AT this point the “secret’s out” – so, republicans are now complicit if they don’t stop Trump from doing more damage to our country.

As Trump’s presidency has progressed I’ve noticed he appears angrier and angrier each and every time I see him.  His face seems to always have at best a stern look and at worst it’s bright red as if he’s ready to bite someone’s face off.  The rumors of what it’s like inside the White House tell of yelling and cursing at his aides and you can see the tension on their faces every time they face a camera.  There seems to be no joy.  Except for ONE time!  Last week, at the urging of Vladimir Putin, Trump welcomed a couple Russian diplomats, one being the “Ambassador” (spy) that had secret meetings that were LIED about by several Trump surrogates, including his son-in-law Jared Kushner, Attorney General Sessions, and former National Security Advisor Michael Flynn, and the other being the  Russian Foreign Minister who actually joked about FBI director Comey’s firing as he entered the “Oval Office.”

True to form, there were no American press representatives in the meeting, so it probably seemed likely to Trump that nothing would come of it – like maybe no one would even know the meeting took place (one day after Trump admitted to FIRING Jim Comey because of the Russian investigation).  What was originally the hardest part of all this for me to process was that the only way “we the people” found out about the meeting was through the Russian News Agency TASS.  On their website were numerous photos of Trump, the Ambassador, and the Foreign Minister evidently having a wonderful time.  It took a while to dawn on me, but that was the first time I could remember seeing Trump with a broad smile on his face since his early days in office.  Obviously, the “optics” came across as Trump being in friendly company.  On the heels of the Russian interference in our election and the investigations into the Trump campaign’s possible collusion this did not make things look better for Trump.

At the time, to me, it was simply another example of the arrogance of Trump as if he can do whatever he chooses and he’ll be given a “free pass.”  It appears to me Trump believes the republicans are either afraid to “check” him or he foolishly believes they’re in “accord” with him.  As I’ve said many times since the election, I believe republicans will “put up” with Trump only as long as he’s not endangering their own positions – which is getting REALLY close as I’m writing this.  Depending on how “deep” the trouble is, I believe republicans may already be close to the end of the “plank.”  Trump was all smiles in his dealings with the two Russians, but I don’t for a minute believe there’s many in his “base” who will continue “smiling” with him if the evidence turns “south” on these investigations.  I can’t imagine Americans being OK with political leaders committing treasonous acts – and, at some point, even the republicans in Congress are going to have to face the reality of Trump’s folly.

Even if Trump is totally innocent of any collusion with the Russians during the election, his incompetence is putting America in a very vulnerable situation.  There is nothing remotely funny about all this.  And, while republicans are deciding how long to put up with Trump’s nonsense, “we the people” are watching his surrogates undermine their own credibility by CONSTANTLY LYING to the American people.  It’s as if they don’t understand “we the people” want to know what’s going on with our government and we want our government functioning efficiently. The other day I watched deputy press secretary Sarah Sanders essentially lashing out at the press corps with a stern angry face – all they while she was damaging herself by attempting to defend Trump’s (and hers and the others) LYING.  Trump and his “team” are near the point where they’ve lost ALL credibility.

One of the reasons Trump’s in the White House is the frustration – misplaced as it was – with so many Americans at the dysfunction in Washington DC.  However, right wing media outlets successfully put the blame on President Obama for all the OBSTRUCTION that was the publicly stated strategy of Mitch McConnell and the republicans in the House.  McConnell was filibustering anything coming from Obama’s White House and republicans in the House were not only blocking Obama’s agenda, but they were busy working to undermine Hillary Clinton for several years before the 2016 campaign.  Unbeknownst to them (I’m sure) they were working in concert with the Russians on that “front.”  As we look back, there was some really bizarre behavior by Trump and his surrogates during the campaign that is coming back to “haunt” them.  A couple examples off the top of my head:  Mike Flynn leading the “lock her up” chant and Trump calling Mrs.Clinton “Crooked Hillary.”  The topper may end up being Trump continually accusing Mrs. Clinton of being unfit for office because of allegedly (and carelessly) compromising “classified information.”  I personally heard him on that one several times.

So, speaking of carelessly leaking “classified information,” every day there seems to be another revelation about Trump that just makes me shake my head and wonder how long is this charade going to continue?  Today, it was the report that during the aforementioned meeting in the White House with the two Russians, Trump, himself, leaked Classified information of the highest order – and, to the Russians yet.  Had anyone else done this it would be a criminal offense, but since the president can de-classify anything he/she wants he’ll get away with another absurd FOLLY.  However, the fact he can’t be legally held responsible for leaking Classified information, he’s potentially harmed the nation’s security in, to this point, undetermined levels.  The reports state that this information was sensitive enough that our “allies” (who are actually watching all this – maybe closer than many Americans) may decide to refrain from passing information to American intelligence out of fear that Trump will pass it on to our adversaries (this information apparently came from strategically placed allies who may now be able to be uncovered by the Russians).  To me, whether Trump did this unknowingly (some reports suggest he was bragging) or not is irrelevant.   He’s the president and it’s becoming clear that none of us, republicans, democrats, independents, libertarians, and you name it are “safer” with Trump in the White House.  The question in my mind:  “Is he a buffoon or a turncoat?”

Virtually no one believes anything that is said by Trump or any of his surrogates – they’ve all proven a willingness to LIE for this president – and, there’s going to be a time, probably sooner rather than later, when a REAL crisis will emerge and America is going to be extremely vulnerable and no one will believe a word coming from Trump’s or his minion’s mouths.  For heaven’s sake: Trump is the “Commander in Chief” – process that for a few minutes.  It’s SCARY.  The man not only doesn’t know what he’s doing, he’s irrational, he’s narcissistic beyond imagination, and he’s a pathological liar – which means he actually believes his own lies as the words are spewing out of his mouth.  You can tell watching him speak – he’s making things up as he goes – and, afterward he tries to twist reality in a futile attempt to make the latest LIE not be a LIE.  That’s how classic LIARS work and he’s a danger to “we the people.”  Come on republicans, do the right thing!  AT this point the “secret’s out” – so, republicans are now complicit if they don’t stop this man from doing more damage to our country.

Unfortunately, Mike Pense has been compromised because he’s been caught LYING for the Trump cause on several occasions.  And, the way Pense LIES shows a man with a strong lack of character – and he’s next in line!  Yikes!  After Pense, in the “chain of command” comes Paul Ryan – another incredible LIAR.  I’ve watched him carefully as he attempts to hide a HUGE tax cut for the wealthiest Americans inside a “health care bill” that robs MILLIONS of Americans from access to health insurance and his willingness to LIE is also alarming.  I know most people say “all politicians lie” – but, this year it’s gotten to the ridiculous stage.  President Obama, no doubt, spun issues – but, for the most part, he told it like it was.  Even George W Bush is looking much better to me (minus Dick Cheney).  The Russians succeeded in undermining our “democracy” (it’s actually a republic) and the turmoil we’re dealing with is likely to be putting smiles on Vladimir Putin’s face and it could last at least until 2020.  It’s just that if Trump is allowed to continue “flipping off” our constitution the damage could become almost irreparable.  This could get a lot worse in a HURRY.

There’s NO WAY the Justice department, under the direction of Jeff Sessions and Rob Rosenstein can lead what’s left of the investigation into the Russian interference in our election and Trump’s connection to it and have any semblance of support from the America people.  There needs to be a “special prosecutor” who has the resources to bring all of the investigations to a close – and it needs to get started forthwith.  Also, as much of the investigation that can be done in public needs to be done in public.  This is a potential crossroads in American history.  Regardless of how any investigation turns out (and, hopefully, there was no collusion – although the circumstantial evidence that’s been made public to this point would suggest otherwise) the reality is that we have a president who is not able to do the job.  America can not endure four more years of this – the man doesn’t appear to have learned ONE thing since the first day he took office – and, it’s on the republicans to do something about it.  They wanted the majorities – you know, their “permanent republican majority” as Karl Rove called it – well, now they have it and it’s on them to act in a way that puts this nation’s interests above their party.

When all is said and done on this low-point in American history “we the people” have to hope that our “leaders” do, what at this point in time seems impossible, but as the saying goes “turn a lemon into lemonade.”  It’s time for the partisan infighting to come to an end and it’s time for the needs of the American people to supersede the wishes of the Corporate donors who’ve flooded Washington DC with TRILLIONS of dollars designed to create an atmosphere where the American people are fighting over “wedge issues” while the wealthy elite are plundering even more of he wealth of our inheritance – ie this nation.  If that requires republicans who are supporting the anti New Deal push of the last 35 years to be voted out then so be it.  But, ideally, this episode with Trump will cause many in Washington to realize their jobs are to do what’s right for the American people and that they don’t work for those who have the dollars to fund their re-election bids.  And, it would require democrats who understand that they, too, represent “we the people,” and NO ONE should be disqualified because of a difference in fundamental belief – ie the abortion issue.

I have breakfast almost every week with a friend of mine who (foolishly :o) voted for Trump and a person who sees the world entirely different than myself.  However, we first off realize there’s a “higher power” than us and all of this (to us it’s Jesus) and secondly we understand we can see things differently and still have great and productive discussions about the “issues of the day.”  I often call him a “whack job” and he simply calls me a “liberal” (which, evidently in “conservative” circles is worst than a “whack job” :o).  But, we do it in love and we can laugh at each other while we’re doing it.  Often, we long for the day when our “leaders” can come to the same place – where the different views are OK and the search for solutions lies somewhere in the “middle.”  Many in Washington DC, especially on the “right,” see “compromise” as a “dirty word.”  That’s bad.  Until we in America can get back to a place where our nation is once again a “we” society, this partisan “bickering” will continue.  People around the world are watching and the “terrorists” and the Russians are using our own insecurities to destabilize our government.

Final thought: As many have said over the years, the only way America can be defeated is from within.  Let’s hope our Congress realizes this before it’s too late!

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