Democrats need to give voters a reason to vote for them, and the PUBLIC OPTION just might get people’s attention.

The other day I may have experienced what bothers me most about the reality of Donald Trump as president.  I was asking a friend of mine, who voted for and supports Trump, about how he felt about the “health care” (Tax cut for the rich) bill and the proposed budget.  He said, “It won’t affect me.”  The cutting of “Meals on wheels,” “it won’t affect me.”  And, a couple more examples, but I’m sure you get the point.  Additionally, the idea that Russia interfered in our election doesn’t bother him” “everyone is doing it.”  The FACT that Trump is turning off our traditional allies and making “nice” with various ruthless dictators around the world doesn’t bother him – or, he doesn’t believe it’s true.  He’s convinced the media is “Fake” and he doesn’t believe anything – apparently, unless it comes from Fox “news” or right wing websites like Breitbart, etc.

This is a good man,  He’s worked hard his entire life and I certainly respect his right to his own opinion.  It’s just that what he believes – and, it goes beyond the above – he’s OK with the cuts to virtually everything people like me believe in, he’d be OK with the total dismantling of the Environmental Protection Agency, the Education Department, OSHA, etc. and, somehow, as a Christian he believes in Trump as a person.  Trust me, I work on him in that regard – I don’t see how anyone who calls themselves a Christian can be a supporter of Trump.  I “get” the “hope” that Neil Gorsuch’s appointment to the Supreme Court will end legalized abortion – there are MILLIONS of republicans who vote republican for that very issue – I believe – but Trump?  To me, this would just be another example of accepting that “the end justifies the means.”

My friend apparently doesn’t believe Trump accused himself of being a sexual predator in the “Access Hollywood” tapes – but, it’s right there for anyone who wants to see/listen to it.  He doesn’t believe the women who came forward to expose Trump for that very behavior – or, the reports that Trump routinely walked through the dressing rooms of the “beauty pageants” he supported while the contestants were changing their clothes – including the “Miss Teen USA” pageant” where it was reported he walked in on 15 – 16 year old girls changing their clothes – some with no clothes on at all (who called it “creepy”).  To me, this behavior is more than creepy!

My friend, and Millions of other Americans, don’t have second thoughts about Trump’s history of racism – and, the FACT he’s associated with and financially supported by leaders of the White Nationalist movement in America.  It doesn’t seem to bother him or them that Trump’s support comes from groups like the skinheads and the KKK.  Either they don’t care, or they support Trump as he pushes the “White” and “authoritarian” agendas around the globe.  He’s turning off our traditional allies that we’ve stood side by side with since WW II – plus, those from the former “Soviet Union” who have since joined NATO.  Trump’s cavalier attitude is raising red flags EVERYWHERE except with his “base” who have been brainwashed to believe he is going to “Make America Great” again – whatever that means.

I mean, I’m having a hard time figuring out how taking health insurance from MILLIONS will make us “great again.”  Also, not sure how another YUGE (Thanks Bernie) tax giveaway to the wealthiest in America will make us “great” again?  (Of course, Trump, himself, will presumably save MILLIONS from his “tax plan.”  I really don’t understand how that FACT doesn’t sink in to those who support him.)  Of course, so far Trump has been unable to get a single thing through Congress – it’s probably Obama’s fault :o) – but, at some point republicans are going to try to put some sort of legislation together – because, it’s reflecting on them as well.  I keep wondering, how long are republicans going to put up with Trump’s incompetence – and, his destruction to what “we the people” have held in importance for the past 50+ years.  How much DAMAGE will Trump be allowed to accomplish before republicans, themselves, say enough already?  The sad reality, to me, is that republicans in Congress believe Trump will sign whatever they might bring him, so the rest, apparently, is OK.

Not only is Trump turning off our traditional allies, but he’s kissing up to a group that I would describe as “strange bedfellows.”  I “get” that the United States still relies on Saudi Arabia for our oil – but, Trump’s giving the Saudi’s access to, what was reported ultimately would be, $350 BILLION worth of sophisticated military hardware in my mind tells the Middle East that the United States is taking sides in this endless war with the Sunnis and Shia.  I really find it interesting the way Trump (and, to be fair, other America leaders) have failed to accept that most of the 9/11 attackers came from Saudi Arabia – and, that they are the money behind Al Qaeda (and, possibly, ISIS).  To me, the “war” between the Sunni’s and Shia is none of our business and, obviously, we should NEVER have invaded Iraq back in 2003.  If you’ve read any of my earlier posts you would know that my biggest “beef” with President Obama was his willingness to “look forward instead of back” regarding all the LIES and the TORTURE associated with the Bush/Cheney regime and their invasion of Iraq.  To me, that let Bush and Cheney (and others) off “scott free” for committing war crimes.  (Over a MILLION people died and MILLIONS were uprooted from their homes)

Donald Trump is further evidence that the system for electing presidents in America is SCREWED UP!  The electoral college has got to go!  Bush was “elected” by the Supreme Court, thanks to some “hanging chad,” the president elect’s brother as governor of the key state where it took the Court to defeat Al Gore, and despite Gore’s winning the so-called – but, apparently meaningless – “popular vote.” And, now we have Trump as the “winner” despite actually LOSING by around 3 MILLION votes – and, acting as if he has a mandate to undermine virtually everything this nation has stood for over the past 70 or so years.  Today I read how Angela Merkel, the chancellor of Germany, stated that, essentially, Europe must fend for itself – the alliance of nations that formed after WW II – NATO – is on unsound footing because of Donald Trump.  If anyone understands the danger of a “White Nationalist” movement, it would be the Germans!

I’ve often pondered on the amount of damage Trump might do before republicans come to their senses and IMPEACH him from office.  Well, the fragmentation of our traditional allies around the world – while, at the same time, sucking up to the dictators – is DANGEROUS territory – but, are republicans even noticing this?  For those of us who can’t even imagine how someone like Trump could become president, this is a difficult position.  I just believe his incompetence will eventually lead to a disaster of major proportions – just not sure from where it will evolve.  I’m thinking that the disaster is most likely to be in the form of an economic downturn that could be far worse than the “Great Recession” Bush/Cheney gave us.  And, of course, republicans gave no help to President Obama as he put together policies to pull us out of that “mess,”  and I’m, for one, not confident they would understand how to pull us out from the next big “mess.”  (Trump claimed he inherited a “mess” – was he not paying attention in 2009?)

However, there’s this military thing that republicans seem to want to exploit.  Somehow, I believe there’s “stuff” going on with our military that is not being reported – we’re all busy trying to figure out if any Americans colluded with the Russians during the last election.  I believe that while our focus is on the Russians there’s a LOT of the damage I worry about that is “flying under the radar.”  I mean, why would anyone want to increase our military spending by “Yuge” amounts and then not do anything with it.  At some point, our “leaders” (I hope) will come to the realization that spending more on our military is actually making us less safe.  We seem to be incapable of visualizing how those in other nations view that.  It’s like the old saying, you push a mouse into a corner and he will strike back.  Additionally, from my perspective, building more bombs is NOT the way to create new jobs!

2018 can’t come soon enough for me (actually, I’m hoping to still be here for election day that year).  However, I have to hope that democrats have learned being anti-Trump isn’t enough to regain control of Congress.  It seems our politicians – across the board – have determined that playing to people’s fears is the way to win.  That’s what terrorism is designed to do – play to people’s fears.  Osama Bin Laden understood how to defeat America – we are undoing ourselves from the inside out – based on FEAR.  That’s got to stop or we will end up destroying all the good that came from the “greatest generation.”  (Those Americans who brought us through the Great Depression and helped win WW II)

So, democrats need to come up with a message.  (personally, I’ve always been an “independent” voter – but, under present circumstances I can’t bring myself to vote for any republican)  My first suggestion would be to start pushing IMMEDIATELY for the so-called PUBLIC OPTION that SHOULD have been part of the ACA.  As republicans are trying to figure out how to dismantle “Obamacare” (The Affordable Care Act) the democrats should be suggesting how to FIX it.  The original bill was very complicated and I’m not pretending to understand where it needs fixing, but – short of implementing a single payer system of health care (ie Medicare for all) the “Public Option” would be a great place to start.  Who knows, maybe even republicans, at this point, would go along.  (OK – I know that’s ridiculous – but, a guy can hope can’t he?)  Democrats need to give voters a reason to vote for them, and the PUBLIC OPTION just might get people’s attention.  Even some of the people who voted for Trump!


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