I don’t care whether there is a “truth” commision or Special Prosecutor, but the “Bush Crime family” needs to be investigated!

For those of you out there who think I’m nuts when I keep pushing for accountability for the Bush administration and their right wing associates let me help you out a bit here. Now, if you’re the type of person who somehow has come to the conclusion that this nation was intended to be full of WASP’s – and I don’t mean the kind that might sting you – I mean the White Anglo Saxon Protestants who somehow have determined that they are the “true” Americans – then you won’t like what I’m about to write. But if you’re the type of person who actually takes our Bill of Rights and our Constitution at face value – and celebrate, as I do, that this nation is the epitome of the “melting pot” – that is a mixture of cultures and nationalities from around the globe who are proving people can “get along” – then maybe you’ll find this interesting if not alarming.

George W Bush once said something along the lines of “it would be OK for this to be a dictatorship, so long as I’m the dictator.” He said this with what appeared to be a tongue in cheek, but as the evidence is coming out, maybe the tongue wasn’t so much in the cheek. The nine memos released a week or two ago from the Justice Department described an executive branch that was actually thinking along the lines of a dictatorship. They had given themselves the power to declare any American citizen an “enemy combatant,” arrest them, and wisk them off to some detention facility who knows where in the world, torturing them and, as was the case in South America with some of the dictatorships our CIA put into power in the 70’s and 80’s – “disappearing them” – with the people never to be heard from again. It’s unclear if they used this power, but it is clear that they, along with the Office of Legal Counsel – manned by thugs like John Yoo – had given themselves this power.

Most people hear about this stuff and the natural reaction is that they can’t believe it – so they don’t believe it. If you’re one of the people who have this tendency I would recommend that you read Naomi Klein’s book titled “The Shock Doctrine.” It will open your eyes to what our CIA was doing long before GW Bush ever got into the White House. More distressing than the 9 memos was the news reported this past week by Seymour Hersh – one of the most respected, if not the most respected, investigative journalists in our nation – that Dick Cheney was running a “Death Squad” made up of elite Navy Seals right out of the White House. It was reported that this group had entered at least 9 or 10 foriegn, soveriegn nations, and assasinated leaders whom our government did not approve. Can you picture this – George W Bush doesn’t approve of you and Dick Cheney has you assasinated – Wow! Now, if that doesn’t get your attention I don’t know what will. Well, just in case let me take it a bit farther. How about the Bush administration and Cheney authorizing the CIA to be actively working within the borders of our nation spying on American citizens. THESE ARE MAJOR CRIMES – AND YOU’D THINK EVEN REPUBLICANS WOULD BE TURNED OFF BY THESE REPORTS AND DEMAND INVESTIGATIONS.

But the one thing you can count on with Republicans is that they all seem to act like sheep. They go in whatever direction their leader points them in (this would be doubly scary if their leader was say, someone like Rush Limbaugh), without a second thought, and they seem to have no conscience whatsoever regarding the actions of our government (so long as our government is made up of right wing wackos). For most of them, as long as they can continue to delude themselves that the Republican party is the “pro-life” party – they will “see no evil.” THIS IS AMAZING TO ME! And I know a lot of Republicans, they are not dumb people. Many of them just don’t have time to figure out what is happening (really) with our government – so they listen to these ridiculously dishonest, disengenuous, and immoral leaders – and then they all start sending emails around spreading fear messages about Barrack Obama. IT’S GETTING A BIT MUCH FOR ME! Well, this isn’t all of it – in fact as the news comes out things just get looking worse and worse.

This next one will probably make you think that I’m nuts – or that Chuck Norris is just a “nut job” – depending on your perspective – but this just compounds the information that is already out there. Now Norris (who played Walker, Texas Ranger on TV) has been following Mike Huckabee around for the past year, since Huckabee ran for President in the Republican primaries of 2008. Huckabee, actually did pretty well and won a few primaries. Well, the other day Norris was quoted in some magazine article as saying that some day he (Norris) might run for “President of Texas” once they secede from the union. He pointed out that when that day comes, which could be sooner than most people realize – according to Norris – there will be “thousands of cells” joining in from all across the nation. This is beyond the pail type of talking and Republicans everywhere should be challenged as to whether or not they are with Norris – especially Huckabee who is contemplating another run for President in 2012. You think these guys are just a bunch of wierdos who are nothing but blowhards?

Well, how about this? Last year I read a book about Blackwater Inc. – which I believe has changed its name to XE – pronounced ZEEE – the private militia who was hired by the Bush administration with bloated no-bid contracts in Iraq to provide security for our State Department. In the process they were involved in several incidents where Iraqi civilians were allegedly murdered – on one occasion 17 unarmed civilians including women and children – and they claimed they were immune from both Iraqi and American laws. Hopefully, they won’t get away with that – but the real story with them lies ahead in my opinion (they have been thrown out of Iraq and are presently “looking for work”). They have a mercenary Army of several thousand of the “baddest” banditos from Central and South America along with some of our best special forces retired from the Army and Navy and Marines waiting in the wings for their next call to duty – along with a huge cache of weapons, a miniature air force, and navy. This corporation is headed by a man named Eric Prince who falls into the extreme right wing Christian extremist category and in the book I read it was reported that Blackwater was prepared to participate in an armed insurrection in the late 90’s in the US. Some of the people involved in the group which was contemplating this were the so-called leaders of the “Christian Right.” Jerry Falwell, Pat Robertson, James Dobson to name some of the ones I remember from the book. Their plan, evidently, was to bring good old fashioned “Christian morality” by force – and did I mention that many of the people associated with their group have racist tendencies (Remember Sarah Palin – her husband was part of a successionist movement in Alaska that was tied to the John Birch Society – ugh!!!)

Putting all this together with the allegations above, and the fact that most of these people have clear track records as white supremists, and I’m sure you can guess where this is going. I’ve been saying for months that the most important thing for President Obama to do when he gets into office is to make sure that the Bush administration (and anyone associated with them) be investigated thoroughly. My original thought was that it is of paramount importance to insure that the legal violations they committed be uncovered to prevent the possibility of their recurrence. It is getting more severe now. If Hersh is correct about Cheney leading a Death squad right out of the White House he should be in jail – IMMEDIATELY. And if Norris is still affiliated with Huckabee or any other national politician they should be called before Congress and forced to either denounce Norris or publicly acknowledge that they are thinking along those lines and agree with him. Of course, no one will associate with him publicly – because what he said was Sedition – which is a treasonous violation of our laws (I guess he “implied” some insurrection is in the wings – but his intent was clear). Remember, we have our first Black President, and the way these right wing wacko Republicans are talking they will do anything they can to undo him – regardless of the consequences to this nation. I know that Obama is trying to “reach across the isle” to Republicans – but this part of the Republican party isn’t going to be listening or working with him, no matter what happens to our economy or anything else. My question to Obama, the Justice department and to the Democratic Congress is – when are we going to have this investigation? How far do they have to go over the edge before you take them seriously? They are the ones acting like terrorists and they need to be stopped. I don’t care whether there is a “truth” commision or Special Prosecutor, but the “Bush Crime family” needs to be investigated!

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