What’s a good republican? To me, Sarah Palin – the “darling” of the “right,” SPOUTING out DRILL BABY DRILL everywhere she goes – says it all.

Sarah Palin – John McCain is going to be remembered more for the most absurd choice for Vice President in America’s history than anything else he’s done (including his complicity in the savings and loan scandal of the 1980’s).  Talk about your politician proving all the media “moguls” who were claiming McCain to be the “maverick” to be just blowing hot air.  And, this one can be called “bipartisan.”  I’ve listened to media “experts” from “both sides of the isle” try to convince us (the voters) that McCain is some kind of “war hero,” and a courageous politician who’s not afraid to “buck” the “party line.”  Well, so much for all of that.  The man showed his true INCOMPETENCE by thrusting Palin onto the national political scene – and, thanks to Fox – we’ll be stuck listening to her crap for the next several years at least (I REALLY hope I’m wrong on that one and that she would be exposed “sooner rather than later”).  Plus, now we have endless video of McCain standing on the senate floor SPOUTING the republican talking points as if he was programmed in the back room of Fox “news.”

All I can think of everytime I hear reports of the looming oil slick approaching the coast of Louisiana (and possibly other Gulf states) is all the times I’ve seen Palin SHOUTING “DRILL BABY DRILL” to the rousing thunder of applause from the robot like supporters of the republican party.  Tonight, on my way home from work I heard Bobby Jindall, the former next great republican candidate for 2012 and governor of Louisiana, talking about the possibility of the oil (he believes in drilling for) getting into New Orleans and I heard others saying it is just a matter of time until this disaster exceeds the “Exxon Valdez” disaster of yesteryear.  In fact, I heard it reported that a second oil rig had toppled off the coast of Louisiana this evening although I haven’t managed to get the details of that one as of this writing.  Two things about this disaster (which I certainly hope can be brought under control ASAP): first, maybe this will at least partially shut Palin up.  I’m honestly not convinced the woman has more political knowledge than me – which should be a REALLY scary thought to any voting American (I’m a sixth grade school teacher).  The second thing about this that I find hopeful:  those of us on the progressive side of things have been very disappointed in President Obama’s constant kissing up to republicans.  For me, his proposal to “drill baby drill” (which I fully understood was a political ploy – just an unfortunate one) was nothing more than patronizing.  Hopefully, this disaster will have him coming to his senses (although, I’m guessing we’ll be seeing the usual political doublespeak as the Obama administration attempts to put a positive spin on their original proposal).

I keep wondering how bad do things have to get before the public, the media, and the politicians realize that America IS headed in the wrong direction (I keep getting asked that question from all the online polls I’m invited to give my opinion to).  And, in my opinion, it’s because we’ve been PUSHED so far to the “right” since the days of Ronald Reagan that we are almost DESPERATE for a PUSH to the left to get this nation back somewhere close to the “middle.”  I mean, are we going to wait until cities begin to take on ocean water before we decide to deal with climate change?  Are we going to wait until there is no more oil to begin looking for alternatives ERNESTLY?  Are we going to allow the fringe “right” wing groups to continue spouting violent, racist, seditious, hate speech until a major tragedy happens before we begin enforcing our laws?  How long are we going to look the other way as our “leaders” break the very laws they take an oath to enforce?  I honestly don’t blame those in the “tea party” who are simply “fed up” with our government – I just wish they’d get the racists out of their midst and point the blame at the actual perpetrators of the problems we’re facing TOGETHER.  There are many on the “left” fed up with government as well – and, probably for similar reasons.

The bottom line for me, though, is that when you look beyond the headlines to the root causes of our present day problems you ALWAYS see republicans.  It started during the Reagan years.  The huge deficits and the disregard for our laws.  In case you weren’t around back then Reagan promised to “cut taxes and balance the budget.”  It was one of the only times I could agree with a Bush when George HW Bush – who was, at the time, running against Reagan for the republican nomination – called Reagan’s plan “voodoo economics.”  During Reagan’s presidency the budget deficit increased tenfold as did the national debt. 

I guess you’d have to say that the illegal activity of the Reagan administration followed the Watergate era of illegal activity during the Nixon years, but the Reaganites were much more OPENLY defiant to the will of Congress with the “Iran/Contra affair.”  They were selling arms to Iran in violation of an arms embargo and re-routing the profits to the anti-Sandinista “Contras” in Nicaragua in an unabashed attempt to overthrow the legal government of Nicaragua.  Reagan was never indicted but Oliver North and John Poindexter were convicted of felonies – and ALL of the “accused” including those convicted – some prior to even going to trial, were pardoned by the first President Bush – setting the precedent that our leaders are above the laws they are trusted to defend.  (I’m not counting Nixon’s pardon because I agreed, at the time, that resigning from the presidency was enough of a consequence for his actions)  Additionally, George HW Bush was up to his eyes in the Iran/Contra affair and just as his son 10+ years later, he was masterful at skirting any legal responsibility for his lawbreaking.  This seems to be the republican way.

OK, if you’re a “right winger” I can hear you now, “but what about Bill Clinton?”  Well, you won’t find me doing much defending of Bill Clinton – although as alternatives go, he was a sight above the republicans because despite his personal failings the man could manage the government.  All these “tea partiers” who are clamoring about the budget deficit should be calling Bill Clinton their hero.  He took the record deficits of Reagan/Bush the first and turned them into record surpluses in just 8 years.  As much as Clinton’s personal affair with an intern turned my stomach, some of his decisions where he was “kissing up” to republicans (pay attention President Obama) have been the major failings of his presidency – in my opinion.  Clinton bought the “corporation is king” soup and ushered in the NAFTA legislation.  It’s true that the republicans were behind this legislation, originally, but the sad fact is that it was Bill Clinton who signed it into law.  He also signed the Telecommunications Act of 1996 which has had almost the opposite effect of what was “advertised.”  Instead of more competition, we have had a huge contraction in the number of independently owned and operated TV and radio stations, with the bulk of them now owned by large politically conservative corporations who have a vested interest in promoting the “corporatocracy.” 

Finally, it was during the final year of the Clinton presidency that the “flood gates” for the “meltdown” which has bludgeoned TRILLIONS from our present day economy were opened as the result of the Gramm–Leach–Bliley Act.  While I would like to totally blame this bill on Phil Gramm, then republican senator from Texas (and eventually John McCain’s economic advisor who gave McCain the “the fundamentals of our economy are strong” line as the economy was in “meltdown”), Clinton signed the bill into law and his Treasury Secretary was Robert Rubin who went on to ultimately become CEO of Citigroup which “benefitted” from this legislation by consolidating Citibank into one of the “too big to fail” financial behemoths which nearly dragged the United States (and the world’s economy) into another Great Depression.  Gramm–Leach–Bliley was the bill which repealed Glass Steagall – the recession era legislation prohibiting banks, insurance companies, and investment brokerages from merging.  (so far, to my knowledge, in the present “Wall Street reform” package in the senate, the democrats haven’t had the guts to reinstitute Glass Steagall)

Clinton was harrassed for eight years as if he was the most “corrupt” president in our history – of course, this came from the perspective of these republicans who qualify for the “if their mouths are moving, they’re lying” moniker. (or, the don’t do as I do, do as I say award)  I still remember people like Dick Armey, Newt Gingrich, and Robert Livingstone impeaching President Clinton when they were guilty of similar or worse behavior – which seems (again) to be the republican way.  What did happen because of Clinton’s behavior and the constant furor it created (with the help of the republican smear campaign and the “right” leaning Supreme Court) was GEORGE W BUSH!  Now, Bush the second was the ultimate as far as arrogant disregard for the laws being enforced which the very government “servants” involved took an oath to defend.  And, on top of that arrogance was a level of incompetency that I thought was beyond the possible – that is, until Sarah Palin hit the scene.  George W Bush and Dick Cheney just continued to gain momentum in their lawbreaking and incompetence as their ASSAULT on our nation progressed.  And, of course, where were the “tea baggers” during all of this?  The deficit ballooned from a SURPLUS of $250 BILLION to a record deficit of $1.3 TRILLION by the time Bush/Cheney were through with their HEIST.  They managed to get us entrenched in two UNWINNABLE military fiasco’s, they warrantlessly wiretapped Americans in violation of the fourth amendment to the constitution which they took an oath to defend, they OUTED a covert CIA agent and then lied to cover up their actions, they politicized the Justice Department which is the backbone of this “nation of laws” – a department that only maintains credibility with “we the people” as long as it keeps a NON-PARTISAN position on EVERYTHING, they lied to the American people and openly lied to Congress along with even refusing to answer congressional subpoenas, and what regulations they couldn’t get rid of they didn’t enforce allowing the large corporations to run RUFF-SHOD over the middle class of this great nation – the very middle class which made us great in the first place – all of which resulted in them leaving office and entrusting Barack Obama with a government TEETERING on the BRINK OF COLLAPSE!

And, now we have Sarah Palin, Rush Limbaugh, Glenn Beck, and a bunch of other thoughtless “water carriers” for the very large corporations who have benefitted from this PUSH TO THE “RIGHT” which was initiated by Reagan and his surrogates in the early 80’s, nearly bankrupted us (still might), and STILL they’re calling for MORE OF THE SAME – unbelievable.  And, more unbelievable, is the FACT that the so-called “liberal media” even gives them a voice.  What they’ve proven is that MONEY means more to them than the fundamental health of this nation.  It’s as if we can just continue on this suicidal pace of GREED for the few and America will somehow remain the “beacon” of freedom to the rest of the world.  If you listen to Palin and the others for just a few short minutes and you take a quick look at the economic reality which should be obvious to all, it’s not hard to understand why the rest of the world is scratching their heads in amazement at how stupid we Americans are acting.  Actually, the rest of the world is counting on US (that’s us – meaning all of us Americans, not the U.S. – although, I guess that would essentially be the same) for leadership to turn the direction of a floundering world toward the needy instead of the greedy.  It’s as if we, as a nation, are acting like the sixth graders I teach who are focused on themselves and have no perspective on the importance of the other students in the class or how their selfish actions impact those around them.

For some reason President Obama pardoned Bush/Cheney and the others who were complicit in their disregard for our laws – just as Bush’s father pardoned the culprits involved in Iran/Contra 20 years before Obama took office.  The past 30 years has set a HORRIBLE precedent for generations to come as to the integrity of our government.  Many of the “culprits” in Bush “Two” were also involved in Iran/Contra.  Obama had to know that by letting them “off the hook” THEY’LL BE BACK.  Yes, I’m seeing some encouraging signs from Obama as far as becoming a more assertive leader and fleeting evidence that he’s “getting” that, while the idea of bipartisanship is laudable, the reality in Washington right now calls for SWINGING the “pendulum” back toward the “left” and the traditional – well, traditional from a FDR perspective – American position despite the objections of the “party of NO.”  It was the middle class created by the New Deal which was responsible for turning this nation into a world leader, and for some reason, the republicans want to turn back the clock to the days when workers had few, if any, rights.  To me, Sarah Palin – the “darling” of the “right,” SPOUTING out DRILL BABY DRILL everywhere she goes (she’ll probably continue to do this as the oil spills into New Orleans) – says it all.  The republicans are all about CORPORATE RULE – and to hell with the rest of us.

19 thoughts on “What’s a good republican? To me, Sarah Palin – the “darling” of the “right,” SPOUTING out DRILL BABY DRILL everywhere she goes – says it all.

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