People like Beck, Limbaugh, Palin, Angle, and the others are very likely “pawns” in a scheme that may be extremely difficult to “undress”

For years I’ve observed Americans (sometimes myself, I’m sure) casually commenting on how “ALL” of our politicians are LIARS.  Yet, up until recently, I’ve never given much thought to what that means – or what is the end result of our voters internalizing this “FACT” without hardly a second thought.  I guess what’s happening with me is I’m FINALLY having that “second thought.”  I’m even trying to make a distinction between “stretching” the truth and out and out BLATANT lying.  Those of us in America who’ve seemingly figured out how to solve all the problems seem convinced that whatever it is “we” think is “right” and what “they” think is wrong.  I’m saying this in the context that I’m as guilty as anyone from that perspective.  However, I TRY to draw the line with the out and out LYING as I continuously ponder my own perspective.

It’s hard not to be guilty of “stretching the truth” when one is giving one’s own opinions – everything is framed from the perspective of the experiences of the person expressing his/her thinking.  I mean, I often realize that with some of my opinions there seemingly is NO “truth.”  Like the saying “beauty is in the eye of the beholder.”  We should be able to process each other’s opinions in a manner which increases everyone’s thinking.  That would be something in the neighborhood of the ideal.  Yet, in America at this time – at least in the political spectrum – it seems as if there is always a BATTLE going on for POWER – at any cost – with some individuals clearly ascribing to the “win at all costs” or “the ends justifies the means” approach to politics.

Unfortunately, in my view, this “environment” is mainly fostered by the republican party which has been “hijacked” by the so-called “tea party” and has been put under the “spell” of Rupert Murdoch (Australian right winger), Roger Ailes (Republican “hack”), Al Waleed bin Talal (Saudi sheik who funded bin Laden) and the other “lap dogs” (see there I go with my own “opinions”) of Fox “news.”  As someone who grew up in the 50’s and 60’s the idea of a “news” corporation being “home base” for a political party is UNTHINKABLE!  I keep wondering when Americans are going to come to their senses and solve that problem by tuning Fox OUT.  I mean, Murdoch is openly giving MILLIONS to republican political organizations and who knows how much he’ll spoon out secretively through “Citizens United.”  I can only stomach Fox “news” for short periods of time because the absurdity of what comes out of the mouths of people like Shaun Hannity, Glenn Beck, and Bill O’Reilly is shocking to me when I take the time to process what is really behind their lies. 

I’m getting impatient with adults I know who are unable to “get” what Fox is doing (along with Rush Limbaugh, Lars Larson, Michael Savage, and the rest of the right wing propaganda “machine”).  I mean, the last time I watched Hannity he was interviewing Sharron Angle, somehow the republican nominee for the senate in Nevada.  Talk about someone throwing their “guest” a bunch of “softballs.”  This was like SLOWPITCH softball and a paid advertisement for Angle.  They call themselves “news” people, but their “hidden” agenda IS NOT HIDDEN!  In this situation, it wasn’t long before Angle was “bragging” about how much money she raised by appearing on Hannity’s show and how that was the type of media exposure she was willing to submit to – spots where the interviewer would ask the “right” questions so that she could make her pitch for more campaign donations!  To me, this was UNBELIEVABLE – despite the fact I saw and heard it with my own eyes and ears.  I saw Sarah Paling on Hannity’s show once, and he was doing the same thing – it was almost as if he needed her approval prior to asking any questions.  In other words, Fox provides a service for the people they are promoting – NOT the audience. (keep in mind, there was a day when I would have voted for republicans – NO MORE!)

In fact, it’s sad what happens with the audience because I have personal acquaintences who actually believe this stuff (of course, almost everyone of them also believe Rush Limbaugh – I can’t even bring myself to listen to him at all anymore because the frequency of his LYING simply turns my stomach).  And, it turns unsuspecting people, who otherwise appear to be good hard working middle class Americans, into radical fanatics.  I’ll give you an example:  The other day I was driving home from work and there was a car in front of me with large letters all over the back (it was a van) which said, “Obama is not a Christian.  He approves the sins of abortion and homosexuality and he favors illegal immigration and the destruction of our county.”  Right under those words (in the kind of “stick on” letters you get at Home Depot for your mailbox) was a large sign that said “Jesus Saves” with a large cross between Jesus and Saves.  Next to “Jesus” was a Bush/Cheney bumber sticker and a “W” bumper sticker.  Now, that one really almost made me PUKE!

These people are not only hijacking the republican party, but they’re attempting to hijack Christianity – which, of course, is impossible.  It’s not impossible to get people such as the guy driving the van in front of me to buy into their CRAP, but it’s impossible to change a message of love into a message of hate – no matter how hard they try.  What is ironic to me would be the “Christians” – such as the guy driving in front of me – being so willing to PROCLAIM such an UNCHRISTIAN message!  At first, I was really angry at what I was reading on the guy’s car – but, when I calmed down I realized that maybe I should be praying for him – if I can somehow manage to keep from having my own faith hijacked.  What on earth is going on here?

People disagreeing with the President of the United States is nothing new.  I’ve been doing it for nearly half a century – and, it was part of America’s political environment long before I was a gleam in my father’s eye.  In fact, not much that is happening in America right now is new – except that we have a person of color as our President – and, anyone who believes that’s not an issue is, in my view, fooling themselves.  How could, for instance, the guy who was driving right in front of me believe all that stuff about Obama?  If he did a little research he would know that President Obama has been a Christian believer for over 20 years – say what you want about “The Reverend Wright” – if you’ve ever been in a Black church you know that we’re talking about some passionate believers.  And, to suggest that Obama believes in abortion is absurd.  Does he maybe have an issue with some people on how to best deal with the issue?  That would be a reasonable assumption.  But, the bottom line – at least as far as I can conclude based on my Christian faith – is that the person having the abortion is the one who ultimately will answer for the decision.  Obama’s desire to create an atmosphere where abortions are less in demand is a sensable approach in my mind to an issue that is just not realistically going to go away.

How does one explain going around with a “W” sticker on their car along side an out and out Bush/Cheney sticker and then criticize Obama for his stance on illegal immigration and gay rights.  Dick Cheney, who’s daughter is openly gay, is a proponent of gay rights and the Bush administration was pushing an immigration reform policy that was far more lenient than President Obama.  Do I have the answers?  Of course not – but, I’m convinced that people like this guy with the offensive stickers all over his car are reacting to what’s heard on the TV or radio.  I thought about following him just so I could interview him to find out where he got his “information” – but, decided that might be foolish.  However, I’d bet just about everything I have (not much) that the guy’s  a Fox viewer and listens to Limbaugh and/or Beck on the radio.  (possibly to the second rate “voices” such as Larson and Savage)

The end result is that people like this guy and many of our “fresh” politicians from the “tea party” are using the word “Jesus” to send a convoluted message to anyone stupid enough to listen to them.  Many people hear the word Jesus and automatically assume whoever’s using it must be telling the truth – without ANY FACT CHECKING!  Are you kidding me?  Does anyone out there really think Glenn Beck’s message is from Jesus?  Or is it more realistic that to Beck $35 MILLION isn’t enough – he wants to make more than Rush’s supposed $400 MILLION? 

I’m not totally sure what motivates these people.  Is it just to regain power?  Is it the money?  Or is there a deeper motive that involves some kind of authoritarian society that someone’s (somewhere) figured a way to achieve – by USING THE SYSTEM against itself?  Their plan? – since the days of Reagan was to apparently take over the air waves, control the courts, and then the legislative and executive branches of government.  I believe that “Citizens United” was the final “nail” in their plan – they’ve got the airwaves and the courts – that decision allows them to have a possibly insurmountable advantage on controlling congress and the White House in the future.  People like Beck, Limbaugh, Palin, Angle, and the others are very likely “pawns” in a scheme that may be extremely difficult to “undress” if the democrats lose their control of congress in November.  Even if they hold on, it will take a change in the democrats willingness to “fight” in order to turn back this corporate takeover of America.  The first step?  A willingness to be honest and transparent with the American people (one of Obama’s promises unkept – although, as of late I sense possibly a change for the better).  The goal?  Americans wouldn’t assume “ALL ” politicians are LIARS!

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