Monthly Archives: May 2017

If only the constitution could be suspended and the media blocked from reporting on Trump’s policies he could then be just like his idols: Vladimir Putin, Kim Jong-Un, and Rodrigo Duterte.

I just finished a post discussing my thoughts related to Donald Trump’s “love” for “uneducated voters” and, as I was in the process of putting the post together, Trump had another eventful weekend of LYING and showing his own lack of “education” regarding our government AND the history of our nation.  A month or so ago Trump made a comment – as he was trying to show himself as knowledgeable regarding African American issues – about Frederick Douglas – which PROVED he has little to NO knowledge of African American issues.  He made the comment as suggesting Douglas was still alive and a leader of the Black community today.  Yikes!  Then, this weekend, he suggested that Andrew Jackson could have prevented the Civil War had he come around a bit later – with Comments confirming his lack of knowledge about why there was a Civil War in the first place and also Jackson’s relevance to it.  Additionally, he made comments about the so-called health care bill being proposed by Paul Ryan in Congress that indicated he has no idea what’s in the bill and that he’s got no idea how this government that he’s supposed to be managing works.  Yikes again!

He also made comments that he would be “honored” to meet with the leader of North Korea, who’s widely considered one of the most brutal leaders in the world, followed by inviting the president of the Philippines – considered by many to be close in brutality to North Korea’s leader (Kim Jong-Un) – to the White House and, this morning completed the “hat trick” with a call to maybe the one leader who’s killed more than either of the others mentioned here and, of course, that’s his campaign supporter Vladimir Putin.  Apparently, these are the types of people Trump admires.  He basically gave a “thumbs up” to Kim Jong-Un for being a “smart cookie” as he “eliminated” those around him who might question his power.  And, the 7000 people Duterte (the President of the Philippines) has either killed or ordered killed and the fact he’s got his own people killing each other doesn’t seem to bother Trump.  To him, evidently, Duterte is a “strong leader.”  Of course, if you’ve been paying any attention to Trump over the past couple of years, you know that Putin is the “man of the year” in his eyes and he admires “strong leaders.”

In lamenting his FAILURES during his first 100 days in office, Trump made some comments that would lead one to believe he would love to have the same type of environment to work in as those “strong leaders” he admires.  I wrote many times during the election how Trump’s campaign was similar to a certain German campaign back in the thirties and how his “strategy” of using the “Big Lie Theory” comes straight from the “Third Reich” and he’s shown his authoritarian personality on many, many occasions.  I’m not sure about anyone else, but when Trump’s complaining about the constitution and the Senate rules that would cause him to have to negotiate with those on the “other side of the isle” as “archaic” his authoritarian personality is simply reconfirmed in my mind.

All this kind of makes you wonder what changes Trump would REALLY like to make to our system of government where he’s being constantly questioned and second guessed on all the stupid stuff he says or does.  Of course, his way of fighting back is using the strategies the Russians used to help him get elected – only in reverse.  This past weekend he gave a speech in Pennsylvania where he claimed that CNN and MSNBC are “fake news.”  Yes, “fake news” was prominent in helping him get elected (those “uneducated voters” he loves easily fell for much of it) but Trump accusing the media that’s actually investigating him and his connections with Russia – plus reporting the TRUTH about what he says and does – as being “fake” is presumably his best defense against those who actually think he’s “truthful” from seeing reality.  I suppose if he could get the news to quit reporting on his actions and get the constitution nullified he could get away with his scam of putting even more taxpayer money in his pockets and those of his benefactors.  Everyone knows Trump is a scam artist but republicans have backed themselves into a very uncomfortable corner.  He is in the process of ruining their party.

Already the right wing bastions like Rush Limbaugh are figuring out that Trump is a big bag of “hot air” when it comes to actually delivering on some of his absurd promises – remember, the members of Congress (who still have to vote on legislation) answer to their voters and when the proposals – like the “health care” bill are exposed as huge tax breaks for the wealthy and legislation that would actually reduce benefits and raise costs – well, even republicans vote against stuff like that.  But, Trump’s “base” is expecting a “wall,” they’re expecting non-existent jobs to miraculously reappear, they’re expecting a balanced budget, they’re expecting an “easy” end to ISIL, they’re expecting the repeal of “Obamacare” – with a substitute that provides EVERYONE with health insurance with lower premiums AND deductibles, and they’re expecting Trump to “drain the swamp.”  None of this is happening, none is likely to be happening anytime soon, and “the natives is gettin restless.”  Here’s the republicans’ in Congress dilemma: side with Trump and likely lose your seat.  Vote against Trump and maybe lose your seat.

If only the constitution could be suspended and the media blocked from reporting on Trump’s policies and his behavior the republicans could get legislation passed and no one would be the wiser.  Trump could then be just like his idols: Vladimir Putin, Kim Jong-Un, and Rodrigo Duterte.

Final thought: It’s looking more and more as if democrats will return to control of the House (and maybe Senate) in 2018.

Maybe Trump’s correct, “We the people” are essentially “uneducated” which is the key to him surviving the Russian “scandal” and staying in office.

The more I watch Donald Trump as president the more I’m reminded of the statement he made right after LOSING the Iowa Caucuses during last year’s primary season: “I love the uneducated voters.”  At first, once he was in office, each time he spoke or rolled out part of his “plan” or nominated someone to a position I thought, “Does he really think “we the people” are that stupid?”  Well, now it’s gotten to the point where things are getting more serious (if you remember, after the election I lamented on how much DAMAGE would Trump be allowed to do before the Congress came to their senses and IMPEACHED him?) and I’m wondering “how stupid are we?”  So far this week he’s reintroduced a “health care plan” (which is really a huge tax cut for the top 2% – something like $800 BILLION over 10 years) which will cut 24 MILLION Americans from health insurance AND will allow insurance companies to price those with “pre-existing conditions” out of the market.  For example, if you’re a young woman and had a C section for your first delivery, your insurance will potentially be unaffordable. (and, it appears, Trump has no idea what’s in “his” bill)

But, Trump topped that proposal when two of his Goldman Sachs cronies (do you remember how he accused Hillary Clinton of being “owned” by Goldman Sachs?) presented a one page “outline” (I guess) of Trump’s tax overhaul that would presumably simplify the tax system.  After watching the unveiling of the “plan,” this I can guarantee you, Trump will pay MUCH LESS and you and I (assuming you’re in the working class) will pay MORE.  The last “overhaul” of the tax system back in the 1980’s under Ronald Reagan did somewhat the same thing.  It was the result of the initial “trickle down” tax cuts which ballooned the deficit to the point where the republicans even noticed, so Reagan disguised raising the taxes of working people by calling it a tax overhaul.  Now, I get that raising the payroll tax was a good thing for working people because it helped stabilize Social Security, but the problem initially was the “tax cuts for the rich.”  (you know, the tax cuts that would create so many jobs it would lead to a balanced budget.  When are “we the people” going to figure out this scam?)  Over the long haul that (the payroll tax) was a good thing.  But, I didn’t see any evidence of anything like that (helping Social Security) in Trump’s proposal.  What I did see were multiple ways Trump himself will benefit (hugely) if this would somehow become law – which seems almost impossible to me – unless the democrats want NO CHANCE to regain control of the House in 2018 – and, who knows, miracles do happen, maybe they could even gain a couple seats in the Senate – although, that seems unlikely until at least 2020.  I’m guessing they’ll be the “obstructionists” if this proposal ever makes it to the Senate.  (I believe any proposal that creates more debt requires 60 votes to pass in the Senate and therefore requires “bipartisan” support)

Trump’s proposal contains a couple interesting items that would be removed from the tax code.  One, was a provision Reagan initiated to prevent people like Trump from paying NO TAX.  It’s called the “alternative minimum tax.”  For example, in the one Trump tax return that’s been made public (2005) he would have saved $30 MILLION in taxes had that provision been repealed in the Bush Tax Cuts.  Of course, paying only $5 MILLION in taxes on almost $200 MILLION in taxable income would be “smart” in Trump’s vernacular.  The other provision that caught my attention was ANOTHER attempt to repeal the inheritance tax.  Now, for people like Trump that’s REALLY a lot of money that his heirs would save – although, I have no doubt Trump would easily find a way around most of it.  People like the Walton’s, the DeVoss family, the Prince family, the Coors family, the infamous “Koch Brothers,” and on and on are pushing, I’m sure, for this to happen.  The reality is that the inheritance tax affects only a TINY fraction of America families and doesn’t kick in until something like $5 MILLION ($10 MILLION for couples) in the inheritance.  It’s purpose is to discourage an aristocracy.

What we’re seeing with the Trump administration is almost EXACTLY the opposite of what he “ran on.”  I mean, come on, do you seriously think that filling your cabinet with Billionaires and people from Goldman Sachs is “draining the swamp?”  Trump’s tax proposal is an extreme version of “trickle down” (I call it “trickle up”) economic theory that has proven OVER and OVER again to not only NOT WORK, but to – every time it’s been implemented (Reagan in the early 80’s and Bush/Cheney in the early 2000’s) – blow up the deficit by massive amounts and NOT create massive job growth. What may “bug” me the most about those who propose this crap is how they look right into the camera and spew the “talking points” that EVERYONE will benefit from what they’re proposing – while, in their minds thinking something like, “if these fools fall for this again we’re going to funnel even MORE of their money into our coffers.”

Early estimations of Trump’s proposal suggest this, if enacted, would be the “mother of all tax cuts” and would add $7 TRILLION (yes, trillion with a “T”) to the national debt over ten years.  Yesterday I listened to MSNBC’s “fox lite” show with Greta Van Susteren and it sounded as if she really wants a tax cut by the way she was hounding the guests who were pointing out the $7 TRILLION addition to the debt over 10 years.  It seemed strange to me, but she was lamenting the way government auditors make predictions over 10 year periods, so one of the guests said, OK, what that means is $700 BILLION added to the deficit EACH YEAR for 10 years.  That seemed to sink in.  We’ll see how all the “deficit hawks” in the republican caucus rationalize that one to “we the people.”  (I’m guessing the LYING will be put on steroids)

So, now we’re back to where we were in the first years of the Bush/Cheney regime.  It almost seems like deja vu all over again (especially if we start another war – this one probably designed to get “we the people’s” attention off the impending reality that our government is being led by people who gained power via being in cahoots with Russia).  Do you remember Dick Cheney saying, “Ronald Reagan proved that deficits don’t matter?”  This while taking a $250 BILLION surplus that was passed on by Clinton/Gore and was predicted to pay off the national debt in 10 years and turning it, eventually, into multi-TRILLION dollar deficits (that republicans were blaming on President Obama before he took the oath of office – and, by the way that he cut more than in half during his administration despite the republicans’ obstruction) and an economy they passed on to Obama that REALLY was a MESS.  I’ve heard Trump claim that he “inherited a mess” – all the while he’s taking credit for jobs numbers that are a reflection of the Obama administration’s policies (which Trump claimed were phony until he was in the White House) – but, in reality, it appears he’s going to take something that was headed in the right direction and turn it into a mess.

Think about it – if democrats somehow allow him to get away with these proposals – 24 MILLION fewer Americans with health insurance and many of those who have job related insurance paying MORE for it – negatively affecting a higher percentage of his own “base” – and the deficit going UP by $700 BILLION (or more) per year, republicans will find a way to blame the democrats.  Talk about a “mess.”  What will be interesting is what we hear from all the right wing republicans who seem to care about the deficit ONLY when there’s a democrat in the White House – are they going to go along with this or will the “blame game” (meaning somehow continuing to blame President Obama) be enough to get them to turn their heads?  They obstructed President Obama every step along the way in his administration – AND, by the way, complained bitterly about his “executive orders,” – which pale in comparison to Trump’s – they prevented the desperately needed overhaul of our infrastructure, they “nickel and dimed” proposals that would have helped those most in need – ie food stamps, education, unemployment insurance to name a few – and, they voted something like 60 times to repeal “Obamacare.”  Now they’re in control and it appears that, other than the aforementioned “blame game,” they have no idea what they’re supposed to be doing. Here’s what they’re good at: LYING.  (I don’t think members of Trump’s own party believe a word that comes from his mouth – although, those supporting him are finding out the only way to do so is: LYING.

Remember, the “government” IS “we the people” and that includes ALL of us.  I keep wondering how we could have possibly gotten to this point.  I “get” that the “media is the message” as was pointed out years ago by Marshall McLuhan and it seems clear to me that “we the people” have been “brainwashed” over the past (at least) 40 years and, that’s not changing anytime soon.  For example, Fox “news” is not a news outlet – it’s simply a propaganda “arm” of the republican party – in association with the right wing “talkers” that have permeated the radio airwaves for the past 30+ years.  Yes, there are feeble attempts by “liberals” to compete with the right wingers in the media, but the reality is that there’s around 9 or 10 (conservative) corporations controlling over 90% of what “we the people” see and hear.  In fact, in many areas of the nation, from my understanding, there is NO competing interest to the “conservative” point of view (which explains why so much of the south and the “rust belt” are solidly republican).  The other factor that I consider significant and expertly used by “conservative” media would be “wedge issues.”  To me, this is the area where democrats foolishly get “killed” in the public debate.

Republicans are experts at causing people to focus on a “wedge issue” that gains their vote “no matter what” while democrats are shutting out people they should be embracing with rigid positions that have little or nothing to do with governing.  Now, I do have to say that, in most instances, I agree with taking a stand on issues of moral imperative – but, what I find concerning is suggesting I (or you) have to take a certain “stand” to be a part of the solution to a problem.  That leads to people not being able to talk to each other and work through complicated problems that are presented as “black and white” issues.

The foremost issue that comes to mind is abortion.  I have many friends (conservative Christians – I would have to be “labeled” a “liberal” Christian) who have voted for republicans for years because of the abortion issue.  Back in the late 1970’s republican insiders realized they could generate a dependable base simply by claiming they were “pro life.”  (I’m thinking of writing an entire post on this subject soon)  So, over the years, republicans have pushed many political policy issues that, in my mind, should be antithetical to someone who’s “pro life,” but they continue to get away with it because republicans know all they have to do is say they oppose abortion and a large segment will vote for them, no matter what.  Donald Trump is a good example of this.  (I saw an interview with him before the election where he clearly had given the issue little thought – he suggested women should be “punished” for having an abortion)  Trump has a long history of being “pro choice” but we all know by now a single word he says can’t be believed.  However, for the pro life movement, just promising to nominate a “pro life” judge to the Supreme Court was all they needed to hear.

Additionally, there was a brew ha ha about the new head of the Democratic party, apparently – I’ve heard this peripherally, that you MUST be “pro choice” to be part of the Democratic party.  Well, to me that’s STUPID.  So, you look at the two parties and how they deal with this one issue and it becomes easier to understand how we got to the point where we have a narcissistic pathological LIAR as the president and two political parties that don’t talk to each other when they’re on the job and problems never get “bipartisan” solutions.  (apparently, many in Congress get along when they’re not at work)  This kind of stuff explains why our representatives can’t get anything done despite the FACT that on many issues large majorities of “we the people” are in agreement.  And, “we the people” are so – well, as Trump himself said, “uneducated” that we keep voting these people in – AND, we feel we’re “informed” because we watch Hannity (Fox) or Matthews (MSNBC).  Maybe Trump’s correct, “We the people” are essentially “uneducated” which is the key to him surviving the Russian “scandal” and staying in office.