By FIRING Keith Olberman, Comcast has taken the republican “buyin” of Joseph Goebbels’ Nazi philosophy, the “big lie” theory, public!

As I continue to observe the political evolution in America I can’t help but think that Josheph Goebbels would be exceedingly proud of  today’s  republicans.  If you’re not clear on what that sentence is implying, Google Goebbels and you’ll find out how the Nazi’s came to power in the 1930’s.  Goebbels was the “architect” of the “big lie” theory of propaganda – so efficiently used by the republican party (who are in cahoots with the “Family” which I’ve referenced on previous posts – check the archive) – and it is based on the philosophy that if you repeat a lie often enough with enough voices the “masses” will believe it’s true.  Well, unless you’ve had your head in the sand, you know exactly what I’m talking about.  The republicans have been doing this since the reign of Ronald Reagan and the introduction of Rush Limbaugh in the 1980’s.  Limbaugh is even so arrogant as to call his listeners “ditto heads” and his listeners are so naive (or stupid – take your choice) to be OK with being “ditto heads.”  The republicans use the term “talking points” to “hide” what they’re doing from us unsuspecting citizens, but what they’re doing is effective for that reason – we’re unsuspecting.  By nature we want to trust our “leaders.”

 George W Bush, who I’m sure the “Family” – or whomever is behind this republican takeover of our nation – regrets choosing as president (and, remember, it wasn’t the American people who chose him) said it best when he said, “See, in my line of work you got to keep repeating things over and over and over again for the truth to sink in, to kind of catapult the propaganda.”  (astonishingly, he was speaking to high school students when he said this) Our so-called “liberal media” (this moniker “liberal media” another result of this very theory) never gave so much as a whimper to that quote – and, either they are now totally in cahoots with the “rascals” or they’re just not paying attention.

Compare Bush’s quote to one from Goebbels (especially if you think I’m “blowing smoke” here), “If you tell a lie big enough and keep repeating it, people will eventually come to believe it. The lie can be maintained only for such time as the State can shield the people from the political, economic and/or military consequences of the lie. It thus becomes vitally important for the State to use all of its powers to repress dissent, for the truth is the mortal enemy of the lie, and thus by extension, the truth is the greatest enemy of the State.”  All of this gets me to the reason I’ve decided to write today.  I opened my email this morning and one of the places which send information to me (because, for example, I have to give my email address when I do things like sign a petition to save Social Security, or for the public option, or more recently to show support for Gabriel Giffords) sent a notice that Keith Olberman did his last show yesterday January 21, 2011.  It didn’t take long to find out that he had been fired because MSNBC is being purchased by Comcast and they are part of the right wing conspiracy that is referenced in the above mentioned quotes.  To me (and, I rarely watch Olberman – or anyone else for that matter – anymore) this is the outrage that should get the attention of anyone – including the so-called “tea partiers” – who value freedom in this nation.

At the same “sit down” where I came across the information regarding Olberman, I saw another email which read as follows “The new Republican leaders in the House have received millions of dollars in contributions from banks, health insurers and other major business interests, which are pressing for broad reversals of Democratic policies that affect corporations, according to disclosure records and interviews.”  Really people, it’s not hard to put the pieces of the puzzle together – that is, the puzzle of what is happening to this great nation that I (and probably you) love.  There is a right wing FORCE which is STEALTH – that is, we can’t officially identify it – it’s “flying under the radar” – which is in the process of gaining a STRANGLEHOLD on the American government (all the while claiming to be anti-government) and it’s purpose is to drain this nation of as much of its wealth as possible before “we the people” catch on.  I’m convinced that many of the main CULPRITS have situated themselves in foreign locations so that once their plan is detected and the American public comes to their senses, these people will simply relocate with as much money and wealth as they can get their GREEDY hands on. 

So, if you need a refresher, go back and read the quote from Geobbels – the “right” wing in America is BLASTING us with propaganda which are PURE LIES over and over to the point where enough people are believing them that this is a HUGE problem.  And, what is the best way for them to continue their success – it’s to get rid of the dissent.  Are you getting my point?  Now, Keith Olberman – whom I admire, although (as with anyone) I’m not always in agreement with, was definitely one of the leading voices of dissent.  The thing I admired most about Olberman’s show was that he was critical of democrats (when necessary) as well as republicans.  The truth is that republicans don’t have a monopoly on politicians who’ve been bought and paid for by corporate America.  However, just one move like this is far more significant than just worrying about the loss of Keith Olberman from the airwaves.  It sends a LOUD message to EVERYONE else!

I listened the other day to Alan Grayson being interviewed on the radio.  If you don’t know who he is, he WAS – at least in my view – one of the most HONORABLE members of the House of Representatives – coming from a mostly republican district in Florida (the state where the voters – a large portion being retired persons – elected a governor who had to plead the “fifth” over 70 times in a trial where his corporation was fined almost 2 BILLION dollars for MEDICARE fraud – the largest Medicare FRAUD in America’s history – go figure) who was willing to stand up in Congress and challenge these liars and tell the TRUTH about health care and other issues of importance in today’s world (like unemployment, two intractable wars, etc.).  Grayson was defeated because the Supreme Court’s “Citizens United” decision allowed unlimited corporate funds to be funneled into his district paying for DISHONEST advertising designed to quiet his voice of dissent – and they were SUCCESSFUL.  Now, Comcast has done the same thing by purchasing MSNBC and summarily FIRING Keith Olberman – quieting (hopefully, only temporarily) another voice of dissent.

What is Rachel Maddow to do now?  Is she going to continue to challenge the liars on the “right?”  Will Comcast simply fire her as well to gain a little more silence?  What about the “fat redhead” as he calls himself?  I don’t watch the “Ed Show” on MSNBC (mostly because I don’t watch hardly anything anymore), but what is Ed Schultz going to do? Will he continue calling out the republicans or will he “tone it down” in order to stay on the air?  Do you get my point?  The only legitimate reason for Comcast to FIRE Keith Olberman would have been if his ratings were down to the point where they were losing money with his show or if he made an inappropriate comment (you know, like one of the routine racist comments by Limbaugh or Beck).  The reality, the ratings for Olberman were BY FAR the highest ratings for MSNBC.  His show was the MAJOR challenge to all the PROPAGANDA coming from the “right.”  And, to make matters worse (for those of us who don’t want to live in a right wing corporatocracy) the competition he was “creeping up” on, Bill O’Reilly, is a “card carrying” member of the propaganda machine I’m referencing here.  He WAS the alternative voice!  These thugs don’t want ANY alternative voices!  Now, if that doesn’t give you “pause” well, I don’t know what to say for you.

Even if you listen to and watch (and somehow believe) people like O’Reilly, Limbaugh, Beck, and the others, you should understand the grave significance of Comcast’s move here.  This is CENSORSHIP pure and simple!  Do they have the legal right to do this?  Well, I don’t think anyone could argue against that.  In America, if you’ve got the money, you can do almost anything you want (I could write volumes on that topic alone) – but, the bottom line here is how much do “we the people” want to preserve the nation that emerged from World War II as the example of freedom and opportunity for the rest of the world?  To me, it’s almost as if the German’s failed to take over this land militarily during the war, but they (or people following their philosophy) have been busy since then in a prolonged conspiracy which is now bearing fruit.  And, if Comcast gets away with this DEPLORABLE move, well, all I can say is “hold onto your hats.”  The “you know what” is hitting the fan, and the results could go in any direction at this point.  In my mind, it should be the “tea party” themselves, if they really stand for what they claim to stand for, who would be leading the PROTEST against this move by Comcast.  Ideally, there should be a NATIONWIDE boycott of Comcast IMMEDIATELY!

Consider this situation from the other point of view.  Glenn Beck, due to something he said which was more RACIST than usual – I don’t even know what it was because I can’t bring myself to listen to the guy for more than a minute or so – lost over 100 sponsors to his program.  That, in itself, should put the program deeply in the red (I’ve seen it reported that his salary is something like 32 MILLION dollars) – but, the man is still on the air and has the freedom to say whatever he wants – including rhetoric which openly encourages violence against political leaders because he’s part of the “plan.”  Yes, you guessed it – Beck is one of the water carriers for the Goebbels like propaganda machine coming from the “right” while Olberman would represent the “dissent” which is “spewing” the “truth” that Goebbels (and the republicans) are so determined to quiet.

This is getting serious people!  I’ve been writing on this “blog” (honestly, I’m of that age that I really don’t know for sure if this is really a “blog” – hardly anyone “comments” on my posts) for around four years or so.  Since the U.S. invaded Iraq I’ve read over 50 books in an attempt to find that elusive “TRUTH” about what MY government is up to (it really is a bit depressing to find out)  and in the limited time I watch TV I can attest that KEITH OLBERMAN has come the closest BY FAR of any of the cable news commentators – who profess to be speaking about the “news” – to be concurring with what I’ve been reading.  I’ve read books written by people obviously with a left leaning perspective, a right leaning perspective, and many who profess to be “independent.”  As I teach my students (I’m a 6th grade teacher) to cross reference their sources (when I can get them to research something :o) I try to practice what I preach.  I don’t read the books written by the Beck’s, O’Reilly’s, and Palin’s of this world because I feel I already know what they’re going to say (remember, they say the same things over and over – it’s part of the plan) and the history books I read are written by historians, not politicians.  My point is that I do try to get multiple viewpoints on topics in order to gain better understanding myself – and, when I then listen to the “news” I have found Olberman to be the most intellectual and relevent.  To the “right” and their plan, that is a problem.  The best way to solve that problem is to do what Comcast did – and that’s to simply remove the voice from the air – which EXPOSES the bigger PROBLEM for those of us who don’t want to lose this great nation to the corporate interests who almost have a stranglehold on our government as I’m typing.

Well, what are we to do?  While I’m not sure what we can do, I do feel it’s time to do something.  Many “progressives” have fallen to the “sidelines” in their disappointment with the centrist approach to issues by President Obama.  I myself have been very disappointed in him – I was offended when Rham Emanuel (then his chief of staff) referred to liberals as “f___ing retards” and was allowed to get away with it.  There has been disappointment after disappointment with the Obama administration for me – not the least of which is the FACT we seem to be headed for indefinite occupations of BOTH Iraq and Afganistan.  Our president seems unwilling to “rock the boat” when he was elected to do just that.  He pardoned the misdeeds of his predecessor, he’s defending some of Bush/Cheney’s illegal activities in court, and the “tax cuts for the rich” are as good as “permanent.”  The republican party has remained in control of the agenda despite their minority position for the previous 4 years and now that they are moving toward majority positions – those of us who are “f___ing retards” are really in for more grief (I didn’t think it could get worse than Bush/Cheney – but, I’m definitely rethinking that position).  I’ve mentioned many times how, for example, Obama’s decision to “look forward and not back” will lead to the repeating of illegal activity that should have been STOPPED through investigations and prosecutions where appropriate once Obama took office and now the possible ramifications of pandering to these people has become even greater.  So, it’s time to act.  Of course, me going down to my courthouse and protesting Olberman’s dissmissal would be fruitless – and, I realize only (now it’s 200 – 400 people per day – wow!) a small number of people read this “blog,” but somehow a national movement needs to get underway.

I believe the first thing that needs to happen is that as many people as possible need to cancel their COMCAST service, ASAP!  And, they need to make sure that Comcast knows why they’re doing it.  There needs to be a protest to your (my) political representatives about this move on Comcast’s part – and the government needs to check their licensing regulations (is Comcast getting too big? Are they squelching dissent?) The part I can play is that I will no longer watch MSNBC.  Yes, that’s only one viewer and yes, that creates a problem for people like Maddow and Schultz – and, YES there are only a small number of “progressive” voices on the air – but, I for one will not watch a channel which is operated by a corporation who is openly promoting censorship.  The TRUTH is to me, by FIRING Keith Olberman, Comcast has taken the republican “buyin” of Joseph Goebbels’ Nazi philosophy, the “big lie” theory, public!  My hope is that “we the people” FINALLY do something to stop this!

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