Trump SHOULD be impeached, but republicans are showing a cowardice that actually makes democrats seem assertive.

Over the years as I’ve been busy lambasting republicans for all their hypocritical political disasters I’ve also blasted democrats for being “spineless.”  The 2014 mid terms are still fresh in my memory when democrats showed they didn’t have the guts to defend their own fundamental values against the propaganda media blitzing they’d been receiving from republicans and their benefactors since President Obama’s election.  They were AFRAID to defend the Affordable Care Act (AKA “Obamacare”), they succumbed to republican attacks against “liberals” (as if the honorable “moniker” for a politician was “conservative” – whatever that means), and they completely shied away from Obama during the campaign.  The result was a massive republican takeover of Congress as so many of their traditional “base” stayed home.

Well, now republicans are “in control,” and they’ve got Donald Trump in the “White House.”  Their “Tea party” faction pretty much controls the House and they’re being forced to live with those they aligned with as a way to fight back against our first African American president.  So, they have a president you’d think they could actually govern with because he’s supposedly a “republican.”  However, we all know Donald Trump aligns with NO one but himself (except, for possibly, the so-called “Alt Right”) – he’s the ultimate NARCISSIST, a pathological LIAR, he likely COLLUDED with the Russians to get elected, and he’s incompetent when it comes to governing – and many “republicans” are trying to figure out how to deal with him.

More and more republicans are coming out with comments that would suggest they “get” the DAMAGE Trump is  causing to this great nation.  The problem is that they are COWERING regarding what they are going to do about it.  Trump is attacking virtually EVERY republican leader in Congress – by NAME (that’s unusual, isn’t it?) – and recent reports have said he has ZERO support in Congress – which would indicate NO republicans support him.  So, what seems to be the obvious solution to the problem? – of course it’s IMPEACHMENT!

Well, today I listened to former republican senator from Missouri Thomas Eagleton point out all of Trump’s issues (accurately, from my perspective) and then confirm to Chuck Todd (he was on Todd’s daily “Meet the Press” show) members of Congress probably won’t do anything about Trump because they fear his “base.”  It was suggested by Todd that Trump is more popular than the members of Congress.  (which is hard for me to believe knowing how UNPOPULAR Trump has become)  But, the reality is that republicans are giving the word “coward” new meaning.  For heaven’s sake – our country is on the line here!

Yes, Congress, as a whole, is very unpopular, but MOST members are more popular than Trump’s 34% approval rating in their own districts  I have to think.  However, they seem to be cowering from a potential primary opponent – funded by I can’t imagine who.  I understood the Koch brothers funding primary opponents back in the early days of the “Tea party,” but, after reading the book “Son’s of Wichita” I find it hard to believe the Koch’s are Trump supporters – although, that’s certainly possible (they’ll support anyone who pushes their polluting agenda, so, Trump might actually “be their man”).  The bottom line here is that the republicans in Congress are proving to be more TIMID (or should I say cowardly) than the democrats of the recent past.  And, believe me, that’s a hard “mountain” to climb.

Republicans appear to want to FORCE “we the people” to KICK them out of their majorities so that the democrats can deal with Trump (and, believe me, I’m not brimming with confidence on that possibility, either).  What – I hate to use this word, but it’s totally accurate – pissed me off as I listened to Eagleton was, after he made total sense about his dissatisfaction with Trump and why he’s dissatisfied, he characterized democrats as “obstructionists” in explaining why nothing will get done in Congress.  After I calmed down I thought, “Was his head in the sand during the eight years of President Obama?”  Republicans not only took obstruction to record levels, they were not “secret” about it.  Mitch McConnell himself stated, “our number one goal is that President Obama be a one term president.”  Others, like Limbaugh were constantly claiming the republicans number one goal was that President Obama would FAIL.

After they failed to make Obama a one term president the obstruction continued – to the tune of almost 700 FILIBUSTERS.  Now we have Trump lambasting McConnell for not getting rid of the FILIBUSTER in the Senate so they can push their unpopular agenda.  (although, in their only meaningful attempt at legislating they couldn’t even get a majority of republicans to vote for their tax cut disguised as a health care bill)  McConnell did so in regard to Trump’s Supreme Court nominee (who’s already shown himself to be a political partisan) but I don’t think he’s willing to modify the FILIBUSTER rules any more – mainly because he’s had much experience at being in the minority and he want’s that “tool” at his “hand” in case democrats retake the Senate – which is just a matter of time.

In reality, the filibuster FORCES democrats and republicans to work TOGETHER in order to fashion workable legislation – something many younger Americans have never seen.  Republicans have been playing the “obstruction” card since Newt Gingrich joined the House of Representatives.  They can’t govern, but they sure can put a “monkey wrench” in to stop those who can.  John McCain, as he cast the deciding vote defeating “Trumpcare,” was – at the same time – lamenting for the Senate to return to “regular order.”  That is where the two parties worked together to pass legislation.  There was a day when 60 vote majorities were achieved all the time.  Of course, it required what people like Gingrich have managed to get defined as a “dirty word” – COMPROMISE.

I believe politicians like McConnell are smart enough to see the “headwinds.”  America is changing color and, yes, people like Trump (and probably McConnell himself) don’t like this – they’re doing everything in their power to keep “white privilege” as the “order of the day.”  (kind of reminds me of South Africa as apartheid was coming to a close)  However, republicans are facing some real dilemmas.  The first one is are they going to actually allow Trump to commandeer their party?  If that’s the case, I give them about 3 1/2 years to be relevant.  (unless democrats gain enough seats to impeach Trump in the 2018 mid term election)  At the rate we’re going,despite the possibility of democrats gaining control of Congress in 2019,  Trump won’t last the full 3 1/2 years he’s got left – he’ll likely be impeached once Mueller’s investigation is complete (although, again, we’re relying on republicans – even after 2018 because it takes a 2/3 majority in the Senate to “convict” – but, whether he’s impeached, or not, republicans are allowing their “stamp of approval” to be put on Trump every day he remains in office.  More and more republicans are becoming the “swamp” Trump said he would “drain.”

People the world over are watching in shock that this could happen, and then continue, in America.  Seemingly, every day, there’s more reason for Trump to be IMPEACHED.  Last week, as people in Texas were bracing for a “hundred year storm and flooding” Trump attempted to “sneak” the pardon of “Sheriff Joe” – the reviled Sheriff of Maricopa County in Arizona who bragged about running his jail as a “concentration camp.”  (For some reason, that appeals to Trump)  Additionally, Arpaio (Sheriff Joe) was on the front lines of Trump’s “birther” movement – just like Trump an avowed racist – which, right after Charlottesville, is sending an undeniable message to America and the world.

If “we the people” don’t purge our nation of this evil in the next election (assuming Mueller isn’t finished with his investigation) we deserve what is likely to happen regarding our standing in the world.  Trump is already threatening to shut the government down over his wall that “Mexico will pay for.”  Evidently, Trump wants to “borrow” the money from “we the people” first and then pay us back when Mexico finally coughs up the “dough.”  I’m not holding my breath and I suggest you don’t either.  Here’s the big question:  “Will Trump (and the “tea party” republicans) play fast and loose with the debt ceiling?  That’s the really dangerous one that could lead to DISASTER in our dealings with the rest of the world.  This all will happen in the next month and could be a man made disaster that compares with Hurricane Harvey.

The bottom line is that people who don’t call Trump their president, who can’t stand the sound of his words, who actually DO have a moral compass and are repulsed at having an admitted sexual predator, a pathological LIAR, a NARCISSIST of the highest order, someone who’s deluded, and someone who doesn’t understand American History as president, they (we) are dependent on republicans to come to the rescue.  Trump SHOULD be impeached, but republicans are showing a cowardice that actually makes democrats seem assertive.  I’ve always said, the problem with democrats is lack of conviction, but today’s republicans are making democrats look like the towers of virtue!

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