The Keystone XL pipeline represents only a small part of the “Koch agenda” – it’s simply the “receipt” proving republicans have been “bought.”

Presently, I’m reading “The Bully Pulpit” by Doris Kearns Goodwin about the emergence of Theodore Roosevelt, William Howard Taft, and the progressive journalism that led to the beginnings of progressive change in America circa 1900.  This is a very interesting and well written book which reinforces my thoughts of how eerily today’s politics mirror those of what is often referred to as the Gilded age or the age of the “Robber Barons.”  As I read about John D Rockefeller I can’t help but think of the most recent book I’ve read (“Sons of Wichita”) focused on the infamous “Koch Brothers” – and, especially Charles Koch.  The reality:  this period of greed and selfishness in the upper echelons of American society today is NOTHING NEW!

When Roosevelt assumed the presidency (President McKinley was assassinated) in 1901 there was a consolidated industrial situation in America where a few corporations (and their “bosses”) held almost unlimited power in America.  Additionally, the “Robber Barons” – ie the mirror image of today’s CEO’s – were “buying” the politicians in ways that perpetuated the struggle of the middle and lower classes of American citizens (sound familiar?).  What is really interesting (to me) is the parallel of the media then and now.  The “mainstream” media seemed to be too timid to TRUTHFULLY investigate the corruption that is inevitable when corporate interests are heavily “investing” in America’s politicians.  Once Roosevelt was in the White House (and, by the way, the “conservatives” in the republican party were doing everything they could to prevent him from getting there – that, ironically, is how he became the Vice President) it was a small group of TRULY investigative reporters who helped turn the tide of the nation’s “public opinion” in a way that allowed Roosevelt to push through some of his “progressive” agenda.

There was a magazine titled “McClure’s” which had a stable of reporters who were uncovering the misdeeds of the banks, the railroads, the steel industry, the meat packing industry, and other “conglomerates” who were ruthlessly profiting off the American public with little to no sense of responsibility to the public which supplied their “customers.”  Sound familiar???  Well, regarding the profiteering that is going on today – the true investigative reporting in 21st century America seems to be happening on the fringes of the so-called “liberal media.”  (for example, Greg Palast, whom I consider the BEST investigative reporter “out there” works via the BBC – despite the FACT he’s American thru and thru) The powerful “conservative” political strategists have learned much over the years as they are attempting to push America back in a way to repeal 100 years of progressive vision.  “We the people” are in desperate need of a “McClure’s” today that reaches a high percentage of middle class American voters.  (The “Nation” magazine is attempting to fill that void, but I don’t believe their circulation is enough to make a difference).

Take for example the Supreme Court decision called “Citizens United.”  I’ve been railing about this decision since the day it was enacted (thanks to Thom Hartman, a “liberal” talk radio host, who was explaining the ramifications of this decision long before it occurred) and it is both bothering and sobering to me that MOST of the people I know have never heard of “Citizens United.”  (and, most of these acquaintances of mine would be considered “educated” Americans) The problem with that is that, as I occasionally watch “news” on TV, it is a rare occasion when commentators “connect” the HUGE influx of money into American politics with Citizens United.  Not only are MOUNTAINS of this money coming from wealthy Americans, but an untold amount is coming from Foreigners with a vested interest in our politics.  (we’ll never know how much of the money is from foreigners, because it’s “secret” – ugh!)  I will always remember Sam Alito (one of the guilty judges on the “Roberts Court”) shaking his head as if to say “no, no” during President Obama’s State of the Union speech (I think it was in 2010) when he called the court out for this terrible judicial overreach – judicial activism at its “finest” – just what Alito and Chief Justice Roberts promised not to engage in during their confirmation hearings!  Now, “we the people” are forced to live with the results of their “overreach” until, God willing, the American people will support an amendment to the constitution to overturn their activism.  Example:  it’s now being reported that the “Koch Brothers” are committed to spending $900 MILLION in the 2016 presidential election to complete the process of what they (and Karl Rove) envision as a “permanent republican ‘majority.'”

Of course, the republicans don’t hold a “majority” in America – in fact, they have a “base” that consists of about 1/3 of the voting populace.  However, what they’re counting on, and they are presently proving works, is that when you control the media (the message) and you can afford to “buy” the politicians, it is very difficult for “we the people” to fight back.  Once they gain the White House, along with the courts, the Congress, and control of the media they will be able to convince much of America’s unsuspecting public that, for instance, repealing the minimum wage will “create jobs.”  Instead of making the Affordable Care Act better, they will attempt to repeal it.  They will make a direct assault on Social Security, Medicare, Medicaid, and numerous other government programs they consider “socialism.”  They will work to either diminish the power of or defund government agencies that regulate business, food, the environment, and who knows what else?  The Koch brothers are libertarians who agree with the republican mantra to shrink government to the size where it can be flushed down the bathroom drain.

What else do the Koch brothers want?  Well, let me give you an example that clearly shows how this process of buying politicians works – this one is “right up front” – yet, you don’t see the media “up in arms” as they should be by such BLATANT political prostitution.  Yes, I’m talking about the Keystone XL pipeline.  This pipeline will move the Alberta tar sands “oil” from Canada to Texas so that it can be refined and the oil and its (incredibly dirty) byproducts can be shipped to places like China and India – NONE of the oil is going to American markets!  And, how do the Koch brothers fit in?  Well, they stand to profit to the tune of at least $100 MILLION once the pipeline is completed (my guess is that the $100 MILLION amount is quite conservative) and, if you’ve been paying attention, the politicians they’ve “bought” moved legislation for this pipeline “to the front of the line” in the just enacted Congressional session.  Before they did virtually ANYTHING else, they gave the Koch’s a message saying “thanks” for the HUNDREDS of MILLIONS already spent – and the “even more” on the horizon!  It’s really SICKENING to me to watch this happen, but, I haven’t seen much commentary pointing out to “we the people” the reality.  (you have to actively research, read books by actual investigative reporters or academics to get what I consider more accurate information – although, as I used to teach my students – check multiple sources!)

Did you watch Joni Ernst give the republican response to President Obama’s 2015 State of the Union speech?  Joni Ernst is a newly elected Senator from Iowa (shame on you if you live in Iowa and voted for this woman) and she is famous for bragging about castrating pigs as she launched her campaign for the US Senate.  Under most circumstances, a candidate such as Ernst would be on the fringe and would have no chance for success.  However, the “tea party” philosophy of the Koch’s is that they can “buy’ ANY seat in the House or the Senate with enough money.  Ernst herself is on record as giving thanks to the Koch brothers for funding her campaign and making her “win” possible.  How else did she give thanks?  Well, if you were listening to her “rebuttal” speech (it really wasn’t much of a rebuttal) almost the first word out of her mouth was Keystone XL pipeline (of course she – as with all republicans I’ve heard – won’t mention the Koch’s interest when “selling” the pipeline).  She pointed out this legislation was at the forefront of the republican “jobs” agenda.  And, of course, every other republican pushing this legislation is calling it a “jobs bill.”  (the legislation is now on a direct course for President Obama’s VETO pen)

What republicans (including Ernst) won’t tell you is that almost all the “jobs” created by this pipeline will be temporary (hopefully, the pipeline will NEVER be constructed – and the Canadians can process their own oil in Alberta) with only around 35 – 40 “permanent” jobs once it is completed.  They also won’t tell you the INCREDIBLE risk to America’s MAIN source of water that would be posed by this pipeline.  They’ve moved the course of the proposed pipeline so that it will “only” cross about 110 MILES of the Ogallala aquifer – the main source of water extending from South Dakota to West Texas.  The results of a pipeline spill (and, believe me, there’s MANY MORE pipeline spills from existing pipelines than “we the people” will ever know about – because, unless it’s local or HUGE – it’s not reported) could be catastrophic to untold MILLIONS of Americans living in the “heartland” of the nation.  Even those Midwest republicans who seem to blindly support “their” party would be affected by a spill.  “Worst case scenario” reports vary, but even accepting the most cautious report, a Keystone pipeline spill that would penetrate this Aquifer would lead to a national disaster of untold proportions.  So, my question to any republican would be, “Is this risk worth 40 permanent jobs?”  Of course as they would parse together some rebuttal you’d never hear them mention the Koch brothers and their money.

If you’re not familiar with Charles and David Koch you might wonder “how much money are we talking about?”  (and, keep in mind, both brothers are in their 70’s, one has terminal cancer, and both seem to be willing to unload some BILLIONS in order to achieve their John Birch Society, Libertarian dream of deconstructing the advances of the “progressives” of the Teddy Roosevelt years and the “New Deal” of the (hated) Franklin Roosevelt years, along with the similarly “hated” civil rights breakthrough’s of the LBJ years (if you haven’t seen the movie “Selma” I wholeheartedly recommend it!).  In fact these people thought Dwight Eisenhower was a communist sympathizer and Nixon even worst for the EPA and the breakthrough with China.  The Kochs are each “worth” a reported $50 BILLION (so, the $900 MILLION “investment” in our next president represents a “drop in the bucket”) and Koch Industries brings in a robust $115 BILLION in revenue each year (and counting).  In fact, ironically, their business has grown almost exponentially under President Obama – can you think of why they HATE him so?  The Keystone XL pipeline represents only a small part of the “Koch agenda” – it’s simply  the “receipt” proving republicans have been “bought.”  Should they succeed in buying the next president, we’ll then see the entire agenda – and, my prediction is that MOST Americans won’t like what they see!  The problem is that it will be most difficult to stop them once that has happened – the time to stop the Koch agenda is BEFORE 2016 – more and more people need to understand that if you’re not willing to FIGHT for something (like your rights) you will ultimately lose it/them!

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