America’s “conservative” Christians of 2012 could parallel the German Christians of 1932 if Romney wins!

I started following politics closely in the late 1960’s as several of my high school classmates became victims of the Vietnam fiasco.  During the 30 or so years from the end of that terrible blunder until the Iraq blunder I found myself frustrated with the direction of American politics but pretty much silent about my feelings.  Additionally, during that time span I decided that Jesus Christ was a much better guide for my life than what I had managed on my own and I became a Christian.  So, I found myself often surrounded by people who were studying the same book as me but who had extremely different views on politics.  I didn’t (and still don’t) bring up the subject with most of them because, for whatever reason, most of them would fall into the “diehard” republican camp as far as their political preferences go.  Based on my observations over the years, that “partnership” is based on the “belief” by most of these Christians that the republicans are “pro life.”  I’ve gotten to the point where I get a queezy feeling in my stomach even as I write that.  I’m explaining this to preference my remarks (as they might find their way onto this post) as I’m pondering the state of this nation I so love – 4 days before what I feel is the most important election of my lifetime.

My red flags started waving in 1980 when the first “fringe” republican succeeded in winning national office with the election of Ronald Reagan (still seemingly considered a deity by most of today’s republicans).  I recognized that the political operatives who first came to light (at least to me) during the Nixon years were certainly mastering their trade (this included people like Roger Ailes who now plays a prominent role in the propaganda scheme which republicans seem to have mastered – the “big lie” theory of Joseph Goebbels of the third Reich – as Ailes is the head of Fox “news” – I always put “news” in quotes because you don’t have to look very hard to realize that they are anything but a news outlet).  The insiders in the republican “scheme” have become very adept at what they’re up to and their arrogance has amazed even me as I watch this 2012 election come to a close.  These people schemed to get Reagan elected in 1980 by backing “liberal” republican John Andersen’s third party bid (which took precious votes from Jimmy Carter) and by making a “deal with the devil” (Iran) to make sure the American hostages weren’t released until after the election.  In my mind, America’s “liberal media” still has not brought to light the significance of that action – let alone the other illegal actions of Reagan and his surrogates regarding Iran/Contra.  Republicans either own or have intimidated this “liberal media” to the point where none of their deception is “called out.”  In the years since Reagan’s time I’ve come to loathe the republican party as it has moved dangerously far to the “right” and has increased its willingness to follow the “end justifies the means” theory of politics – now to the extreme.

I believe this has been allowed to happen because their methods are so un-American that most of us can’t even get our minds around that they would have the “brass,” as Bill Clinton put it, to implement their present strategies.  The lying and unethical practices continue to grow and our aforementioned “liberal press” continues to lack the courage to call it what it is.  Fox “news” has succeeded in convincing way too many Americans that they are “fair and balanced” (again, do a little research and check out the “big lie theory” – it should be sobering for you) and they’ve turned the word “liberal” into something that seems almost like a “dirty” word to many.  I’ve even heard this word referred to in a derogatory manner by many of my Christian brethren despite the CLEAR evidence that Jesus Christ would be a “liberal” by the accepted definition of that term today.

With all this as background I’ll get to what inspired my thoughts for today.  I was driving to town and allowed myself to listen to an add from Mitt Romney.  I instantaneously reminded myself that he makes me as sick to my stomach as Rush Limbaugh – who I used to listen to when he first hit the airwaves in the 1980’s.  It took me a while to realize what Limbaugh was “up to” but it wasn’t hard for me to figure out that he often made racist comments.  That was what originally turned me away from even listening to him – but, occasionally I would give it another try and, as I began reading more to educate myself better on how our nation’s government was “really” working it would rarely take more than a few minutes before I’d be saying to myself (usually as I would be driving around) “That’s a lie” regarding one of his “assertions,” and “he’s a paid republican shill.”  Limbaugh’s lying prompted a couple books by Al Franken that called him on the lies and which should have reduced his audience – but, probably increased it instead (Franken, of course, is a liberal).  Then I thought, when Limbaugh only lasted one night on “Monday Night Football” because of his inability to hide his racist beliefs, certainly that would diminish his standing with Americans who I thought were moving away from racism – but, he’s continued to play to a huge audience.  Of course, with the 2008 election of Barrack Obama, Limbaugh has been on a mission since – to make sure that President Obama “fails.” To me his almost continuous OVERT racist comments are disgusting – and, it’s discouraging that his audience continues and his sponsors support him. (I’ve often thought that a good idea for a website would be one that identifies the sponsors of the political “talkers” on the airwaves – with a subsequent movement to support or boycott them based on the messaging of the “talker.”  Somehow, there’s got to be accountability for people like Limbaugh and the others who are part of this republican propaganda scheme)

Well, Romney seems to be cut from the same cloth.  Now, at times I’m sure Limbaugh was not a “fan” of Mitt Romney – but I have no doubts this is a “black and white” election for him.  However, Romney seems to have the same ability to lie without a second thought which must seem to be a strength for Limbaugh.  Today’s lie was him blaming the “gridlock” in Washington DC over the past four years on Obama.  I believe he’s suggesting that if Obama’s reelected that will continue because there’s no way the republican senate will stop their 24/7 filibuster strategy to make sure the president can’t pass anything he wants through congress (in fact, there was no mention of the record 380+ filibusters of the last four years in the senate – by republicans).  He’s now reportedly claiming that Chrysler, which was saved by Obama’s administration, is planning to move it’s operations to China (my first thought when I heard that was I wonder if that means Bain Capital is purchasing a controlling interest in the company?) – so far, I’ve heard two of Chrysler’s top executives openly refute that (one saying Romney’s “full of sh#t”) – but, he continues to say it to the unsuspecting voters of Ohio and Wisconsin.  Additionally, Romney has spewed out enough “code words” in this election cycle to make his racial attitude obvious – but, save for Chris Matthews of MSNBC I haven’t heard anyone who’s in a position to matter calling him and his surrogates on this.

The sad reality of this election is that it will be decided on where America stands on the race issue.  Unfortunately, this is an issue that many of us thought was FINALLY going to be headed toward the scrap heap of history – but, no matter how this election turns out, it’s obvious to me that race continues to be a major issue in this nation.  I’m presently reading “Bonhoeffer – Pastor, Martyr, Prophet, Spy” by Eric Metaxas about the life of Dietrich Bonhoeffer, a Christian pastor who led the German opposition to Adolph Hitler from the time he gained power in 1932 until Bonhoeffer’s death when he was executed for his part in an assassination attempt on Hitler himself.  I have to admit that it’s a rarity I would read a book recommended by Glenn Beck and Mike Huckabee, but this is, for me, an I can’t put it down book – and, I’m sure there must be something I’m missing in this book because Beck and Huckabee, to me, at least to the part I’ve finished so far, are part of what the book is warning about.  It was the Christian church in Germany that allowed itself to get tricked by the Nazi’s into helping them gain a stranglehold on Germany and turn the fledgling German democracy (the result of their defeat in WW I) into a dictatorship.  It’s exactly the government/church/corporate partnership that I see Bonhoeffer opposing – that could be on the horizon in America today (and the sad reality is that it’s the republicans who are claiming Obama would be the – you name it – socialist, Maoist, communist, fascist … fill in the blank – If you don’t understand their [republican’s] tactics – look up the meaning of ” political projection” by clicking here).  The republicans have virtually “enlisted” the so-called “Christian Right” as a voting block which allows them to do a plethora of “un Christian” things politically, and get away with it – because many “conservative” Christians seem to be willing to blindly believe the liars like Romney, Limbaugh, Rove, Hannity, etc.

I can’t even imagine the words “President Romney.”  (this man has 137 Cayman Islands tax shelters – not to mention his Swiss Bank accounts and tax shelters in Bermuda – that alone should make him unqualified to lead this nation – without even considering his racist attitudes – don’t believe me, click here to find out about racial code words in Romney’s strategy AND he’s the biggest liar to run for president in my lifetime!) I’m sick of the republicans in congress putting their selfish interests ahead of the interests of the nation.  And, I think the worst part of it all for me is that they couldn’t do anything without the blind support of the “Christian right.”  (personally, I call it the “Christian wrong.”)  If you read this between when I post it and election day and you agree with me, try to encourage someone who might not vote to go to the polls.  In my state, Washington, it’s been reported now that republican operatives are going door to door, in democratic leaning areas, “volunteering” to hand deliver ballots to the polls (two guesses where those ballots are ending up).  UNBELIEVABLE – yet, in Oregon republican operatives have managed to gain positions counting ballots and have been caught “red handed” filling in republican votes into places on ballots voters left blank.  The voter suppression tactics have been widely reported nationwide and recently it was revealed that the Romneys have a vested financial interest in one of the main voting machine companies.  The CRAP just continues to show it’s ugly face!  Republicans managed to get a Supreme Court which passed the Citizens United decision (millions of Americans are still unaware of the impact of that decision – despite the flood of anonymous adds hitting the airwaves this year) and, while a Romney victory won’t cause me to lose my own faith – history will show that America’s “conservative” Christians of 2012 could parallel the German Christians of 1932 if Romney wins! (The German leaders played off of hatred toward Jews while the American republican leaders are playing off of hatred toward Blacks)

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