Trump is giving America a classic lesson in projectionism, but that won’t change the FACT that he’s the “bigot” not Hillary Clinton!

I was doing a fair amount of driving today and I have to admit, I decided to give MSNBC another chance (I think I’m hopeless) and, there again, was Donald Trump getting the air time for an entire speech.  I’m sure they’ve done the same for Mrs. Clinton – it’s just that EVERY time I try to listen it’s all about Trump.  And, he, today, was basically ridiculing the “media” for giving all the free advertising – that’s one thing he’s really good at – manipulating the media.  Earlier in the day there was a lady on MSNBC (Joy Reed?) who was, from my perspective, “telling it like it is” so I decided to give it another go.  Yikes!!!

Trump was going off on the terrible conditions for African Americans and “Hispanics” and claiming “what do you have to lose by voting for Trump.”  “The Donald” even had the audacity to report the number of shootings in Chicago since the first of the year and blame it on Hillary Clinton.  I’ve really never seen anyone even close to as DIVISIVE as Trump – and, he’s got many of his “low information voters” really “ginned up.”  I truly hope something dreadful doesn’t happen between now and whenever things cool down after the election.  Trump likes to use the term “nice,” but I guarantee you, Donald Trump is NOT a nice man.  He’s making it look as if he’s fighting for the African American vote (in a way that infers African Americans are stupid – but, I digress…… – been doing that a lot lately) and he’s attempting to label Hillary Clinton as a bigot.  This is the man who just hired a White Supremacist to run his campaign.  Wow!!!

OK, if you’ve been reading any of my recent posts you know I’ve been writing about how Trump (and his new advisors – probably because of his new advisors) is practicing the art of POLITICAL PROJECTION – and he’s kind of “upped the ante” as of the past week or two.  If you haven’t read about this “strategy” – very quickly – it’s where the candidate (party, group, or whatever) attacks their opponents by claiming they (the opponents) are GUILTY of the very transgressions the speaker him(her)self is vulnerable from.  For example, Trump – who has a long history of being on overt racist – is trying to pin the “bigot” label on Mrs. Clinton in order to change the narrative away from his own bigoted history.  It starts in the 1970’s when Trump had a systematic way of denying African Americans from renting his properties.  He and his father ended up paying a significant settlement to the government from an anti-discrimination lawsuit filed by the Justice Department.

And, it goes on and on.  Most people who’ve been following this election cycle and the previous two election cycles know that Trump was an instigator in the so-called “birther” movement, claiming that Barack Obama was not an American citizen.  I even remember after President Obama publicized his birth certificate, Trump continued his outrageous (and racist) behavior.  He began his campaign by denigrating Mexicans, he’s made, to me, unbelievably crude remarks about numerous women, he’s attacked Muslims, and I’ve heard him make several coded remarks that would bely his recent attempt to “placate” the African American “community.”  One can only imagine the type of language Mr. Trump uses in private when talking about people who are part of minority communities.

Remember, I’ve suggested that (if you’ve been reading my recent posts) you check out the striking parallels between Trump’s campaign and the campaign of the Third Reich in Germany back in the 1930’s.  (And, remember, Trump’s heritage is German)  These “parallels” are beginning to converge as we get closer to the election.  I mean, Trump had no qualms about associating himself with Steve Bannon, someone who’s been very comfortable associating himself with what’s called the “Alt Right” – which is a White Supremacy, White Nationalist movement.  You’ll have no problem “verifying” what I’m saying here if you simply do a little research on the web.  There’s a clear reason why members of the KKK are endorsing the Trump candidacy and most Americans don’t have to think very hard to figure this out.

Additionally, as Trump is bringing up the issue of gun violence in the inner cities – as he’s claiming that Hillary Clinton’s “policies” (whatever they might be, because he NEVER says what he’s referring to) are the reason “Blacks” are getting shot as they walk down the streets in their communities.  He says he’s going to “fix” this problem (again, not a word on how he’s going to “fix” the problem – to be honest, if I actually thought he had a clue how to “fix” this problem I’d be more inclined to listen to him – because, this is a REAL issue we should be talking about) but, I didn’t hear one word relating to the FACT it’s TOO EASY for people to get their hands on guns (of all types) and I can GUARANTEE YOU that Trump will do NOTHING that might anger the NRA!  I think he’s setting himself up for an embarrassing moment (if he shows up) for the debates with Hillary Clinton – because, I can hear her now asking him how he’s going to get the guns out of the hands of the gang members in Chicago and elsewhere.  He’s going to get “backed into a corner” just like what is happening as he’s trying to “soften” his stance on immigration.  As the saying goes, Trump is in a place where he “can’t win for losing.”

So, I hope you can see why Donald Trump is spewing the “bigot” comments in the direction of Hillary Clinton (and, in some instances, toward Barack Obama as well).  I actually think the strategy is two fold – but, the part I’m focusing on here is the political projection – he’s attempting to get the “onus” of his own “bigotry” out of the headlines by pointing the issue at Mrs. Clinton.  The reality that over 90% of African Americans (by the latest polling) are supporting Clinton and something approaching 1 or 2% support Trump is telling.  (The second part of his strategy, to me, is an attempt to convince the white voters who think he’s too harsh that he’s actually a “nice guy” – and, unfortunately, in my mind – and based on some of the people I know who look no farther than Fox “news” for their “information” – I think this part of the strategy will be more successful than the former)  I believe Trump is doing a bit better with Latino voters, but he’s still likely to get somewhere around 20% of that vote.

I’ve been writing for years about how I believe the republican party – which has been moving to the right since the 1970’s and the HARD RIGHT since the election of the Bush/Cheney regime – needs to be purged of the extremists who are “calling the shots.”  It’s true that people like the now infamous “Koch Brothers” have UNLIMITED funds (plus they are very sophisticated in their ability to affect the political process – far more-so than anyone on the “other side”) and they’re willing to spend their money to control the government (actually, to eliminate as much of the government as they possibly can before people FINALLY realize what’s happening to them) – and, I might add, there’s a network of wealthy Americans [and probably foreigners] associated with the Kochs that make them even more dangerous – this network of uber wealthy people want to privatize as much of the government function as they can and deregulate it to the point where government becomes totally ineffective.  in fact, the reality is they’ve been working at this for years and people are “fed up” with how “ineffective” the government is – but, “we the people” don’t understand why it is so (The Kochs and their surrogates are experts at deflecting the blame to the democrats, and the democrats aren’t very good at “fighting back”) – in fact, even the Trump supporters believe he’s going to make the government work again when the goal is almost the opposite.  That’s almost laughable – it would be, except that this is a real crossroads in American history.

“We the people” have a chance to begin the process of eliminating these extreme right wing people from important positions in OUR government and, hopefully, force the republican party to move back toward where it was in the days of Dwight Eisenhower on through the 60’s.  (This will take years, and 2016 is so important because of the control a Trump victory would give them on the Supreme Court)  Their “conservative” message is not conservative at all – it’s become a message of “free market” zealotry, and it’s been CRUSHING America’s middle class since the day Lewis Powell wrote his famous “memo” to the the Chamber of Commerce.  Now, the party has gone so far over the “edge” that they’ve nominated Donald Trump, an over racist and covert fascist, and he’s spewing out the “big lies” at a record pace.  Trump is giving America a classic lesson in projectionism, but that won’t change the FACT that he’s the “bigot” not Hillary Clinton!  And American voters have the opportunity to set the foundation for the “revolution” proposed by Bernie Sanders.  Unfortunately, Hillary Clinton will be at the “helm” – but, with Trump, this “revolution” would be near impossible.


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