Is Trump going to blame President Obama if his action into Syria proves to be a major blunder?

OK, the ridiculous is getting even more ridiculous!  Yesterday I only watched a couple minutes of TV and, just as I might have expected, there was another STUPID and RIDICULOUS “tweet” from the man who is impersonating as the President of the United States.  What did he “tweet” this time?  Well, apparently Susan Rice committed the crime of the century.  According to Trump, the crime Rice “committed” will be a “massive, massive story.”  And, of course, he added that the issue of Russian involvement in his victory during the 2016 election is a “hoax.”  I wrote the other day of how Trump’s strategy for manipulating the media can be summed up with, “denial, attack, and deflect.”  So far, they’ve been falling for it, but at some point people are going to realize the consequences if “we the people” don’t come to our senses.  The absurdity of Trump suggesting Susan Rice will be a “massive, massive” story ranks with President Obama “wiretapping” Trump tower, the claims about 3 – 5 MILLION “illegals” ALL voting for Hillary Clinton, thousands of Muslims cheering 9/11 from New Jersey, President Obama being born in  Kenya, and the list goes on and on. (he always says, “The proof will come later” – and, of course, it NEVER comes)

All the while North Korea is a mounting problem and is going to continue testing Trump, Syria just gave the extreme “test” (Sarin attack on civilians) only days after Trump’s Secretary of State announced that, essentially, Bashar AL-Assad’s future will be determined by the Syrian people, (I could write an entire post on that one – plus, Trump had the audacity to blame this gas attack on President Obama), republicans are still scheming on how to take health insurance away from 24 MILLION  Americans (and, presumably blame democrats and Obama), environmental regulations are being routinely discarded (like OKing the dumping of coal waste into rivers and streams, harmful insecticides being approved), Wall Street is being deregulated (evidently, we’ll need another financial “meltdown” before anyone notices this), and Trump’s support among the American people is catering virtually every day.  The last polling I saw said Trump has the support of 35% of the American public.  I keep wondering, “how can it be even that high?”  I mean the circumstantial evidence would suggest that it’s the Russian collusion which will continue to be the MASSIVE, MASSIVE story until the people involved are held accountable.

This all gives a pretty clear picture of why foreign adversaries are referring to Trump as an “idiot.”  On that note, today Trump “tweeted” that his administration has had “the most successful 13 weeks in American history.”  I find it hard to put words to that tweet.  It really tells you how deluded Trump is and confirms the pathological liar analysis.  I’m sure Trump actually believes that.  I still think there’s probably an over and under in Las Vegas as to how long until Trump is impeached.

Shortly after I began writing this post, Trump ordered the US Military to send 59 Tomahawk Cruise missiles in an attack on a Syrian air base.  This, coming two or three days after the Syrians gassed their own people in a “rebel stronghold.”  Supposedly, the Sarin gas had been removed after the last major gas attack by Al-Assad – Vladimir Putin had guaranteed the removal which was one of the reasons President Obama didn’t order a military strike into Syria at the time (among other THOUGHTFUL reasons).  After listening to one republican after another, this evening, gushing over Trump’s willingness to “pull the trigger,” that gagging feeling is returning and I remembered the other reason – probably the main reason – Obama didn’t order an air strike into Syria in 2013.  The best way I can explain this is Bush/Cheney and Iraq.  At least one of the pundits, tonight, claimed this attack validated the approach of President Bush and his “shock and awe” attack on Iraq back in 2003.  These people have a combination of short memories and lack of good sense – I really don’t want to use the word “STUPID” here, but, come on people.

What is it going to take for the war mongers in America to learn anything.  Do they not remember Viet Nam?  OK, that was over 50 years ago when we were lied into that fiasco.  But, certainly the invasion of Iraq has to be front and center in the minds of anyone in a position to be on television talking about this stuff, wouldn’t you think?  The invasion of Iraq is the reason that Syria is now being obliterated.  GW Bush and Dick Cheney had no plan, had no idea what they were doing, had on understanding of the Shia/Sunni conflict – which, by the way has been brewing for thousands of years and, if you believe the Bible, will continue brewing essentially FOREVER.  We’re (The United States of America) not going to solve the Shia/Sunni conflict.  At this point I have to wonder if that will ever sink in.

Now, don’t get me completely wrong.  I would agree that the gassing of their own citizens – including little children and babies – is a terrible war crime.  I just don’t think there was a lot of thought in the response.  The possible after affect of Trump’s actions are many and I, personally, don’t believe Trump has carefully thought through them.  You know, like what happens next?  What if Al-Assad attacks more civilians? (which, based on the last few years seems quite likely)  Will that cause an escalation?  What if Al-Assad sends some scud missiles in the direction of the American troops stationed in and around Syria in the fight against ISIL?  What will the response of the Iranians be?  How about the Russians?

If you remember, after we invaded Iraq Donald Rumsfeld predicted we’d be cheered by the Iraqi people as “liberators” – and our troops would be home in “six days, maybe six weeks, certainly no more than six months – of course, by now most people understand that Bush/Cheney/Rumsfeld et al had no idea what they were getting into or what was going to happen.  They had NO exit strategy – hence, the problem is ongoing and has flooded into Syria.  As I was listening to the republican “experts” tonight (on MSNBC) it became clear that these people will NEVER accept ownership of what they did by invading Iraq.  Their fallback position on everything is to blame President Obama.  Trump did that after the Sarin gas attack despite the FACT that just days prior to the attack his own Secretary of State (who’s another person in “over his head”) essentially gave Assad the “green light” by saying America no longer had any interest in “regime change” in Syria.  Removing Al-Assad was up to the Syrian people.  (This after hundreds of thousands have been murdered and something like 5 MILLION have fled the country.  And, remember, it was the Syrian refugees that motivated Trump’s call for a “complete Muslim ban” during the campaign. Likely to be more refugees after tonight’s bombing and the after effects)

President Obama organized an international (of sorts) coalition and used diplomatic sanctions in an ongoing attempt to get Al-Assad removed from power without an invasion of a sovereign nation. (You know, like what happened in Iraq)  To republicans who are always chomping at the bit to use our military might that is a sign of weakness.  It remains to  be seen what the outcome of Trump’s actions tonight will be, but I just hope all the militarists who are “giddy” right now can spend a moment or two in reflection.  Was this a sign of strength? (as some are portraying it) or was this the sign of a president without a grasp of the complexity of the situation who’s trying to get the national focus off of his own political vulnerability from the Russian investigation – which could easily topple his entire administration?

Clearly I don’t trust Donald Trump, I believe he’s a person with no conscience when it comes to integrity, I believe he’s a dangerous narcissist in a position that could cause irreparable damage to this nation in so many ways – but, he is the president and I have to hope that his actions tonight end up being a “measured response” to the FACT that the Syrian dictator is willing to GAS his own people (yes, just like Saddam Hussein).  If, however, this action leads to an escalation in the NON-WINNABLE Middle East Sunni/Shia conflict and if, as I’m thinking, Trump has no idea what happens next, what the possible scenarios are, and what the long term “plan” is – then we’re right back to when is this nightmare going to be over?

The political divide in America is stark and the republicans are the masters at deflecting the blame for how we got here away from themselves and toward the democrats.  (I guess I have to add then, that the democrats are fairly inept at fighting back)  Obstruction has been a republican strategy since (at least) the 1994 “Contract for America” (I always called it the “Contract on America”) and even the so-called “liberal media” (and, for my purposes, I’m thinking of MSNBC) continually allows them to “get away with it.”  Today I listened to an interview with John McCain who was lamenting the FACT there’s no “bipartisanship” in the Congress as he was in a discussion about Syria and, toward the end of the interview he couldn’t help himself but to throw in a “blame bomb” toward President Obama (The one person in Washington DC who’s acted like an adult for the past 8 years).  Of course, McCain is a known war monger, but to put the blame for all this (and just about everything else republicans can’t figure out how to do regarding government) on Obama is absurd – and, you’d think the “liberal media” commentators, at some point, would begin calling McCain, Trump, and the others on this.  How could there possibly be bipartisanship under these circumstances.

On top of all that, (these people are suggesting President Obama should have ordered a military strike back in 2013 the last time Al-Assad gassed his own people) when President Obama was facing the decision of what to do after the Syrian president committed a war crime (gassing people IS a war crime) Congress refused to even vote on what’s called a military use of force authorization to give Obama legal “cover” for striking a sovereign nation and Donald Trump himself was telling President Obama not to take military action in Syria.  In fact, Trump was claiming he wouldn’t take military action in Syria right up to the election.  Yes, people can change their minds and their positions on issues, but these republicans MUST stop blaming Obama for everything they don’t like and start taking responsibility for their own actions.  Is Trump going to blame President Obama if his action into Syria proves to be a major blunder?

Here’s the real question here.  Will Trump manage to DEFLECT the attention on his ties to the Russian oligarchy and their intrusion into our 2016 election by pursuing a military conflict in Syria all while he’s accusing Susan Rice of committing a “massive” crime?  Is our “liberal media” stupid enough to fall for that?  I can assure you of this;  We (Americans) care about the integrity of our elections and understand we are not going to solve the Shia/Sunni conflict.  The more we get involved in Syria and the more Trump lies about the election the worse it’s going to get.  We not only don’t understand the nuances of the conflict itself, but we are seemingly unable to “get” how the people over there view the world all while many Americans question Trump’s legitimacy.  The leaders of ISIL have already publicly referred to Trump as an “Idiot,” and there’s little doubt that Al-Assad is thinking along those lines as he shows his willingness to push Trump’s “buttons.”

On a positive note, I’ve heard several people refer to Trump’s National Security Adviser (General McMaster) and his Secretary of Defense (James Mattis) as being competent and respected. That gives me a small sense of comfort, but the reality is that it’s the president who’s the “commander in chief” and I have NO CONFIDENCE in Donald Trump to think rationally.  The reality is that his administration is embroiled in a SERIOUS controversy that’s not going away anytime soon and a majority of Americans view him unfavorably as president and many question whether he should even be president.  Let’s hope he doesn’t feel the way out is to become, as GW Bush “bragged,” (foolishly, of course) a “war president.”  The closest Trump himself has come to war is getting six deferments from the Selective Service back in the Viet Nam days.  As a (liberal, obviously) Christian I will continue praying for our nation and for peace (“Blessed are the peacemakers”).  Actually, I’ve been praying for Mr. Trump because I would never want our president to fail even though I fundamentally disagree with almost everything he does – but, I have to speak my mind; this man is in over his head and apparently the “you know what” is headed straight for the fan.  (After the “Access Hollywood” Tape was publicized it became extremely difficult for me to stomach listening to our watching Trump – I’m just sayin…..)

Final note: One of my libertarian friends (who is a Christian and loves Trump – go figure – personally, I”m not sure how that’s possible) says I never make positive suggestions (which may be an accurate assessment – I rarely re-read any of my posts) so, here’s one:  Why doesn’t Mr. Trump and his buddy Vladimir Putin agree to take Bashar Al-Assad into custody and have him tried for WAR CRIMES?  I know that would be a bit tricky, because Putin is – well, standing on pretty “shaky ground” when it comes to that subject, also we looked the other way after both Bush and Cheney admitted on NATIONAL TV they authorized TORTURE (waterboarding, among other forms of illegal “enhanced interrogation” – that didn’t work – if you’re wondering, that’s a WAR CRIME), and Trump, himself, has said on several occasions he would authorize TORTURE (waterboarding) “and a whole lot more” – so, I”m not sure how my “plan” would play out.  But, from an idealistic perspective, wouldn’t that be much better than escalating the Syrian civil war and thousands more Syrians being killed?

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