe this garbage.  They may be willing to allow the republicans in Congress – mainly the so-called “Freedom Caucus” – to tear down our intelligence community in a desperate attempt to save Trump from something they apparently are aware of, but not MOST  of us.  I’ve said this many times, Trump knows what he did and it’s causing him to act in desperate ways – I believe those who are enabling him are volunteering to be held accountable for OBSTRUCTION as well.  It makes sense to me that if a president can be held accountable for attempting to block a federal investigation, so can members of Congress (Nunes) and members of the media (Hannity and others).  When the smoke clears, if we’re still a “nation of laws” all will be OK.

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