Is the “freedom caucus” willing to undermine our foreign policy to the point of encouraging war with China and/or Russia?

As I’ve tried to point out numerously on this website, I “get” what the republicans are up to and why they’re doing it.  They are obstructing EVERYTHING that might make President Obama look good and, conversely, make the government work better for “we the people” as they’ve been doing since, at least as far as I can remember, back when Newt Gingrich laid out “obstruction” as the strategy necessary for republicans to gain power in the congress during the 1980’s.  Obviously, there’s a large segment of the American public who either haven’t figured this out or who actually look at it differently than those that think as I.  The reality, from my eyes, is that “stuff” (using the words of Jeb Bush) is “happening” that has never been a part of the political “landscape” until the recent emergence of the so-called “Tea Party” – which is nothing more than the extension – via surrogates – of the well funded agenda put forth by people like the infamous Koch brothers (Charles and David Koch) and others who believe in a twisted form of “free market” philosophy which allows unfettered plundering of our national wealth by a select few – commonly referred to as the “top 1%.” (although this group consists of significantly less than 1% of our population)  To me, the “Tea Party” is just a natural “extension” of those who helped Gingrich “back in the day” – it’s just that this group keeps merging closer and closer to the absolute extreme right.

Essentially, all of this would (and, I think the proponents view it this way) make for good political theater if it wasn’t such a dangerous self-serving strategy.  And, their strategy is very effective – especially since they have a network of business interests which have permeated the political scene right down to the neighborhood precincts.  In a lot of ways I have to admire the political skill of this group despite my TOTAL belief that they are undermining the basic premise that America was founded on and are dead set on destroying our government as those of us commonly referred to as “baby boomers” know it.  When I think about how all this is “going down” I often get to a place where I just accept that in America we get what we deserve, and if “we the people” continue to allow this obstruction to happen without rebelling against it (at the ballot box) then we deserve the consequences.  In fact, we’re well into experiencing the consequences.  For example, the middle (or working) class of America has been stagnant economically since the days of Ronald Reagan.  We’ve seen the budget deficit soar EVERY time they (the republicans) impose another “tax cut” on the wealthiest among us – while waiting anxiously for that boost to the economy (from the “trickle down” effect) that NEVER comes.  Then, with the significant help of the very middle class that’s getting destroyed, “we the people” (inexplicably from my standpoint) vote the “bums” back in.

Again, all this would simply be just good political theater if not for the “unintended consequences” – which are never considered, seemingly, by anyone who’s got access to the “bully pulpit” or the “mainstream media.”  Here’s the thought bugging me today.  I’m listening to how we’ve got international issues with China making aggressive actions in the South China Sea and Russia pushing their “weight” around in Syria – seemingly daring the U.S. to make some kind of bold move that would threaten an even larger WAR footprint around the globe for America.  I started pointing out the inevitability of all this all the way back when President Bush lied us into Iraq while continuing an endless and ill defined “war” in Afghanistan.  That is, Bush/Cheney pushed our military to the limits and President Obama has been unable to “reel” it in.  And, with both Russia and China being fully aware of the republicans in our country violating the long standing tradition that the political obstruction stops at the nation’s borders, these two nations are sensing an opportunity to “test” America’s will for more conflict.  One thing you can be sure of is that before any decisions will be made by the Obama administration the republicans in power will make it clear that they oppose WHATEVER our president chooses to do and they will publicly make sure both the Chinese and the Russians are reminded that our nation is not even capable, no matter the circumstances, of unity.

To me, these people (the republican leaders who are foisting this political obstruction on “we the people”) are borderline treasonous.  Just as many of them would have been totally comfortable with pushing America into default, economically, I believe they have no qualms about pushing us into an extension of what has become “permanent war” resulting from the actions of the Bush/Cheney regime against, well, whoever.  I listened to a member of the so-called “freedom caucus” in the House of Representatives (this is the Tea Party extremists) complain that, evidently, John Boehner negotiated an extension of the debt limit prior to his leaving the House and I’m certain this person was disappointed that they were unable to drive this country into default as a ransom for their right wing political and economic demands – the rest of us be dammed if we disagree with them (and, keep in mind, this is a minority wing of the republican party that has power because people like the Koch’s are providing them unlimited funding – the rest of the republican party is TOTALLY in fear of this caucus – it’s both incredible and disgusting). And this same caucus, while creating a scenario that emboldens the Chinese and the Russians will be the first in line to encourage some kind of (crazy) military conflict with them.  Honestly, the rest of us had better wake up before it’s too late.  Even my “conservative” friends who vote republican in their sleep have children and grandchildren they should be thinking about.

This will go on until WE THE PEOPLE put an end to it – and, the only way to do this (peacefully) is at the ballot box.  In America we have that great privilege – but, unfortunately, most of our people refuse to practice it.  The last midterm election had a turnout south of 35%.  That is shameful.  It’s also part of the republican “plan.”  I’ve heard many republican leaders pointing out that the fewer the number of voters the better their chances.  And, if you haven’t been paying attention, republicans have been busy across the nation making it more difficult for people who would be likely to vote democratic to actually go to the polls.  Republicans complain about “voter fraud” when the only voter fraud is their organized plan to exclude people from voting – or having their votes counted.  George W Bush “won” the presidency two times via fraudulent voting practices.  In 2000 he clearly won the election because his brother (who’s now running for president) was the governor of Florida and managed to purge an untold number of ballots (do you remember the “hanging chad?”) along with a Supreme Court which essentially refused to allow all the votes to be counted.  In 2004 Bush “won” with the help of an Ohio Secretary of State who was also his state campaign manager and, not only rigged the voting machines, but made it exceedingly difficult for minority voters (and others tending democratic) to be able to get to the polls.

The worst part for me is that you have to dig under the surface of the “news” to find out something even close to what actually happened.  Republicans have pushed through legislation that has effectively reduced competition in America (despite all the “free market” claims) to the point where our choices are increasingly limited.  For example, I’ve got ONE choice if I want to have internet in my home (maybe two if I considered satellite), I’ve got two choices for TV, and – to my main point – the “mainstream media” has been “consolidated” down to information coming from a very few sources – dwindling more and more as time goes by.  I believe there are about 9 (right wing) corporations that control over 95% of our “liberal” media.  Is it any wonder “we the people” have no idea what’s going on?  And, this media empire is expert at creating “news” that turns well meaning Americans against each other.  As long as we’re arguing about issues like “gay marriage” the (under the surface) plundering of our economy by this wealthy cabal will continue.  I’m just bracing myself because I’m beginning to realize that the republicans in the so-called “freedom caucus” will stop at nothing to get their way.  They have proven that the default of our national economy means no more to them than a “bargaining chip.”  (those reading this who are “conservative, just think how that will affect you – is totally tanking our economy worth it to you to get your “wedge issue” that a majority of Americans disagree with you on?)  I have to wonder: Is the “freedom caucus” willing to undermine our foreign policy to the point of encouraging war with China and/or Russia?  As I said before, I really hope “we the people” wake up.

(Last night I finally heard a republican speaking some kind of language I could understand.  John Kasich of Ohio – the governor – stood in front of a microphone and called the republican party out.  I’ve been waiting for someone like him to do this for, well let me just say a long time, to “tell it (somewhat) like it is! BUT, make no mistake, Mr. Kasich has played his part in the republicans screwing up America – I’m certainly not suggesting he be the next president!!!  He’s as anti-union and anti-women as they come.  Maybe this will be the start of the republican party defeating itself from within) Update: If you saw the “debate” it was clear Kasich made his rant simply to separate himself from the rest of the wackos and garner some attention.  I could only stomach so much of their bantering back and forth – and, of course blaming all their ills on either the media and/or Hillary Clinton.  No one even approached what has been termed in the past as “presidential.”

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