I believe there is one TOTALLY bipartisan issue those of us outside of Washington can agree on and that is corporate money has totally CORRUPTED our government.

There’s an interesting (and tragic) phenomenon going on in America as I write this, and it’s been ongoing for the past few years.  Our government has failed to respond to the unemployment crisis in a way that would have prevented the huge numbers of long term unemployed – as republicans argue the debt they created is sufficient reason to ignore millions of Americans who’ve been turned into the “unemployable.”  These “unemployable” potential workers are no longer paying taxes so government revenues are down, yet they still require things like medical care, etc. causing government expenses (and those of the rest of us) to increase while “right” wing politicians continue to prevent increases in taxes from those who are succeeding at an astonshing rate – taxes that would allow investment in things like infrastructure which would create good paying jobs.  And, while all this is going on, more and more of the incredibly rich are moving their money to offshore tax havens so they can avoid any taxes that might “right the ship” in America’s economy.  No wonder so many people are throwing their arms up and saying things like “There’s no hope for America because the corruption in Washington DC is just too pervasive.”  Even the “low information voters” know that it is the politicians in Washington DC who enable all this.

I remember almost as if it was yesterday my thoughts as the “Reagan revolution” unfolded that Ronald Reagan and his supporters were attempting to change America from a “we” society to a “me” society.  And, it appears they have virtually succeeded.  These are the people who have been fighting the “New Deal” of Franklin Roosevelt since the inception of all the “socialist” ideals it put forth.  The FACT that the New Deal fostered the greatest middle class in the history of mankind is irrelevant to those who still worship Reagan as if he was some kind of god.  As I put forth in my previous post, Reagan was actually an informer for the FBI, he was a major hypocrite when it came to “following the rules,” and he believed that the wealthy SHOULD be in control of America’s wealth – not America’s elected government.  Reagan spearheaded the assault on America’s unions which is continuing to this day as we witness a kind of “race to the bottom” regarding the wages and benefits that major employers seem to believe their workers deserve.  The statistics say that worker productivity has increased tremendously in the past 30+ years while wages have remained stagnant, or worse.  The FACT the focus of our government has been shifted to the wealthy could not be clearer as we experience the so-called “sequestration” “cuts” to our nation’s budget.  Already “exceptions” to the cuts are being made for those fortunate enough to travel by air, but – as per usual – “the least of us” (in the words of Jesus Christ) will be “left behind.”

Well before sequestration went into effect I commented that the people at the top would hardly notice it – virtually all the “pain” would be focused around those at the “bottom.”  Well, that wasn’t totally correct as we saw when those who had to wait in the long lines at airports got action from their congress for an “exception.”  Did you notice that it was the congress members who were some of the people standing in those lines?  I wonder how much that affected their decision to vote an exception to their “across the board” cuts.  And, you can pretty much be guaranteed that when sequestration “hits” the department of defense there will be more “exceptions.”  Most of my “railing” on this site has been directed (with good reason) toward republicans.  But it’s almost more frustrating to be forced to depend on the democrats to be the counter force to the republican assault on America’s middle class.  For example (looking away from the sequestration) many democratic populists and many independents (like me) once again got behind President Obama during the last election.  (I pointed out that my vote was AGAINST Mitt Romney and the republicans)  It didn’t take long and Obama was proposing cuts to Social Security (which is absurd) and Medicare (which does need to be “fixed”) – a MAJOR slap in the face to the MILLIONS who got behind him leading up to the election.  To me, this is an obvious attempt by our president to get the republicans to agree to SOMETHING.  However, it also demonstrates his failure to understand that this is an INTERNAL war for the heart and soul of America.  We need to DEFEAT this brand of republicans, not find a way to get them to say “yes” to something – especially at the expense of the signature successes of almost 100 years of progressive battles for “the least of us.”  In a representative government it’s depressing when your TOP representative makes proposals AFTER the election which would have caused you not to support him/her BEFORE the elections.  If I was in favor of cutting Social Security and Medicare Mitt Romney/Paul Ryan would have been the “answer.”

In fact, the so-called sequester was the result of the same kind of bargaining we’re apt to see over Social Security and Medicare.  The benefits will go to those at the “top” while those at the bottom get even more SCREWED.  When democrats start showing a willingness to bargain away the signature victories of the New Deal, well, those of us who are considered liberals (I guess I’m supposed to use the term progressives because the right wing propaganda scheme has vilified the word “liberal”) have to be wondering “where do we turn” for support.  The stark reality of American government is that “we the people” elect representatives and we have to trust them to “represent” us in Washington.  When the “top dog” in Washington shows any kind of weakness he/she can expect to be the recipient of a swarm of special interest money intended to turn a tiny “crack” in the “dike” into a “fissure.”  I still remember during the 2008 presidential campaign Hillary Clinton basing her “claim” on the democratic nomination to her perspective that Barrack Obama was not “up to” dealing with what he was going to get from the republicans.  Over the course of time, I believe he is proving her to  be prophetic.  Instead of bargaining away programs like Social Security and Medicare Obama should be out there FIGHTING the obstructionists in Washington with the hope of turning the House BLUE in 2014.  He should be working on Harry Reid to accept the reality that the Senate’s filibuster rules are archaic and being used by republicans to block anything positive from coming out of the senate.  He should  be publicly BATTLING for the above mentioned “unemployable” members of our society.  (many of them in their 50’s or early 60’s and in danger of losing EVERYTHING they’ve worked their lives for)

The republican philosophy has been to gain power by causing FAILURE in Washington.  They are doing this through procedural methods that the democrats have allowed along with their control of the so-called “liberal media.”  One thing republicans have been up front and honest about since Obama’s election is their determination to make sure that he FAILS.  I really don’t understand why this was not considered heresy and why the democrats have not been demonizing the republicans over this more intently.  75% of America wanted a “public option” when health care reform was in the works.  The special interests prevailed against this (and when “Obamacare” goes into full effect we will understand why the democrats should have found a way to push that through).  Something like 90% of Americans are in favor of background checks and registering guns.  A large majority are in favor of other attempts to control the use of assault weapons.  Again, the special interests are winning the “battle” through their purchase of our legislatures (including democrats).  I could go on and on, but the bottom line is this is all becoming more than nauseating.

When we look again at sequestration, the whole idea was a way to force congressional action in the wake of all the obstructionist tactics of republicans (remember, their number one priority is not the success of America, but the failure of our BLACK president – I’m sure if you’re reading my blog you’re smart enough to put two and two together to understand their motives).  However, as the “chipping away” at the areas of “pain” will show – there will be exceptions which will allow the further steps of this despicable method of governing to proceed (remember, only the first “wave” of sequestration has taken place).  My prediction is that areas like Head Start, food stamps, unemployment insurance, etc. will remain in tact – that is, getting cut – but when the defense department bellows loud enough we’ll have another “exception.”  Or when we find another area that directly affects the congressional leaders who voted for this absurd way of budgeting government in the first place we’ll see another “exception.”  Kind of reminds me of how the congressional leaders who have the so-called “Cadillac” health care policies have no concern for those who have no policy and want to tax working people who are lucky enough to have health care benefits through their employment.  Really, the more you examine America’s present government, the more absurd it gets.

I stated in an earlier post that the first “job” in fixing our nation’s government is to vote out all republicans who support this present day racist tea party philosophy that seems entrenched in their caucus and puts Obama’s failure above America’s success. (remember, republicans didn’t always act and function as they are these days – much of this obstructionist philosophy, I believe, emanates from the congressional days of Newt Gingrich – although, in my lifetime, republicans have been the bastion for America’s remaining racists) Once the republicans have been “purged” the job becomes to get rid of the spineless democrats who are “feeding at the same trough.”  I believe there is one TOTALLY bipartisan issue those of us outside of Washington can agree on and that is corporate money has totally CORRUPTED our government.   Somehow, that needs to change and I don’t think you can change the corruption by relying on those receiving the bounty.  It’s the same as expecting the fox to protect the hen house!

Dwight Eisenhower’s warnings about the “military industrial complex” have morphed into a dangerous reality that continues to make America “less safe.”  It has fostered “moneychangers” who survive by promoting war and violence.  It has given us a bloated defense budget that surpasses virtually the rest of the world combined and an economy that is being drowned in the inescapable debt that is the result of those who believe in perpetual “warfare.”  The latest result, as we scramble to “get our economic house in order” is the sequestration.  That is just a symptom of how difficult it is and is going to be to overcome the incredible force behind this militarism on our nation’s economy.  Combined with the mentality of the republican party and the spineless democrats we end up governing through “sequestration.”  Honestly, I never imagined our country falling to this level of incompetence and corruption, but as I read more history it all seems inevitable.  Eisenhower knew what he was talking about.  I have to wonder: when will our people who are “down and out” become more important to our government than taking care of the “rich” and providing corporate welfare?

43 thoughts on “I believe there is one TOTALLY bipartisan issue those of us outside of Washington can agree on and that is corporate money has totally CORRUPTED our government.

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