Monthly Archives: October 2017

If there’s anyone out there at this point who fails to understand our (so-called) “president” is a PATHOLOGICAL LIAR then he or she has not been paying attention. (or, possibly has been watching Fox “news”)

On many occasions I’ve pointed out that the right wing republicans and their agenda are like a bad dream that just continues coming back time and again.  These people, led by the now infamous “Koch brothers” have emerged from being marginal 40 years ago (and, actually, before that – I’m just going off my own memory) to controlling the Congress of the United States as I’m writing this.  They’ve been “hell bent” on repealing every part of the “New Deal” and the “Great Society” – which they consider “socialist” since the days Social Security and Medicare – as the main “targets” – were passed.  Time and again, they’ve been defeated AND the programs have been improved.  But, here we go again!

First we had the repeated attempts to “repeal and replace” the Affordable Care Act (“Obamacare”) – since Trump’s “election” to become our “so-called” president there have been several attempts at repealing “Obamacare” with a “tax cut disguised as health care.”  Make no mistake – the focus of the legislation wasn’t “health care” it was TAX CUTS – for the wealthiest Americans – those people who continue BUYING our republicans in Congress.  Well, now it’s time for Trump’s budget (along with Paul Ryan) and “here we go again.”  If this budget passes republicans will have succeeded in their attempts to bludgeon Medicare – people will be waiting until they’re 67 to be eligible for Medicare and Ryan will have FINALLY turned it into a “voucher” program that will undoubtedly put MILLIONS of seniors into debt or health decisions.

These people are, to me, almost unbelievable.  And, they’re such good LIARS that they get enough people to vote for them so that – people like Ryan – are “safely” re-elected year after year – despite their draconian beliefs.  Coming from someone who watched Martin Luther King get shot (on TV) and Robert Kennedy come to the same end (also on TV) I can’t believe what we in this country have come to.  That this is even “on the table” is shameful in my eyes.  Instead of attempting to make these programs stronger these right wing politicians continue in their long standing efforts to undermine them.  When is the backlash from “we the people” going to purge these right wing “thugs” from our political scene?  In my mind, you don’t have to be republican or democrat – conservative or liberal – to see how WRONG this mindset is.

I understood back in the days of Ronald Reagan the push to turn America into a “me” society instead of the “we” society I felt I grew up in.  I’ve witnessed the continual batch of LIES supporting this type of thinking – the “I’ve got mine – too bad for you” type of thinking that is tearing this country apart and it’s hard for me to understand why so many “working class” Americans are falling for this.  These TAX CUTS won’t benefit them – the so-called “trickle down” philosophy is the HOAX of the century (not the “Russia thing”) – this won’t be the first time they’ve pulled it on “we the people.”

The reason Ryan and Trump are proposing over a TRILLION dollars in cuts to Social Security and Medicare (and who knows what else – at this point in time) is because the “budget hawks” are going to DEMAND these cuts before they vote for Trump’s TAX CUTS for the wealthiest Americans.  They’re trying to gain what they lost in the “Obamacare” fight through the “back door.”  It’s deplorable – in the words of Hillary Clinton.  Trump is making her sound prophetic in so many ways.  Although, I don’t think Trump understands what’s in ANY proposed legislation.  He just wants to sign something – ANYTHING!

If there’s anyone out there at this point who fails to understand our (so-called) “president” is a PATHOLOGICAL LIAR then he or she has not been paying attention.  (or, possibly has been watching Fox “news”)  In the campaign, on many occasions, I heard Trump say if he was president there would be no cuts to “Social Security, Medicare, or Medicaid.”  And, we often hear his surrogates say – after some executive order which is deplorable – he’s fulfilling a campaign promise.  So, how is he going to “spin” a cut of $500 BILLION to Medicare and $1.5 TRILLION to Medicaid after PROMISING to defend both?  Not sure how he’ll pull that one off – it should be interesting to see if he’ll claim he’s fulfilling a different “campaign promise.”

If you’re reading a post on my site for the first time you might get the idea that I’m “anti Trump.”  Well, you’d be CORRECT!  As a Christian (and a husband, and a father of two daughters and two granddaughters), it made my stomach churn when I watched the “Access Hollywood” tape – and, I’m guessing (and hoping) you wouldn’t need to be a Christian to find that tape disgusting. The issue of powerful men taking advantage of women seems never ending in the United States.  Just today I heard of Harvey Weinstein, a Hollywood producer and donor to democrats getting fired for essentially the same reason Bill O’Reilly and Roger Ailes were fired from Fox “news” AND Bill Clinton was impeached in the 90’s AND Trump SHOULD be impeached.  In America, sexual harassment is “bipartisan” and is tolerated.  Trump was correct when he said, “I get away with this because I’m famous.”  Well, to me, Trump’s behavior is no less disgusting than Weinstein’s, Clinton’s, O’Reilly’s, or Ailes’, and he should get the same consequence – FIRED!

I look back on that day (the Access Hollywood tapes) and it makes the Russian intrusion into our election even clearer.  Less than an hour after that tape was made public, the emails Russian “hackers” had stolen from John Podesta, Hillary Clinton’s campaign manager, were published on “Wiki Leaks.”  It was as if Julian Assange of “Wiki Leaks” was ordered to release this “stuff” at just the “right” time – and, it worked.  The release of those emails – many of which had been “doctored” by the Russians to make Ms. Clinton look even worse – took the focus off of the reality that republicans had nominated a sexual predator to represent their party in the presidential election.

This, in itself, tells me how far DOWN the nation I love has fallen since the Reagan years when the “trickle down” HOAX was first imposed on “we the people” and the republican party has creeped farther and farther to the “right.” (Do you remember their claims to be the “party of family values?”)  I still remember the BACKLASH from those on the “right” who clearly fall in the racist category in relation to Barack Obama’s election in 2008.  This caused the so-called “Tea Party” that was CLEARLY racist and put the right wing takeover of the republican party “on steroids.”  It’s true, the “Tea Party” is a minority in the republican party, but the reality is they have enough clout to block ANYTHING they don’t like – and, their mantra is that “compromise” is a dirty word.  And, many are connected to Richard Spencer and those marching on Charlottesville with the Tiki Torches.  Enough said!

Republicans, at the time, were in as much disarray as present day democrats – who, since Obama’s election, lost a lot of ground due to a lack of willingness to defend their own fundamental beliefs.  In 2010 republicans welcomed, wholeheartedly, the Tea Party into their caucus – and, with that, they gained a direct connection to the White Supremacist movement that clearly is the “base” of Trump and his supporters like Steve Bannon.  If you look deeper than what you’ll see on the “surface” of media coverage you’ll see the TRUTH behind this movement.  The similarities to the 1930’s Germans should get the attention of any American who believes in our constitution and the fundamental values that actually made this country great in the first place.

The other day I read where a bartender somewhere in America kicked a bunch of Trump supporters out of her bar when Milo  Yiannopoulos was singing his own version of “America the Beautiful” while his “alt right” buddies, including Richard Spencer – one of Trump’s major donors – were giving the “heil Hitler” salute.  There’s a trove of both obvious and subtle evidence to connect Trump and these “alt right” supporters to Nazism.  If you remember the protests in Charlottesville, where Trump ended up trying to defend those carrying the “Tiki Torches” and shouting anti-Jewish slogans – many of those he was defending had Nazi armbands on and many were carrying the Nazi Flag.  I don’t understand why this is so hard to “get” in today’s America.  Are people just so illiterate regarding 20th Century history that they’re willing to look the other way on this.

To me, the sexual deviancy should be enough for any voter to turn away from Trump.  When you add the “Russia thing” – which, when you put together all the “dots” – that we now know – shows COLLUSION and OBSTRUCTION of justice,  that should be enough to say “no mas” in regard to Trump’s days in the “White House.”  Add to that the connections with the so-called “alt right” and the Nazi sympathizers among them and you’ve got a “trifecta” that really confuses me why people are still defending Trump.

There’s two ways this “nightmare” can end – from how I see it.  First, republicans could do the “right thing” and IMPEACH Trump (and, Pense as well – who’s been a willing LIAR in the cover up to the “Russia thing” – more than likely making himself a co-conspirator in the obstruction of justice) or we wait for the mid term elections in 2018.  It’s unlikely Democrats can retake the Senate, but taking control of the House of Representatives could, at the minimum, block Trump’s agenda (although, I am expecting him to turn to “Chuck and Nancy” because republicans likely will be unable to pass their TERRIBLE legislation – aimed at the top 1% – without help from democrats). Trump’s “tax reform” is actually another attempt at a HUGE “Tax cut” for the top 1% and one more Paul Ryan attack on Social Security and Medicare – hopefully, “that ship has sailed” as far as sneaking it past “we the people.” Democrats in control of the House hopefully would lead to IMPEACHMENT.  Although, democrats don’t have a strong track record of political courage (and, I’m thinking Trump is thinking ahead as he cozies up to “Chuck and Nancy” to garner democratic support in any Impeachment trial – can you imagine what would happen to the democratic party if they were the ones who blocked impeachment?).

To me, the most important thing “progressives” (liberals) should be doing – now, and going forward – is embarking on an information tour of the rust belt and the South FIGHTING the propaganda that’s been unchallenged for the past 35+ years.  To do this, the first thing democrats need to do is to understand they can co-exist with people who believe abortion is the taking of a human life – because, it is.  Undoubtedly, that is a very complicated issue and one that’s been allowed to turn many working class people away from their democratic roots.  It’s NOT a cut and dried issue, as “both sides” seem to present it, and if those in the democratic party would welcome those who say they believe in “life” – an important dialogue could take place.  Republicans have been cynically using this issue for years to keep a one issue voting block while democrats have essentially blocked those people from their party.  I say, BOTH sides are wrong – and “we the people” are the losers.

Those who believe in “life” believe in and depend on Social Security and Medicare (and Medicaid) every bit as much as those on the so-called “left.” (And, I could say that on a lot of issues)  Before we end up with a fascist government that will be progressively more difficult to stop as time goes by, we need to come to our senses.  Trump and the republicans are continuing the fleecing of America’s taxpayers while “we the people” are arguing about abortion and other “wedge issues.”  The sensible way forward is to purge this right wing assault by agreeing on the ideals and institutions MOST of us hold dear – and, in the process begin a dialogue aimed at healing the wounds that have ripped our society apart (and, that people like Trump are essentially “salting”).  Democratic leaders (if they exist) need to demonstrate the courage of their convictions and head into “red” states with the purpose of pulling people together – and, I can guarantee you, the issue that will allow a breakthrough is an open dialogue on the abortion issue.  Invite so-called “pro lifers” into your party, democrats.  Encourage a dialogue.  Listen to their concerns and share yours.  The issue really does have two sides!

Final thought: I realize there are members of the democratic party who are Christians and believe in “life” just as there are members of the republican party who are “pro choice.”  To me, the problem is the persona of each party that’s been propagated via the media and the political leadership of each party as well.  Women were having abortions before Roe v Wade and they will continue to do so should it be over turned.  What should happen is a dialogue designed to reduce the demand for abortions and improve the access to health care for low income (and especially single) parents for their children (and themselves).  What shouldn’t happen is people voting for cuts to Social Security, Medicare, Medicaid, school lunches, meals on wheels, children’s health care, education, environmental issues, and much more because they oppose abortion.  It makes no sense, but that’s what’s happening with MILLIONS of republican voters.  The republicans AREN’T going to “fix” this, so – if it’s going to get fixed, it’s up to the democrats to “make it happen!”

As an American I feel an obligation to share the BAD NEWS of Trump and the republicans.

If you haven’t read the so-called “dossier” on the Russian interference into the 2016 election you might want to do so before reading this post.  I read the “dossier” shortly after it was published by “Buzzfeed” which is an internet site I’ve visited only that one time.  Based on what I had learned from public information at the time, the “dossier” made a lot of sense to me as a credible document.  It was a document that makes Trump look really bad and should lead to his impeachment.  Many people wonder why Trump, to this day, NEVER says anything negative about Vladimir Putin and/or Russia.  Well, I believe it’s because the “dossier” is true and the Russians are holding the real evidence over Trump’s head as per his potential to be blackmailed.

To MOST Americans the Russians attempting (and possibly succeeding) in determining the outcome of an American election is fundamentally SERIOUS.  To Trump it’s apparently an issue of no interest and, therefore, we’re NOT seeing any effort on behalf of “we the people” by Trump’s administration to protect us from this happening again.  So, now we have investigations in various parts of Congress with MOST members of Congress realizing the serious nature of a foreign government attempting (and possibly succeeding) in determining the outcome of an American election and a president referring to the investigations as a “hoax.”

Additionally, there’s a very detailed investigation of all this by the FBI led by Robert Mueller – a “special counsel” appointed after the firing of James Comey in Trump’s attempt to BLOCK the investigation he refers to as a “hoax.”  Obviously, this “Russia thing” is not a “hoax” and the only thing left to discover is how bad is what happened.  I mean, what we’re really talking about here is TREASON – and, Trump, despite being called a MORON by his own Secretary of State, is smart enough to know what being accused of TREASON will mean to his administration – which would include him, his son, his son in law, and possibly his daughter – yikes!

Well, last night it was reported that Mueller has met with the author of the “dossier,” Christopher Steele, on more than one occasion.  While much in the “dossier” has proven true in the days since “Buzzfeed” published it, the members of the Congressional investigations continue to seem skeptical of its contents without actually meeting with Steele.  What I find interesting about their claims is the committee members claiming they’re unable to “connect” with Mr. Steele while his lawyer says he’s willing to meet with them.  Congress is less popular than the dog catcher and it’s not going to help their public image if it turns out they’re trying to protect Trump and blocking “we the people” from the TRUTH.

We all know Trump has a serious (pathological) issue with the Truth and we know that members of Congress are essentially “bought” by moneyed interests – BUT if it turns out those in Congress FAIL to protect us from Russia ATTACKING our most fundamental value (privilege) there had better be “hell to pay” for them the next time they face  an election.  Yes, there’s HUGE divisions in this nation – much of it provoked by the ACTUAL “fake news” that the Russians are strategically placing in places where many people are susceptible to their LIES.  But there should be NO disagreement among “we the people” that our elections SHOULD be free from foreign intervention.

I’ve listened to Chuck Grassley, the republican head of the Senate Finance Committee, on several occasions attempt to block parts of the investigation into the “Russia thing” and  try to block use of the “dossier” as part of the investigations.  Well, here’s the TRUTH.  If the members of Congress LIE to “we the people” about the availability of Mr. Steele we will know that the republicans in Congress are attempting to do the same thing Trump was trying to do when he fired Comey – and, that’s to block the investigation. (ie, “obstruct justice” – a serious felony)

Personally, I wouldn’t be surprised if the section of the “dossier” describing the “golden showers” (you’ll have to read the dossier to know what that means – if you want to read it click here) is true and the rumors there’s a video of this would have to scare Trump into just about anything the Russians would want from him.  (It would also prove the severity of Trump’s racist nature)  Apparently, they’ve been collecting “compromising” material on Trump for a period of years.  This is how the Russians work as far as creating “patsies” they can use for their own purposes.  I have to believe Trump as president has exceeded their wildest dreams (other than we now understand what Russia did – which makes Trump a compromised “tool”).

Unfortunately, many republicans continue to delude themselves into thinking Trump can be a reliable leader of their party.  It’s apparently going to take confirmation of the most egregious allegations to bring the republicans to their senses so that they do what they should – which is IMPEACH him.  In the MEAN TIME it’s likely NOTHING will get done in Congress (at least we can hope) but, Trump will continue to cause “DAMAGE” in ways where he can bypass Congress via executive orders.  In the process the rights of people he targets, the environment, and potentially the nation’s health care system – and, who knows what else he might target – could suffer very consequential damage.

I’ve written MANY TIMES the outcomes resulting from the Trump administration are completely on republicans.  However, the bottom line is it’s up to “we the people,” ultimately, to fix this problem.  If progressive Americans continue to be complacent when it’s time to vote, when it’s time to take the effort to educate themselves on the issues, and when it’s time to stand up for their fundamental beliefs in conversations with those around them we could continue to be subjected to this right wing assault on our nation’s government.  There was a HUGE “protest” to Trump’s election on the day following his taking the “oath” – republicans in Congress are going to make us wait until the elections of 2018 to find out if that “resistance” is real.  We can hope!

From what I can tell, here’s the dilemma of those republicans in Congress that have no moral compass aside from their own reelection.  They have to decide if they’re going to continue holding their noses and attempting to push through Trump’s (and, in the case of HUGE tax cuts for their donors their) agenda in the face of OVERWHELMING public OPPOSITION or actually STOP all the LYING and attempt to actually do what a large majority of Americans would like to see them accomplish.  If you even have a short term memory (I say that because, at 70, I’m wondering about my own) you know the one week where Trump’s approval ratings rose was after the agreement with “Chuck and Nancy” which kicked the debt crisis “down the road” for three months.

Now, I fully understand that the LYING will NOT stop and the push for the draconian legislation will continue – and, most likely (I can hope) will continue to FAIL – unless Mitch McConnell, in an act of desperation, actually does end the filibuster in the Senate – because of one important reason.  The republican members of Congress DEPEND on huge checks coming in regularly from their so-called “donor class.”  These are the people who have so much money they don’t know what to do with it all, so they’ve developed the habit of giving it to republicans in return for constant attempts to LOWER their taxes.  Right now, they’re not happy.  With Trump as president and republicans in control of Congress virtually NOTHING of consequence has been accomplished.

I’ve read reports from multiple sources that the “donors” are starting to refuse to “donate.”  They don’t like what they’re seeing in Washington DC for an entirely different reason people like me don’t like what we’re seeing.  And, the battle goes on.  If the people in the “rust belt” actually understood where the corruption in Congress was coming from and who the major benefactors are I believe they’d be more inclined to “get” that republicans are not their friends.  The reality, however, is those with the money are PUSHING their “puppets” to get them a return on their “investment.”  At some point, the ACTUAL battle in America will be PUBLICLY defined.  It almost seems to me it’s simply the wealthy “class” against the rest of us – they believe those with the MONEY should rule.  It’s a form of fascism!  As I’ve said many times on this site – the saddest part in all this is their “base” is the “Christian right.”

So, if you’re at all like-minded with me, get ready for another in the “never ending” fight to save the ideals put forth in the “New Deal” and “Great Society” – the ideals that actually did MAKE AMERICA GREAT.  Reports of the republican budget proposal (I believe it was actually passed in the House) call for cuts of $500 BILLION to Medicare – including increasing the eligibility date to a person’s 67th birthday – AND $1.5 TRILLION in cuts to Medicaid.  These are the cuts they couldn’t get through in their “health care” proposal – so, it’s in their budget.  And, the cuts are necessary to offset the HUGE tax cuts they have aimed directly at people like our president.  Like I’ve said, they NEVER take “no” for an answer.  The ONLY solution to this attack on the ideals that made America great is to vote out republicans FOREVER!

While republicans SHOULD be impeaching Trump for his many transgressions – including obstructing the investigation into Russia’s ATTACK on our prized fundamental right – voting – they’re, instead, continuing to use the FACT Trump will sign anything they can manage to put in front of him as a way to achieve cuts to social services that will be life threatening to many Americans.  It’s actually hard for me to believe we’ve fallen to this point.  Just as, as a Christian, I have a sense of obligation to share the “good news” of Christ, as an American I feel an obligation to share the BAD NEWS of Trump and the republicans.

Final Thought:  Republicans have been “laughing all the way to the bank” since the days of Ronald Reagan.  They’ve evolved to the point where their agenda can simply be defined as “greed run amok.”  There’s no end to how much money they feel they can STEAL from “we the people” and they’ve adopted “the Big Lie Theory” of the Nazi’s to pull this off.  If you’re a republican reading this – look closely at Trump and his surrogates.  You’ll see many many similarities to Nazi behavior. (Trump actually had supporters giving the “heil” salute at one of his campaign rallies just as his campaign “motto” was a copy of Hitler’s “Make Germany Great Again” motto)  If Trump and the republicans are not STOPPED America may never recover.

To the democratic leaders – It’s time to get your “butts” into middle America – like the rust belt – and educate voters there why they’re getting “jobbed” by republicans and give them a reason to “come home” to the democratic party.  (disclaimer: I’m not a democrat or republican – I just “get” we have a two party system, so we’ve got to do the best with it that we can)  Your message can’t always be “anti Trump” or “anti republican” – DEFEND what you’re for!  And, while people like Roy Moore are winning elections in the South – I believe “progressives” should be actively convincing those people why republicans are screwing them over.  This would require the democratic party to accept – willingly – people who oppose abortions.

As the reports were coming out about the Secretary of State calling Trump a MORON there were pictures of Trump throwing (actually “shooting” as if he had basketballs) paper towels to the desperate people of Puerto Rico.

Has the United States evolved to a national Peyton Place?  The “drama” seems to never end and it’s becoming very embarrassing.  So, what’s the topic for today?  Well, as I was driving around I tuned into MSNBC (on my XM radio) as I often do and Trump was about to speak in Las Vegas regarding the horrific shooting which took place this past weekend.  I regret to say I immediately changed the channel because I can no longer even stand the sound of Trump’s voice.  Just yesterday he was in Puerto Rico bemoaning their debt and what they’re doing to our “budget” (that Trump is BLOWING up with another HUGE tax cut for himself and the others in the so-called 1% – although they’ll likely try to find ways to “pay for it” via cutting more social programs – ie look out Medicare and Social Security) while throwing rolls of paper towels to those in attendance.  I guess the thought was they could wipe up the rivers of water in their towns with these Brawny “picker uppers.”  Bad optics – I’m just sayin…….

Then today, when I tuned back in – after giving the time necessary to where I wouldn’t be forced to listen to Trump’s actual voice – the commentators were saying Trump did a good job of reading from the teleprompter and, apparently, hadn’t pulled ANOTHER major BLUNDER. (the “bar” is really low for this president)  Soon, the topic changed to “politics” – which is what MSNBC is usually about.  And, sure enough, here come’s another in the never ending barrage of “stories” which happen almost EVERY day in “Trump world!”  If you’ve wondered, as have I, why Rex Tillerson remains as Secretary of State despite Trump undercutting his message on almost every occasion, you’re not alone.  (not to mention Tillerson’s apparent incompetence at the job from an administrative standpoint) At the minimum, I’m right there with you.

Now, first of all, I need to be clear. last year I read Steve Coll’s book “Private Empire” which was a detailed expose’ on Exxon Mobile and their incredible power around the world.  It’s almost as if they’re a sovereign nation unto themselves – certainly a corporation at the “head of the class” – at the very least.  I NEVER viewed Rex Tillerson as someone who was qualified to be Secretary of State.  My cynical mind believed Tillerson was chosen for this post to facilitate the REMOVAL of sanctions ON Russia which are preventing the development of a HUGE oil reserve in northern Russia.  A situation which requires Exxon’s expertise to advance Russia’s oil empire.  A “win win” for Russia and Exxon that was stymied by Russia’s invasion of Ukraine and annexation of Crimea.

So, I’m trying to make clear I’m not the person to be applauding or defending Tillerson in the inevitable conflict he was bound to have with Trump from the beginning – especially when it became clear removing those sanctions was a “non- starter” because of Trump’s campaign colluding with Russia as they ATTACKED our nation in the most fundamental place – the voting booth.  Yet, today it was reported that Tillerson and I have one thing clearly in common!

NBC reported today, with certainty, that Tillerson – sometime during the past few months – referred to Trump as a MORON!  OK, now I realize Tillerson is Secretary of State and is likely on the job only until Trump can find someone willing to work for him, and he shouldn’t (probably) be referring to his “boss” in this manner.  But, the reality, to me, is that FINALLY I’ve got something I can totally AGREE on with Tillerson.  It’s a sad day in American “history” when the president of the United States is called a MORON by his Secretary of State and people all across the country want to see a poll which checks to see how many Americans agree.

Of course, Trump’s first words when asked about Tillerson’s comment was “NBC is fake news” – isn’t that kind of his signature response?  Then Trump said, “I have full confidence in Rex.”  Well, that’s definitely the kiss of death for Tillerson as far as his job is concerned – and, if he would tell the truth (Tillerson, that is – we KNOW Trump is incapable of telling the TRUTH) he will be relieved when he’s no longer saying one thing and almost immediately being undercut by Trump.  Again, Tillerson was not made to be Secretary of State.  He’s likely to go down as the WORST Secretary of State in modern times no matter how much longer he’s on the job.  His memoir should be very interesting!  I do have to give Tillerson credit in that I’ve seen signs he prefers negotiation to bluster in regard to foreign policy.  That’s always a bit of relief – until the Trump “tweets” confirming Tillerson’s insignificance.

Just a few days ago, almost as if there was going to be signs of actual “adults in the room” regarding the issue with North Korea Tillerson suggested we have “back channels of Communication with North Korean officials – asking them if they’d like to talk?”  Seemingly within minutes (but, more likely the next day) Trump was undercutting his Secretary of State (again) by “tweeting”, “Rex Tillerson, our wonderful Secretary of State, is wasting his time trying to negotiate with Little Rocket Man.”  Would it surprise you to find out those in North Korea who might be able to help diffuse the situation with the U.S. are a bit confused?  Would it surprise you to think leaders around the world may agree with Tillerson’s characterization of Trump above?  In America, this is now the daily routine.  (I did here a reporter state that the term “moron” IS being used by leaders around the world in describing Trump)

I listened to an interview with Mike Pense’s former press secretary (I believe) and his attempts to defend Trump were almost as astonishing as listening to Trump himself.  (I have to add that I’m one who believes Pense is at least “knee deep” in the obstruction of justice related to the “Russia Thing”)  The MSNBC commentator (I believe it was Nicole Wallace) asked Pense’s former spokesman what has Trump accomplished.  Just as Trump would do, he listed a littany of “stuff” that’s simply an extension of what President Obama was “accomplishing” as he left office.

For example, the economy (and jobs numbers) continue on a “straight line” that was continued under Obama’s leadership – numbers Trump himself ridiculed while running for office and quickly taking credit for once elected.  Trump’s administration has done NOTHING to change the direction of the economy he inherited.  And, they always refer to the stock market’s record closings.  Well, after the meltdown of 2008 the Dow Industrial Average dropped to around 6500 and by the time Obama left office it was nearing 20,000.  Clearly, there was a “Trump affect” after his “election” which, by most accounts is Wall Street’s excitement over the possibility of HUGE tax cuts for the rich and a reduction in regulations aimed at the environment and the protection of every day consumers.

Wall Street would like nothing better than to get rid of the Consumer Protection Agency which is a watch dog on the predatory behavior which got us into the 2008 mess in the first place.  Obviously, Wall Street felt little pain after they almost brought us into another Great Depression during the term of Bush/Cheney because of the TARP bailouts by our previous republican administration (you know, the conservatives who “believe” in a “free market”).  In my mind, those bailouts were quickly forgotten due to “we the people” electing an “other” in 2008 leading to the “Tea Party” and ultimately to Trump.  Those giving credit to Trump for a gain in the Dow of a couple thousand points are the same people who were BLASTING Obama as he oversaw a gain of something like 300% on the DOW.  These record closings (since Trump’s election) are based on the anticipation that Trump can deliver on pro Wall Street legislation AND the continuation of the SLOW recovery Obama orchestrated after 2008 which was continuing to gain “steam” as President Obama left office.  Make no mistake though – Trump inherited a “bull market” – Obama inherited a near DEPRESSION.

In my mind, it will take about another 6 months for Trump to lead us in the opposite direction economically (and, when this happens, he’ll probably still be blaming Obama) IF he can get his “agenda” passed – which, at this point, appears less than certain.  I keep wondering how republicans will respond when Robert Mueller reports on his investigation and, at the minimum, suggests their WAS collusion (we KNOW this from the June 9, 2016 meeting between Trump Jr., Manafort, Kushner, and a bunch of Russians connected to Putin – what hasn’t been talked about much is Trump’s comments right after that meeting suggesting the next Monday he would have incriminating “stuff” on Mrs. Clinton) and OBSTRUCTION of justice.  How will they be able to get huge tax cuts for the rich through while dealing with that reality?

After hearing about Tillerson’s characterization of Trump today, I couldn’t help but think back to all the times when Trump did stuff that I feel fits that word – MORON.  The first that comes to mind is Trump meeting with Lester Holt shortly after firing James Comey and having his surrogates – led by the Vice President – out en force telling virtually EVERY media outlet he was fired because of the recommendation of Rob Rosenstein – the newly confirmed Assistant Attorney General who was over seeing the “Russia Thing” due to Jeff Sessions’ recusal.  In that interview, Trump famously (and stupidly) confessed to why he fired Comey – it was the “Russia thing” – a “made up story by the democrats.”  Then a day or two later, Trump met with the Russians in the oval office with ONLY media from Russia where he confirmed why he fired Comey – to reduce the pressure of the Russia investigation.  This really is the work of a MORON!

All the LIES and the willingness to publicly defend the LIES is MORONIC – and, in the case of Sean Spicer and, now, Sarah Huckabee Sanders, is likely ruining the careers of this surrogates – the ones who will not get caught up in the illegal “stuff” regarding Russia and the cover up.  I don’t think Spicer will ever purge the STUPIDITY of his first press conference where he defended Trump’s claim that his audience was the LARGEST ever, PERIOD!  Now that he’s left office he seems to be willing to parody himself on that one – but, the reality is that kind of stuff is not funny when you think of the importance of the office and those who speak to the American people for the office holder.  In my mind, the honorable thing to do would be to resign instead of LYING for Trump just to save your job.  I believe Ms. Sanders will be somewhat toxic by the time she’s looking for work after Trump – unless, of course, she lands at Fox “news.”  She’d probably fit in nicely there.

Finally, there’s a thought I can’t seem to get out of my mind as I’m writing about our “Peyton Place” in Washington DC.  Two things happened almost simultaneously and I believe they leave a picture that pretty much says it all.  As the reports were coming out about the Secretary of State calling Trump a MORON there were pictures of Trump throwing (actually “shooting” as if he had basketballs) paper towels to the desperate people of Puerto Rico.  Sometimes we don’t have to prod very far to find out the truth behind a story.  As I said above, Rex Tillerson and myself FINALLY have something on which we can agree!

The question will soon be, has Trump intimidated Republicans to the point they won’t impeach him?

The insanity coming from the Trump administration seems to be never ending.  So, we’ve just finished dealing with (hopefully, it’s over) the worst hurricane season anyone I know can remember and the climate change “deniers” in Trump’s administration continue marching along as if nothing ever happened. (As I write this I’m reminded to pray for those affected by the Hurricanes – especially, right now in the Caribbean although the FACT Texas and Florida are not in the headlines doesn’t mean they don’t need our support)  I read today where Rick Perry, who somehow was considered competent enough to run the Department of Energy is proposing 3.7 BILLION dollars in loan guarantees to Georgia Power Company in order to finish TWO nuclear reactors that were scheduled to be “online” ALREADY and now are being proposed to be finished by 2022!  That’s loan guarantees from “we the people” which will likely go into the pockets of the power executives who planned this abominable project years ago and will likely never be completed.  (Do you remember the saying “Don’t send good money after bad?”)

And, even if our government gives them enough money to complete this project, just try to imagine what “could have been” had “we the people” invested the OVER ten BILLION dollars that will be wasted on this futile attempt to recreate the idea that nuclear power is “the way to go” in America.  The likely result of all this is the executives who’ve backed Trump will get “theirs” and “we the people” will be the ones “footing the bill” for an ill advised adventure.  It has been no secret for YEARS that nuclear power is a BAD idea and Georgia’s fiasco won’t be the first example of this.  To me, this is just another example of Trump’s stupidity and the astonishment (for me) that he can get something like a third of American voters to go along with his schemes.

This is almost a carbon copy of the “White Nationalists” futile attempt to “keep America White.”  The reality is that just as we can’t determine the color of the skin of America’s citizens, like it or not, we can’t resurrect BAD ideas.  The many nuclear “meltdowns” already on record are the reason it’s NOT economically feasible for the construction of ANY MORE nuclear power plants.  Insurance companies don’t want anything to do with them and actual banks don’t want anything to do with them – unless, as in the case of the Trump administration, a power company can get government GUARANTEES for the loans.

Do you find it as interesting as myself to see who always ends up supporting government largess?  These bailouts always seem to be coming from the “fiscal conservatives.”  Bush/Cheney left “we the people” with an obligation that conceivably could have gone into the TRILLIONS with the TARP bailout and now we have the Trump administration – they’re trying to cut school lunches (and just about anything else aimed at “the least of these”) in their attempt at “austerity” – then BAILING out Georgia Power Company on a project that is likely NEVER to reach completion – and, if it does will be out dated and more dangerous (over the long haul) than it’s worth.  I’m just trying to imagine what $10 BILLION infused into solar power would have accomplished, for example.  I’m guessing much more for much longer than this nuclear fiasco.

As I’m writing this I can’t help but think the news would sound so much better if our Energy Department was guaranteeing loans that would rebuild the power grid in Puerto Rico – with Rick Perry urging “all hands on deck” without delay so the people of that Island could survive the terrible disaster of Hurricane Maria.  And, what about the Virgin Islands?  We’re not hearing about them – or the people of Florida and the people of Texas who were hit hard by Hurricanes a few weeks ago.  For those in the Caribbean it sounds to me, from what I’ve heard, that we’re talking about life and death issues – and, the response is needed NOW!  Trump will complain about Puerto Rico’s debt but not Georgia Power Company’s debt without this bailout.

I’m not one to feel the need to give Trump advice, but I’m pretty sure the Bush/Cheney administration never recovered from a poor response to Hurricane Katrina.  You might have personnel working their butts off to help, but if those at the “top” seem to be preoccupied with other “stuff” that, in the long run, will be considered inconsequential the damage, politically, can be devastating.  Even a LIAR like Trump won’t be able to LIE his way out of an insensitive response to a crisis where many lives are on the line.

Today, I again heard Trump (with my own ears – this is not “second hand”) reference Puerto Rico’s debt and the question of how they’re going to pay for the American assistance that’s needed.  The country will virtually need to be rebuilt.  Is Trump suggesting that if Puerto Rico can’t afford it………….?  I hate to speculate on something as basic as this.  Maybe he’s going to need a couple Trump Towers in Puerto Rico in order to “make a deal.”  Don’t get me wrong – I’m certain there’s MANY who are working hard to help the Puerto Ricans (and, those in the Virgin Islands) – our country is FULL of hard working GOOD people – it’s just the people at the “top” need to define the agenda.  If people are suffering we don’t want it to be because a FULL effort is NOT being made to minimize it.  Right now, the topic shouldn’t be the NFL or Puerto Rico’s debt!

While driving around today I tuned in to MSNBC and there was a guest (I believe from the NY Times) who was lamenting the reality that “we the people” are seemingly unable to talk to each other in a way that respects our differences – which has led to this terrible division in our country.  I couldn’t agree with him more – but, as they (the guest and Chuck Todd) were trying to figure out what has happened to cause this I felt a bit of frustration because they were “tip toeing” around the problem.  It should be obvious to them – because it’s part of what is driving the republican party into the “loony bin.”

From the early days of Newt Gingrich, the “strategy” of OBSTRUCTION has ruled the day in republican circles.  That “strategy” has evolved into causing words like “liberal,” “progressive,” and “compromise” to be almost like “dirty words.”  I’ve listened to this “mantra” since the 80’s and the emergence of Rush Limbaugh and his fellow right wing “talkers” to Fox “news” and their commitment to the “Big Lie Theory” of Joseph Goebbels.  (Fox SHOULD be called “GOP TV”) This shouldn’t be so hard to figure out.  The challenge is that in identifying the problem one realizes the depth of the problem and the gravity of Americans being BRAINWASHED for years.  Once you “get” this, it’s easier to understand what I’ve been writing about for the past 10 years or so on this site.  Republicans, for years, have threatened anyone who strays from the sheep mentality a well funded PRIMARY opponent.  They encourage division with their “my way or the highway” philosophy.  It’s no secret!

For some reason media “pundits” don’t want to point out what is obvious.  Trump is the classic case.  For example, Trump’s LIES are not subtle – media personalities SHOULD call him a LIAR because whether he’s president or not, that’s what he is.  Trump’s racist behavior is only debatable by those who live in his world of “alternative facts.”  His actions define him – and, he’s a racist. (in association with those White Supremacists he tried to support after Charlottesville)  Trump’s “birtherism” and his history of racist behavior prior to running for president is well defined.  When people like Chuck Todd and the guest I referred to above are lamenting the lack of dialogue in our nation – it’s because, for many of us, we’re “not going there” in regard to Trump and his white nationalist supporters.  There did use to be a “center” where most political successes were found – although, almost ALL true monumental ADVANCES in American history have come from the so-called “left.”  That’s what the corporate interests who’ve been hijacking the republican party over the past 40 years are afraid of.

As it presently exists, the republican party has got to go!  Their own divisiveness has now permeated their own party – which is why they are TOTALLY unable to govern.  People like John McCain, Bob Corker, and others are sick of all this themselves.  McCain has pleaded for a return to “regular order” – which simply means working through issues with both political parties participating and solving issues via compromise.  The truth is there are MILLIONS of Americans on “both sides of the isle” and both sides deserve to be heard and honored.  “Gotcha” politics needs to come to an end – and, people like Trump (and, his former “adviser” Steve Bannon) are busing STILL fanning the flames of discontent.  (that’s the ONLY way they can remain relevant)  And, most of America’s voters aren’t sophisticated enough to understand what’s going on so we have what seems almost like two countries – while MOST of the people on both sides are good hard working Americans.

I don’t for a minute believe the White Nationalists that Trump is ginning up represent more than the fringe they’ve always represented.  It’s just that – with the advent of the “Tea party” the republican party sold themselves to the ultra right in an attempt to recover from the disaster that was Bush/Cheney.  (They believe “the end justifies the means”)  The election of our first African American president was used as the spring board to catapult those who would use the “race card” to scare older white Americans into believing they needed to “take our country back.”  I mean, just that “saying” was always, to me, absurd on its face.  Take it back from what?  Right wing republicans played to the darker sides of many susceptible Americans who were willing to believe a constant barrage of LIES.

Now, I’m not the one to suggest that – at least in my view – President Obama was perfect.  But, seriously, compared to Trump?  Are you kidding me? President Obama was like “the adult in the room.”  And, compared to Bush/Cheney who LIED us into Iraq and essentially LIED to us about Afghanistan so that we’re still there and left us with an impending financial meltdown?  The damage caused by Bush/Cheney could take years to overcome – and, the scary thing is they’re looking good to me compared to Trump.  Obama turned things around economically from Bush/Cheney, but evidently the color of his skin led to Trump.  The damage caused by Trump is mounting fast – and, could become catastrophic if he’s allowed to continue ginning up North Korea.  It’s true, Trump is causing a mounting “resistance” that could lead to the political engagement of MILLIONS of previously complacent (progressive) voters – which would be a good thing.  But, a war with North Korea would threaten the world’s stability and, to me is unthinkable, it’s unwinnable, and even threatening the use of nuclear weapons is heretical.

As I’ve said many times here – “we the people” have no choice but to depend on republicans to end this NIGHTMARE of Trump’s presidency.  There are already a plethora of reasons to IMPEACH Trump – but, I’ve accepted that republicans are going to wait out Robert Mueller.  He can’t work fast enough for me – but, then we’re all depending on republicans having the courage to act.  Yes, if Trump is impeached it will be messy.  All those people who marched with the Tiki Torches in Charlottesville are likely to create a HUGE “scene.”  Trump has been busy BRAINWASHING his supporters into believing the “Russia thing” (which he’s obsessed with) is a “hoax” and the media is “Fake.”  He’s a cagey manipulator – but, he’s also likely going to be accused of criminal activity.  Trump is ruining the republican “brand” which is why it’s so interesting that most republicans fear him.  The question will soon be, has he intimidated them to the point they won’t impeach him?

Final thought:  Do you find it interesting that Trump and his white nationalist followers are busy attacking Mitch McConnell and Paul Ryan – the leaders of the republican party in Congress?  This should also be interesting as it plays out.  McConnell and Ryan hold Trump’s future in their hands.  They will likely be unable to pass Trump’s huge TAX CUT (for himself and his Billionaire buddies) because their LIES (that is, those pushing this tax giveaway to the rich) are already being exposed – and Trump will blame McConnell and Ryan.  Trump is a HUGE reason why they can’t get THEIR agenda through their own Congress.  Are they really so TIMID they will be unable to impeach Trump?  That decision, of course, falls into Ryan’s “lap.”  It’s clear Ryan can’t stand Trump – what’s not clear is why he’s so afraid of Trump.  Theoretically, both Trump and Pense SHOULD be impeached for obstruction of justice.  That would make Ryan president.  Maybe that’s what he’s afraid of!

Oops! – one more thought:  Possibly, in the long run, among the most damage done by Trump will be in the area of the blatant denial of “climate change.”  From the support of the coal industry (which is dying no matter what Trump might do), to the funding of ill-advised nuclear plants, to the push to “Drill, baby Drill” – Trump is sending the message to the rest of the world they can have a free run at developing the new clean energy technologies that will undoubtedly be the “future.”  The damage caused by Trump’s encouragement to businesses living in the past will be measured in the years to come.  China, as they encourage the development of solar and wind power technology, will be laughing all the way to the bank.  As we’re “deconstructing our administrative state” they’ll be developing theirs.