Did I hear this right?

Tonight I’m REALLY going to try to write something short. Last night I heard that Iraq had canceled the “deal” made with our multi-national oil companies that was going to allow bush/cheney/mccain to declare “victory.” I had heard a few weeks back that bush had finally strong armed some kind of agreement with al Maliki (Iraqi Prime Minister) to open the spickets of their oil to bush’s “buddies” – while at the same time calling people like me who have claimed from the very first day they began this misadventure to gain possession of Iraq’s oil – I can’t think of the word, but I know it is not a complimentary term – something akin to pro-terrorist. I believe the reason mccain has been spouting about how the surge “has worked” despite the fact that the Shia and Sunni in Iraq are no closer to reconciliation than they were 18 months ago – in fact possibly farther away considering the Sunni “Awakening” is heavily armed (by us) and not likely to give up those arms and submitting to Shia rule – is because of the supposed “oil agreement.”

Well, last night I heard that the Iraqi’s have “scuttled” the agreement with BP, Unocal, etc., etc., (I can’t remember the name of all the companies – I think there were 6 or 7 of them) in favor of an agreement with the Chinese national oil company. Now, I don’t want to say much here because I don’t know much in this regard. However, I’m willing to go out on a limb and say that it will be hard for any historian to call any ending to this occupation a victory for the US when they measure how emboldened Iran has become thanks to our incompetence, how our own economy is close to being in ruins thanks to this war and the incompetence of the people waging it, and now the oil that was supposed to pay for it going to China. I guess that’s the best way for the Iraqi’s to get our dollars. As I sit here thinking of the consequences of this if it’s true, I think back to last night and say to myself, did I hear this right?????

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