The rightward leanings of MSNBC are subtle enough to be, in my view, more dangerous than the outright divisiveness of Fox!

If you’ve been on this site before you know that I’m concerned that the “4th estate” in America is possibly the biggest challenge for those of us who are fighting the 35+ year move to the “right” that was initiated with the election of Ronald Reagan in 1980.  I’ve been reading (over the past 10 years or so) book after book in an attempt to better understand what is happening to the country I love.  In fact, in Hedrick Smith’s “Who Stole the American Dream” a compelling case is made that the deterioration started with a memo by future Supreme Court Justice Lewis Powell, referred to as the “Powell Memorandum,” which was essentially a “call to arms” for corporate America to seize control of the American political landscape in 1972.  So, whether the “beginning” of the downfall of America’s middle class began with Powell’s memo or the election of Reagan, the reality is that we are at a SERIOUS “turning point” in our nation’s history.

And, I believe, the corporate “masters” figured out that the television media was the “tool” that would get them the “prize” – which is COMPLETE control of the government that most of them profess to hate.  Our media outlets, since Bill Clinton (yes, Democrat Clinton) signed the Telecommunications Act of 1996 have been compressed into the control of a handful (or two) of right wing corporations who have inundated “we the people” with falsehoods, misinformation, innuendo, and outright LIES in a propaganda scheme of GIGANTIC proportions (most of us don’t even know what’s “hit us”) that has the potential to turn America into a fascist state as early as November of 2016.  Of course, to those behind this scheme, it’s been a long (and expensive) push to turn this nation from the country the world looked to for leadership to a country that the world is looking to in udder amazement – wondering what the @#% is going in “The Land of the Free?”

This absolutely could not be happening without the “help” of the “liberal media” (by now, anyone who’s been here knows the absurdity of that phrase – “liberal media” is a great example of the success of the propaganda scheme – research Joseph Goebbels “Big Lie Theory” to understand how they’ve accomplished this important part of the “scheme”) which is led by Fox “news” – a blatant arm of the right wing of the republican party.  Unfortunately, in our world of profits and “shareholder value” the other “players” in what’s become a 24/7 “news” cycle on cable television are falling all over themselves trying to get ratings and viewers and, the last thing (apparently) any of these outlets wants to do is to offend the “big players” by telling the truth.  The contrast between Fox, for example, and MSNBC – the supposed “liberal” balance  to them has become so blurred that I have come to the conclusion that MSNBC may be MORE dangerous than Fox.

Fox “news” is obvious in their support for the “push to the right.”  They make no attempt to hide their participation in the Goebbels like propaganda scheme where if you repeat a LIE often enough people begin to believe it is true.  Republican operatives, for years, have been sent out to various “news” outlets with the SAME key words in their “talking points” as they HAMMER their agenda down the unsuspecting “throats” of America’s public – and, it’s always traceable back to Fox.  I can’t tell you how many adults I’ve met in the past 20 years who believe they are informed – to the point where you can’t even have a civilized discussion with them – based on misinformation coming from Fox or the Fox “wannabees.”

MSNBC, on the other hand, was once the “home” of Keith Olberman – who was unafraid in calling out the propagandists and their benefactors – and other unabashedly “liberal” leaning “hosts” of what has evolved to entertainment that seems to create news as opposed to reporting it.  MSNBC still has Rachel Maddow who is an unapologetic “liberal,” and a couple others I can listen to – Lawrence O’Donnell and Chris Hayes – but their messaging is becoming such a subtle “enabler” of right wing bluster – with little to no “backlash” – that I’m beginning to think they are actually more dangerous than Fox.  I’m sure there are many “progressives” that are “trusting” MSNBC to be fully vetting, for instance, the presidential race.  I’m not so sure.

I listen to MSNBC (because of the lack of alternatives) when I’m driving my car (XM radio) and this morning, for example, there was a person (I don’t know his name) who was commenting on the “moderate republican” John Kasich – as if Kasich was the sensible alternative to Trump, Cruz, Rubio, and the others.  He emphasized that Kasich has a “positive” message.  And, of course, that’s exactly what Kasich would have you (and me) believe.  The “host” gave NO real information about (the real) Kasich because, evidently, we can’t even get that on the “liberal” “news” outlet.  The day prior, I listened to Chris Matthews interview Kasich and it was like a couple friends having a casual discussion with little more than an occasional direct question from Matthews aimed at drawing out the “real” John Kasich with less than candid responses to those questions by Kasich.  In other words, these two segments of MSNBC “news” could very well leave the impression in the minds of people who consider themselves “progressive” (which is why they’d be listening to MSNBC in the first place) that John Kasich is a reasonable alternative if we “must” have a republican president.  Yikes!

Here’s some of what they didn’t say – or in the case of Matthews – draw out.  Kasich is a “regular” attendee of the annual fundraising “galas” put on by Charles and David Koch.  That, in itself, should tell you all you need to know.  But, from a practical point of view, since the “Tea Party” uprising Kasich has participated in the republican attempt to suppress voter turnout in Ohio, he’s made a push (that, thankfully, his Ohio constituents resisted successfully) to limit bargaining rights of public employees (similar to the now infamous Scott Walker in Wisconsin) and – this WAS (kind of) brought out by Matthews – Kasich is a dangerous WAR HAWK.  His “bluster” would imply that he’s “itching” for a confrontation with Vladimir Putin over the issue in Ukraine AND he’s a proponent of “boots on the ground” in Syria (and, presumably Iraq and Libya).  In other words, for those who believe GW Bush/Dick Cheney were brilliant to invade Iraq, turn the Middle East into a disastrous military quagmire, and believe “we the people” can solve the age old Sunni/Shia/Kurd problems in the world, then Kasich is the “moderate” alternative (I guess) to Cruz – who claims he’ll turn the sand in Syria to a bright glowing red!

Here’s what I feel I’ve been “getting” from MSNBC during this election cycle.  (Of course, I know what you’re thinking – in America now, because of the money involved, election cycles are NEVER ENDING) Republican this, Republican that.  Crammed down my unwilling throat.  I really don’t understand why the “liberal” “news” outlet spends the bulk of their air time promoting Donald Trump (with virtually NO vetting), Ted Cruz, Marco Rubio, and now Kasich FAR MORE than keeping tabs on the actual race being run by those proclaiming to be “liberal” or “progressive.”  MSNBC has given an unbelievable amount of (free) airtime to Donald Trump while limiting the “reporting” of the “race” between Hillary Clinton and Bernie Sanders to an occasional soundbite and an infrequent interview.  Obviously, those running MSNBC are perfectly OK with a republican winning the White House in 2016 as long as their ratings hang in there.  I guess they’re trying to be more “fair and balanced” than Fox.

Wouldn’t it be nice, for example, if they’d actually do some INVESTIGATIVE reporting.  I’d like to know, for example, some of the details of the frequent BANKRUPTCIES of Donald Trump (not to mention something SPECIFIC about what it means to govern – besides, people will fear me, or “I know how to negotiate,” or “I’m smart”).  I’d like to know, if they want to talk about Ted Cruz, whey EVERYONE in Washington DC HATES him, where his money comes from, and who is supporting him behind the scenes – and, how SPECIFICALLY is Cruz going to solve the inequality issue or what is he going to replace the ACA with?  The same with Rubio – I’d love to see a list of all the things these people have spewed out of their mouths on the campaign trail the contradicts their own positions in the past (and, yes, feel free to do the same with Clinton and Sanders).  What is bothering me the most is when the supposed “liberal” alternative to Fox is propping up members of the so-called “clown car” as if they’re legitimate candidates for president of this great nation – people who deserve to have the code to the nuclear arsenal.  Ted Cruz – are you kidding me?  Trump? Rubio? Kasich? Yikes – what is going on here?

With the passing of Antonin Scalia the stakes in this election just got much higher.  And, I can guarantee you the “puppet masters” pulling the strings behind the republican candidates will infuse however much MONEY they deem necessary to win this election.  They’ll pull out all the stops.  They’ll be trying to suppress as many democratic leaning voters as possible (some estimates say they will prevent between five and ten MILLION people from voting) and they’ll be buying up MOST of the available airtime in key areas around the nation in their attempt to fulfill the dream of the Kochs (and people like Karl Rove) for the “permanent Republican ‘majority.'”  (and, stations like MSNBC will reap the benefit by selling that airtime to the highest bidder with little to no regard for validity)  Now that the right wing has “lost” control of the Supreme Court, this election is of even MORE importance to them – simply because Supreme Court Justices are on the bench for their lifetime (if they so choose).  This is why republicans will do everything they can to prevent President Obama from fulfilling his (and their) obligation to appoint (and confirm) a replacement for Justice Scalia in a timely fashion.  (So, when Bernie Sanders wins the election, they’ll be looking back and wishing they’d let Obama fill the vacancy – that’s a PREDICTION)  If you haven’t figured this out, the Court is part of the “Trifecta” that gives them the “permanent republican ‘majority.'”  Congress, the Courts, and the White House.

I’ll end this rant by saying that no one that’s paying attention fails to understand the partisan position of Fox “news.”  (Of course, this excludes their regular viewers, because they’re clearly NOT paying attention if they continue to get sucked into the Fox propaganda scheme)  On the other hand,  the rightward leanings of MSNBC are subtle enough to be, in my view, more dangerous than the outright divisiveness of Fox!  I’m still trying to figure out the motive of those running MSNBC – I “get” that Comcast purchased NBC about the time they started “purging” voices like Olberman and later Ed Schultz –  It’s finally dawned on me that pretending to be something you’re not is a much more effective way of brainwashing people – and, for those of us who are sick of the endless – unwinnable – wars, the flood of corporate money into politics – and, the politicians who take the money and oppose the “will of the people” – along with the distinct possibility of a corporate/government “partnership” that mirrors Mussolini fascism, I believe what MSNBC has apparently transpired into is far more dangerous to “we the people” than Fox.  As I’ve stated many times on this site – the election of 2016 will determine once and for all whether America is a “we” nation or a “me” nation.  Those who favor the former are numerous, those who favor the latter are few, they’re sophisticated, and they have UNLIMITED amounts of MONEY.  Beware!





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