The “liberals” Robert Gibbs is attacking are unhappy, but they’re not the problem.

It was only a few short months ago that Rahm Emanuel referred to people like me as “f__king retards” with no blowback whatsoever from his boss, President Barack Obama.  Now, you’ve got the press secretary – that’s the man (or lady) who stands before the press each day in the White House and “communicates” presumably to the American people through America’s journalists (what there is left of them anyway)for the president.  Yesterday, Robert Gibbs (the press secretary) one upped Emanuel by going after the “professional left” regarding their criticism of the policies coming from this White House which so many of us put so much into electing.  I’m assuming the “professional left” would be the talkers and the pundits who are considered “progressive” and who are starting to say the same things people like me (a sixth grade school teacher) have been saying since the first days of Obama’s presidency – of course, they are saying them in a much more public manner.  And, before I respond to Gibbs’ comments, let me make a couple things PERFECTLY CLEAR – first, under no circumstances will I consider voting for a republican until they’ve cleansed their midst of the right wing fanatics who are presently running their party – NOT ONE!  (and, I’ve always been an independent) Second, as stated many times on this so-called blog I believe MISTAKE number one by President Obama was surrounding himself with PROFESSIONAL politicians who were (and still are) mired in the SAME OLD SAME OLD of the Washington DC, “beltway” mindset.  The latter of the two points is the one which is threatening to bring down the democrats in November – because of the projected LOW VOTER TURNOUT which I’ve been warning them about for well over a year – and, based on what was said today – THEY’RE STILL NOT LISTENING!

Mr. Gibbs based his “point” on the premise that comparing Obama to Bush is INSANE, and the difference is so stark that everyone should be happy.  To begin my response to that PREPOSTEROUS statement I will just say that if the Obama administration was expecting the kind of “lock step” response to their policy making that allowed GW Bush and Dick Cheney to create the mess we now find ourselves in – well, that to me would be INSANE!  (as long as we’re throwing overblown adjectives or objects or whatever around).  Now, I don’t have access to all the video of the campaign, and I’m getting up there in years so my memory is not the best – but, I was pretty glued into the campaign that Barack Obama ran in 2008.  I hope he’s not now suffering from the same problem as people on the other side, which would be forgetting there’s footage of virtually everything he promised during that campaign.  And, one of the main things I remember him promising was that we we’re NOT going to back down from the anticipated FIGHT to reverse the WRONGS committed by Bush/Cheney and “business as usual” in Washington DC.  In fact, I’m convinced to this day that there were millions of Americans who voted for Obama simply for that reason – that is to REVERSE the WRONGS of the previous lawbreaking administration and bring the will of the people back into the process.  One area that both left and right can come together on is the desire to ensure that our laws are fairly enforced without prejudice for someone’s position – even if it’s a president or vice president committing the attrocities.  MUCH work was done during Watergate to PROVE that the fact the president did it doesn’t make it legal!

So, President Obama turned off millions – in my view including many of the “independent” voters like myself – when he for all intents and purposes PARDONED George W Bush and Dick Cheney – men who publicly admitted to committing WAR CRIMES plus saying they’d DO IT AGAIN!  (as if to rub it in that the democrats didn’t have the “stomach” for the “fight”)  For me – as I stated at the time – this was a “deal breaker.”  Since the moment I heard Barack Obama state that we were going to “look forward and not back” my enthusiasm for his presidency has waned.  Yes, his administration is a darned sight better than the alternative – but, in my view, it’s far from what is needed to reverse the downward sprial we, as Americans, find ourselves in.  If you’re uncertain how I feel about Obama’s opposition, just read some of my posts in the archive about the republicans – they are unthinkable.  They personify GREED, the ones with any integrity personify disengenuousness to the hilt – but, the leaders at the top are just flat out liars, and they’ve shown a CALLOUS disrespect for the working people in this nation who are unemployed, underemployed, or fearing for their jobs.  They’ve created a culture where it’s acceptable for employers to instill fear of losing your job into the workplace.  They hate unions and they are doing and will continue to do EVERYTHING they can to destroy every union left in this great nation – a nation that was brought to that greatness on the backs of the union workers of the 30’s, 40’s, 50’s, 60’s, and 70’s.  It was Ronald Reagan who gained immortality in the republican party because he led the “UNION BUSTING” charge which hit full tilt during his term in the 80’s.  By giving Bush/Cheney a “get out of jail free card,” as far as I’m concerned President Obama only GUARANTEED these people will be doing the same GARBAGE as soon as they can FOOL the American people one more time (or hack the voting machines).

Where else has President Obama come up short according to the evidently dreaded left (his base, for crying out loud)?  Let’s start with the stimulus.  Before the senate even voted on the stimulus package – which is PROVING to have been TOO SMALL – I (along with many of the “liberals” Obama’s administration is now attacking) was PLEADING for the democrats to hold out until they could get a package somewhere in excess of ONE TRILLION dollars – without the tax cuts and with more job creating infrastructure repair in the “plan.”  This was the first of several major “ACCOMPLISHMENTS” that Obama, Gibbs, and even Randi Rhodes on the radio today as I was driving around, are “harping” that the “liberals” should be happy with.  The truth – at least to me – was that this was the first indication that the “change we could believe in” was going to be the same old Washington way with democrats in charge instead of republicans.  Again, I much prefer the democrats at this point – but, where was the fight Obama talked about in the campaign?  He – and the democratic leadership – CAVED to get three republican votes.  That should have been the place where the “lines in the sand” were drawn.  Of course, the democrats would have had to be willing to start the investigations that were so IMPORTANT of Bush/Cheney at the same time – but, that was the time to call the republicans on their obstructionist behavior.  Right from the start.  Stop the government if necessary until the proper bill which would actually have been the one to “hang their hats” on was passed.  This was the first in a series of “watered down” better than nothing legislation – without the FIGHT that so many of us were wanting.  We are tired of the way Washington is/has functioned – and that is the change most people were longing for!

There’s more.  How about Iraq and Afganistan?  Let’s start with Iraq.  President Obama clearly stated that he would bring ALL the troops home within the first 16 months of his presidency.  I don’t remember one word about “non combat troops!”  The whole idea of non “combat troops” bugs me everytime I think about it.  First, I don’t believe there is one American non combat troop in Iraq save for the chaplains and maybe cooks (although I believe they’ve outsourced the cooking to KBR or some other company which Dick Cheney has stock in).  The bottom line for me – this “we’re leaving 50,000 ‘non combat’ troops behind” is just the same old “doublespeak” we’ve been getting for the past 8 years.  Coming from Obama, for me, it’s DOUBLY disappointing.  Essentially, President Obama has simply followed the withdrawal plan negotiated by George W Bush!  There’s NO OTHER EXPLANATION!  Makes me sick to my stomach to even write that.  All I can say is that isn’t what I voted for and that’s not leadership in my LIBERAL view!  Then there’s Afganistan.  Yes, President Obama said resources would be shifted to Afganistan – but, he also said it was for the purpose of “finishing the job” of capturing Osama bin Laden.  Well, bin Laden is in Pakistan (if he’s still alive) and clearly what Obama is trying to do in Afganistan is what would have to be called NATION BUILDING.  That’s not what people voted for.  Yes, get bin Laden – in my view even if we have to go into Pakistan.  If they’re harboring the man, then they’re harboring terrorists and bin Laden is fair game, in my view, wherever he is – any country that allows him a “haven” is fair game in my view – despite the time difference from when he attacked us.  However, the “surge” in Afganistan is clearly not designed to get bin Laden.  Obama has bought into the generals view that we can accomplish in Afganistan what no one else has been able to do for the previous 4000+ years.  To me, and many othe LIBERALS, this is just good money thrown after bad – with MORE of our FINEST young men and women giving their lives for a futile cause – in another country which doesn’t want us there.

Health care?  Yes, the democrats finally got a bill passed (thanks mainly to Nancy Pelosi) but, I will honestly be surprised if this bill is not a “boon” to the health insurance industry – which was allowed to spend ONE BILLION DOLLARS lobbying congress as the bill went through the “process.”  I for one feel these lobbyists usually get their money’s worth – and the bill would never have passed had they not approved of it.  The deal making that openly took place during this process was obscene and set the democrats back big time.  President Obama CAVED on the public option and other parts of the bill which would have benefitted many more people in order to get “something passed.”  Well, I suppose something is better than nothing, but when you have 75% of the American people on your side – I believe that is the time to have the FIGHT that so many of us have been wanting to see – even if the bill failed.  I would have MUCH PREFERRED to see Obama and the democrats stand firm for a ROBUST public option – one that every American could buy into – and go down to defeat with the idea that the “culprits” were exposed who stopped it and we work to get them defeated in the next election.  Really, the “base” was “fired up” when Obama took office – but, one “same old same old” deal after another has been deflating.

Transparency.  How does the lack thereof affect the public’s perception of the Wall Street reform?  President Obama promised the most transparent White House in history and the evidence in his first year and a half was anything but that.  The behind the scenes deal making is going on as always and that, in itself, undermines much of what the President has accomplished.  While I’m very hopeful that the Wall Street “reform” will actually be Wall Street reform I have to admit I’m skeptical.  Too much money is flowing from Wall Street to Washington for the congress people of either party to do what they should do to “real in” Wall Street.  And, the lack of transparency just leads to people wondering if the bill (like health care “reform”) will actually stop the Wall Street abuses.  From my vantage point, the Wall Street banks like Goldman Sachs, Morgan Stanley, etc are right back doing the same crap they were doing prior to the “meltdown.”  The “too big to fail” banks are still “too big to fail” – so, I guess we’re all just left to ponder whether there’s going to be another meltdown as these banks are hoarding TRILLIONS of dollars while small businesses across American can’t get the credit they need to expand – therefore stifling job growth.

And, what about just having a FIGHT with the republicans instead of kissing up to them?  When is enough enough?  When are we going to draw the line and point out that the issue here isn’t one of right vs left – but, right vs wrong?  These people are showing themselves as racists and greed mongers.  Why do we continue to act as if they are legitimate?  I honestly thought this nation had gotten past a lot of the garbage being spewed by republicans, but obviously I was wrong.  When one party is obstructing EVERYTHING and spewing fear and hate, they need to be CALLED OUT!  Who better to do that than the leaders we worked so hard to elect.  There ARE a few really good PROGRESSIVES in the House of Representatives and Nancy Pelosi is working her way back into my good graces (remember, “impeachment is off the table?”), but the White House has left some of them “out to dry” in their tepid response to the obstructionist behavior of the senate.  I guess they feel that the American public is too stupid to understand what is happening.  Based on Gibbs’ remarks, I’m feeling the Obama administration doesn’t understand what’s happening.  The “liberals” Robert Gibbs is attacking are unhappy, but they’re not the problem.  The problem for President Obama is the FACT so many independent voters who were excited to FINALLY have someone in the White House who was going to change the way business is done in Washington DC are disappointed in the FACT that business is still being done AS USUAL!  The only way for the republicans to win in November is for these independents to stay home.  I’ve been predicting this for well over a year – and, now I believe it must be sinking in at the White House.  But, instead of going after the “right” as they should, Robert Gibbs follows in Rahm Emanuel’s footsteps by bad mouthing President Obama’s supporters!  That, to me, is what is stupid! 

37 thoughts on “The “liberals” Robert Gibbs is attacking are unhappy, but they’re not the problem.

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