Randi Rhodes: calling progressives who are disenchanted with President Obama STUPID is STUPID!

I wrote about Randi Rhodes the other day pointing out that in my opinion we would all be better served if she would discontinue being the Democratic version of the “spin machine” we’ve been listening to from Republicans for the past so many years. Well, I didn’t quite put it that way, but after listening to her on the way home from work today RANTING at progressives who are frustrated with President Obama – and SPINNING his accomplishments as if he was the “ANSWER” to all of our problems – and then calling them (and by logically “connecting the dots” ME) Stupid – I feel compelled to write again.  Now, I’m not so naive as to think that Randi is going to read this post, but I had a LOT OF TRAFFIC after the last one, leaving me to believe that either there are a lot of people who agree with me, or a lot of people who disagree but are unwilling to make a comment (so far – since I’ve started this site – I’ve only had one person comment – I’m not sure what I’d do if people started commenting because I think I would be compelled to respond and that could take more time than I have).  Suffice it to say that I TOTALLY DISAGREE WITH RHODES and I’ll do the best to explain why.  In my market she’s not live, and should I call her it would lead to some serious yelling on her part to rationalize Obama’s Presidency as being something that it obviously is NOT!

Let me start off by saying that there is no disputing President Obama is far better than our previous President (well, DUH), and that a McCain/Palin administration would have been intolerable.  Every time Sarah Palin opens her mouth either ignorance or outright lies come out – and she is showing her true colors, even to Republicans, on her present I’m going to get rich while “the irons hot” tour as she sells her “book of lies.”  I mean, tonight it was reported that she had her hair “done” at a book signing in Utah and the hairdresser had to agree not to speak – unless Palin spoke first – before she could fix her hair.  I mean, that’s real populism for you.  Then there’s John McCain, you know the guy who was claiming the economy is strong after the first year of the present MAJOR RECESSION was almost over.  He not only couldn’t tell the difference between a healthy economy and one in “meltdown,” but he didn’t know the difference between a Sunni and Shia – I suppose, with McCain, that didn’t matter much because he was the reincarnation of Goldwater during Viet Nam.  His mantra:  “Bomb, Bomb, Bomb, Bomb, Bomb Iran!  OK, I get it – those people are arguably NOT ALL THERE (I’m trying to be as polite as I can).

However, that does not mean that progressives are OBLIGATED to be happy with Obama – as Rhodes would have it.  There were a series of callers who tried to point out that the Democrats could be in trouble at the rate we’re going in the next two elections and that Obama’s leadership is WEAK!  Rhode’s response was that Obama had done 90 wonderful things – starting with the stimulus bill which “saved the economy,” and including comments about how he’s (now) beginning to bring the troops home from Iraq (kind of like he’s “already” bringing them home – I’ll comment more on that shortly), and how he’s implemented a sensible (that’s my word, I can’t remember her exact word – but it was a word of TOTAL support) plan for Afganistan – and she added, which he promised in the campaign – and I’ll add more to that also.  Regardless, as Rhodes was going down Obama’s list of achievements – I can’t comment on all of them because I’m not aware of all of them, but I can tell you there were several where her vision of his achievement was either pure spin or fantasy.  This is what the Beck’s, the Limbaugh’s, the Hannity’s, the O’Reilly’s and that bunch did endlessly for Bush – and, personally I’m sick of it no matter what side it’s coming from.

As stated above, there are accomplishments, to be sure – but there are also some disturbing decisions that I (and, evidently, others) believe outweigh many of the accomplishments.  And, I’m saying all this in the “frame” that we could have supported another Democrat who would also have been better than anything the Republicans could put forth in all 90 of these areas.  I was voting for CHANGE and I’ll try to point out how I believe we’re getting something TOO CLOSE to more of the same.  (were I to have a “second chance” to support someone, I would have thrown my support toward Dennis Kucinich)  As we’re watching the present health care debate turn into an embarrassing example of the Democrats inability to govern – one of my first “red flags” concerning President Obama was his eagerness to “forgive” Joe Lieberman after the election – demonstrating that ONE VOTE in the caucus was more important than sending an immediate message that things will be different.  In other words – giving Lieberman a committe chairmanship was one of the first signs of “business as usual” – not “change we can believe in.”

And, how has that turned out.  Well, Randi Rhodes would tell us to just keep calling our congress people and lie to the pollsters when they call and tell them we support Obama when we are unhappy with him – again, supposedly, because the Republicans get happy when Obama’s poll numbers go down.  For me, that’s an unacceptable reason to lie ( in fact, one of the reasons I voted for Obama was the promise of transparency – which has also gone down the drain).  Don’t think so?  Well, the White House since Obama moved in has tried to keep records of who’s visiting a secret and, prior to the decision on Afganistan, according to Greg Mortenson – who probably knows more about Afganistan than anyone else in this country – there were nine SECRET meetings as they were formulating policy.  I’m sure Rhodes would call that practical politics (and, based on our recent history, I’m sure that’s accurate) I call it BUSINESS AS USUAL.  It was very Bushlike – there was no public input, they supplied the public with strategic leaks along the way, and a “this is the way it is” announcement of the next American “surge” was the result.  Seemed like Obama trying to be a strong “Commander in Chief.”  Ughhh!

Keeping on the secrecy subject, President Obama and Eric Holder – his Attorney General – have been defending the Bush illegal wiretapping policy in court.  Now, I can’t think of ONE GOOD REASON why they would be doing that.  They’ve even defended the use of “state’s secrets” in court – a “loophole” Bush CLEARLY ABUSED – which allows the government to virtually hide anything from the public with a simple claim that can’t be challenged AT ALL.  It’s arbitrary, it’s un democratic, it’s absurd that in America it’s even happening, and the only reason I can figure out Obama would defend it is because he wants to be able to use it himself at some point.  And, as far as the defending Bush on the illegal wiretapping, well, I’m not altogether sure that President Obama’s not continuing the same policy.  Do you remember when he PROMISED to “fix” the FISA legislation that he so INCREDIBLY voted in favor of during the campaign?  Have you seen any sign of him wanting to “fix” it?  I don’t think so, and I believe the reason is that he’s continuing the policy.  I’m not sure how Randi would rationalize that, but it JUST DOESN’T WORK FOR ME!  I have three children and two grandchildren with possibly more on the way – and the thought of my generation obliterating the fourth amendment of the constitution – at the expense of their privacy – makes me sick to my stomach every time I think about it.  If I was talking to Randi, I would tell her none of that other stuff (those 90 things she mentioned) means much if we continue to allow our government to abuse our constitution. 

 Along those lines, what about President Obama turning his back on his oath of office by letting Bush/Cheney et al OFF THE HOOK – for horrific crimes – INCLUDING WAR CRIMES?  How do you spin that one?  I’ll tell you how I think they spin that one – THEY DON’T TALK ABOUT IT – they don’t want anyone to talk about it.  THERE ARE NO INVESTIGATIONS of these numerous crimes.  Everyone knows (they admitted it right in front of our eyes on national TV) that both Bush and Cheney authorized WAR CRIMES.  You don’t believe me?  Well, let me give you (again) the scenario:  Both President Obama and Eric Holder stated that “no one is above the law in America,” – that’s number one, then they also said, “if there’s evidence of a crime it will be investigated agressively” – that’s number two, then they said, “Waterboarding is torture” – that’s number three, then there’s the FACT that waterboarding is a war crime according to the Geneva Conventions AND waterboarding is a war crime based on our own criminal justice system – plus both George W Bush and Dick Cheney admitted on TV that they had authorized this crime – AND FINALLY, President Obama INEXPICABLY said we will “look forward instead of backward” thus letting these criminal thugs off the hook and violating his very own words.  And, waterboarding wasn’t the worst thing that resulted in their authorization of “enhanced interrogations.” (don’t you just love the way the Republicans use the English language?)  Without the investigations Obama and Holder are refusing to allow we will never know how many innocent civilians were MURDERED during these enhanced interrogations or, for that matter, just in the detention policies which were carried out at our behest.

I mean, with the secret “rendition” prisons, we’ll never know what happened to the people who “disappeared.”  Of course, our CIA is famous for being involved in programs where people just disappear.  There have been reports of complete truckloads of prisoners suffocating en route from the war “theatre” in Afganistan to the so-called “rendition” sites (which, by the way, still exist – under Obama).  But, of course, they don’t matter because Bush/Cheney had labled them “enemy combatants” – something less than a human being.  The people resonsible for all of this can rest comfortably knowing that President Obama doesn’t believe in “looking backward.”  As I’ve stated on this site before, if that policy somehow becomes legal precedent THERE WILL NEVER BE ANOTHER CRIME.  You see, to prosecute illegal activity, YOU HAVE TO LOOK BACKWARD – you can’t prosecute someone breaking the law UNTIL THEY’VE BROKEN IT!  (I imagined myself yelling just as Randi does on the air – as I said that)  On top of all that there’s also the lying us into war, the outing of a CIA agent (with all the right wing use of the word “treason” lately – outing a CIA agent is really treason), the war profiteering, the contractor abuses in Iraq (including mass murder), the pilfering of our economy by the Wall Street banks, the hijacking of our justice department, and there’s more – I hope that is enough to make my point.  OF COURSE the investigations would create a stir – and maybe a huge distraction – BUT HOW IS THAT A REASON TO IGNORE OUR LEGAL SYSTEM – and Obama’s and Holder’s OBLIGATION to uphold their oath of office – where they promised to defend the constitution?  How does a President get to decide which laws to enforce and which ones to ignore?  How is that any different from what we had?  I’m sure Randi could find a way to justify this, because Obama’s a Democrat – that just doesn’t work for me and, I believe, WAY MORE OTHERS than she or the Democrats understand.

I’m sure the President’s plan – which is supported by the Democrats in Congress (and Rhodes) – is to not talk about this stuff and just let it fade away into the “sunset.”  Well, it will NEVER totally fade away, and I believe there will be times somewhere “down the road” where the consequences of this decision become readily apparent.  I’m sure you’ve heard the saying, “those who choose to ignore history are destined to repeat it.”  Well, I believe we’ll be repeating this history at some point in the lifetimes of our children and/or grandchildren.  And, Randi Rhodes (and, I’m sure people in the White House) calling people like those who called her show today, and myself, “stupid” will get the Democrats smaller majorities in both houses of Congress and potentially lose the White House as early as 2012.  Rhodes “poo pooed” a caller for suggesting this today – as if to say that concern about the next couple of elections by Democrats is also “stupid.”  I honestly thought Randi Rhodes was smarter than that.

As Rhodes is trying to suggest that she’s got it all figured out and her audience is stupid and doesn’t understand the “process” of politics – all the while TOTALLY IGNORING the points I’ve mentioned above as being legit problems for Obama – the lack of principle involved in decisions ranging from endorsing Lieberman to enabling Bush/Cheney – let me just address a few of the “Obama accomplishments” she mentioned that I can remember (there were 90 – my memory’s not that good and I don’t want to write that much).  First, she mentioned one of Obama’s accomplishments as “already” starting to bring the troops home from Iraq.  TALK ABOUT SPIN!  That is absurd.  First of all, I don’t want to be too cynical, but it almost feels as if he’s FINALLY bringing troops home from Iraq because HE NEEDS THEM IN AFGANISTAN!  Just a reminder, THEY WERE ALL SUPPOSED TO BE HOME WITHIN 16 MONTHS!  THAT WAS A PROMISE!  Well, it’s supposed to take one month to get each division out of the country and there are 15 divisions over there, it’s been 11 months and we’re JUST STARTING!  I think Rhode’s is assuming we’re STUPID!  Not only is Obama not going to meet his deadline of getting the troops out in 16 months – he’s simply allowing the Bush negotiated WITHDRAWAL plan to play itself out.  NOT AN OUNCE OF COURAGEOUS LEADERSHIP THERE.  We’ve been trying to get the troops out of Iraq since the 2006 election (well, for most of us way before that – but that’s the first election where Democrats were put in charge SPECIFICALLY TO END THAT OCCUPATION!)  And, I’m not sure how Rhodes is going to justify the 50,000 to 75,000 troops who will be remaining in Iraq indefinitely (I suppose if we get entangled in Afganistan deeply enough they’ll have to bring all the troops home) – this is not the “change I can believe in.”

Another “accomplishment” I heard Rhodes mention was reducing the influence of lobbyists in Washington – or something like that.  I almost gagged.  I thought to myself, “Are you kidding me?”  “Have you been paying attention to this health care debate?”  1.5 MILLION a day being spent by lobbyists to defeat this legislation.  Now, I understand that’s not Obama’s fault.  BUT DON’T TAKE CREDIT FOR REDUCING SOMETHING THAT HASN’T BEEN REDUCED.  And, speaking of the health care debate and lobbyists, except for a tax foopah – we’d have Tom Daschle as the lead person on the health care issue from the White House – a lobbyist for the health care industry who’s probably lobbying against it right now.

And, yes, the economy is in a weak (and tenuous) recovery from the “Great Recession” caused by the incredibly STUPID supply side economics crammed down our throats since the days of Ronald Reagan and put on “steroids” under GW Bush – and we SHOULD be thankful for that.  However, there are many besides myself who felt right from the start that the “stimulus” bill was WAY TOO SMALL and the middle class tax cuts were WAY TOO HIGH A PRICE to pay for three Republican votes.  With Tim Geithner and Larry Summers at the “helm,” as far as I’m concerned the economic policy of this White House looks way too close to “business as usual.”  There is talk that is encouraging, but talk is cheap and it’s usually followed by the excuses as to why “progressive” measures can’t get through the senate.  However, I believe fiscal issues can be passed using reconciliation – as Clinton did with his original budget.  The unemployment CRISIS in this nation far exceeds the response it’s getting from our leaders.  How can you even claim the recession is “over” when there’s 17+ percent UNEMPLOYMENT?  I’ll tell you how, Wall Street was so far down that it is giving false evidence that we’re “on the upswing.”  It’s Wall Street which is on the “upswing” and all the rhetoric that “jobs are the last thing to turn around” and “it’s going to take a couple years for employment to rebound” is UNACCEPTABLE!  The stimulus should have been bigger and our leaders should have the courage to talk directly to the American people and challenge them to come together – with those of us working making sacrifices to pay for the needed programs to get those of us without jobs WORKING AGAIN.  Letting the “Bush taxcuts” just expire instead of eliminating them, spouting the old “you don’t raise taxes in a recession” while corporation after corporation are hiding taxes overseas, refusing to even consider things like a hike in the gas tax or other ways to raise more revenue which could be funneled right back into the economy – Obama has surrounded himself with the “same old same old” type of advisors – so, it’s no surprise we’re getting the same old same old type of policy decisions.  Yes, Randi – this is better than the Republicans, but it’s not the change I was looking for!

Finally, tonight Rhodes defended Obama’s decision to put another 30,000 troops into Afganistan as a (I can’t remember her exact word) wise or prudent decision.  This was one of the accomplishments she was “quoting” as she was yelling at a disenchanted progressive while calling him “STUPID.”  Well, after reading several books on the Afganistan occupation and getting a good accounting of the folly of the Bush administration – again, I’m sure this will be a huge improvement over what they were doing – I don’t think anyone could screw it up worse than Bush/Cheney/Rumsfeld.  And, yes it’s true that the US has abandoned Afganistan at least twice – once after the Soviets withdrew in 1989, allowing the Taliban to take over – and after the 9/11 motivated invasion – which was nothing more than an excuse for the neo-cons to enable their dream invasion of Iraq.  The damage to the American image HAS BEEN DONE – and may be irrepairable.  Certainly, accomplishing what Afganistan needs in 18 months isn’t even optimistic – to believe that could be done WOULD BE STUPID – we are going to be stuck there for AT LEAST 5 and probably 10 years – or until we become TOTALLY BANKRUPT!  So, I believe major disagreement with Obama’s decision is TOTALLY UNDERSTANDABLE and NOT STUPID! 

Yes, President Obama did say in the campaign that he wanted to focus on Afganistan – that this was the necessary war.  He said this in the context (I remember listening to his words carefully) of NEEDING TO FINISH THE JOB OF CAPTURING OR KILLING OSAMA BIN LADEN!  He was clear on that – and, in my view, for Rhodes to put it any other way in defending the President, is TOTAL SPIN!  What Obama has proposed is pure NATION-BUILDING!  I’m not even sure I totally disagree with that – BUT CALL IT WHAT IT IS!  And, challenge the American people to PAY FOR IT!  If they support this, they should be willing to pay for it – at the very least.  Actually, there should be a draft if we’re going to make this commitment.  HOW MANY TOURS ARE we going to ask these troops to make.  This won’t be ending in 18 months as Obama implied – THERE’S NO WAY, NO MATTER WHAT RANDI SAYS!  And, she’s talking just like the people in the White House – as if the American people are stupid.

The callers that Randi Rhodes laid into this evening were pointing out that President Obama is not showing agressive statesmanlike leadership in the White House.  This heath care debate has been poorly planned and is headed for a “I’ll take whatever I can get – whatever Joe Lieberman will allow” finish – which is not going to play well with the Democratic “base,” NO MATTER WHAT RANDI SAYS.  And, it’s true that President Obama isn’t following through on his campaign promises – IN MORE THAN ONE INSTANCE.  When Randi is calling these people stupid, what she’ suggesting is that “more of the same old same old” is acceptable to the people who voted Obama into the White House.  Evidently in her case that is accurate – but not in the case of several of her callers tonight, not in the case of myself, and – I believe – not in the case of potentially millions of “progressives.”  We weren’t looking for a moderate, left leaning, master politician.  We were looking for a strong, statesmanlike leader – who has the guts to use the “bully pulpit” of the White House to fight the Republicans and the notion that “business as usual” is OK – AGRESSIVELY.  We might be a bit idealistic, it’s obvious that we’re still a bit naive, but I’d like to tell Randi Rhodes: calling progressives who are disenchanted with President Obama STUPID is STUPID!  You don’t seem to understand the magnitude of the problem which is being created by his milk toast approach to defeating Republicans.

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