Monthly Archives: May 2020

Does individual 1 actually have a strategy to repair the image that he’s incompetent? Would it be DEFLECTION????

It appears that, on the horizon, as a way to get the topic changed, for at least a few days, the topic coming from the “White House” is going to be how Michael Flynn was treated so “unfairly” by the FBI. If individual 1 gets away with this – and, likely, he will – at least in regard to our so-called “liberal media” – it will be due to the predictable issue with amnesia which permeates America. And, this is understandable because we’re all witnessing an administration which has “provided” us with a “scandal a day.” So, the issue with Flynn seems to be a “lifetime” ago. There was much more to all this – Flynn’s GUILTY plea – than we’re likely to remember. But, I’ll try to help. (And, I’ve got the memory of an old person so I probably will miss some of it)

Flynn was working with his SON in a business which was ILLEGALLY lobbying for the government of Turkey. In addition, he had some kind of questionable arrangement with Vladimir Putin resulting in him accepting around $50,000 from the Russian government – which, I believe, was in violation of his status as a retired Army general. If you remember (and, if you don’t, I’ll remind you) Flynn was also involved in a scheme to kidnap a Turkish religious leader who lives in Pennsylvania and gets under the “skin” of Recep Tayyip Erdogan, Turkey’s dictator er president. Flynn’s son was involved in all of this – they had accepted half a MILLION dollars from Turkey without registering as foreign agents – all while working on individual 1’s campaign. Flynn was writing op-eds in support of Turkey.

It’s a bit curious why individual 1 would feel such an obligation to Flynn simply because the fact is he was doing these things while taking the job of National Security Adviser to the (now IMPEACHED so-called) president. Certainly, a retired Army general SHOULD have understood what he was doing was illegal. And, his son was right in the middle of it all based on all the reports I read at the time – so, I believed he got a “good deal” from the FBI with his plea arrangement because there were NO charges for anything other than his LYING to the FBI which would have ended up with possibly NO jail time had he followed through on his original agreement with Mueller. And, NO charges for his son! The judge in his case reminded him of some of the things he was doing aside from the LYING and he (the judge) considered it almost treasonous. All of this will be revisited, at least publicly, if individual 1 does what it appears he’s setting up to do – and that’s to give a pardon to Mr. Flynn. (And, once Flynn accepts the pardon he MUST testify with no “taking the 5th” privilege – for example, in the case there was a different Attorney General)

My guess is the pardon will be for the LYING and I’m not sure if that means he’s still liable for the other issues which were the ones the judge suggested might be treasonous. Additionally, I have to wonder if Flynn’s pardon leaves his son with nothing to worry about – I’m reasonably certain his original GUILTY plea was negotiated so his son was not charged with anything. Remember, there’s a pretty good chance individual 1 WON’T be in office past next January and, therefore, William Barr won’t be the head of the Justice Department. Admittedly, there will be a HUGE challenge to restore credibility to one of the foundational parts of our republic (The Justice Department), so the question of liability for crimes committed by individual 1 and his sycophants is up in the air.

When President Obama said we need to “look forward instead of back” as he, in essence, was enabling the lawbreaking of the Bush/Cheney administration I pointed out that was a monumentally BAD decision. Bush, Cheney, Rumsfeld, and others in their administration had authorized TORTURE (and, in the case of Bush and Cheney they both said they’d “do it again” – in interviews on national TV no less) plus other crimes and allowing that to “stand” was a terrible suggestion that those at the “top” are above the law. Additionally, virtually no one was charged with a crime in the financial disaster of 2008 despite Wall Street bankers (and banks) recklessly using other people’s money to make HUGE gains which were “ill-gotten” and then getting bailed out by the “we the people” who provided them the money they squandered in the first place. As many others beside myself predicted, this would enable a future president to feel comfortable violating our laws. Well, here we are again! We GET to choose if we want to continue on this present course – come November.

I feel as if this pandemic is likely to prevent much of a campaign (other than digitally) based on how we’re dealing with it right now – much of the country is in “re-open” mode as I’m writing this and, it appears, in most instances it’s too soon – at least based on the guidelines which came from the “White House task force” which was laid out just over a week ago. Of course, as I predicted, individual 1 would be unable to stick to his own “plan” and it only took about half of one day before he was “tweeting” LIBERATE – followed by a list of three states which had a group of white nationalists armed to the hilt “protesting” at their state capital while, in each instance, the state was following individual 1’s guidelines – the white nationalists were carrying an array of assault weapons, racist and Nazi signs, confederate flags, swastikas, and “MAGA” hats connecting them to individual 1. He, of course, reminded us they’re “very good people.”

Here’s what I hope DOESN’T happen should Joe Biden (or whoever the democrats nominate) become our 46th president: “Looking forward instead of back.” Not only are individual 1 and many of his sycophants – including William Barr – appearing to think the laws don’t apply to them, but they appear to be arrogantly believing democrats would never hold them accountable for their misdeeds. And, that would include the groups who are invading our state capitals carrying assault weapons – pseudo terrorists. For example, there is clear video evidence of the thugs, who they are, the ones who forced their way into Michigan’s capitol building yesterday and were yelling in the faces of the capitol police. I hope there will be a time when these people are forced to realize they live in a country which is a “country of laws and not men.” I have to wonder if they believe their actions are helping individual 1?

Along that line, the reason I’m becoming more confident individual 1 is going to LOSE in November is I believe he’s finally got the attention of all of us and his decisionmaking is being exposed to a wide array of Americans who don’t watch Fox “news” and the other right wing outlets which act as sycophants. Just yesterday Mike Pense suggested the virus will be in the rear view mirror by Memorial day (That’s 30 days from now) and Jared Kushner, who claims the administration’s actions regarding this crisis have been a “great success,” also is claiming America will be “rocking” by this summer. Well, I’m a baseball fan, so I hope he’s correct. But, here’s the reality, several states are “re-opening” as I’m writing this and, as I’ve predicted in the “you heard it here first” section in one of my recent posts (OK, that was sarcastic) several of the states are CHEATING with their statistics to make themselves look better. The statistics would suggest it’s too soon to start going back to “normal” so they’ll just LIE about what happens going forward. Many reports are now suggesting the number of “covid” related deaths are maybe as much as 20% higher than what has been reported.

I had mentioned South Dakota, Florida, and Georgia as the first three states which, I felt, the statistics on “” didn’t make sense. Well, now we know (somebody “blew the whistle”) that Florida’s Health department has been ordered by their (really bad) governor Ron DeSantis to cover up the cause of many of the deaths in that state. I had written the data suggests the same thing is happening in South Dakota and Georgia – but, so far, no one has blown the whistle there. However, if you live in those states, the likelihood you’re going to be exposed to the virus is much higher than if you lived in my state, Washington – which is also opening some venues (golf!!!) – but, in my state the numbers of infections have been going down for quite some time – I think a couple of weeks. (Well, it’s another day, and wouldn’t you know, Washington’s “numbers” went up yesterday – so we’re still in phase one)

I’m watching the statistics as close as I can and the deaths are still averaging OVER 2000 per day and newly infected Americans totaling over 30,000 per day of late. As New York is going down, the “rust belt” seems to be going up – in relation to the number of cases and deaths. By “re-opening” too soon, according to Dr. Fauci, there’s going to be another “spike” upward in cases and deaths. Picture yourself as a doctor or nurse thinking maybe there will be a time to take a deep breath and, in stead, bracing for another surge of very sick patients. My daughter is an RN and I pray for her daily – fortunately, the leadership where I live is listening and being guided by the scientists so things have been, as I said above, getting better.

The problem with a bunch of “red states” in America’s heartland opening up too soon – (for heavens sake, like in the case of Florida and Georgia where they instigated “shelter in place” orders way too late and didn’t leave them in tact for even two weeks – and, in states like South Dakota they still haven’t put stay at home orders in place at all) – is that it will make things worst for the rest of us. People in America travel all over the place and the places where the infections are going up can have an influence on places where the crisis is more under control. I’m like, presumably, everyone I know – I want this to be over with, but we have to persevere to get through this sooner rather than later. As the saying goes: “patience is a virtue.” That would suggest, a lack of patience is a problem!

What that means is re-opening too soon could mean this is going to be a problem much longer. I know you can’t expect people to stay in their homes for 2 years so “we the people” are going to need to learn how to deal with this. I think MOST of us just assume our federal government would have a “plan” to help get “we the people” through this, but what seems apparent is there is NO “plan” coming from the “White House” – other than to say, “We’re leaving it to the governors.” And, I keep seeing the pictures in my head of those “home grown terrorists” being called “very good people” by individual 1 as they were pushing their way into Michigan’s capitol building carrying AR 15’s (or some other form of assault weapon). I guess those “very good people” need their guns to make sure we know they’re bullies. Do they really think the rest of us should be listening to them? In a word: PREPOSTEROUS!

So, not only are we living in a time when Michael Flynn is able to shamelessly push for a pardon after committing some, according to the judge, near treasonous offenses – and, likely will get what he wants but, additionally, these right wing white nationalists are feeling enabled to bring their “deplorable” fascist philosophy out into the open with no fear of any push-back coming from the “government.” It is the “government” they seem to “fear” yet they drive up with a large flatbed truck with TRUMP UNITY emblazoned in large letters on the side of the truck’s bed, bully their way into Michigan’s capitol building and get a “very good people” response from our IMPEACHED so-called president. Yikes!!!

Final Thought(s): It appears to me what is really bothering these “home grown terrorists” is the reality their furor is being exposed during this pandemic and, somehow, they think by making the damage of the virus worse it will help him. You think that comment is too harsh? Then you haven’t seen the signs etc. referencing Nazi’s in their protests. It’s hard for me to look at this any other way than they’re seeing the same statistics the rest of us are seeing and that is first, individual 1’s INCOMPETENCE has been exposed – you actually need a competent leader in a situation as this (maybe they think making it worse will be better for him) – and, second the statistics are clear, most of the people who are dying from this virus are old people in nursing homes and people of color. So why not just re-open everything?

Well, aside from how bad that makes me feel that we have so many people in our nation who might even be thinking like that, as I’ve said here many times, you can open all kinds of businesses but they’re not going to flourish with no customers. Here’s my thinking: People will NOT by rushing to the airport to take trips, people are NOT going to be going to restaurants in large numbers, I don’t see people rushing back to the Movie theaters, I don’t see people rushing to take their kids to Disneyland anytime soon, as I’ve said here many times I’m really “longing” for Major League Baseball but if they have any season at all it’s likely with no fans, and I could go on, but I hope you get my point.

We’re in a severe recession and it’s going to get worse without strong national leadership and individual 1 has already abdicated his “throne.” He’s “giving it up” to all the governors – which, in effect, is NO plan at all. Some governors are attempting to coordinate but that is more like an act of desperation because they can’t control what’s NOT coming from the “White House.” I believe MOST of the American people realize what is happening (those not in the cult) and they will do their patriotic duty this November and vote to remove individual 1 from office – and, hopefully a “gaggle” of his republican sycophants in the Senate.

I’ve been correct in many of my predictions (guesses) on what was going to happen, although my predictions had nothing to do with the possibility of a pandemic – I’ve been hoping we could get through the four years of individual 1 without a major crisis – but, the republican party is where I was terribly wrong in my “guessing.” Right from the start I felt once the republicans realized individual 1 (I was still using his surname at that point) was threatening their own job security they would vote to remove him from office. Obviously, that was a foolish (naive) thought on my part. I miscalculated the power of the cult – which I didn’t understand was a cult following back then. I’ve been reading up on the white nationalist movement lately and that’s another part I was totally missing.

I’d heard the term “alt right” and I had a rough idea on where Steve Bannon was coming from when he took over individual 1’s campaign, I just had no idea how deep the thinking was in the white nationalist “world” and how much they were “connected” to individual 1. I honestly had no idea where his support was coming from – I certainly, even to this day, have been at a loss to understand his support with the so-called “Christian right.” I did “notice” the parallels with 1930’s Germany early on, including people giving the “heil” salute at his rallies, and the base comprised of “Christians” not to mention the same campaign slogan as Hitler – “Make Germany Great Again.” I also noticed David Duke was an eager supporter of individual 1. It took a while for much of this to sink in to me – but, each day it’s becoming clearer and causing me to realize the importance of this November’s election. I’ve been saying for years, this is a WAR for the heart and soul of this nation and that has never been clearer to me!

I’ll end this by reminding anyone who’s reading my posts for the first time I’ve been saying individual 1 is incapable of “shutting up” as his various advisers have futilely, and without success, have been encouraging him – almost from day one – and he keeps making campaign commercials for Joe Biden. Apparently it still hasn’t sunk in to our IMPEACHED so-called president what a “bad look” it was calling the white nationalists who converged on Charlottesville a couple years ago carrying Nazi flags, Confederate flags, holding Tiki Torches and chanting “Jews will not replace us” “very fine people.” So, with some variation of the white nationalist “crew” from Charlottesville protesting in Michigan, brandishing clothing with swastikas, signs in German with Nazi slogans, flying Confederate flags, armed with AR 15’s, and “storming” the capitol building – demanding Michigan make this virus worse – I guess it should surprise no one when individual 1 calls them “very good people.” There’s another commercial!

If individual 1’s actions have been such a “great success” why does he need to be doing all this BLAMING?

Well, individual 1 has been working hard to place the BLAME for his BLUNDERS and incompetence in regard to his response to the novel coronavirus somewhere beside, well, himself – and, lately it’s been a combination of the World Health Organization and/or China. Of course, his incompetence was the result of his own ignorance – but, he’s got a history of NEVER admitting to a mistake and ALWAYS coming out “swinging” when anyone criticizes him so the fact he’s busier figuring out how he can deflect and BLAME than actually fighting the pandemic should surprise no one. While “we the people” are suffering for his decisionmaking he considers himself the victim. I suppose it still hasn’t sunk in to him suggesting ingesting disinfectant to “cleanse your lungs” is a bad look for a U.S. president!

I wrote yesterday that his son-in-law Jared Kushner managed to get a spot on “Fox and Friends” to announce the IMPEACHED so-called president’s administration’s response to the pandemic has been a “great success story.” Well, we all know that’s not true, and, in fact, I believe it’s MORE “untrue” than “we the people” fully understand at this moment in time – there’s one day left in April (I’ll likely not finish this post until sometime in May) – and, starting on Friday the “stay at home” “suggestion” coming from individual 1’s administration will end and his push to “re-open” is designed, on its face, to transfer the responsibility for the soon to be uptick in Covid-19 cases to the governors of any of the states who fall for his shtick. Going forward, the uptick will be the governors fault, trust me on this one.

I can picture someone saying “How ignorant is individual 1? Let me count the ways.” Well, one way he’s not ignorant is in his ability to manipulate the media – he’s the “center of attention” every day, whether it works in his favor or not. He NEEDS the attention and it’s worth it to him no matter the cost. So, he is going to keep himself on the “front line” – in front of the TV cameras and, therefore, I’ll continue writing – apparently, this would indicate I don’t want him getting the last word. That being said, our IMPEACHED so-called president’s expertise is in his ability to brazenly just forge ahead looking for anyway to make himself look good and, like many of the workers he doesn’t care a lick about who are living “paycheck to “paycheck,” individual 1 operates day to day.

It’s almost as if he can’t remember what happened “yesterday” when he’s questioned “today.” This is why he is able to, for example, after suggesting people might try ingesting cleaning solvents as a way to “cleanse their lungs” one day and the next day, without breaking expression, claim “I was just being sarcastic.” He did the same thing after standing next to Vladimir Putin in Helsinki (most people have forgotten this dreadful performance) and “throwing our intelligence community under the bus.” The next day he, with a straight face, suggested he meant to say “wouldn’t” instead of “would” – which would make little difference, but it just showed his “ability” for shameless LYING for the entire world to see.

Of course, his suggestion of the use of Lysol or ???? caught the attention of MILLIONS of people around the world who are just wondering what on earth has happened to America? Well, when I suggest he’s “shameless” I believe that is the best way to describe what he’s doing with his plan to force our economy to re-open. Like I wrote yesterday, we’re still seeing deaths which total over 2000 per day – on most days. We’re still seeing nearly 30,000 new confirmed cases of the virus each day so I’m not sure how individual 1 has come to the conclusion we’re past the serious stage of this crisis. I’ve admitted I’m a cynic and, at this point, there’s no way I’m going to see individual 1 as anything but the PROBLEM which has caused America to be experiencing, by far, the worst case of this virus in the world. (And, apparently, it’s going to get worse in the not too distant future. Just sayin…)

I mean, they’re talking about the “return” of the virus while it appears to me the virus is still RAGING. Doesn’t it have to “leave” before it can “return?” I’m honestly not sure how to take the suggestions we’re getting from many governors – almost all republicans – that it’s time to re-open the economy. In fact, it’s causing me to think this will cause the rest of us to stay in our homes or succumb to the republican wish that we just “go for it” and let the philosophy of “herd immunity” to be our policy. If that was going to be the policy why did we “stay at home” for the past month and a half? Of course, there’s a couple other countries with leaders who somewhat “mirror” individual 1 and that’s Great Britain and Russia. So, I’ve been checking their statistics on “” to see how they compare to the U.S.

Well, I suppose it shouldn’t be a surprise to me to see the United Kingdom and Russia moving quickly up the statistics of the “” website because both Boris Johnson and Vladimir Putin took similar positions to individual 1 at the beginning of this pandemic. As of today, Britain has surpassed every country beside Italy and, of course, the U.S. in the number of deaths and they should be in “2nd” place in all categories, including the number of infections, in a matter of days. And, of course, that’s not a good place to find yourself. Then there’s Russia and, based on reports I’ve been reading, the combination of the price of oil tanking and the virus rapidly spreading, Mr. Putin is finding himself in the awkward position of having “tanking” poll numbers – even in Russia.

Putin didn’t take this virus seriously to begin with, but, from what I can tell, he’s “changed his tune.” For example, Russia is testing way more people each day, by far, than America. That would tell me Putin has decided this really is serious. Just a couple weeks ago there were just a very small number of cases in Russia and now there are over 100,000 with over 7000 new cases today plus their death toll has surpassed 1000 with hundreds dying each day. I don’t get a lot of information out of Russia, but I’m guessing they’ve put some stringent “social distancing” measures in place as the virus appears to be spreading rapidly in Moscow. Clearly, this virus does not discriminate – if you don’t take it seriously, you’re likely to be getting it.

There does appear to be many people who could care less if they get the virus and they are moving back into situations where “social distancing” is, well, a “distant” concept. In at least a couple of the states where there were protests against the stay at home orders, Wisconsin and Minnesota, their numbers of confirmed cases are going up again. The protesters in Michigan were traced back to Western Michigan after their last protest, and the cases there have doubled. I agree “staying at home” for a year and a half, if that is how long it takes to get a vaccine, is not a workable solution to this problem. Yet, all I’m seeing coming from individual 1 in the form of a “plan,” is, well, NOTHING. It’s up to the governors! Actually, that’s NOT a plan.

Individual 1, clearly was planning to get himself re-elected based on “The greatest economy ever” (Which, of course, wasn’t the greatest economy ever), an economy which he inherited from the Obama/Biden administration which they managed to keep on the same upward trend by passing a HUGE tax cut for corporations and rich people and deregulating many environmental regulations. Of course, the trade-off is dirtier air and water in an attempt to make sure that the graph’s trend continues going up until, at least, November. Individual 1 has tried on several occasions to wish this virus away and that seems to be a really BAD strategy. Just as he looks to BLAME away his incompetence re; this virus, he’s been taking credit for the economy he inherited since his first day in office. Neither of those tendencies is a recipe for saving our economy.

In times like these our “free market” republicans are really good at finding unlimited amounts of money coming from – somewhere – in an effort to “save the economy.” Honestly, I think it would have been much better for individual 1 to put his focus on the virus and putting an emphasis on helping workers above all other goals, right from the start during this crisis. I think people would have been surprised and would have noticed had individual 1 been able to act as if “we the people” were more important than his re-election. Fix the problem with the virus and the problem with the economy is solved – as best as it could have been.

I’ve pointed out several times here I don’t see how our “market” can continue moving upward while there’s 30 MILLION people claiming unemployment benefits and business after business boarded up. At some point, it appears to me, Wall Street is going to go through another “tanking” and this is likely to happen sooner rather than later. I believe, as I’ve said, the market is like a house built on sand. In my view, the economy was never “the greatest ever” and, as I’ve said, when you disconnect “Main Street” from “Wall Street” it’s eventually going to fall like a house of cards. Obviously, I don’t understand the market, but I don’t think even finding a way to “fix” that will overcome the day in and day out demonstration of incompetence – in front of the TV cameras while MILLIONS of Americans have nothing better to do than watch TV. To me, that’s an ill advised strategy.

As I said above, it’s likely the main objects of individual 1’s ire, in the next few weeks will be the World Health Organization and China. Individual 1 is likely to create lasting DAMAGE to America’s relationship with China and there’s virtually nothing “we the people” can do about it. And, if he’s able to cut off funding to the WHO (Isn’t that like what he did with Ukraine? Isn’t it illegal?) in the middle of this pandemic, well, that seems STUPID once again. Whatever he can do to place the BLAME elsewhere. If individual 1’s actions have been such a “great success” why does he need to be doing all this BLAMING?

Final Thought: I’ve pointed out recently my suspicion that some of the republican governors who don’t want to put “stay at home” orders in place are CHEATING when it comes to reporting the actual statistics of the number of cases and the deaths in their states. I put my focus on South Dakota – the statistics make it seem obvious they’re CHEATING. Well, now the governor of Florida has been exposed as ordering the death count in his state to not be reported. Well, Florida and Georgia were the other two states I had suspicions about and this is really outrageous. You have to think individual 1 is somehow involved in this CHEATING! My guess, in regard to Florida, is their statistics are maybe double what they’re reporting.

Here’s the reality, the “experts” are pointing out that, depending on where you live, between 5% and, maybe 15% of the people have had this virus. And, before it’s done with us, based on reports I’ve seen, it will infect at least 60% to 70%. So, we’re no where near having “flattened” the “curve” and, based on what is obvious and what you can infer, the death toll of this virus is potentially 25% more than what’s been reported. There are statistics related to normal death rates in states and comparing those stats to what is happening it becomes clear there are many more people dying of Covid-19 than what is being reported.

The main issue is testing – which has been the problem since day one – which leads me to believe individual 1 simply just doesn’t want widespread testing because he doesn’t want “we the people” to know how many people are infected. And, of course, now we’re seeing republican governors, Ron DeSantis for one, are HIDING the statistics likely at the behest of our IMPEACHED so-called president. What’s the saying, “What we don’t know can’t hurt us?” Of course, this is all about the November election and individual 1’s belief “we the people” are really STUPID! I guess we’ll see – it doesn’t appear it’s working.

One more thing: I have written about one of the thoughts I’ve had that I try to block out because they just seem too cynical, even to me. But there he was today, Bill O’Reilly – remember him – suggesting most of the people who are dying from Covid-19 “were near the end already” – as if that makes it OK to sacrifice them – he was on Fox where the idea of just going for it seems routine. What he didn’t say is the other “groups” who are affected by this virus beside people in nursing homes are African Americans, prisoners, and people working in meat processing plants – many of whom are Hispanic. For example, 80% of the deaths in Georgia, which opened back up today despite being in the throes of this virus, are African American. Does that surprise you? Does any of this surprise you? Clearly, democrats are just a bunch of “softies.”

And, Oh by the way, many of the states which were kind of on the sidelines of this virus, up until recently, are getting promoted to the “varsity” – thanks to their arrogance thinking “it can’t happen here.” Like, South Dakota, Nebraska, Wisconsin, Mississippi, South Carolina, Arizona, Missouri, Kansas, Alabama, and Tennessee just to name a few. Andrew Cuomo said it best as New York was pleading for help (and, of course, it’s still bad there, just no AS bad) “This is coming to your state.” Prescient words!

Of course, Michigan already is in a bad spot with over 40,000 confirmed cases and today there were a few hundred pseudo terrorists carrying assault weapons demonstrating the importance of putting an assault weapon ban into law ASAP. These people are further spreading the virus and we’re seeing this happening in more places coming from right wing militia types who seem to want to create a violent assault on our nation – and, of course, individual 1 is encouraging them. These are the people I’ve been talking about for when individual 1 LOSES the November election. I’m expecting a violent reaction – and, of course, when it happens individual 1 will still be our IMPEACHED so-called president and William Barr will still be our Attorney General. Yikes! God help us!!

I recently saw photos of the militia members who had their protest on my state, Washington, and it looked like a bunch of hill people who were drummed out of the military so this was their response. The sad, and dangerous, reality is they, as with the people in Michigan today, were armed and they’re threatening violence as if they are the answers to the problems in this country. And, one of the worst parts to me, is the reports these people “hang out” together on, where else, but Facebook. I’ve been saying for some time now Mark Zuckerberg is one of the more dangerous people in this nation. He’s created a “platform” which allows these seditious groups to fester and, clearly, he’s doing NOTHING to stop them. Yes, there are other places for them to congregate, but Facebook seems to be the “petri dish” for them and other terrorists around the globe. Just sayin………….. (And, yes, I DON’T do Facebook)