I believe John Lewis is “right on” regarding the “legitimacy” of Donald Trump.

I’ve been watching the past few days to the reaction from John Lewis, one of the great Civil Rights icons in America, claiming he doesn’t believe Donald Trump is a legitimate president.  It’s been interesting.  I’ve got to add, prior to getting into whatever “rant” follows, that I felt the same about George W Bush/Dick Cheney back in 2001 (and 2004) for differing reasons, but the bottom line is there’s plenty to be concerned about in America’s elections over the previous 16+ years.  Most people know that Bush/Cheney were “installed” by the Supreme Court after the 2000 election allowing Jeb Bush and his Secretary of State to “pull a rabbit out of a hat” in “swinging” the state of which he was the governor for his brother – when, if looked at in detail, Al Gore clearly SHOULD have carried Florida and the election.

Now we’ve got a president with UNTOLD numbers of questions looming over his head, not the least of which is the effect of the Russian interference on the election.  Additionally, it’s not just me wondering what on earth was in the minds of the FBI sending James Comey out to interfere in the last days of the 2016 election.  I’ve stated here that I noticed a swing in the polls IMMEDIATELY after Comey’s announcement and I clearly remember (and for me that’s amazing at my age) a poll maybe two days after Comey’s announcement where over 50% of “undecided” voters stated that the “reopening” of the email probe was a deciding factor for them.  Nate Silver, who I believe is the most respected “pollster” in America, flatly stated, after studying the final election results, that Comey’s “letter to congress” (which, of course, was made public by republican “leakers”) swung the election to Trump.  Trump’s “base” was mostly made up of Christian Evangelicals – who, apparently, weren’t bothered by Trump admitting to being a sexual predator, or his racist history (and comments), or his lack of knowledge, or his ties to Russia and Vladimir Putin – AND, “White Nationalists” who were energized by Trump’s racist history and have been leading the anti-government push for years.  I honestly believe many of these people believe the government can run itself or the government’s the enemy, or who knows what?

On top of the Russian influence and the FBI interfering in the election there’s, additionally, the issue of the voter suppression efforts of republicans that have been ongoing for years – but, which have gained momentum in the past couple of years due to the Supreme Court “gutting” of section 5 of the Voting Rights Act of 1965.  So, this past week, we had John Lewis – one of the many who put their lives on the line to get the Voting Rights Act passed back in 1965 – questioning the legitimacy of Donald Trump’s presidency – and, he didn’t even bring up the effects of the voter suppression.  Our “liberal media” likely will not investigate the effect of the voter suppression tactics of republicans – but, I don’t think I’m the only one who wonders about its role in Trump’s “victory.”  Here’s some of the places where voter ID laws were instigated – clearly in an attempt to “suppress” the votes of democratic leaning constituencies:  North Carolina, Pennsylvania, Wisconsin, and Michigan – to name a few.  Why bring up these states?  Well, the combined total of Trump’s votes to Clinton’s in the four states was something like 175,000.  I heard one person in Wisconsin claim that over 300,000 voters were “suppressed” in that state alone.  Of course, just like Florida in 2000 we’ll never know the true results of this election because our “liberal media,” as opposed to being the “watchdog” of our government, is in collusion with our government.  And, by the way, anyone who’s been paying any attention at all knows who the voter ID laws are aimed to discriminate against – it’s no secret!

This (the media’s collusion with government) was evident recently with the uproar after Buzzfeed.com published a “dossier” that had been “floating around Washington” for at least two months that had incriminating allegations regarding the president elect.  No one could “corroborate” the allegations so this “information” was destined to remain “hidden” from public view, presumably for ever. If you’ve been watching, I’m sure you came to the same conclusion I did when listening to Trump “deny” the allegations – especially those relating to the “golden shower” on the bed President Obama slept in while he was in Moscow.  It reminded me of Trump’s denials of the sexual assaults as one woman after another came forward to “out” him on his predatory behavior.  I still remember the lawsuits against Bill Clinton – “back in the day” – and, I have to wonder if any of the women who came forward are going to pursue actions against Trump.  Of course, he “promised” to sue every one of them – we’ll see!

Regarding the “Buzzfeed” allegations, personally, I applaud the outfit who published it – maybe this will force the allegations to be vetted.  Apparently, this information came from a British spy who was hired by someone in the “never Trump” movement to get “opposition research.”  After Trump won the nomination whoever was financing this “research” apparently backed away and, we’ll probably only know if it’s true if the Russian government chooses to allow the “evidence” to become public.  (which would include video evidence) The implication is that the Russians collected this “evidence” as a way to blackmail Trump once he’s in office.  And, if you’re thinking, “Oh, they wouldn’t do that” – well, I’ve got a bridge I’d like to ………… (you know, or should know, the rest of that one) Interestingly, the “spy” who came up with this information has “disappeared” and reports are that others (informants) are in “danger” now that the information has been publicized.  Does all this not make you wonder????

So, getting back to John Lewis – when I think about what he said I’m reminded of the program called “The Last Word” with Lawrence O’Donnell on MSNBC where he’s brought up many of the questions looming over the Trump presidency and reported to “we the people” – at least those of us thinking along the lines of Lewis – “You’re not alone.”  O’Donnell showed one poll after another which show how Trump is coming into office as the most unpopular president since the polling began (by a large margin) and how virtually every move Trump makes just makes matters worst for him.  Trump played the media masterfully to win the election, but it appears to me that his “opposition” is beginning to understand him and they are going to give Trump unlimited opportunities to “shoot himself in the foot.”  We can count on the “Twitter” responses to his critics – and, I believe they will use this against him until Kellyanne Conway and Steve Bannon can convince Trump that presidents don’t (or shouldn’t) use “Twitter.”

The comedians in America are looking forward to the next four years because Trump is likely to give them unlimited opportunities to make fun of him.  However, the damage he could do to this country and “we the people” is not something to be laughing about.  As I said on a previous post, I truly hope I’m wrong about Trump, but I’m not going to hold my breath.  Just the damage done by repealing the Affordable Care Act – without a replacement (which Trump has said won’t happen) that is better, is going to be a flash point.  It took over 60 years to get “something” regarding “national health care” and, while the ACA was far from perfect – it was a first step that could have been improved every year since its inception.  However, simply because it was enacted during Barack Obama’s presidency the republicans have done nothing but try to repeal it for the past 7 years.  We’re soon to find out what they have to replace it.  Trump actually has an opportunity here.  Do you actually believe that he, along with the republican congress, will have a replacement that improves the ACA?  Again, I hope I’m wrong – but, let’s just say I’m extremely skeptical.

Trump could easily quiet his critics in the public, but evidently not without angering the republicans who see red as they begin the implementation of some draconian legislation that had no chance with President Obama in office.  The promise of deregulation should remind people of Bush/Cheney.  Of course, the tearing down of New Deal regulations had it’s infancy in Reagan’s administration, and Bill Clinton – in the interest of the so-called “grand bargain” made a couple major concessions that helped lead to the “Great Recession” of 2008 (mainly the repeal of Glass/Steagall) – but, combined with HUGE tax cuts and out of control military spending – along with deregulation or the lack of enforcement of existing regulations – Bush/Cheney led us into a financial collapse that, save for the actions of President Obama and the democratic congress (and a couple republicans), could have resulted in another Depression (in fact, in places around the world – that was probably the result of Wall Street’s financial misbehavior ie – Greece, Spain, Iceland and others).  Well, listening to Trump and the republican congress it feels like “Deja Vu all over again.”

If we didn’t learn the lesson about “tax cuts for the wealthy” and “balancing the budget” after the years of Reagan and the two Bush’s, are we ever going to learn?  Evidently, here we go again.  It should be interesting to watch all the budget “hawks” who spent the past eight years blaming the budget deficit on President Obama – while he was overseeing an approach to the economy that reduced the deficit by more than 60% by the time he will leave office.  Based on the plans of Trump, I’m guessing the deficit will top $1 TRILLION per year within 2 years of Trump taking office.  Remember, the first year he’s somewhat constrained by what he inherited from Obama (around a $500 BILLION deficit – down from $1.4 TRILLION when Obama took office) but, based on history we can expect a spike upward.  And, I’m predicting all the republicans that cared so much about the deficit during Obama’s presidency will be back on “silent mode” – just as they were when GW Bush took Bill Clinton’s $250 BILLION surplus and turned it into the MASSIVE deficits he stuck President Obama with.

Just the repeal of the ACA will funnel something in the neighborhood of $380 BILLION back into the pockets of those at the “top” in America’s financial “food chain” in the next few years.  Trump is proposing across the board tax cuts which would include the elimination of the inheritance tax.  Seriously, do you think he’s got an ulterior motive on that one????  It was reported during the campaign that Trump hasn’t paid taxes in almost 20 years and his response to that allegation was “that makes me smart.”  So, I’m wondering where the money’s going to be coming from?  I’m sure there’s more to John Lewis’ concerns about Trump that causes him to feel Trump is not a legitimate president.  Aside from the obvious (Russian influence), the level of incompetence is startling.  Lewis has been in Congress for MANY years – he’s seen this all before and I respect him for speaking his mind.  I believe he sees similar “writing on the wall” that many Americans see and are troubled by.  Trump lashed back at Lewis claiming his district was a mess and “crime infested” – of course, with NO facts to back it up – (that’s how he runs) and accused Lewis of being just “talk, talk, talk.”  Well, from my perspective, John Lewis is one of the politicians in America that I trust and believe has not been corrupted by big money.

The real irony of all this is telling.  When you look at what brought Trump into the spotlight with the group of Americans who deplored the idea of a person of color living in the “White House” – it was Trump leading the so-called “Birther” movement.  For several years Trump questioned the legitimacy of Barack Obama – over a birth certificate!  Lewis’ questions regarding Trump’s legitimacy run much deeper than a question over a birth certificate (although, I for one, would love to know the TRUTH about whether Trump’s wife was “legal” when he met her – this is another part of the “mystery” we’ll never know – thanks to our “liberal media” – but, I digress, that’s a story for another day)  There are even allegations that Trump’s surrogates were in contact with the Russians while all the “hacking” was going on.  Their campaign, at times, seemed to be coordinated with the “leaks” coming from the hacked DNC emails.  I believe John Lewis will be the one who comes out of this controversy well.  He is a man who simply isn’t willing to look the other way in the face of something that’s wrong.  Most Americans KNOW this election was – just as Trump predicted – RIGGED.  I believe it’s going to go from bad to worse for Trump as he assumes the office of the President of the United States.  Personally, I believe President Obama handled the 6 years of Trump claiming he was an illegitimate president with an infinite more amount of class than Trump’s response to John Lewis.  What’s the old saying?  “He can give it out, but he sure can’t take it!”

Trump obviously has supporters who care not about history, tradition, morality, or the United States as a “we” society.  But, the MAJORITY of Americans, are not in that category.  Due to the unending assault on Hillary Clinton via our “liberal media” there were MILLIONS of Americans who were voting against Mrs. Clinton with little knowledge about the amount of DAMAGE Trump can cause for “we the people.”  It’s becoming clearer every day that if the election was held again, even with the help of the Russians, Trump wouldn’t stand a chance.  And, as I stated in a previous post, maybe this is what was necessary for Americans who’ve been sitting on the “sidelines” for the past many years thinking there’s no reason for them to participate in the electoral process to decide whether or not all the benefits of living in a society that is self governed is worth the effort to participate.  As I’ve said many times, rights and privileges are much easier to lose than to regain.  It took 60 years to get the ACA.  It will take a few weeks to destroy it – and, then what?

For years I’ve been watching as our Congress refuses to bend to the “will of the people” – and, continually passes legislation that moves us closer and closer to a Mussolini styled fascist state.  A nation where there’s a corporate government “partnership.” This past election has apparently moved us one step beyond that.  Seriously, I suggest you beware of authoritarian personalities who have the backing of the FBI and are willing to upend the intelligence community to their liking.  Think about it – and, think about this – there seems to be an unending number of Americans who are focused on how wealthy they can become with little regard for “we the people.”  I don’t see many of them uneasy about the results of this election.

The money involved in our elections post “Citizens United” is staggering and the reality is that there are few members of Congress who, like John Lewis, can be considered free from the grasp of the big business lobby.  This is why there’s no “public option” to the ACA – despite 75% of Americans wanting it to be part of the legislation.  This is why the minimum wage is stagnant – despite an overwhelming percentage of Americans wanting it raised.  This is why Social Security and Medicare shouldn’t be worried about their future – when 3 out of every 4 Americans want those programs improved – as opposed to cut.  The list highlighting the conflict between the will of the people and the will of congress is much longer than those three examples.  I’ve said, since I started writing, that despite my constant vitriol aimed at the republican party, one reason I have to keep ranting about republicans is the democrats!  I’m not the only person who sees democrats as “spineless” when it comes to the big fights.  And, really, at this point, we’re (meaning those in the anti Trump movement) depending on them more than ever.  Yikes!

Democrats have allowed our “liberal media” to tarnish the word “liberal” to the point where even democrats shy away from the “label.”  This despite the REALITY that almost EVERY great advance that has moved our middle class “up” since the Great Depression (and, really, before) has been initiated by “liberals.”  We’ve allowed the so-called “liberal media” to blur the lines over the meaning of basic political terms.  So, now the “acceptable” term is “progressive.”  Well, I’m personally thankful for “liberals” like John Lewis, and my prayer is that the democratic party “grows a set” – as the saying goes – in the face of what lies ahead.  I believe Lewis is “right on” regarding the “legitimacy” of Donald Trump.  The reality is that Trump will be the 45th president on January 20th and the future of this great nation hangs in the balance as to how “liberals” react.  A friend of mine sent me an email the other day which said something like “don’t just talk, take the walk.”  I believe he was referring to the planned protests (ie the Women’s walk scheduled for the day after the inauguration and others) following the inauguration.  He. along with me and millions of others in the “baby boom era,” took to the streets back in the 60’s as we came to understand the folly of the Viet Nam fiasco.  Well, here we go again!

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