I wonder how the republicans will find fault in President Obama succeeding in getting bin Laden?

I spend a lot of time wondering, these days, how any American citizen who is paying any attention at all to what is “happening” in our society – whether they consider themselves liberal, conservative, independent, or whatever – could possibly support the “modern day” version of the republican party.  Well, the obvious caveat; unless they are wealthy and have no appreciation for the sacrifices of all the “blue collar” Americans who have come before us and helped to build what should be the greatest nation on earth.  I’m in my mid sixties and participated in what I call the “whole gammit” of the Viet Nam fiasco (America seems to have evolved into a very good producer of fiascos).  I joined the Marines in 1967 thinking I would do my part to help prevent the spread of communism via the “fall” of South Vietnam.  I was discharged due to a bum knee and it took about a year or two before I realized what a sham the Vietnam “war” was which pushed me into the crowds of protestors who gained notoriety during the 1968 presidential campaign.

Once the Vietnam “war” ended I, like many of my compatriats, settled into working and raising a family – slowly I got pulled into the middle class, I learned to appreciate the American workers and being an American, and I gradually began to allow myself to “trust” the leaders in Washington as Watergate happened and Jimmy Carter won the White House.  To this day, if you listen to, or read the media accounts, Carter was a bad and weak president.  I think what I appreciated the most about him was his sense of integrity and personal fortitude that I don’t think I’ve observed in another prominent national politician before or since ( I really want to believe Barack Obama has the same personal characteristics).  I always felt that Carter had more courage to do “the right thing” than any of the other alternatives.  I continue to believe that had Carter’s “CAFE” standards not been reversed by Ronald Reagan, and had we continued in the alternative energy direction I remember him leading us, we would be a much stronger and independent nation today.  Carter’s demise is a prime example of what happens to American politicians who “buck” the oil industry “platform.”

When Ronald Reagan was elected president I was shocked and discouraged to the point where I spent the next 20 years concentrating on just “getting by.”  It was during this time that my children were raised, my business (farm) failed, I went back to school and finally achieved my dream of becoming a school teacher.  Contrary to much of today’s public speculation about what a “cushy” job teaching is, it took me several years to get to the point where I felt competent in the classroom – although, to this day (and I’m now close to retirement), I always feel there is much more to learn.  Teaching is a FULL TIME commitment – during the school year I don’t spend much time “socializing” because if I’m not in the classroom teaching or preparing to teach, my mind is usually on what I can do to help my students achieve at a higher level.  I work in a high poverty school – I won’t get into all my frustrations about all the teacher bashing that’s in vogue with “conservative” politicians right now – and once the end of June rolls around, I will need the two months “vacation” (which will include more professional development classes) to unwind and prepare for the next “go around.”

As a teacher I am always talking to my sixth graders about how the ultimate purpose of their education is to help them become productive and responsible citizens in our community and nation.  I have always felt that for my words to them to have the merit which might influence them in a positive way it is important that I “practice what I’m preaching.”  So I’ve always at least “paid attention.”  Shortly after George W Bush became president and I listened to Dick Cheney say, “Ronald Reagan proved ‘deficits don’t matter’,” as he rammed through Congress the “Bush Tax Cuts” which turned the surplus he and Bush inherited into massive national debt I decided my complacency needed to end.  I didn’t say much as I watched Reagan first orchestrate the “supply side” hoax which began what has now been a 30+ year bonanza for America’s (now multinational) corporations as they have squeezed our nation’s wealth upward as if one were emptying a toothpaste tube.  I started reading and researching what MY government was up to, exactly what I hope my students will do once they achieve adulthood.

I had calmed a bit during the years of Bill Clinton because, despite ALL the issues I had with Clinton (too many to list in this post) I was pleased that he managed the economy into the situation where there was a sufficient surplus to RETIRE the national debt in something like TEN years!  Of course, the words Cheney spoke that I mentioned above, RUINED all of that.  Presently, and curiously, our national debate is almost completely focused on the national debt and it’s the republicans who are complaining the loudest.  Where were they when Cheney said those despicable words?  It was a republican congress which voted in the “Bush Tax Cuts,” and it was republicans who strong armed President Obama, last December, into extending them.  (I’ll save my outrage – which I’ve shared on previous posts – as to how Obama could do this for another day)  Not only did those tax cuts cause our national debt to skyrocket, but – along with the corporatist agenda that was initiated under Reagan and put on steroids with Bush/Cheney – the privatising, the deregulation, the lack of enforcing existing regulations, and the encouragement of a “get rich quick” philosophy in America, especially on Wall Street, led to the collapse of the financial “sector” in 2008.  This collapse, and the resulting “Great Recession” created an escalating problem with getting the deficit situation under control.  Since that time (2008) the republicans have continued to rip off the American taxpayers, they somehow managed to lie their way back to a majority in the House of Representatives (I’ve got many posts in the archives explaining how I think the democrats have responded VERY poorly to their challenge which allowed this to happen), and their plan is to take over this government that they HATE and create their “permanent republican majority.”  (this will be a total partnership with the republican leadership and the large corporate entities who will have control of the money, the congress, the courts, and the media – it’s a brilliant plan and if “we the people” don’t stop it prior to 2012 – they may actually succeed in fulfilling Karl Rove’s dream)

I apologize for all the background for my thoughts of this evening, but I believe it’s critical to look at what’s going on with more than an eye to the present.  This “takeover” has been in the works for MANY years.  I believe the “plan” was put together well before Reagan was elected.  He was simply the first politician who was able to win the White House and was willing to sell out to the monied interests who are behind this movement.  We all know – well, those who’ve been watching what’s going on around the country with all the “tea party” republican governors – who the Koch brothers are now, but, up until the you know what hit the fan in Wisconsin, I don’t think many in America had any idea who they were.  They’ve been active for close to fifty years – their father was a founding member of the John Birch Society – that should tell you all you need to know.  Actually, I was talking to a young teacher the other day and she didn’t know what the JBS was, so in case you’re in that “boat” – you should “google” it – but suffice it to say, the JBS is racist, anti-union, right wing authoritarian, and full of money to spend in order to help create this “permanent republican majority.”

And, while I don’t give the democrats and Obama a “pass” for what’s “happening,” I simply believe it’s important for EVERY American who might vote to understand the culpibility of the “modern” republican party in this DEFICIT and the resulting disintegration of the American economy.  I believe it’s not too late to “turn things around,” but it’s certainly NOT going to happen if we all simply “trust” the democrats to stop this onslaught on our system.  I believe my main point tonight is to somehow focus my written words in a way that corresponds to my thoughts about the endless argument between republicans and democrats over who’s FAULT this economic disaster is.  And, to pare it down a bit, who’s FAULT is the HUGE deficit everyone’s arguing about?  Simply put, I believe the deficit AND the resulting “Great Recession” are BOTH totally the FAULT of the modern day republicans!  And, furthermore, I caution anyone who’s reading this that they are not finished yet.  To them, things are looking “peachy.”  I’ll try to explain.

Do you remember Grover Norquist?  His famous quote regarding the republican “plan” I’m trying to “lay out” tonight; “Our goal is to shrink government to the size where we can drown it in a bathtub.”  The republicans have been “after” Roosevelt’s “New Deal” since the very days it was implemented.  Of course, the New Deal happened during the thirties, the very time when the labor union movement was fighting for and GAINING many of the benefits “we the people” now are taking for granted – to the point where the republicans think they can finally “stick a fork” in them.  The New Deal led to Johnson’s “Great Society” (Medicare and Medicaid) and Johnson was followed by Richard Nixon, who by today’s republican standards was a FLAMING liberal. 

Hence, today’s republicans attempting to do away with the environmental protection agency that came into existence under Nixon’s “watch.”  Republicans have been slowly succeeding at “shrinking” the government, as per Norquist’s wishes, since Reagan took the oath of office.  The catch word since Bush/Cheney had their say has been “privatization.”  What that means is continually providing the “fat cat” sponsors of the republican party with “no bid” contracts designed to help them get “filthy rich.”  I mean, if you read up a bit on the Iraq occupation, you will find that both Dick Cheney and Donald Rumsfeld (along with many other of their “cronies”) profited handsomely off of this ill advised misadventure that the U.S. has still failed to extract itself from (we’re talking about hundreds of MILLIONS of dollars here for both Cheney and Rumsfeld).  What is happening now in America is EXACTLY what Grover Norquist wants – the federal government is broke, taxes on the RICH are at an all time low – and they (republicans) are attempting to lower them FURTHER!

Representative Paul Ryan of Wisconsin (a devotee of Ayn Rand – an extreme right wing “kook”) is the new “face” of the republican party and he recently proposed a budget (for 2012) which was approved by the House and their repubican majority and made the republican “plan” for Medicare, Medicaid, and Social Security even more clear.  Instead of taking the simple steps they would need to put each of those programs on solid “footing” for the forseeable future, they are proposing to further undermine them.  As Norquist said, “shrink them until the republicans can drown them in a bathtub.”  And, make no mistake, the republicans will do just that if they prevail in the 2012 election.  So, if you’re reading this and are an American citizen, it doesn’t matter if it’s your parents or you, if you’re a middle class American the republicans want to pull the “safety net” that was put in place by our parents and grandparents right out from under you.  Trust me, once they’re done with Medicare and Medicaid, Social Security is next.

It was republicans who took us into the “Great Depression,” they took us into the “Great Recession,” and it’s republicans who are willing to take us back to another depression to get what they want.  I believe they think they are much better prepared to survive the next great depression.  Think about all the money they’ve absconded with from our federal tax base as it is.  Not only did they get TRILLIONS in bailout funds after 2008, but almost ALL the multinational corporations who’ve been “cutting off a fat hog” since we invaded Iraq are republican donors and they’re sitting on TRILLIONS in cash as I’m typing this.  Is it hard to figure out why further deterioration of the economy is good for them?  If you’re reading this and you think I’m nuts, you probably watch Fox “news” and listen to the likes of Rush Limbaugh and the rest of the right wing “water carriers” who would sacrifice the welfare of this nation for MONEY.  

Read some books about the Iraq invasion, about the “Project for a New Century” and the so-called “neo-cons.”  Read the FACTS about the economic results of the last 30+ years since the days of Reagan and the introduction of the “trickle down” economic philosophy.  I’ve always said if republicans are saying look right, you should look left.  Well, in that vein, their philosophy – when you look at the ACTUAL statistics since 1980 should be called “trickle up.”  That’s where the wealth of this great nation has gone – upward, except during the Clinton years – since Reagan took office.  If you’re a worker, if you’re a Christian and voting republican, WAKE UP!  The republicans are screwing you!  Today’s republicans have taught me to appreciate Richard Nixon!

Since the election of Barack Obama the repubican party has been more anti-government since anytime I can remember in my lifetime.  They have blocked EVERY attempt at implementing programs which would help the MILLIONS of distressed workers in this country who’ve been out of work – MILLIONS of them for over two years.  At a time when this country should have been pulling together to turn around the disaster caused by Bush/Cheney the republicans simply kicked up the level of opposition.  And, their corporate cronies showed a willingness to supply UNLIMITED funds in the republican brainwashing of the American public through their control of the so-called ‘liberal media.”  The state of Wisconsin has shown us the worst and best of the American political scene.  We’ve seen Scott Walker do the bidding of the Koch’s and other right wing groups such as the John Birch Society (which is based in Wisconsin) and we’ve seen Paul Ryan of Wisconsin propose a national budget that undermines two of the most fundamental programs representing what’s good about America, Medicare and Medicaid.  However, Wisconsin has also brought us an outraged public that consists of liberals and conservatives alike who are pulling together to stop this outrageous powergrab the republican party has schemed for the last 40 or 50 years which is now possibly in – as Dick Cheney would say – “it’s last throes.”  Since President Obama took office, there hasn’t been ONE THING that is the result of democratic initiative that the republican party hasn’t attacked.

As I wrote in my last post, the House minority whip (at the time) Eric Cantor even violated the Logan Act, a Felony, (without recourse) when he urged the Prime Minister of Israel to feel comfortable in challenging the Obama administration – because the republicans would “have his back.”  I have been very disappointed in President Obama’s lack of willingness to FIGHT back against this republican onslaught.  I honestly believed there was nothing he could do that would receive any kind of postitive comment from ANY of them.  Well, as I was writing this post, it was announced that Osama bin Laden has been KILLED!  Obama promised to “finish the job” of getting bin Laden and he has done that.  I will be writing soon about how President Bush let bin Laden escape from Tora Bora so that he could “justify” invading Iraq back in 2002.  Well, NINE YEARS later President Obama has finished the job that should have been finished then.  Honestly, I wonder how the republicans will find fault in President Obama succeeding in getting bin Laden?  This is further reason to support my point of this evening’s post.  If you’re a working class American, shame on you if you vote for ANY of these republicans!

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