Trump reminds me of smoking cigarettes. The longer he’s in office the harder it will be to “clear the system” of the damage!

Delusional:  characterized by or holding idiosyncratic beliefs or impressions that are contradicted by reality or rational argument, typically as a symptom of mental disorder.  Today, as I was driving around doing errands, I listened to Sean Spicer give his first “daily brief” since Donald Trump returned from his “first overseas trip.”  As I listened to Spicer’s incredible description of what I saw, all I could think of was the word delusional.  Trump, apparently, is delusional – and, his surrogates either share that diagnosis – or, they just have to force themselves to LIE repeatedly to the American people as a way to continue being employed.  I don’t want anyone to lose their job, but I have to believe people like Spicer and Conway (and others working for Trump) are doing serious damage to their long term career opportunities.  I’m guessing, for example, Spicer is prepared to “go down with the ship,” but I often just feel a sense of empathy for him – that his job is defending what is clearly Trump’s directions and not informing the public of the actual White House “doings.”

Of course, there is truly a “divide” in America and I’m the first to admit that I don’t understand the so-called “Alt Right” – so, there surely is a “landing spot” for Spicer and Conway and Bannon and the others who came from Breitbart.  (Well, actually, I believe Spicer was somewhat part of the “mainstream” of republican circles before Trump)  Breitbart, to my knowledge – and, again, I don’t pay much attention to those “circles” – is the American version of the Russian journalism that actually “invented” the “Fake news” phenomenon.  Obviously, as a devious political strategy, “Fake news” is very effective.  Of course, Trump has attempted to “turn the tables” on actual “Fake news” by claiming that any news reporting on him that he doesn’t like to be “Fake news.”  At least, “we the people” are now aware of the strategy so, hopefully, in the future it won’t be as effective.

My son, at one point (and, unfortunately, him and many of his friends – “20 somethings” – don’t participate in politics) pointed out to me how people create “fake” websites in order to scam people on the internet.  Websites that look real to someone like me who’s unsuspecting of anything “evil,” allowing the perpetrator to either get someone to “click” where they shouldn’t, give info they shouldn’t, or in the case of politics – believe information that’s been made up.  Since he’s pointed that out to me, I’ve run into many situations where people are using the internet to “intrude” on unsuspecting old people, like myself, with offers and websites that actually look real but are FAKE alternatives.  I’ve learned to always check the URL before I click on ANYTHING and, often you’ll see one letter changed from the real website’s address – so, that even the fake URL looks real without close inspection.

So, Spicer started his news conference with one of the more incredible descriptions of something I had actually witnessed that I’ve ever seen.  The first thing he did was refer to Trump’s trip as “historic” in the sense that it was “wonderful” – something more impressive than foreign trips by other Presidents.  Despite the FACT the Europeans were shocked at the way they were treated by Trump and the FACT Trump actually kissed up to the Saudi’s in an astonishing way – evidently, as other “leaders” have done – apparently because of the oil in Saudi Arabia – ignoring the FACT that MOST of the 9/11 attackers were Saudi’s and it’s not a public “secret” that funding for Al Qaeda and ISIL – in large part – comes from members of the vast array of Saudi “princes.”

Additionally, the idea of promising something like $350 BILLION worth of sophisticated military equipment to the Saudi’s was “historic” certainly gave me pause.  Why on earth are we continuing to arm them at this level (if that is actually what happens – most of what Trump has claimed in his propaganda regarding “job creation” has been phony)?  Is that the way we create jobs in America now?  I guess that decision will end up being “historic,” but I certainly have some reservations about how it will be characterized when “push comes to shove.”  I guess what I’m trying to say is that I have NO confidence that this (supposed) arm sale was part of any coherent Middle East foreign policy that will have any kind of positive result for them or us.  I’m certainly no expert on the region, but continuing to arm the Saudis at such a significant level certainly raises red flags in my mind.  I guess, we in America will forever be willing to “look the other way” from the 9/11 reality in return for the oil.

And, to me, a massive arms sale to Saudi Arabia sends a very disturbing message to the Shia who’ve been at odds with the  Sunni’s – which is what the Saudi’s predominately are – about the allegiances of the United States.  On the one hand we say our main objective is to “defeat ISIL” (which is made up of Sunni’s) and then we throw our military support to the “home” of Al Qaeda and the terrorist organizations started by Osama bin Laden.   Remember, the ruling majority in Iraq are Shia and the source of the war is Shia v Sunni.  Again, it seems we (America) have no coherent foreign policy in dealing with this MESS that was exacerbated when George W Bush/Dick Cheney LIED the United States into invading Iraq all the way back in 2003.  I often wonder how Bush and Cheney are able to sleep at night knowing what damage they’ve done to the stability of one of the most critical parts of the world (not to mention the number of people DEAD as the result of their fiasco)?  It seems almost like an unsolvable problem – and then along comes Trump whose  actions are like pouring gas onto the fire.

Every time I listen to Trump it’s as if he’s operating in another universe.  The words that come from his mouth, almost every time, defy reality.  His claims rarely have any basis in FACT, and he’s convinced his supporters that anything reported about him that is negative would be “Fake news.”  He seems to be operating as if the so-called “Russian investigation” will just go away now that he’s fired James Comey, the (now former) director of the FBI, and he promotes his “legislative agenda” (which has gone nowhere) as something “very great” with no seeming connection to the realities of his own proposals.  Every time I listen to him the word “delusional” comes to mind and I’m reminded our president is a pathological liar.

For example, while bashing the Affordable Care Act (and, purposely attempting to undermine it – I truly believe Trump is the nation’s head racist – and, he could care less about people’s health insurance – he wants to dismantle ANYTHING with President Obama’s name attached to it) Trump is proclaiming the “health care” bill put forth by Paul Ryan and the House as something “wonderful.”  He ignores the FACT that the CBO estimates that 23 MILLION less people will be insured and that for anyone not in the younger healthy “class” premiums will skyrocket.  He also says NOTHING about the TRILLION dollar tax cut – which is what his “health care bill” really is and how it will cut almost $800 BILLION from Medicaid.  This bill will lead to realities that will truly make Trump’s presidency “historic” should the Senate go along with the House – but, the sad reality is the damage caused by all this will take YEARS to fix.

Evidently, the idea of fixing the Affordable Care Act is not “on the table” with Republicans because the last thing they want to do is help supplement President Obama’s so-called “legacy.”  What I don’t think they realize is that as every day passes they make Obama look much BETTER.  Heck, Trump is even, from my perspective, making George W Bush look better.  I’m not sure how long today’s republican party will continue to put up with Trump, but I believe he’s already etched himself into a place as the WORST president in the countries’ history (that’s historic!) and, as I’ve said many times here, the extent of the damage is still to be determined and it’s pretty much up to the republican party to determine when they’re going to “pull the plug” on this man.

Unfortunately, and this becomes clearer every day, what lies on the other side of Trump isn’t much better.  I believe Mike Pense has already begun the process of preparing for the ascendancy – I’ve read where he’s set up a “Super PAC” for the fundraising.  Pense, during his short term as Vice President has shown himself to be a willing LIAR as well.  I’m not sure he would fall into the “pathological” category and I’m not sure which is worse – a pathological liar or a “willing liar” – although, on thing I am sure of, they’re BOTH really BAD!  Right behind Pense in the line of ascension is Paul Ryan.  He’s another republican who’s exposed himself as, at a minimum, a willing liar.  By that, I mean he doesn’t have a second thought of standing before reporters and clearly LYING about the most basic things.  This “health care” bill has so many holes in it no one would have enough fingers to “plug the dike.”  Yet, I’ve heard with my own ears Ryan claim that “no Americans will go without health care.”

Of course, Ryan would claim he’s being “honest” because he’d point out if you become sick and you don’t have health insurance you could just go to any emergency room and they would be obligated to give you treatment.  I probably don’t have to explain to you why that is such a bogus claim – but, suffice it to say that the last time I was in an emergency room (6+ years ago, and for less than four hours which included something like five minutes with an actual doctor) the charge was $6000 for what seems like almost no service.  And, without health insurance my savings, at the time, would have been more than wiped out.  Had I have needed to be admitted, I would have faced financial ruin without health insurance.

Even with the Affordable Care Act there’s still MILLIONS of Americans without health insurance – but, with “Trumpcare” that number will increase by 23 MILLION.  Additionally, some people insured via the ACA can’t get into the doctors of their choice.  So, what should be happening is the ACA being FIXED – with a bipartisan solution (like a “public option” or a plan to head us toward a “single payer” “Medicare for all” system.  But, what we’re getting is a republican party trying to figure out a way to “repeal the ACA” with a “replacement” that angers the fewest number of right wing voters and allows them to give a YUGE tax cut to their benefactors.  Again, when they call their plan “health care” they are being DELUSIONAL.

Trump’s explanation of his foreign trip, his description of his “successes” so far in his administration, his claims about the “Russia investigation,” and virtually anything that comes from his mouth or the mouths of his surrogates ALWAYS comes across as delusional.  And, we have a republican congress that is apparently allowing their party to become the “party of Trump.”  They’re going to have to defend Trump as we get closer and closer to 2018 and hollow rhetoric will become less and less effective.  Many of the Americans who have benefited from what President Obama managed to get through an obstructionist congress during his two terms in office are people who voted for Trump (presumably because they couldn’t stand Hillary Clinton).  Trump’s delusion is soon to be their reality and it could get ugly.

Additionally, I can’t bring myself to believe there’s many Americans who are going to be willing to “look the other way” when the TRUTH about the Trump campaign’s involvement with the Russians becomes apparent.  The circumstantial evidence that there was COLLUSION is becoming overwhelming and the investigation by Robert Mueller is bound to overflow into the Trump financial empire – that’s likely to be wound tight by obligations to Russian sources of MONEY.  I’ve read enough sources that have said Trump’s preponderance to file bankruptcy, thereby STIFFING lenders and workers out of MILLIONS of dollars, left him no choice but to seek financing for his projects from abroad – with much of the money coming from Russia.

This would explain why Trump has yet to say one negative word about Vladimir Putin, why he’s not been quoted once as to having ANY concern about the Russian attack on our election (he didn’t even bring it up in his conversations with James Comey), why he met with the Russian ambassador and foreign minister shortly after firing Comey and exclaiming to them that the firing would “take away the pressure of the Russia investigation,” and, probably the most interesting part of this, why he continues to praise Michael Flynn and contact him encouraging Flynn to “stay strong.”  (Makes you wonder what Trump’s hiding and what Flynn knows – I’m guessing we’ll learn the latter before Flynn has to go to jail – what he knows about Trump and the Russians is likely his “get out of jail free” card.)

I’ll end this by saying that listening to a majority of republicans in the congress brings that word to mind again – delusional.  What becomes apparent is with republicans in Congress it’s all about politics and not about honor.  If they had taken their oath of office seriously, they’d be lining up as I’m writing this to end America’s present nightmare.  (Actually, for me, I’m almost hoping the republicans hold out until 2018 and let “we the people” vote in democrats to put them (democrats) on the spot as to whether they would impeach Trump – I don’t think Trump will make it that long – but, I’m concerned that Pense is even more dangerous – because, with him at the top Republicans could probably get their draconian agenda passed)  We (Americans) are drifting here at home – with MAJOR needs that should be addressed in a progressive manner – and, our standing in the world is reeling.  We will be able to recover from this, but it depends on how long Trump is allowed to live in the White House as to how difficult the recovery will be.  Kind of reminds me of smoking cigarettes.  The longer you do it, the harder it is to clear your system of the damage.  “We the people” all need to be praying that there’s no significant international crisis while Trump is still at the “helm.”  That would be the “thing” that could make the damage he does almost irreversible – the man is delusional!

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