Evidently, republicans tout the constitution when it meets their needs, and deny it when it doesn’t.

I was just reading how Jeb Bush has begun his attacks on Hillary Clinton (and Barack Obama) by claiming they “prematurely pulled our forces out of Iraq” leading to the unrest in today’s Middle East.”  I chose not to read the actual articles (maybe I will by the time I finish this post) but, just the thought of that line of thinking makes me a bit sick to my stomach.  The reality is that Jeb Bush thinks he’s qualified to be President of the United States.  And, the republicans I know would actually vote for him should he gain the nomination.  To me, that shows how incredibly sad the United States has become.  That he could even utter those words without INSTANT condemnation is confirmation that America’s public is subject to a “liberal media” that is fully engaged in the propaganda scheme foisted on the unsuspecting public for the last (who knows how) many years!

Let’s just get this out, for starters.  Neither Hillary Clinton nor Barack Obama did what Obama promised when he was first elected, and that was to get our troops home within 16 months of the inauguration.  The Obama administration simply FOLLOWED the “exit strategy” that had been negotiated by NONE OTHER THAN the GW Bush/Dick Cheney administration themselves.  That is public knowledge.  Does Jeb Bush not know this – or, more likely, is he just counting on the public’s lack of information and the media’s unwillingness to “tell it like it is.”  Of course, you’ll find the “blogs” showing their outrage at such an incredible attempt at REWRITING history, but I’m guessing the so-called “mainstream media” will allow all the “low information” voters to figure this out for themselves – and, based on my observations with most of those in my peer group – I’ll have to listen to my republican friend “experts” telling me that Hillary Clinton is the cause of ISIL.  I can see it’s going to be a “long year” – being forced to listen to this crap from now until the next election.

Honestly, I can’t even believe the republican party still exists – that common “everyday” Americans would still even listen to these people.  Are you kidding me?  Donald Trump (or Jeb Bush or Ted Cruz or …….. you know the list) for President of the United States?  I thought McCain/Palin would have been enough for them – but, this is what you have to call “DOUBLING DOWN!”  There is a group of powerful (and “invisible”) people who’ve managed to “invade” our system of government in ways most of us will NEVER understand and they are “pulling the strings” on politicians who will do anything or say anything according to the “plan.”  I believe that anyone who wishes to be a part of this scheme must make some kind of pledge to “toe the line” under all circumstances.  The “ORDERS” come from somewhere in the “SHADOWS.”  We’ve learned about Charles and David Koch – but, you have to keep in mind that when they hold their “secret” meetings, there are close to 500 (millionaires and billionaires) that we’ll never know about who attend and presumably commit their financial resources to the “plan” – whatever it may be.  (I think many of us on the left have a good idea)

Fortunately, (or unfortunately if you’re a true republican) “The Donald” has emerged on the scene and exposed the ignorance of a large segment of the republican “base.”  “The Donald” (Donald Trump if you live under a rock) is the “favorite” of republicans despite him actually appearing in a “debate” and getting enough national “attention” that people should be “getting it” regarding his “campaign.”  The FACT that somewhere around 25% of republican “likely voters” think Trump to be qualified to be president says all you need to know about the republican party.  And, the rest of the so-called “clown car” seem afraid of him and unwilling to challenge some of his most outrageous comments.  (Of course, if you believe Trump you think that immigration is the ONE issue of importance facing Americans and everything else is simply a matter of “negotiation”) His latest outrageous rhetoric inflaming the immigration issue is grounded on his claim that immigrants (presumably Mexicans) come to America to birth their children – he refers to them as “anchor babies” – and, of course, any baby born in this country is automatically a citizen – with Trump (and, presumably through their silence or timidity the rest of the republican “candidates” who have “lock-jaw”) suggesting the babies and their parents being rounded up and deported out of the country.

There, by all accounts I’ve read, are approximately 11MILLION immigrants in the United States “illegally.”  Think of the increase in law enforcement that will be required to find, round up, and deport all of these people.  And, the wall Trump is talking about (of course, it’s between Mexico and the United States – I keep thinking, “what about Canada?”  or the east and west coastlines? – but, that’s just me – and, of course, Trump always concludes his degrading remarks toward Latinos by saying something along the lines of “I love Mexico”), that wall reminds me of the “Great Wall” in China – one of the “7 wonders of the world.”  This wall would only be a couple thousand miles (presumably) but the rhetoric reminds me of the rationale I teach out of the 6th grade World Studies book regarding the Chinese and why they built the “Great Wall” – THOUSANDS of years ago.  It’s been apparent to me that republicans want to take us back in time, that just seems a bit too much for me.

The only thing you hear from the republicans (now, we’re not talking about Trump – because he’s the new version of Rudy Jiuliani who couldn’t talk about anything besides 9/11) are things like “repeal Obamacare” (Actually, the Affordable Care Act), cutting taxes for the wealthy, war with Iran (along with each and every one seemingly having a “secret plan” to defeat ISIS – also referred to as ISIL), constructing the Keystone XL Pipeline (along with denying “Climate Change” – which SHOULD be the scariest of their scary “positions”), and various positions regarding Women’s health that will make sure women “know their place” in American society.  Jeb Bush, for instance, signed a bill as governor of Florida requiring women who were putting their child (which they chose to carry to term as opposed to seeking an abortion) up for adoption to, for 30 days, advertise in the state’s newspapers their sexual “history” listing every person who could possibly be the child’s father along with their own personal sexual history as a way to “shame” them for becoming pregnant out of wedlock.  We see this with republicans all across this great land – almost always MEN – suggesting all kinds of ways to make things WORSE for women – usually in low socioeconomic situations – who find themselves facing the incredibly difficult decision of what to do when they are facing an unwanted pregnancy.  I have NEVER  seen a “plan” aimed at the MAN who was responsible for the “situation” – and, some of the suggested “solutions” are beyond my ability to comprehend.

Everything that comes out of the mouths of virtually everyone of the candidates running for the republican nomination (I have to admit – I was listening to their “debate” while driving home from somewhere – and, I thought I heard a few sensible comments coming from the mouth of John Kasich of Ohio – knowing enough about him that I shudder to think of him as president – but, something he said [I believe he was referring to Medicaid expansion in his state] actually sounded reasonable) is either disingenuous or outright fabrications of reality.  It seems to me a “no brainer” that those who wish to receive the financial backing necessary to mount a campaign are fighting over the same donors and they’re saying what they believe these “donors” wish to hear from them.  That’s where the “revisionist” history – albeit, in this case, Jeb attempting to “white wash” the sordid republican “history” of Iraq by blaming ISIL (or ISIS if you must) on Barack Obama – and, just to make sure he continues the “Hillary bashing” he throws her into the “discussion” as well.  That simply confirms to me that the man who legislated a policy designed to “shame” unwed mothers has absolutely NO SHAME himself.

I was listening to a republican “pundit” tonight, as I again was driving home, on the Chris Hayes show on MSNBC lamenting the damage Trump is doing to the republican “brand” with all the “Latino bashing” and saying the ONLY republican candidate capable of drawing any support among the Latino voting community would be Jeb Bush – and, soon after the words came out of her mouth, Hayes played a recent clip (I believe the interview was recorded today actually) where Jeb Bush himself was referring to “anchor babies” and agreeing with Trump that they and their parents need to be deported – despite the FACT – no matter how they got to the United States – they are citizens.  Evidently, republicans tout the constitution when it meets their needs, and deny it when it doesn’t.  I still remember Ronald Reagan (the patron saint of these right wing wack jobs) claiming “I’ll cut taxes for the wealthy and, due to “trickle down economics” balance the budget.”  I can envision the candidates in today’s campaigns claiming they will, build a wall to rival the Great Wall of China, find and deport 11 million “illegals,” cut taxes for the rich (in fact, I’m envisioning something like a flat tax – which is really a good thing for the wealthy), “bomb, bomb, bomb Iran,” and wipe out ISIL (with a secret plan) all the while BALANCING THE BUDGET!  If the American people don’t SOON totally reject this bunch, we deserve what we get!  When I look at where these people want to take this country it really does make me sick to my stomach!

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