Are we going to have to have a war on terror inside the boundaries of the United States of America?

If you’ve been on this site before it shouldn’t be too hard to figure out that I’m pretty disgusted with the Republcan party.  What I’m not sure that I’ve made clear is my belief that we need a viable Republican party.  I was talking to a friend of mine the other day and I remember finishing our conversation (he’s a Republican) by telling him that the Republican party is headed for oblivion unless they can repudiate these fringe crazies who are taking “free speech” to the breaking point.  Recently I’ve heard more and more of the vile rhetoric that is polluting the airwaves – mostly coming from some people who are unbelievable to me.  And, people like my friend just assume that some of them are always telling the truth.

 For example, he’s convinced that the media really does have the so-called “liberal bias” that the Republicans have included as a main theme in their propoganda campaign since the early 80’s (despite the fact that 90% of the radio airwaves are controlled by conservatives and the media conglomerates that control the TV airwaves are concentrated mainly in Republican leaning “hands”).  Their theory, I’m sure, is that if you repeat something over and over enough times and in enough places, people start to think “It must be true.”  Worse than that, these heinous liars start to believe their own lies after a while – which just makes them more vile.  I think some of them – who are essentially calling for the “death” (I heard one of them use that term tonight as I was driving home from work) of President Obama, actually consider themselves patriots.  What is happening is the groundwork is being laid for an actual fight for what this country stands for.  These people are overt racists, they hate gays and lesbians, they have a vicious campaign going against immigrants (despite the fact each and every one of them are immigrants), they think women were put on this earth to produce babies, and they believe the United States of America has taken over the role of God’s Chosen people from the Israeli’s.  Additionally, it seems they haven’t read past the Old Testament and they get their “jollies” by dreaming about America using its tremendous military strength on any country in the world that doesn’t bow down to us.

The bottom line: these people, in my view, are nut jobs.  The problem is that many of them are right at the top of the Republican party.  How people who have any sense of decency (last night I wrote about how I just can’t understand h0w anyone who believes in Jesus Christ could stomach this bunch) can be associated with this crew in any way is beyond me.  Rush Limbaugh is bad.  The guy is a prolific liar, he is a right wing crazy, he could care less about the average American citizen – in fact, as everybody who’s paying attention knows, he’s rooting for our President to “fail.”  I’ll get to some of the other ones in a bit – but think of that – openly rooting for our President to fail.  Take my friend, for instance.  He’s in danger of losing his job because of the terrible economy and the cuts which are going to devestate the Public Education system (we’re teachers – and despite what some right wingers think – we work really hard to teach people’s children and we’re very committed to what we do) – yet he is just beginning to realize that the reason he’s losing his job (and his wife possibly losing hers) is because of the massive greed of these Republicans over the past 30+ years.  And, he still listens to Limbaugh and for some reason buys into the lies.  I wonder how people who will be financially destroyed if Obama fails (that’s most of us) could not repudiate someone like Limbaugh.

To me, worse than that, Limbaugh is a prime time racist – and, it’s coming out in “spades” as he watches a “Negro” lead this nation out of the abiss he and his cohorts got us into.  All he cares about is being able to continue laughing all the way to the bank – HE COULD CARE LESS ABOUT ANYTHING ELSE – although, I actually think he’s getting fired up over all the attention he’s getting as the de-facto head of the Republican party.  I don’t think he cares if the Republican party fails, to be honest with you – IT’S ALL ABOUT HIM!  And, based on what I’ve been hearing, he’s not the worst one.  Tonight, I heard for the first time a guy named Michael Savage – who I’ve heard about, but never actually heard his shpeel – and b0y, this guy seemed worse than Limbaugh.  He was making a racist, inciteful rant about immigration in the U.S. and I couldn’t stand to listen to it for more than a few seconds.  Then there’s a guy named Glenn Beck who was talking about actually killing Michael Moore – it was gruesome and over the edge – I HAVE NO IDEA HOW THESE GUYS GET AWAY WITH THIS STUFF OVER THE PUBLIC AIRWAVES.  Last night I mentioned how I had listened to Bill O’Reilly fumegate against a guy he called a mass murderer because he did late term abortions (for, I later learned women who’s babies had died or who’s life was in jeopardy because of cancer) and essentially incited one of the fringees into murdering the doctor.

The reality is that we have a bigger terrorist problem inside our boundaries than outside them.  Hate groups have doubled since Obama took office – these are white supremicist groups who despicably are connected to the right wing Christain movement (which better condemn these guys – ALL OF THEM – INCLUDING THE TV AND RADIO PERSONALITIES I’M DISCUSSING – AND SOON!) and, in some cases are calling for succession from the union (places in the south and Alaska – uh, hello Sarah Palin – and Todd) and/or insurrection!  The rest of us had better wake up – AND SOON!  Many of these groups are arming themselves to the hilt.  They hate the idea of a Black President, a Latina Supreme Court justice, a Black Attorney General, and one state after another giving civil rights to gays and lesbians – ESPECIALLY MARRIAGE.  As I said last night, they would rather a woman who was carrying a dead fetus carry it to term, even at the risk of her own life, than having a medical procedure which is low risk and allows her to reproduce in the future if she so desires.

I have been speaking out for months now on the importance of our leaders having the courage to enforce the laws of the land against those in the Republican party who are thumbing their noses at it.  Dick Cheney is going around admitting to one crime after another as if he knows the Democrats won’t do anything about it.  Karl Rove and Harriet Meiers refused to respond to subpoenas during the final years of the Bush administration – and nothing was done about it.  GW Bush started illegal wiretapping Americans possibly before 9/11 and the Democrats don’t have the nerve to do anything about it.  Cheney outed a CIA agent – everyone knows this – and the Democratic Congress doesn’t have the nerve to investigate this.  And now, the leaders of the Republican party are openly inciting violence toward the extreme fringe of their supporters and assuming free speech allows them to suggest the murder of our President, and it seems like the Democrats still don’t get that at some point they’re going to HAVE TO STEP UP AND FIGHT THESE GUYS.

These Republicans remind me of sixth graders (that’s the grade I teach).  Let me give President Obama, Attorney General Holder, and the Democratic Congress (some more – I’ve been here before) advice – I guess that means they’re not listening to me (surprise, surprise :o) or I wouldn’t have to tell them this again.  Just like a sixth grader, these Republicans only understand “black and white.”  Now, if you’re not too with it, I’m not talking in racial terms here – I mean you can’t “beat around the bush with them.” (no pun intended)  They have to understand that if they break the laws they are going to jail – SIMPLE AS THAT!  What you’re teaching them is that you don’t have the guts to put them in jail – so they are just going to continue breaking the laws of the land – and they are going to push their rhetoric until this country explodes at the seems – and then blame whatever happens on you – THE PRESIDENT AND THE DEMOCRATS!  Now, I hope the bulk of the American people aren’t so stupid as to believe them, but they are trying to insure that you fail – both President Obama and the Democratic Congress.  The time to fight back against these thugs is RIGHT NOW!

About two months ago the new head of Homeland Security came out with a report saying that there was a significant internal threat from small cells of “terrrorists” and “fringe elements” in our society that had the potential for violence.  Of course, like with everything else that comes from the government, the Republicans attacked this as being insulting – because it was pointed out that many of these groups are affiliated with the “Right Wing fringe.”  Well, by reacting in a defensive way, the leaders of the Republican party virtually admitted that the report was true – and it was about them.  Well, since that report has come out there has already been two cases of right wing whackos committing high profile murders.  The first case was the doctor I wrote about last night and the second was an attack on the holocaust museum, of all places (well, many of these hate groups are anti-jew), in which a Black security guard was gunned down by a renowned white supremist.  What is it going to take before President Obama and the Democratic Congress take this internal terrorism seriously.  Are we going to have to have a war on terror inside the boundaries of the United States of America?  At the beginning of this post I mentioned that we need a viable Republican party – it could put a stop to all of this very quickly.  However, what we have is a vile Republican party which is leading this nation to disaster!

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