Monthly Archives: January 2021

Move over Benedict Arnold, individual 1 and his minions are soon to be joining you in the history books!

Many people are encouraging Congress to IMPEACH individual 1 once again and remove him from office “forth with,” but I believe that’s a pipe dream. While I’d love to see our IMPEACHED so-called two time popular vote LOSING president removed from office TOMORROW, keep in mind there are still over 100 members of the House republican caucus who are continuing to “object” to the results of the 2020 election despite the insurrection of the Capitol Building in D.C. today instigated by individual 1. Removing individual 1 from office would REQUIRE a two thirds vote in the Senate and it’s questionable that it’s likely. For any possibility, I believe, we’d have to wait until Chuck Schumer takes the gavel of the Senate. But, we can hope!

I can say this, Mike Pense has moved up a notch in my book based on his fulfilling his DUTY to oversee the final stage of the election of Joe Biden and Kamala Harris as president and vice president of the United States. I decided to watch the entire process which, of course, included the insurrection attempt by individual 1’s right wing QAnon like and militia type MOB’s attack on our nation’s capital, and Mr. Pense did his duty as he was expected to do so based on our constitution. Kind of refreshing, actually. I heard tonight Pense’s chief of staff was prevented from going to his office in the “White House” as our IMPEACHED so-called two time popular vote LOSING president is apparently very angry with Pense for not finding a way to do what his MOB was trying to do and that was over throw the “will of the people.”

I would love to see Mr. Pense as our 46th president for the last few days of this term. (I’ve been surprised for years now as to why the republicans in Congress didn’t figure out Pense was a HUGE upgrade to their RACIST, misogynist, xenophobic, narcissistic “fuhrer.” Of course, this would require the Congress to meet my request with a sudden IMPEACHMENT of individual 1. If you’ve been on this site I haven’t been very complimentary of Vice President Pense over the past four years, but I did believe, at some point, republicans would have IMPEACHED individual 1 so that Pense could be their leader. I believe Pense would have had a much higher chance to win this previous election, but that’s a topic for another day. I believe Pense will be, in the minds of many RATIONAL republicans after January 20th to be the “front runner” for the 2024 republican nomination to run against Vice President Harris. Of course, to me, it’s foolish to think – for the reasons I just stated – to expect Pense to instigate the 25th Amendment. If individual 1 is to be removed from office it will require IMPEACHMENT!

I’m going to bed; Mike Pense just OFFICIALLY confirmed individual 1 LOST the election and Joe Biden and Kamala Harris will take office at 12:01 PM on January 20th, 2021. Individual 1 will be very ANGRY at his Vice President because he’ll accuse him of being disloyal. This will be further evidence the person who today suggested individual 1 has LOST his mind is/was correct and that I’ve been correct for the past three plus years he’s a mob boss. Remember, insurrectionists, as they were leaving today – at least many of them – suggested they’ll return tomorrow with their muskets. Today, the traitors erected a gallows with a noose and, apparently, their plan was to “kidnap” members of Congress, bring them out of the Capitol Building, hold a “trial,” and then execute whomever they could kidnap. What do you think their message was with that action?

Does that, at all, remind you of the plan they had for the governor of Michigan? And, today a faction of this group was attempting to breech the governor’s residence of Washington state (where I live) and who knows how much more DAMAGE individual 1 can inflict in the next two weeks. Is our IMPEACHED so-called two time popular vote LOSING president going to attempt calling out the military and instituting “marshal law?” That was Mike Flynn’s suggestion and, it appears to me, that would be the next part of his plan. Is individual 1 going to take this to the next level?

Should be interesting tomorrow when individual 1 starts “tweeting.” It won’t start until morning because “Twitter” has blocked his account for 12 hours due to his violation of their “rules” as he was instigating the people who were storming the Capitol Building. Individual 1 will NEVER concede he LOST the election and his future erratic behavior will be interesting. The question, for me, is the Congress willing to IMPEACH him once again – not only what he did today to encourage his supporters to storm the Capitol Building but when you think about his phone call to Georgia’s Secretary of State – he DESERVES to be held accountable. IMPEACHMENT would guarantee “we the people” would NEVER have to worry about him running for office again!

Well, it’s “tomorrow” and it appears the conspirators have vanished from Washington D.C. and I don’t know if individual 1 has his “Twitter” privileges back yet, but all day I was thinking about an article I read in “The Daily KOS” where the identity of a large number of the insurrectionists was published making me think it won’t be that difficult for the FBI and the Justice Department to HUNT down some of the violators of our Nation’s Capitol Building. Today, the U.S. Attorney for the District of Columbia stated it will take up to one year to HUNT down the perpetrators of the violence in the Capitol Building but they are working “24/7” to identify those who were the trespassing insurrectionists.

Of course, the most egregious violator of our nation on Wednesday January 6th was individual 1. Undoubtedly, prior to being IMPEACHED (for a second time) should that happen, he will pardon himself. So, there lies the challenge of the next Attorney General, Merrick Garland, whether to indict our IMPEACHED so-called two time popular vote LOSING president after, potentially, a second IMPEACHMENT? And, will the Senate actually convict individual 1? I was listening to those republicans who were willing to admit Joe Biden had actually won the election when they said things like, “While I wish the election had happened differently………………” (fill in the blanks) – I have to wonder if they still feel that way. I have to believe many if not MOST of the republican caucus in the Senate are relieved individual 1 will FINALLY be ‘OUT OF THERE.”

So, here we are, and if you happen upon this “diary in cyberspace” – however you get here – and, you’re a supporter of individual 1 all I can say is “I told you so.” In fact, I’ve been “telling you so” for four LONG years now. This is what happens when you find people sucked into a “cult of personality” and some of them just “continue marching on.” There are multiple calls for Ted Cruz and Josh Hawley to RESIGN from their seats in the U.S. Senate – of course, they will refuse to do so, but they need to be SHAMED every day from now until they “get it” they are unwelcome aspirants for the republican nomination to replace individual 1.

There are some members of the U.S. House of Representatives who, I believe, SHOULD either be expelled, or at least censored – and, quite possibly you could just go down the list of the 138 who voted to overturn the results of the election even AFTER the attack on the Capitol Building – but, I’d start with people like Mo Brooks, Jim Jordan, Matt Gaetz (who was blaming “Antifa” for the attack – apparently as delusional as individual 1) Devin Nunez, and, of course, maybe the STUPIDEST member of Congress Louie Gohmert. These people have been enabling individual 1 since the beginning and they are largely responsible in helping to foment the belief the election was “rigged,” right along with our IMPEACHED two time popular vote LOSING president.

I’ve been saying for years these people MUST be voted into the history books along side Benedict Arnold. (Go back and check the archives if you don’t believe me) Individual 1 is a TRAITOR and he’s officially attempted a coup d’etat in the United States of America. Had “we the people” voted to turn the House into the control of the democrats in 2018 just imagine what we’d be dealing with right now. I’ll say it again, 138 republicans in the House voted to overturn the results of the election in Pennsylvania. I’ll even add a personal touch to that FACT. Recently, I spent a couple months staying with my brother-in-law in Pittsburgh. I still remember all the political adds as Connor Lamb was running for his “seat” in the House. (Mr. Lamb is someone I admire – as an aside)

Pennsylvania is controlled by republicans in the legislative bodies and it was those republicans who set the rules for the election there this year – in the face of a global pandemic which, just yesterday, took the lives of OVER 4000 American lives – for the second day in a row. How could ANYONE question the legality of the vote in Pennsylvania – of course, individual 1 and his sycophants filed numerous LAWSUITS – frivolous ALL of them – which were, each one essentially, THROWN out of court. Still, 7 or 8 Senators and 138 members of the House voted to overturn the voters of the people of Pennsylvania.

There are actually some people who are lobbying democrats to refrain from IMPEACHING individual 1 for a second time because they’re worried about inciting his base – OK, “F” that – we’ve been listening to that line of logic for four years. It’s time for people, including republicans, to stop living in FEAR of individual 1’s “base.” We’re talking about people attempting (and, obviously willing to) overthrow the government of the United States. I’ve been writing for four years now these people are fascists in the same mold as those in the Third Reich back in the 1930’s in Germany. As far as I’m concerned, “F” them. If there has to be a “come to Jesus moment” with them, then so be it. That’s ACTUALLY why we have the police and the FBI and if these people really want a “race civil war,” well, let’s get on with it.

This group was led by the so-called “Proud Boys” who individual 1 prompted to “Stand by” in one of the presidential debates. Well, they did just that and I can guarantee you, many of those in the Capitol Building were members of that racist bunch and they’ll be easily identified. Their “leader” didn’t make it that far because he was arrested as he entered the Capital due to admitting on “social media” he was one of those desecrating the Black Churches in DC during their previous “protest.” And, of course, he was carrying loaded cartridges of Ammo which is ILLEGAL in DC along with the fact he’s a convicted felon (surprise surprise) and he violated his conditions of parole – so, he wasn’t one of the insurrectionists – possibly lucky for him, but I believe he’s going BACK to jail regardless. These are the people the so-called “conservative Christians” have chosen to align themselves with. Yuck!!!

How are these people going to respond when individual 1 is standing before a judge facing accountability? Honestly, I could care less. I still remember some of them, back in the 60’s when myself and MILLIONS of others were protesting the ILLEGAL war in Viet Nam, telling me to “love it or leave it.” Well, I would turn that back right onto them! America is the longest standing self governed people in the history of the world – and, individual 1 and his sycophants are NOT going to change that. Move over Benedict Arnold, individual 1 and his minions are soon to be joining you in the history books! “Period, full stop!”

The last thing I need to get off my mind is I can’t help but think of that smirk which is on Vladimir Putin’s face right now. His main goal in pushing individual 1 into the “White House” was to undermine our system of “free and fair elections.” Hopefully, we’ll at some point understand why individual 1 was so “buddy buddy” with Putin – what did the Russians have on him – I’m guessing it was the “tape” which was mentioned in the Steele dossier. Just imagine what someone, whoever has possession of that tape, could get for it. Of course, with most things associated with our IMPEACHED so-called two time popular vote LOSING president, it won’t be suitable for public TV. Yikes!!!

Final Thought: I live across the Columbia River from Portland, Oregon. I couldn’t help but think of individual 1 AND William Barr sending “unmarked” federal agents into Portland for a “riot” which was simply a Black Lives Matter protest which had been diffused by the local authorities down to about 2000 stragglers per day. Of course, the INVASION of these unmarked federal thugs further inflamed everything as they were, without cause, KIDNAPPING people off the streets, taking them to hidden places, and interrogating er attempting to intimidate them, then releasing them – pure strong armed gestapo tactics.

Compare that to what we saw on January 6th in Washington DC where the rioters were ginned up by individual 1 (and, apparently his son as well) where, as of this writing, there have been FIVE deaths, including one member of the Capitol Police. There MUST be accountability for those who instigated the insurrectionists which would include those members of Congress who were perpetuating the LIE that individual 1 was going to be president at 12:01 on January 20th, 2021. So far, from what I can tell, authorities have tracked down one of the insurrectionists, apparently in Arkansas, and he’s been ARRESTED and charged with at least 3 FELONIES. My hope is he gets several years to consider the wisdom of his choice to invade Nancy Pelosi’s office and desecrate it. The photo I saw was him sitting at her desk and pointing at his gun, stashed in his belt. So far, that gun hasn’t resulted in one of the felonies. Why did he think he needed to bring that? Stay tuned…………….. (hopefully, much more to come!)

As usual, I’m publishing without re-reading so I apologize for the foopahs! I taught my sixth graders better!

Sedition is a SERIOUS crime!

Is anyone even surprised the “basket of deplorables” who are key to individual 1’s base have now “breeched” the Capitol building in Washington D.C.? There are thousands of supporters of our IMPEACHED so-called two time popular vote LOSING president now either inside the Capitol building or just outside it in areas which are violations of the Capitol. Reports are the people are chanting that individual 1 won the election – now, who would be responsible for them believing that? I’m really wondering when there’s going to be some accountability for the lawlessness which is associated with our IMPEACHED (he should have been IMPEACHED once more after his ILLEGAL phone call to the Secretary of State of Georgia) so-called two time popular vote LOSING president.

Gabriel Sterling, the election official in Georgia who has responded to the LYING of individual 1, has predicted if individual 1’s rhetoric didn’t change “someone is going to get shot.” Well, it appears that’s one of the things which has happened in today’s RIOT in D.C. As I wrote that word, riot, I couldn’t help but remember my acquaintance who is (somehow) a supporter of individual 1 predicting about a year ago that our IMPEACHED so-called two time popular vote LOSING president would “win” in a “landslide” and subsequently we’d see “liberals rioting.” I told him, “The opposite is what is going to happen” and I now “I rest my case.” I even predicted it would be the “Proud Boys” (and other “militia types”) leading the way.

There are hundreds (maybe thousands) inside the Capitol building “protesting” the FACT Joe Biden will be the 46th president on January 20th and, I have to ask, “Where are the republicans who are “objecting” to Biden’s win in the “halls of Congress?” For example, where are Ted Cruz and Josh Hawley (and the other Senators objecting to the “will of the people)? Why aren’t they confronting the people who’ve broken into the Capitol building? Don’t they feel any responsibility for what is happening? Of course they don’t. These people let their words “fly” with no thought to the consequences of their words. Look at these people congregating on the Congressional grounds – I’ve been writing about them lately using the term, STUPID. If you’re watching on TV, just look into the eyes of some of the people walking past the cameras. (Of course, Cruz and Hawley were cowering in their offices during the coup attempt)

People are now asking for people to “tone it down” and, I have to add, whether you want to call it “toning down,” I’m going to continue speaking the TRUTH. These people in the Capitol building, to me, are un-American. They’re carrying a plethora of flags, including American flags as they’re desecrating our Capitol. As usual, I saw several confederate flags amongst the crowd. Here’s how I feel about this – if there aren’t a BUNCH of people ARRESTED during this breech of the Capitol I will be terribly disappointed. The picture of “Proud Boys” bashing in the doors of the Capitol Building in Salem, Oregon are still fresh in my mind – and, of course, I didn’t see reports of any arrests for their ILLEGAL behavior either. It appeared the officials were simply happy to get them to “go home.” Picture in your mind if all these people were Black.

Apparently, the authorities in Washington D.C. didn’t see the same pictures of what I saw in Salem to be, what looks like, surprised as these right wing thugs stormed the Capitol Building in our nation’s Capital. Honestly, this has been going on for years. I still remember Cliven Bundy and his son Ammon standing off federal agents back in 2014 who were attempting to “collect” the “collateral” (Bundy’s Cattle) due to Mr. Bundy’s refusal – for years – to pay the federal government grazing fees for running his herd on federal grazing lands. From someone who, at one point in life, was raising cattle – the $5 pre month (or something along those lines) is/was incredibly CHEAP! To me, the fact Bundy “got away with it” was a bad sign for things to come.

Well, as one might have expected, it was only a few years until Ammon was in a federal property in the state of Oregon “taking over” that property and initiating another standoff with federal troops. One of his comrades DIED in that protest, but he managed, once again, to “get away with it.” In case you don’t understand, this simply continues to embolden all these right wing wack jobs (the “basket of deplorables”) to continue bashing their way into wherever they decide they want to go. Today, it was like watching what I saw in Salem all over again as individual 1’s supporters were BASHING through windows as they pushed their way into the Capitol Building. And, of course, individual 1, for the most part, saying NOTHING and, even when he spoke, he had to add how much he loves these lawless thugs! As I’ve been saying for over three years, the words of an organized crime boss thug!

I’ve been talking about this for years. “We the people” – and, largely because of our “leaders” – have been looking away from lawlessness. In the Reagan administration it was Iran/Contra and, subsequently George HW Bush PARDONED those who were prosecuted (in my mind, protecting himself). Then, George W Bush and Dick Cheney publicly authorized TORTURE among other CRIMES and President Obama chose to “look forward instead of back.” So, that begat individual 1 and things have now, predictably, gotten out of control. The “stuff” going on in D.C. has been building up for the entire four years of individual 1’s administration. He’s a thug and the entire republican caucus in both the Senate and the House have continued to ENABLE his seditious behavior.

It appears there were officials aside from individual 1 encouraging the rioters (insurrectionists) to storm the Capitol – which would include, who else, but Rudy Giuliani. So, these people are challenging our nation as it hasn’t been challenged before – and it appears virtually NONE of them have been arrested. Individual 1 told them to go home and that he “loves them.” Yikes! And, add this to the “pot:” Several of these domestic terrorists (insurrectionists) are now threatening to come back tomorrow with their “muskets.” Here’s what I’m thinking as I’m writing this – IMPEACHMENT now! Get done with the business of today and then come together in the Congress to IMPEACH individual 1 for a second time – only this time, with republicans agreeing to vote for a conviction.

Other wise, are they OK with all of this? Are they going to stand in support of this lawless IMPEACHED so-called two time popular vote LOSING president? There’s still 14 days until he’s eligible to be arrested. Sadly, there were 140 members of the House willing to object to the “will of the people” and it will be interesting to see how they respond to their followers storming the Capitol Building. My guess is those placing the objections are in support of the insurrectionists. It’s been reported Ted Cruz and Josh Hawley have been fundraising over all of this. If that’s true, they should RESIGN or be censored from the Senate. I’ll say it again, what if these protesters were Black?

My son told me of videos he saw on “the internet” of Capitol Police allowing these insurrectionists into the building and taking “selfies” with them. My reaction: “Holy Cow” first and second, those members of the Capitol Police force should be looking for a new job tomorrow. I’m not trying to be totally redundant but, what if these insurrectionists had been Black? These are the same kind of people like I mentioned above, Ammon Bundy, who believe the government has no rights over them – that they can do whatever they choose to do. As I’ve said recently, I certainly hope Joe Biden is a “law and order” president. A large group of these insurrectionists are clearly on video tape and they need to face prosecution to the fullest extent of the law!

I will wait to make a judgement on Biden’s choice for Attorney General. Obviously, he was waiting until the runoff elections in Georgia secured a Senate “majority” for the democrats so he could replace Merrick Garland who he’s now nominated to become the Attorney General. He will now be able to put Garland’s replacement on the DC Court of Appeals with the democratic “majority.” That all being said, I’m not that certain Mr. Garland is the right person for that job at this point in time. Now, I have to say, I don’t know that much about him other than he was referred to as a “MODERATE” when nominated for the Supreme Court by President Obama – and, of course, being refused the opportunity for even an “up or down” vote by the Senate back then – ostensibly “STEALING” a Supreme Court appointment from Obama.

Here’s the deal: After today’s insurrection RIOT in the Nation’s Capital those who were bashing in the windows and doors, were invading the office space of Congressional leaders and STEALING stuff from their premises, and those who were hanging on parts of the Capitol Building and desecrating it SHOULD be prosecuted to the FULL extent of the law. And, in my view, those who instigated the insurrection, I hope there is accountability for those who urged on the IGNORANT Americans who are unable to understand our states run our elections and our states are the places where questions about the elections MUST be adjudicated. I just spent about two or three minutes listening to Josh Hawley make his “objection” to the Electors in the State of Pennsylvania.

Hawley, is a disgrace to the Senate of the United States of America. I’ve heard multiple reports he was FUNDRAISING while in a Secure Location in the Capitol Building over his role in instigating this insurrection. If his colleagues can’t convince Senator Hawley to RESIGN then they SHOULD censure him from further participation in the chamber. Not because of his stupidity in making an objection, which he obviously has the right to do, but to the egging on of the crowd today and, to me worse than that, fundraising off of their attack on the Capitol Building. Yes, I’m basing my thoughts on multiple reports I’ve heard – I don’t follow Mr. Hawley and NEVER will – obviously, he’s an ambitious politician who has his eyes set on the “White House” – I can only hope the American people have had enough of this MISINFORMATION and we need the republican party to return to rationality.

Then, of course, there’s Ted Cruz. He might be worse than Senator Hawley and, of course, for some time he’s been considered the least popular Senator for years – possibly, next to Louie Gohmert, the least popular member of Congress. He’s shown his true self over the previous four years of becoming one of individual 1’s lap dogs even after our IMPEACHED so-called two time popular vote LOSING president had INSULTED his wife AND his father. Cruz, rightfully, called individual 1 a PATHOLOGICAL liar just a short while before “bowing down” to him. And, now he’s causing America to be “teetering” on the edge of disaster.

Just give this a quick thought: What do you think is the response to all of this by Vladimir Putin? Do you think this means the Russians will increase their cyber attack on this nation? Will they do something militarily? Or, how about the Chinese? or the Iranians? Individual 1 hasn’t made “inroads” with any of them (except, likely, Putin). The magnitude of the DAMAGE (yes, I’ve been pointing out the DAMAGE individual 1 is causing to our nation) our IMPEACHED so-called two time popular vote LOSING president is inflicting as he’s headed out the “door” (one way or the other) is becoming mind boggling. And, I can’t help but think of what he’s going to do in the next two weeks. Really, FASTEN your “seat belts.”

Final Thought: This group of “deplorables” aint going anywhere. They’ve been around for years, it’s just the republican party pulled them out from under their “rocks” when Barack Obama won the “White House.” If you didn’t notice today, the number of confederate flags being carried into the Capitol Building was a multitude of flags. These people are white supremacists – pure and simple – and individual 1 reminds them “I understand how you feel.” Well, why would he say that to a bunch of RACISTS who are storming the Capitol Building of this great nation. I can tell you why he “knows how they feel.” He’s a white nationalist who shares their grievance about the FACT our nation is becoming more and more “Black and Brown” as the years go by. Of course, that’s a STRENGTH of our “melting pot” nation despite individual 1 and his supporters attempting to disenfranchise the votes of African Americans in six different states. (All states he LOST of course)

Just so you get the full idea of the extent these right wing thugs are up to let me clue you in on what happened in my state, Washington, today. Another “cell” of the “basket of deplorables” we saw invading our nation’s Capitol Building today was attempting to invade the Capitol Building of Washington State and when that didn’t meet their goal they attempted to breech the Governor’s residence in our state Capital of Olympia. Apparently, the authorities in Olympia were more prepared than the Capitol Police in D.C. because they turne the (much smaller) mob away. Some of the people involved in the Washington insurrection as well as the D.C. insurrection are well known – so, my hope is they will face accountability sooner rather than later. Sedition is a SERIOUS crime!

Now individual 1 is attempting to bully Mike Pense into BREAKING THE LAW to help his coup d’etat! Yikes!!!

I’m not sure when I’ll finish this rant, but I just turned off the TV and it’s now clear the democrats will have “control” of the U.S. Senate and Moscow Mitch’s obstructionism will be relegated to the “minority” position as will ALL the republicans who were committee chairpersons, including Lindsey Graham, who committed almost as egregious an election fraud violation as individual 1 in his own now infamous phone call to Brad Raffensperger (hopefully, now, subject to Congressional Sanction), will be in MINORITY positions in their committees. While Raphael Warnock has CLEARLY defeated Kelly Loeffler (she of the SEDITION caucus – I have to wonder, will she still show up tomorrow, and if so, will she be welcome?) and, it appears, there’s little chance David Perdue can overtake the 3500+ vote lead Jon Ossoff is going to bed with because MOST of the remaining votes will come from three counties with anywhere from 70% to 90% of the “mail in vote” (which is what remains) going to the two democrats.

My best guess is Ossoff will defeat Perdue by a larger vote than Joe Biden beat individual 1 in November and the reason, likely, will be the lower turnout in the heavily republican counties which was somewhat predictable for multiple reasons, not the least of which was the antics of our IMPEACHED so-called two time popular vote LOSING president. I believe even Southern conservatives in a place like Georgia can be turned off to a president and members of HIS party committing SEDITION, LYING through their teeth, and claiming “why vote?” when the election is “rigged?”

So, now people like Brad Raffensperger, Georgia’s Secretary of State, one of his officials, Gabe Sherman – who I’ve come to admire, and Georgia’s republican governor Brian Kemp – Raffensperger and Kemp experts at voter suppression (obviously, this time no match for Stacy Abrams, but…….. I’m thinking how will they respond to Georgia turning “blue?”) are going to be receiving blistering attacks from individual 1. I don’t do “Twitter” but, I’m guessing the attacks have been well under way as the evening has unfolded – especially, since the way this played out was similar to the November election. The DeKalb and Cobb County votes came in late and were the difference for the democrats. During the night I was calculating how many votes remained in those counties and ever when Ossoff was behind be well over 10,000 votes I was pretty sure he would end up winning. (Kind of reminded me of Pennsylvania)

The democrats voted early and MANY voted by mail. The election officials count the same day voting first and then the early vote and then the mail in vote. It was predictable the republicans would lead early (although, in some counties the early vote was counted prior to election day, or so it seemed). The bottom line was, just as in the General Election the democrats were MORE enthusiastic than the republicans. Keep in mind, Perdue had a 2% advantage in the General Election and fell below the 50% threshold at the end when the DeKalb and Cobb county votes were finally tabulated – at the same time Biden overtook individual 1’s early lead. Part of the fault here lies with our IMPEACHED so-called two time popular vote LOSING president because he was adamant in encouraging republicans NOT to vote by mail. Honestly, he’s really NOT a “stable genius.” In fact, he’s not “stable” and he’s CERTAINLY no genius.

Individual 1 will be leaving town with an as yet to be determined MESS on the hands of democrats to “clean up.” Yes, there’s the pandemic, the botched rollout of the vaccines, the need for more stimulus, the country is terribly divided, there are militia groups run amok all over the country who are threatening violence when they don’t get their way, and on and on – but, we still don’t know the complete level of this MESS because, as I’m writing this, individual 1 still has 14 more days in office – and, who knows what he’ll do. I wrote earlier today, I won’t be surprised if he tries the Michael Flynn approach to remaining in power – and, that would be declaring martial law and calling in the military once the Congress affirms the Electoral College votes as official tomorrow January 6th.

Just as I had predicted a couple weeks ago, our IMPEACHED so-called two time popular vote LOSING president is expecting his V.P. Mike Pense to figure out a way to overturn the election on January 6th in his “ceremonial” position as the person who counts the Electoral College votes and then declare Joe Biden and Kamala Harris the president and vice president elect. I suggested he won’t be too happy with Mr. Pense once he hears the words “Biden won” coming from his mouth. Seriously, individual 1 is completely DERANGED but, last night at the final campaign rally in Georgia – where he helped the republicans LOSE just as he had a few weeks earlier (only by larger margins, just sayin) – he even THREATENED “our great Vice President” should he fail to “come through.” Yikes!! (What on earth does that mean?)

Also tomorrow, we’re going to see 12 (actual) republican Senators (and Ms. Loeffler, apparently) along with something like 140 republican members of the House, COWARDS one and all, object to the reality Joe Biden was dutifully elected the 46th president of the United States and they’ll cement their legacies as members of the “Sedition caucus” of the 117th U.S. Congress. I would love to see someone with lots of money (are you reading this Michael Bloomberg or Tom Steyer) buy a plot of land in our nation’s capital and erect a MONUMENT with ALL the names of those who choose to participate in the nonsense of OBJECTING to Biden’s election tomorrow. As the song goes, “Wouldn’t that be lovely?”

There’s so much to get done, but let’s not kid ourselves, the democrats don’t really have more than a razor thin edge in the Senate and I was listening to one person with much more knowledge than myself today who suggested they DON’T have enough votes to get rid of the filibuster. Apparently, Joe Manchin from West Virginia, the most conservative of the democrats, will not support the so-called “nuclear option,” so, I’m guessing Moscow Mitch will continue to be able to OBSTRUCT the “will of the people.” If enough republicans prove willing to work with Biden and the democrats maybe it won’t be necessary, but with McConnell leading the republican caucus that seems to me to be a real reach.

The Georgia runoffs won’t be officially over for another couple of days and there’s a good chance the difference between Perdue and Ossoff will be inside the margin which would trigger an recount and, if Perdue is anything like individual 1, he’ll demand at least three recounts. As I’m writing this Ossoff’s lead has increased to over 9,500 likely increasing in the days ahead – maybe enough to get past that 0.5% margin requiring the recount. So, we’ll have to wait until the Senate is officially 50/50 but that’s what is going to happen. Of course, if democrats were a little “brighter” they’d have a more substantial majority in the Senate – but, their overwhelming focus on defeating individual 1 and blundering positions like failing to refute the “defund the police” movement caused them, in my view, I believe they SHOULD have won in Maine, North Carolina, and Iowa among other opportunities. But……………….

Final Thought: Individual 1 has DAMAGED this great nation in so many ways, but one of the ways many aren’t talking about is the issue with our traditional allies around the world. Yes, they realize Biden will be much more reasonable to work with, but they also see the turmoil going on in America, they see the number of Americans who actually voted AGAIN for our IMPEACHED so-called two time popular vote LOSING president and, who knows what will happen in 2024. Let’s face it, Biden won’t be running for re-election at 82 years old – just aint gonna happen. Kamala Harris will be the likely front runner – in fact, as I’ve stated in more than one post, I believe she may be our 47th president – I’ll let you picture how republicans are going to react to that. But, our allies don’t know how “we the people” are going to react to that. Could another right wing wack job gain the “White House” once again? I’m suspecting our allies will be very reticent to agree to much of anything over the next few years until or if America re-establishes herself as the “shining beacon on the hill.”

I’m tired, it’s late and Ossoff has a lead of almost 13,000 (and growing – more than Biden won Georgia). I just saw one of the “Tweet’s” I suggested will be coming fast and furious from individual 1 and his republican sycophants. He’s suggesting “Mike Pense is going to be the hero tomorrow” or words to that effect. “Hero?” of who? The Proud Boys? The “Atomwaffen?” the “3%ers?” the “Patriot Prayer?” etc. etc. Here’s the deal: There’s NOTHING Pense can (LEGALLY – of course, that isn’t an obstacle for IMPEACHED so-called two time popular vote LOSING president – yep, the “law and order” one) do to change the result of the November Election. The votes have been certified by ALL 50 states and the Electoral College has “spoken.” It’s all over.

Individual 1, just a couple days ago, by calling and threatening the Secretary of State of Georgia, increased the likelihood he’ll be facing legal jeopardy after January 20th, so, apparently, he’s thinking, why not throw a bit of gasoline on the fire. But, does Mike Pense want to be facing legal jeopardy so individual 1 will “continue to like him?” Honestly, I don’t put anything past our mob boss of an IMPEACHED so-called two time popular vote LOSING president so hold on to your “bottoms” over the next 14 days. I’m telling you, the importance of Joe Biden’s Attorney General is becoming more important by the day. Doing an “Obama” – which would be “looking forward instead of back” would be CRIMINAL in my view. When you take an oath to defend the constitution from all threats foreign and domestic that’s EXACTLY what needs to be done.

I listened to Hakeem Jeffries today, a member of the House whom I respect, actually use that “look forward instead of back” phrase when he was approached about individual 1’s phone call to Raffensperger which was clearly felonious behavior – and, more importantly, IMPEACHABEL behavior. And, there’s no limit on the number of times a president (even one who’s already been IMPEACHED) can be IMPEACHED and individual 1, at a minimum SHOULD be IMPEACHED once again. No matter what his voters think, it is IMPERATIVE “we the people” DEMAND our leaders are held accountable for LAWBREAKING! This garbage has got to stop!

I’ll be back, likely soon, because tomorrow (now today as I’m writing this) should be an historic day where a long list of republicans will be cementing their legacies as seditionists. They have no obvious courage and they’re afraid of individual 1 and all the white Americans who believe they are the aggrieved victims of our society. It’s like they are unable to understand what “white privilege” actually is and their anger, in some instances, should lead to arrests and legal consequences. As you can maybe tell, I AM a supporter of a “law and order” president and my hope is Joe Biden will be one. Stay tuned………………….

I’ve been writing about the need to vote republicans into the history books for over 10 years!

If you’ve been around this website for the previous few years you KNOW I’ve been pointing out the republican “deficit hawks” will return to Congress as soon as there’s another democrat in the “White House.” Well, we’re seeing that prediction playing out in “real time” as we draw closer to the day when individual 1 will have to be dragged out of the residence he’s now defiling. Democrats have been pushing for much more substantial support for “we the people” since last May and, of course, Moscow Mitch has been the one standing in the way. Of course, he’s got a bunch of rich, mean, thoughtless republicans who’ve been going along all the way, including the two republicans running for the two seats in the runoffs in Georgia, those who sold (and bought) stock soon after hearing of the coronavirus pandemic (and before their constituents knew about it). So, somehow McConnell agreed to a “watered down” version of the Covid-19 relief legislation which will be sending most of us middle class Americans $600 which I DON’T need, BUT that is much too little (and possibly too late) for about 20 MILLION Americans who’ve been out of work since last March.

Tonight, Bernie Sanders is filibustering the Senate’s ability to override the VETO of the Defense Appropriation Act which was vetoed by individual 1 – the first time in 60 years the bill has hit a “snag” and Mr. Sanders has vowed to keep up the filibuster until McConnell agrees to allow the House bill which, in agreement with our IMPEACHED so-called two time popular vote LOSING president, calls for $2000 per American’s with an income of less than $75,000. Of course, that defense bill is something which would cause McConnell nightmares if it were not to pass and it would be kind of the “icing on the cake” as to our dysfunctional Congress. When the House passes something with a 2/3 MAJORITY, and 78% of Americans support it, but McConnell is all which stands in the way – well, that’s where we are (and have been) in America. (OK, I wrote this a few days ago and, surprise surprise, the defense bill has been passed and no $2000 checks) This is a “marker” for Joe Biden who seems to think he’s going to be able to work with republicans.

Tell that to Josh Hawley, the Junior Senator from Missouri who is planning to “object” to Joe Biden’s Electoral College victory on January 6th, causing a bit of confusion as Biden crosses the last obstacle to the inauguration ceremony. Of course, his “objection” will be fruitless because the House will not go along with this anti-democratic “play” even if the Senate would – which is also unlikely. So, why would he do this? OK, I know this will surprise you, but add one more right wing potential fascist to the line which is forming from republicans who want to be the nominee in 2024. Only in America. I hope Mr. Hawley gets a “scarlet letter” embedded on his forehead – short of that, I hope those of us who are thankful the nightmare of the last four years is soon to be over do NOT forget. I’ve already put Marco Rubio, Ted Cruz, and Tom Cotton, along with the 126 members of the House who joined the fascist Texas lawsuit intended to overturn our election on the “do NOT forget” list. (Yes, time moves fast in America, now the group of SEDITIOUS republican Senators numbers 13 and there are supposedly well over 100 in the House. OMG, America is teetering on 3rd world status)

These republicans continue with this anti-American behavior because the members of the cult continue going along with it. I wrote the other day about all the people who are now switching from Fox “news” to “Newsmax” and the STUPID stuff which continues to flow from their mouths, but eventually, people are going to realize they’ve been hoodwinked and they’ll be falling off the “wagon.” This is why I’ve been supporting the “Lincoln Project” – a bunch of (mostly) former republicans who are part of the “conservatives” who helped vote individual 1 out of office.

Speaking of STUPID “stuff” coming out of someone’s mouth, how about individual 1’s call to the Georgia Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger just a few days ago now. In that call our IMPEACHED so-called two time popular vote LOSING president committed another three or four FELONIES which, I’m sure, he believes he will “get away” with because democrats don’t have the spine to hold him accountable. I’m sure he’s planning to “pardon himself” which has been reported many times over the past couple of years, but the constitutional experts I’ve listened to (plus my reading of the constitution) have universally said a president (even an IMPEACHED so-called two time popular vote LOSING president) can NOT pardon himself! Legal theory has been clear for over 500 years – you CAN’T be a judge in your own case!

That being said, I’m sure the members of individual 1’s cult could care less. They don’t care about any of the incompetence we’ve seen for the past four years. They don’t care about the racism – the ones who support individual 1 and say, incredulously to any one who would ask, “I’m not a racist,” they either ignore or don’t care about all the “dog whistle” racist ginning up of the right wing militias across this nation by individual 1. I have one acquaintance who supports individual 1 who said to me, “He’s the last chance we have for a conservative in the “White House.” (my quotes) I said, “you need to stop watching Fox “news.” Of course, he denied watching Fox although subsequently in the conversation he referred to Fox’s lead propagandist as “Sean.” There’s a lot of ignorance in this nation – much of it willful.

And, individual 1 just isn’t going to stop. Whether it’s that his narcissism is so acute he feels a need to dominate the headlines EVERY day, or if, as I’ve suspected, it’s the mob boss in him attempting to prevent the obvious – that he’s a LOSER, or BOTH – it’s just going to keep coming at us for another 15 days and who knows how outrageous will be his actions. Last night, in a rambling speech in Georgia – which was mostly about his own grievances – he inferred that Mike Pense will “come through for us.” Of course, he was suggesting Pense has the power to overthrow the “will of the people” on January 6th when the Congress will affirm the results of the Electoral College. (Despite the efforts of the republican SEDITION caucus) Pense has NO power to do anything which would determine who won the November election.

Of course, if you’ve been listening carefully to the words coming from the mouth of our IMPEACHED so-called two time popular vote LOSING president, you would have heard him suggest there are “other ways” we can accomplish our goals “but, hopefully we won’t need them.” Here’s what I believe that means: I believe individual 1 is going to attempt to follow the advice of Mike Flynn and call out the military after declaring “martial law.” I’ve been writing about the need to vote republicans into the history books for over 10 years! They just keep providing more proof I’ve been correct!

Not only has individual 1 been ignoring the FACT a once in a century pandemic has engulfed our nation (and, is getting worse by the day) and his supporters don’t care – there will be over 400,000 dead Americans from the virus by the day individual 1 is out of office on January 20th and it will take MONTHS for the Biden administration to get it under control. And, individual 1’s supporters won’t care. The republican Senate has BLOCKED aid to all those who’ve been affected by the pandemic – people who are without money, food, power, and who knows what else – and individual 1’s supporters don’t care. Our IMPEACHED so-called two time popular vote LOSING president has been doing the bidding of Vladimir Putin for the past four years, including ignoring Russian bounties on our troops in Afghanistan, his supporters don’t care.

Individual 1 has (credibly) LIED something like 250,000 times to “we the people” since taking office back in 2017. That REALLY bothers me, but his supporters don’t care. I have watched him at rallies on several occasions when I KNOW he’s LYING through his teeth to his (uneducated voters) and they cheer him on. Let me tell you, people like him – the organized crime types – will just keep getting worse as long as they are allowed to violate the laws with impunity – in this case LYING with impunity. This is why it is so IMPERATIVE this thug faces accountability once he’s no longer protected by the OLC memo written back in the days of “Watergate.” (And, by the way, in that same “memo” was a “memo” from the OLC stating a “president can NOT pardon himself”)

Final Thought: I’m going to publish this rant without re-reading and editing because, well, that’s what I often do. It’s not how I taught my sixth graders – I’ll re-read it later. (I’ve got to go to the doctor) Today is the runoff election in Georgia and, obviously, I hope the democrats win, but I believe that’s a real longshot despite “we the people” will be much better off without Moscow Mitch in charge of the Senate. Let’s hope the republican Secretary of State remains vigilent despite individual 1’s attacks and threats and lets hope neither he or the other republican officials in Georgia are the victims of any violence should the democrats win these runoff elections. (And, it’s possible only one of the democrats might win)

Senators like Ted Cruz and Josh Hawley are testing the limits of the ignorance of the republican electorate! Holy coup d’etat!

I’ve been calling individual 1 a “mob boss” for over three years. Most have considered this hyperbole, but as time has gone by the characterizations have evolved to the point where I’m now hearing journalists, pundits, and prosecutors using similar terms. They’ve gone from “bully,” to “wannabee dictator,” to “autocrat,” to where now he’s actually – while having lawyers on the phone line with him – made an incredible (unbelievable) one hour phone call with the Secretary of State of Georgia where he threatened him, Brad Raffensperger, with “criminal liability” unless he could “find” enough votes to allow individual 1 to “win” the state of Georgia. Many have been pointing out the OBVIOUS now for the past two or three years – individual 1 has NO moral compass, he CHEATS with impunity, and he’ll do anything to avoid being considered a LOSER! He acts like an organized criminal!

Today I was listening to Jon Heilman on MSNBC and he was using the word I’ve been using for over 3 years, DAMAGE, to what individual 1 is doing to this country. He said, “we’re all counting the minutes until January 20th and hoping the country is still standing from the DAMAGE our IMPEACHED so-called two time popular vote LOSING president (my phraseology) inflicts on his way out of the ‘White House.'” Heilman was into the “D” words to describe individual 1: “depraved,” “delusional,” “desperation,” “derangement,” “detachment from reality,” and, of course, he used the word “DAMAGE,” multiple times before he ended the “D” word description with the word “Dumb.” The phone call to Raffensperger was really DUMB and Georgia’s Secretary of State wasn’t going to put the recording of the phone call out “unless he lies about me on Twitter.” If anything was predictable, that would be it. (Which is why Raffensperger taped the phone call)

Well, this is our IMPEACHED so-called two time popular vote LOSING president and was there any doubt he would LIE about the conversation? He can’t help himself! Heilman, toward the end of his remarks sounded like James Mattis and Rex Tillerson when he used the term “moron.” The conversation on “Deadline White House,” the MSNBC show led by Nicole Wallace, then changed to the seditious Senators who are going to support individual 1’s ILLEGAL behavior by challenging the results of the Electoral College certification of Joe Biden as the 47th President of the United States. This group, led by some of the most ambitious of them – apparently pandering to the white nationalist base of our IMPEACHED so-called two time popular vote LOSING president, as if that would be THEIR path to the “White House” – Ted Cruz and Josh Hawley – I’m surprised Marco Rubio isn’t one of them, but, heck I listed all the House members who joined the seditious Texas Lawsuit which was THROWN OUT of the SCOTUS so, here they are: Ron Johnson, James Lankford, Steve Daines, John Kennedy, Marsha Blackburn, Mike Braun, Tommy Tuberville, Cynthia Lummis, Roger Marshal, and Bill Haggerty. They have now volunteered to be in Congress’ “House of Shame!” (Now, we can add Kelly Loeffler)

Have you ever wondered why so many people RECORD conversations with individual 1? Do you think it has anything to do with the reality individual 1 has CREDIBLY LIED to “we the people” over 20,000 times in his four years in office. The 20,000 number was as of July of 2020 so it will likely exceed 25,000 by the time he’s dragged out of the “White House.” As those on Ms. Wallace’s program were discussing, this outrageous example of an American president further ABUSING his power – violating multiple LAWS once again – I couldn’t help but notice each of the three “guests” on her program used the term “mafia don” in reference to the ongoing behavior of our IMPEACHED so-called two time popular vote LOSING president. I keep thinking back to the IMPEACHMENT “trial” where republicans could have ended all this but didn’t have the courage. Well, we now know why, don’t we? With HUNDREDS of republicans showing their willingness to accept SEDITION as a way to stay in power, much of what I’ve been lobbying about for the past TEN (plus) years should be crystal clear. (This version of the republican party MUST be voted into the history books)

Individual 1 has been doing this lawless behavior in public view for pretty much the ENTIRE four years he’s been in office. I can’t count the number of times he’s gotten a “pass” because he’s too “DUMB” to know any better. Many said this about the Russian “collusion,” many said it about the “OBSTRUCTION” of the Mueller report, and, apparently, that was the republican justification for ENABLING a (IMPEACHED so-called two time popular vote LOSING) president who was attempting to EXTORT a foreign president for political help in his upcoming election. I’ll never forget Adam Schiff so eloquently laying it ALL out in the IMPEACHMENT “trial” as he pointed out we all know what individual 1 will do – “he’ll do this again,” and, of course, he’s doing exactly that. These republicans who live in FEAR of individual 1’s “Tweets” are now part of the “basket of deplorables.”

Actually, all the LYING and disgusting behavior coming from the republican party SHOULD be surprising to NO one. I’ve been pointing out for years the republican party has “adopted” the Nazi propaganda scheme “The Big Lie Theory” and they’ve been using it since, at least, the 1980’s. Apparently, that is why individual 1 fits in so well, because he just naturally LIES about virtually everything. Maybe that is why the republican “base” is so united in defense of such a DEPLORABLE (IMPEACHED so-called two time popular vote LOSING) president – he’s willing to do ANYTHING to remain in power – and, for the “white nationalists” that, cheating to win, would be acceptable to them – because “we the people” by and large are repudiated by that belief and, for them, it’s all about the POWER not the constitution.

Tomorrow is the runoff election in the state of Georgia and if, somehow, Jon Ossoff and Rafael Warnock, the democrats, pull out a victory things in America will be a bit less “rocky” in the coming two years. Keep in mind, unless democrats would be willing to do away with the filibuster, they will continue to face the OBSTRUCTION of Moscow Mitch. Do you think there are 10 republicans in the Senate who would be willing to work with democrats to get progressive legislation passed? Who knows? Republican constituents need to help of our nation’s government as well as democrats. The coronavirus relief, which McConnell referred to as “Blue state bailouts,” is not simply aimed at “Blue States” as if that’s the only part of America being affected by the pandemic. The difference between the republicans and democrats in the Georgia runoff is so stark that we’ll get a good idea on the level of challenge facing “we the people” over the next few years.

When the “smoke” clears from all this it will be interesting to see how people view Georgia’s two republicans who’ve been pushed into the spotlight – Brad Raffensperger and Gabriel Sterling – who appear to be willing to stand strong in the face of individual 1’s ILLEGAL bullying tactics. I’ve heard varying reports about what Raffensperger has been doing in Georgia – which would include some efforts to suppress democratic voters – but, I have to say, he’s going to come out of this as a hero to many people like me who believe in the “rule of law.”

To me, the question going forward gets back to whether “we the people” have the stomach to investigate and possibly PROSECUTE a former president, even an IMPEACHED so-called two time popular vote LOSING president. He ILLEGALLY solicited help from the Russians in the 2016 campaign, he ILLEGALLY OBSTRUCTED Robert Mueller’s investigation, he ILLEGALLY attempted to EXTORT the president of Ukraine for “dirt” on Joe Biden, and now he’s ILLEGALLY committing VOTE fraud as he is attempting to ILLEGALLY EXTORT his will with people like Mr. Raffensperger and threatening him with criminal sanctions if he doesn’t bend to his will. I can guarantee you, if individual 1 is not held to account “we the people” will be going through this again.

For example, what if someone like those who are being referred to as the “seditious dozen” (now “Baker’s dozen” because Ms. Loeffler has joined the group in a desperate attempt to get more votes in the runoff election) has their eyes on the “White House?” Like, for example, either Ted Cruz or Josh Hawley? Do you believe republicans will believe they are joining in an effort designed to overthrow our “free and fair election?” Are republicans sophisticated enough to realize their “leaders” are working in the same direction designed to undermine our process of elections as Vladimir Putin? This is all serious, but it’s also, to me, as if I’m in a bad dream. I keep asking myself how there could be enough STUPID people in America for someone like a mob boss, ie individual 1, to end up as our (IMPEACHED so-called two time popular vote LOSING) president? If they’re there today, they could still be here in four years. Accountability for individual 1 is IMPERATIVE!

Final Thought: Another thing I’ve been writing about for several years now is individual 1’s curious “bromance” with Vladimir Putin. It’s been widely reported – including in Rober Mueller’s report which I read TWICE – that the purpose of the Russian ATTACK, originally, was to undermine the “free and fair elections” in America. So, does it surprise you that individual 1 and his seditious republican enablers are doing Putin’s “bidding” as I’m writing this? Individual 1 has sucked MILLIONS of Americans into a CULT which is espousing Russian talking points and now you have a significant portion of elected republicans joining force with that thinking. This is dangerous to the foundation of our republic – as I’ve been saying for years, only my concern has been elevated exponentially.

While individual 1 continues to attempt his coup d’etat he’s IGNORING his actual responsibility of being the leader of this nation in the face of a once in a century pandemic. And, of course, every day where there’s NO national leadership – at the stage of the virus we’re all now facing – is catastrophic. For example, the strain of the virus which has been identified in Great Britain which is almost twice as contagious as the original “strain,” has now surfaced in several U.S. states, This, of course, means there will be more cases and more people needing hospital care – as our hospitals in several states are already at capacity – plus, all across America there is a significant shortage of medical personnel capable of working in ICU’s. According to “” (where I follow the virus) there are soon to be 30,000 American in “serious/critical” condition as they battle the virus. Less than two months ago, that number was around 14,000. And, all the experts are saying the next two months are going to be much worse. Add to that, individual 1’s “team” is BLUNDERING through the vaccine “rollout.” Yikes!

Individual 1’s desperation reminds me of my high school basketball coach when he “preached” “one mistake leads to another.” I believe our IMPEACHED so-called two time popular vote LOSING president is acting with impunity because he fears what lies ahead once he’s no longer protected by that (STUPID) OLC memo which has shielded him from legal accountability. I believe he had considerable “stuff” for which to worry BEFORE he made this call to Mr. Raffensperger, but now……..? He could have it coming at him from the North the South and places in between! Stay tuned!!

Individual 1’s legacy: Americans DYING at rates in excess of 9/11 and him on the golf course!

There’s so much going through my head I want to (eventually) write about, but today I keep thinking it won’t take long for the republicans to engage in a strategic plan to undermine Joe Biden’s Vice President, Kamala Harris. I’ve briefly mentioned the obvious on a few occasions already. She has similarities to Barack Obama with a father of African descent and, then, in addition, a mother of Indian descent PLUS they were “immigrants” when Ms. Harris was born in Oakland, California over 50 years ago. Who would have guessed.

Of course, we’ve already seen the “birther” stuff pop up – in a Newsweek magazine article, no less (who has since apologized for publishing what amounted to nonsense) – republicans subsequently claiming she can’t be Vice President because, well, just because. Apparently, the FACT she was born in America isn’t good enough for them. Remember, individual 1 was attempting to, essentially, overturn the 14th Amendment to the constitution which is CLEAR in it’s definition of “birthright citizenship” some months ago. The idea Ms. Harris would be ineligible to run to be our Vice President because her parents were immigrants is absurd on its face. But, trust me, we haven’t heard the end of this one. Likely, individual 1 will be leading another episode of “birtherism” once out of office. (Remember, he is a second generation “immigrant” and his wife is a, well, “immigrant.”)

But, just the reality Ms. Harris is half “Black,” half “Indian,” AND maybe her most egregious offense is she’s a WOMAN will be the motivation behind the right wing message machine hitting high gear sooner rather than later. Think back to those in Congress who admitted the Ben Ghazi attacks on Hillary Clinton were intended to drop her “favorabilities” – and, they were bragging about how effective their strategy was before she destroyed their scheme in 11 hours of testimony before the House Ben Ghazi Committee (Although, the damage had been done). Expect something similar for Kamala Harris. I’ve already heard her being referred to as the “Ho from O” (Oakland) by republicans in the House. It’s going to get ugly because the chances of Ms. Harris breaking the so-called “glass ceiling” which James Comey prevented Hillary Clinton from “breaking” is quite high.

The FACT Joe Biden is 78 years old, I’m sure, is enough to put these right wing bigots into a state of frenzy. What is the likelihood Biden will serve his entire term? For heaven’s sake, I am 73 years old and, every day, it becomes clearer and clearer to me I’m really thankful for Social Security because I’m too old to be working. I give thanks every day I wake up. Now, in my instance, I was “blessed” with a malady which interfered with my desire to keep teaching when it became time for me to retire. However, the reality we’re on the “downhill slide” when we get into our 70’s is simply reality. I hope Biden stays healthy and is able to govern effectively for the next four years, but my instincts tell me it’s very possible Ms. Harris will be our 47th president by this time four years from now. Republicans hate this, I can assure you.

And, worse for them, Ms. Harris is very bright, very strong, and very competent – something which seems unimportant to those pulling the strings of the republican party. We’ve just witnessed over 120 members of the republican caucus in the House of Representatives, every one who has taken an oath to the constitution, signing on to the FRIVOLOUS lawsuit filed by the pardon seeking Secretary of State in Texas trying to overturn the election results in Georgia, Pennsylvania, Michigan, and Wisconsin. Apparently, the people in those states voted for the wrong candidate according to these republicans which makes it important to throw out ALL the votes in the so-called “swing states.” This is the attempt at a Junta in America which people like me thought would NEVER happen in this nation. These members of Congress have publicly admitted their “loyalty” is to individual 1 and NOT to our constitution – despite their “oath” to the contrary.

Will the voters in the districts of these people EVER hold them accountable? Likely not, which will demonstrate the effects of gerrymandering in America like we’ve never seen before. Why would someone publicly make a stand against our constitutional form of government? Ironically, should the lawsuit have succeeded it would have wiped out the elections of many of these un-American representatives. (While I was writing this rant the Supreme Court, as MOST thinking Americans, apparently including me, in a 9 – 0 vote “deep sixed” the Texas lawsuit) I was driving around tonight and thought it’s time the democratic party focuses on these areas which are called “red” counties, states, etc. I have to believe there MUST be republicans who don’t understand their representatives are actually supporting anti democratic measures via individual 1. That their loyalty is to our IMPEACHED so-called two time popular vote LOSING president who has significant legal jeopardy once out of the “White House” instead of to the constitution which they’ve taken an oath to defend. They pay more taxes than him!

Just as NO official representative of individual 1 campaigned, at least as far as I could tell, in my state, Washington, because we’re a “blue” state – I believe it’s because they KNOW their argument would not appeal to progressives. However, I believe Joe Biden’s positions are such that people in some of these “red” areas would realize he’s trying to help them and they might decide they don’t want to be represented by someone whose oath to the constitution is just hot air. Their representative is living in FEAR of individual 1 even after he’s been voted our of office. And, they’re going along with the “grifting” scheme republicans are doing after the election to raise hundreds of millions of dollars in money much of which ultimately will end up in the pockets of our IMPEACHED so-called two time popular vote LOSING president.

I wrote the previous words over a week ago and, as usual, I’m having a hard time keeping up with all the nonsense coming from individual 1 and the republican party. This coming week we’ll see a bunch of republicans making fools of themselves as they “contest” the results of the election causing a delay in the final Congressional acceptance of the Electoral College results. As I’ve said previously, it will be interesting to see how Mike Pense responds to the challenge of doing the “right thing” as opposed to the wrath of individual 1 which he’ll face once he proclaims Joe Biden the “president elect.” Of course, he’ll have no option but to do that, but our IMPEACHED so-called two time popular vote LOSING president EXPECTS everyone in his “orbit” to have the same mafia type mentality as himself. I believe individual 1’s anger at Pense will fully expose his delusional reality. Of course, his CULT will not care.

After I read “Rising out of Hatred,” the story of Derek Black written by Eli Saslow I spent some time checking out his father who founded the hate site “” and will not forget reading his words which claimed “individual 1 (he, of course, used the surname I can’t bring myself to write) was the ‘vehicle’ leading the white supremacists into the “mainstream” of American politics.” There’s a lot of them (white nationalists) and they make up a significant portion of the “base” of our IMPEACHED so-called two time popular vote LOSING president, but, like him, they don’t want to give it up. I believe the realize the reality they’re facing – which will be progressively more irrelevance as the years go by – which, likely is why they’re willing to “burn the country down” in order to keep their “fuhrer” (I’m not kidding, that’s what some of them have called individual 1) in power. January 20th can’t come soon enough for me!

Final Thought: I started pointing out the discrepancies between the statistics I was seeing as I followed the coronavirus outbreak and what was being reported by some of the states with GOP governors – I suggested they were CHEATING (what else, we’re talking about republicans) to make themselves look better as they (the governors) were pushing to “re-open” their “economies” too soon. Of course, we’ve been playing “catch up” ever since and, now, the pandemic is way out of control and MANY people have DIED who shouldn’t have died because of this CHEATING – which was encouraged by our IMPEACHED so-called two time popular vote LOSING president who, we now know, “bought” in to the idea of “herd immunity.” (I figured this out when he muttered the phrase “herd mentality” one day)

Hyperbole? Not on your life. One of the states I mentioned was Florida and, of course, it’s now coming out that Ron DeSantis was ordering people in Florida’s health department to LIE about the number of people DYING from the disease. I also mentioned states like Texas, Iowa, South Dakota, and Arizona as states I was suspicious of their reporting. Eventually, this will all come out and “we the people” will KNOW the TRUTH about what is really happening while Americans are DYING by the THOUSANDS – virtually a 9/11 every day now and likely to get much worse before all the vaccines will be able to be widely administered.

Individual 1 continues complaining about LOSING to Joe Biden but, yet, continues to demonstrate why it happened. His response to the Covid-19 pandemic wasn’t something which would be a good example of something to campaign on. It was the first real crisis our IMPEACHED so-called two time popular vote LOSING president had to deal with and he FLUNKED with flying colors. Individual 1 PROVED he was in way over his head and had NO idea of how to manage the office of president of the United States of America.

Between Christmas and New Year’s there were several days where the death count from Covid-19 was approaching 4000 per DAY – and, our IMPEACHED so-called two time popular vote LOSING president was playing golf each day. As he fumes about losing to “sleepy Joe” he should simply look in the mirror and realize this will be his legacy – him on the golf course while Americans are dying at a rate well beyond 9/11! Personally, I don’t call that “presidential.”

The republicans coming alongside individual 1 to undermine our election process belong in the “House of SHAME!”

Our IMPEACHED so-called two time popular vote LOSING president has famously referred to himself as a “Very Stable Genius” (The Title of a best selling book) and his recent group of pardons, as he’s “on his way out of Dodge” could come back to “haunt” him. IF Joe Biden actually nominates an Attorney General who understands the importance of holding individual 1 accountable for his CRIMES he may regret pardoning some of these characters who helped him “collude” with the Russians during the 2016 election. If you read the Mueller report, as I did (twice) you would understand our IMPEACHED so-called two time popular vote LOSING president committed up to TEN OBSTRUCTION of Justice offenses and people like Paul Manafort, Roger Stone, and others either refused to testify against him or LIED when being questioned and now they’ve been pardoned.

So, you might ask why that could be an issue for individual 1? Well, once Manafort, Stone, and the others accept their pardons they have forfeited their right to a 5th amendment right in any Grand Jury procedure aimed at our IMPEACHED so-called two time popular vote LOSING president. They will be required to testify and if they refuse they can be JAILED for contempt and if they LIE, well, they’ve then committed perjury and they’re right back where they started, BEFORE the pardons. The more individual 1 DAMAGES our system on his way out the door, the MORE I’m hopeful he’s prosecuted once out of office. And, if he pardons himself, I hope Joe Biden’s Attorney General challenges it so that the Supreme Court can make a final determination whether our presidents are above the law, or NOT?

I was watching a re-run of an interview with individual 1 back in March of 2018 where he was asked if he was going to pardon Paul Manafort (by then, it was public knowledge he had already dangled a pardon to Manafort) and, as he was suggesting he “didn’t know,” he said something like, “Mr. Manafort worked for me for a very short time and he’s a very fine person.” What? I mean more like, “What the……? A very fine person? I’m not sure if you know anything about Manafort, but it would take a mob boss, which is how I’ve described our IMPEACHED so-called two time popular vote LOSING president to suggest Manafort is a “very fine person.” I wonder if he meant that just like calling the neo-Nazi’s marching with Tiki Torches in Charlottesville “very fine people.” 28 days to go? OMG, what’s coming next?

Another recipient of one of these pardons individual 1 is giving away as if he’s giving Christmas presents for the “Toys for Tots” drive is Jared Kushner’s father. You should read “Kushner Inc.” by Vicky Ward if you want to get a good idea of Mr. Kushner and what type of person he is. Take it from Chris Christie who was the prosecutor who put him in prison for about three years and he wouldn’t likely suggest Jared’s Dad is a “Very fine person.” Do you know anyone who’s set up his brother-in-law with a hooker, videotaped the encounter, and then sent the videotape to his sister to get even with her for – you guessed it – telling the TRUTH? Do you see a parallel here? I’ve said many times when it comes to Jared as individual 1’s son-in-law, “the apple doesn’t fall far from the tree.” Even though Jared isn’t his blood relative.

Actually, the Kushner’s were, as far as I could tell, the New Jersey version of individual 1’s family. Jared had to take over for his Dad because he could no longer execute mortgage agreements as a convicted felon which ended up with 666 5th Avenue in Manhattan as their prime property – which could be an issue for Jared once he’s out of the “White House” – although, I’m sure he’ll be getting a pardon as well. Keep in mind, a pardon has to be for some CRIME which has been committed, i believe it has to have at least some specificity. Should be interesting. (If you remember – or if you don’t – Jared spent a good portion of his first three years as a “senior adviser” to individual 1 attempting to find a foreign investment group willing to bail him [and his Dad] out of a MASSIVE debt obligation on their 666 [those are the numbers of the devil, just sayin] property on 5th Avenue in Manhattan. And, of course, one of the Arab countries bailed the Kushner’s out – should lead to an interesting investigation???)

OK – I started this rant about a week ago, right before Christmas, and I’m going to attempt to “clean up my business.” Tonight, I read an article in the Washington Post about Russell Vought, individual 1’s head of the “Office of Management and Budget” who claimed – as the right wing hack he is – he was going to “control the national debt” and, in his two years on the job, the debt INCREASED by OVER $6 TRILLION. For all you MAGA supporters out there who are now becoming “fiscal hawks” once again, now that a democrat will be in the “White House,” that’s, by far, a new RECORD! Of course, the coronavirus played a role in that, but individual 1’s administration indicated a disregard for the budget deficits from day one – as his ONE legislative achievement was the tax SCAM which funneled TRILLIONS to the Americans who need it NOT.

And, of course, in true republican hypocritical fashion, in refusing to allow the Senate to vote on the $2000 relief package the House passed and our IMPEACHED so-called two time popular vote LOSING president was/has been pushing, Moscow Mitch stated “we’re not going to vote on a bill which sends unneeded funds to wealthy democrats.” I’m not kidding – you can’t make this kind of stuff up! Well, if you’re a republican you can pretty much make up whatever you want – like, for example, that individual 1 actually “won” the recent election with OVER 7 MILLION less votes than “sleepy” Joe Biden. (Some times I think what galls republicans the most is that Biden didn’t have to do too much campaigning to WIN the election – by a popular vote LANDSLIDE! (In fact, the Electoral College “landslide” was exactly the same as individual 1’s “landslide” in 2016)

The aforementioned Mr. Vought is doing everything in his power to make the transition of the Biden administration as difficult as possible. He’s been part of the right wing team in individual 1’s administration attempting to “burn the house down” or, in the words of Steve Bannon “defund the administrative state.” (Or words to that affect) Vought is refusing to allow members of Biden’s incoming team to gain important information which would allow them to “hit the ground running” on January 20th – likely because our IMPEACHED so-called two time popular vote LOSING president still hasn’t conceded and is still ginning up his IGNORANT base to believe he’ll be the one taking the oath on January 20th. Had that actually been the case I was prepared to try starting a national effort designed to urge they dispense with any “oath” which would be given to individual 1 – because he’s incapable of actually honoring his oath.

And, the scurrilous sycophants go way deeper than Mr. Vought – although, what he’s doing could be causing MORE people to DIE from the coronavirus because he’s standing in the way of Biden’s team being able to coordinate plans for the rollout of the vaccine. Already, in the first month since the emergency approval was granted to the first two vaccines we’ve seen MORE of the INCOMPETENCE coming from the administration of our IMPEACHED so-called two time popular vote LOSING president. About one TENTH the numbers of people being vaccinated – which was promised “By the end of the year” have actually been given the first dose in their arm. This is really bad, but as always, there’s MORE.

Now we have members of the House and Senate who are going to put on a “show” for the individual 1 base in order to set themselves up for the next election cycle. They’re planning to “object” to the electors in the six states where individual 1 has been filing one FRIVOLOUS lawsuit after another – virtually ALL of them to no avail – apparently, in an attempt to prevent the nasty “tweet” from our IMPEACHED so-called two time popular vote LOSING president which happens when you fail to follow his every command. (Do you see why I’ve been referring to him as a mob boss for over 3 years now?)

Here’s how this works, if you’re not familiar: The vice president (in this case Mike Pense) calls on each state to announce their electors and he tabulates them and declares Joe Biden the WINNER of the election. Simple, right? Nope, not with individual 1 at the helm – a degree of narcissism beyond recognition. For each state if one member of the House and one member of the Senate “object” to the electors, then both Chambers retreat to their separate “chamber,” have two hours of debate (which could end up being three or four hours in the house because of the digital rules), then each chamber votes and if BOTH agree to the objection then the electors are thrown out. (What happens after that I’m not sure – a new election? Well, it aint gonna happen so we still won’t know because neither chamber will vote to affirm the objections).

Even if there were enough STUPID Senators to go along with this “show” there’s no way the House will vote for ANY of the “objections” – so it’s all “theater” for individual 1’s adulating and ignorant “base.” My mind is always reminded of him, in the 2016 primary season claiming, “I love uneducated voters.” Little did we know. Here’s a bit of advice for these people. You’re really looking quite bad these days – in one of my previous posts I HAD to use the term STUPID. I fully understand that’s a derogatory term, but, sadly, it fits. At this point in time our democratic republic is on the line and there’s way too many Americans willing to throw it away because they don’t get THEIR “way.” It’s like dealing with a bunch of spoiled “sixth graders.” (I say that as a former sixth grade teacher – although, I taught my students better than this – to think critically and to respect this imperfect nation.

I’ve always believed in our process of elections being the vehicle of change in this great nation. I grudgingly accepted individual 1 had “won” the 2016 election but had no idea, at the time, of his campaign’s “collusion” with the Russians and I still haven’t forgiven James Comey for his inexplicable refusal to honor long standing FBI principles which SHOULD have prevented him from stepping into the election 11 days out. I was closely watching the polling at that time and there was a clear swing away from Hillary Clinton in the days following his announcement that the email investigation had been re-opened – needlessly and thoughtlessly.

Of course, on many occasion I’ve thought about how difficult things would have been for Mrs. Clinton with a Congress controlled by republicans (We’d likely still have three open Supreme Court Seats) and, republicans very possibly would have made re-election impossible for Mrs. Clinton – so, this “deplorable” four years were likely inevitable sooner or later because, the reality is the right wing white nationalist, misogynistic, xenophobic, and autocratic group of Americans exists and “we the people” MUST not hide from this fact. We HOPEFULLY have learned the importance of getting people to the polls in EVERY election going forward because I can guarantee you these “deplorables” are going nowhere.

Check out some of the websites – like the “Proud Boys,” or various “Boogaloo bois,” or – to me, the worst one I’ve seen a group calling itself “Atomwaffen.” Check them out – this is where those armed “militia” types were seeing at “Stop the Steal” rallies are coming from. And, I’ll say it again here, if you align yourself with these people, don’t tell me you’re no racist. I know people who fall into that “camp” and it almost makes me sick to have to write that, but “it is what it is.” And, these people all profess to be “Christians.” To me, I would say to them, “log into the ‘Atomwaffen’ website and then tell me you support individual 1.” Or the “Proud Boys.” Are you kidding me – individual 1 urged them on in one of the debates he LOST to Joe Biden. None of this is a secret anymore. Check out the Stormfront website – and, you’ll find supporters who refer to individual 1 as their “fuhrer.” You’ll also find people who’ve been pictured with Kelly Loeffler, one of the republicans in the Georgia Senate runoffs. Don’t tell me these people are not racists – and, if you support them, well……………. (figure it out!)

Final Thought: This will be a “busy” week. January 3rd, the new Congress is seated (less the two Senators from Georgia), January 5th is the runoff election in Georgia which will determine who controls the gavel in the Senate (likely republicans I have to sadly suggest – even though I’ve given money to both democratic candidates) and January 6th will be the day numerous republicans go on record as being willing to overthrow a free and fair election in this great nation. I’m sure I’ll be writing more about that – doing my SMALL part to make sure they are publicly SHAMED for demonstrating a willingness to turn America all the way into a fascist state. (Keeping in mind, we are now pretty much a “corporatocracy” which is close right now)

By the Grace of God, if the two democrats WIN in Georgia, the democrats will control the Senate for at least two years. That’s the good news (and, as I said, quite unlikely – it’s GEORGIA) Here’s the bad news: I don’t have a lot of confidence for the democrats to govern progressively during these two years, My guess is they’ll be AFRAID to “deep six” the filibuster – so, in effect, Moscow Mitch will still control the Senate – just as he did when he “filibustered” Obama’s legislative agenda OVER 700 times over 8 years. I’ve said this for years, the problem with democrats is they’re afraid to defend their own fundamental beliefs. It SHOULD sink into them that the working class WHITE people should be supporting their agenda by much greater numbers – but, they end up – the democrats – failing to defend their own positions.

I still remember the 2014 mid terms when democrats were unwilling to defend the Affordable Care Act because republican had a massive disinformation campaign which made the law temporarily unpopular. When did it become popular? When it became apparent republicans might actually succeed in dismantling it. I’ve been pointing out for many years now – the political FIGHT in America is a WAR for the heart and soul of this nation. Maybe it took individual 1 for progressives (liberals) to figure this out, but if we want to preserve our democratic republican we are going to need to FIGHT for it – because, as I’ve said the “deplorables” aren’t going away.

Many republicans were offended by Hillary Clinton referring to the “basket of deplorables” (Yes, it was stupid to say it from a political point of view) but, the reality is the “deplorables” have taken over the republican party and I believe that will lead to what I’ve been lobbying for over these past 10+ years – that “today’s republican party” would be voted into the history books. The TRUTH about individual 1 is GOING to come out and he’s GOING to end up right next to Benedict Arnold in the history books which are yet to be written – and, sadly, many of these republicans in Congress are headed for that same spot because they DON’T have the courage of what, at least at one point in time, was their “convictions.” When they refer to the constitution their words ring hollow because of their cowardly actions following this past election. Individual 1 is a right wing fascist and these republican politicians (apparently led by none other than Ted Cruz) are coming along side him – willingly. This is the epitome of putting “party ahead of country” and it’s SHAMEFUL!