Monthly Archives: February 2009

If the CEO of a failed Wall Street Bank can get someone to give them a multi-million dollar job elsewhere – they should take it!

I was reading in the New York Times today about how difficult it is for some of the Wall Street bankers who either didn’t get their bonuses last year, or who are subject to the cap of $500,000 placed on executives who work for companies which receive government bailout money. The whining was incredible – and so was the list of reasons why these guys need more. In fact, it was more than incredible. It just puts an exclamation mark on what many of us have been saying for the past 30 years, since the Reagan experiment took over Washington DC. These are the same people who begrudged the Air Traffic Controllers the package Reagan promised them in the campaign and then, ruthlessly, pulled back on as he started the national “break the unions” campaign in the early eighties. These are the same people who begrudge the auto workers who make $28 per hour PLUS benefits for putting their SUV’s and exotic Hummers together. And when you hear of why they are complaining, it’s hard to give them sympathy – especially when their behavior as bankers has cost the American taxpayers something like 3 or 4 thousand dollars a piece so far, with no end in sight. These guys are the epitome of the “trickle down” economic theories put in place by Reagan – they are the top tier of taxpayers that have been so in need of these horiffic tax cuts for the past 3 decades.

I agree that a sound banking system is imperative. What I don’t agree with is that these multi-million dollar executives are irreplaceable. My nephew did an internship at Deutche Bank in New York last summer – pre meltdown – and he came away somewhat disillusioned at the incredible greed which pervades Wall Street. My nephew was working in the “risk management” division of Deautche Bank – and the stakes are really high – business executives spend 15 to 16 hours a day GAMBLING other people’s money – and calling it banking. But what really bothers me is that despite the trauma these banks have caused for the rest of us, the executives who went way over the line, seem to think they are still deserving of multi-million dollar salaries and bonuses. I don’t need to make further comment on the 18+ billion in bonuses that was granted from TARP funds – even an idiot can tell how sick that was – it’s the idea that some of these people who have led their companies into losses in the hundreds of billions (THAT’S WITH A B) of dollars seem to think they are irreplaceable. Well, the only way I could agree with that is to say it would be hard to find people who could lose that much money in one year!

Here’s some of the reasons for the whining. Private schools cost upwards of 30+ thousand dollars a year – per child. OUCHEE! Now, I’m a public school teacher, and despite I’m having a tough year, I think I’m not that bad as a teacher – and that’s only a bit under my take home pay FOR THE YEAR! But that’s just a start. The Manhattan appartment costs $8000 per month for the mortgage (figuring what my mortgage is and what the payment is that tells me the mortgage is in excess of a million dollar balance) with $8000 per month in “association” fees. I presume that is the cost of having someone protect your fancy place in an environment where some people might think you were a bit excessive – I’m not sure, I can’t even imagine an $8000 per month fee to pay someone for their services. Then there’s the car and the driver – and, oh yes, the place to store the Benz or whatever it is that you need for the driver to drive. And the preferable driver is an ex/cop who can carry a weapon which brings the cost of the driver up to $125,000 per year. (makes me want to learn how to use a weapon)

OK, now it gets even better. To be included in the “in” crowd you need a place on the Hamptons. Now, for those of you like me who have no idea what the Hamptons is, a little research will tell you it’s an exclusive community where the “track” houses go for something like $5 to $10 million. Now, that’s hard for me to even fathom. But a little work with my calculator says that if I buy one of the cheap Hampton residences for, say $5 million, and I’ve got say $1 million for a down payment (20% – I have no idea if people in that stratosphere have the same rules as the rest of us on mortgages) then the payment would be something like $20 to $25 thousand PER MONTH! OK, so now I think you can begin to see why a measly $500,000 just won’t do for these thieves. But, I’m not finished. When you consider the Nanny, the food, the entertainment, the expected three trips per year to Aspen, or Europe, or the Bahamas, or who knows where (The only way I got three days at the beach this year is because one of my former subs owns a beach house and gave me a good deal), and things like personal trainers, private jets, and I could go on – you can see why these guys are complaining.

You see, I think what happens is that when people get entreched in any lifestyle, they think they have some kind of right for it to continue endlessly. I mean, to a certain extent, I fight the urge to fall into that rut all the time. I’ve committed 15 years of my life to teaching, very intensely I might add, and I often think that this should go on forever. But, the reality is that the reason I GET to keep teaching is that I keep teaching. I don’t know if that makes sense – but once I stop teaching (even if I’m still in the classroom) someone’s going to want to get rid of me. I’m having a tough year – nothing to compare to executives losing hundreds of billions of dollars – but a tough year none-the-less. I lay awake at night trying to figure out how I can get through to my students and get them excited about learning. Should I fail, it’s not like losing billions, but to me probably even more devestating. We’re talking about live human kids here! Then, it becomes time to start thinking about whether or not it’s time to stop. So, as far as I’m concerned, these people who have ruined the retirement policies of millions of working Americans like myself need to stop whining. If they can’t make it on $500,000 (actually, I don’t think they’re worth half of that – that’s still about 10 times my gross salary) – then it’s time for them to go get another job. If the CEO of a failed Wall Street Bank can get someone to give them a multi-million dollar job elsewhere – they should take it!

If we wanted a Republican solution to this mounting problem, we would have voted for Republicans on November 4th!

Tonight, I just want to remind anyone who might happen across this place in cyberspace that the economic “stimulus” package, while being criticized as being too much spending, is probably WAY to small.  The problem, I believe, is WAY bigger than most people realize.  We have been putting off this “reckoning” with phony economic theories for over 30 years.  In my mind, the only President I can remember with the guts to call it straight was Jimmy Carter, and, of course, he was run out of town due to the hostage crisis in Iran during the election of 1980.  He had reduced the, what at the time was huge, budget deficit of the Nixon/Ford years by about half when he was defeated by Ronald Reagan, who initiated the ridiculous claim which in a nutshell said; “I’m going to reduce taxes and balance the budget.”

That made no sense then, and it made even less sense when George W Bush said essentially the same thing as he took over in 2001.  The difference, of course, was that Bush inherited a $250 Billion surplus – which he frittered away in just a couple of months of incredible tax cuts for people who absolutely didn’t need them.  Bush always says he took over during a recession, but the truth is that the recession didn’t start until he was in office for about 3 or 4 months – soon enough, of course, to deflect the blame from their tax cutting strategy (which put the government in competition for available money to be borrowed and, in my view, instigated the dot-com bubble’s burst – remember that almost all internet companies were in their infancy and they were all losing money and living off of borrowed funds – I’m not blaming Bush for this, I’m just saying his tax cuts acted like a catalyst for the bubble to burst – it was inevitable) to Bill Clinton – although we’ll never know what would have happened had he continued the “pay as you go” strategy of the Clinton administration.  Estimates I’ve seen have said that the tax cuts have “robbed” the treasury of upwards of $3 Trillion – which is less than half the deficit accumulated under Bush.

Carrying on two wars while implementing huge tax cuts was a first in our history – and we are seeing the result.  On top of that, the industrial base of this great nation has been moving over seas since the mid-Clinton years and we are also seeing the result of a consumer based economy when the consumers lose their meal ticket – the burgeoning equity in their homes which could be used as an enormous credit card.  The sacrifice of “keep shopping,” which was absurd to me when I heard the words come straight out of the mouth of our 43rd President, will probably go down in history as one of the most ridiculous requests any American President has made to the American public.  So now we are in a sorry state economically, and it’s getting worse by the minute.  When jobs are being lost by the hundreds of thousands (last week almost 700,000) each week, it is like a mushrooming effect in reverse.  This is like a frieght train that is gaining momentum and the more momentum it gains, the harder it’s going to be to stop it, let alone turn it around and get it going in the other direction.

That is exactly why Obama is speaking in superlatives as he’s encouraging Congress to get off their dead a#@*s and pass a stimulus package.  He’s the one in charge and responsible for managing this economy.  Now, keep in mind that the Congress had no idea we were in a recession (they talked that one was impending) until about one year after the Congressional Budget Office officially announced that it had begun in December of 2007 (of course, they announced it around September or October of 2008).  The reason I’m pointing this out is because the government is usually WAY behind the reality that “We the People” are facing in our daily lives.  And what’s happening today is no different.  I believe Obama “gets it” and the Congress doesn’t.  Especially the Republicans.  If you’ve read any of my previous posts you know what I think of the present day Republicans.  (There have been some great Republicans over the years, but most of them are dead and the ones still alive aren’t anywhere near Congress at this point in time – unfortunately)

The real problem, as I see it, is the potential severity of this “downturn.”  I know that Dick Cheney said, “Reagan proved that deficits don’t matter.”  Well, I believe that is the typical short term thinking that has been pervasive in this government for the 30+ years since Nixon.  We’ve discovered deficits do matter, and our deficit is now a major stumbling block to the future prosperity of this nation.  To me, the reality is that the government is going to have to provide a lot more stimulus than the initial package they are debating at present.  Our country essentially needs to be rebuilt, as far as the so-called infrastructure is concerned.  I’m talking about hiways, bridges, schools, sewer systems, transit systems, and more.  We’re talking about over $2 Trillion just for that.  And that doesn’t take into accout the banking system that is in ruins – despite the $300+ Billion thrown recklessly at it by Henry Paulsen as he was headed out the door of the Treasury department.  You’ve heard the statement, “Don’t throw good money after bad,” well, I’m not so sure that isn’t exactly what’s going to happen regarding the banks, even with Obama at the controls of the money.

I was encouraged when they instituted a cap on the amount of compensation the executives could earn if their banks require government “bailout” funds.  But, based on the previous actions of these greedy CEO’s, I just don’t trust them.  If they can find a way around the rules, they will – not a doubt in my mind.  Which is why I believe, with regard to the banks, it’s better to let them fail and have the government come in and take them over.  Now, I know that aint going to happen – if at all possible – because of the panic it would cause, but it just feels to me that we will be throwing good money after bad, unless somehow we can change the mentality of these executives who think for some reason they’re worth hundred’s of times the value of average workers in this country.

My point is that I believe we are facing circumstances which haven’t existed since the Great Depression and this arguing over minor details in Obama’s stimulus package is stupid.  This is also why I believe President Obama is making a huge mistake (I know he promised he would do this in the campaign, but at some point he must understand that enough is enough) by catering to Republicans.  THEY ARE WILLING TO GAMBLE PEOPLE WON’T REMEMBER WHO CAUSED THIS MESS – AND THEY WANT OBAMA TO FAIL.  This is the only chance they have of gaining national power for the forseeable future.  I mean, can you imagine Sarah Palin trying to figure out how to get us out of this mess ( or John McCain)?  But this thing is going to get far worse no matter what happens in the next two weeks – however, SOONER IS BETTER THAN LATER when it comes to the initial legislation intended to slow or stop the downward slide of the economy.

So, if by some miracle of fate,  you’re reading this please call or email your Senator and encourage them to get this thing passed.  I know a lot of people are worried about the huge deficit – but they should have been worried about that years ago.  The Republicans have had a virtual free pass concerning deficit spending – and people kept voting them into office – in fact, there are still enough of them in the Senate to cause problems – and, of course, you will never see the Democratic party marching in lock step like the Republicans – so the Senate will always be a problem with the 60 vote requirement to shut off debate on legislation.  And, once it passes, call or email them again and tell them to let Obama be President so we can judge his administration based on the results of the choices HE makes.  Don’t muddle things up – like they did on this bill with the compromise from the so-called moderate Republicans and Blue Dog Democrats – let the President have a chance to see if his vision will solve the problem.  Their “compromise” is typical Republican BS – less money aimed at ordinary people and more tax cuts for the wealthy.  If we wanted a Republican solution to this mounting problem, we would have voted for Republicans on November 4th!

Every time Republicans suggest more tax cuts, they should be getting ridiculed.

Propaganda.  Today as I was travelling to school I wondered first, how many Americans understand that word and secondly, how many Americans are cognizant of the propaganda machine the Republican party has created in the last 30 years.  I have to give them credit, they are very good at this.  But the reality is that their propaganda machine is one of the main reasons I think they should be escorted into the memory books of this nation’s history.  There is a growing number of Americans who agree with my contention that the Republican party in this country is interested in only two things: power and money.  As I’m looking at the economic meltdown two thoughts come to mind in relation to their interests.  They have lost power and they’re willing to do anything to get it back.  That’s the first thought, the second is that because of their tax cuts for the wealthy and their other policies that favored the “rich” –  people like me will have been broke for a long time before the effects of this recession/possible depression hits many of them.  And, until it hits their pocket books I believe they will still be calling for more tax cuts for corporations and investors as the way to “create jobs” in our economy.

I could go on and on here.  And each example I could give would border on stupidity – at least in my mind.  The other day I watched tapes of John McCain standing on the Senate floor actually proposing an alternative “rescue” plan which was totally made up of tax cuts and the vast majority of them were corporate tax cuts (most of these corporations don’t pay taxes already) and capital gains tax cuts (presumably to encourage more people to try to make a living gambling on the stock market).  Can you even imagine if he’d won this election?  At least with President Obama there is some hope.  I’m guessing that McCain still believes the “fundamentals of our economy are strong.”  The guy is a nimwit – I have no idea how he has managed to stay in the Senate for so long – makes me wonder about the idea of retiring in Arizona.

Then today, while driving around I heard another Republican who was against the “stimulus plan” being presently debated because he felt there needed to be “private” jobs created.  Evidently, the guy thinks that the 100+ Billion in infrastructure spending would be done by government businesses.  However, the only government businesses I’m aware of at this time are the big banks which were “bought” by Henry Paulsen and AIG the big insurance company which has received over $150 Billion in government “investment.”  I thought “This is par for the course.”  Of course, My brother-in-law who works for Granite Construction in California would think otherwise.  He is the epitome of a hard working engineer for a PRIVATE construction business – he’s an engineer who masterfully builds roads and bridges – and people like him and the company he works for will be the beneficiary of this government investment along with the rest of us because what they build will be around for the next century – it will just be that federal tax dollars will pay for it.  Every time we drive through California, “We the People” will benefit from this spending for many many years to come – and, believe me, Granite Construction is a well run PRIVATE company.  There are many stories and PRIVATE companies like this all across our nation which would be virtually saved by this “stimulus.”

And then there’s the Republicans who are complaining that we will be running up huge deficits.  I actually heard one of them today complaining that the cost of this stimulus package will be borne by our grandchildren.  YOU’VE GOT TO BE KIDDING ME!!!  After the combination of Nixon, Reagan, Bush, and Bush has pushed our national debt from the billions (it was close to being in balance after Lyndon Johnson) to the 12 trillion level in about 30 years and put our economy in a state of ruin – how can they even say this?  (it would have been about a trillion worse except for the “tax and spend” policies of Bill Clinton – and believe me, the Republicans will have some kind of rationalization to explain why Bill Clinton’s surpluses were either because of them or excessive taxes – both bold faced lies – and they will NEVER talk about how they didn’t waste a second of their time thinking in terms of paying down the national debt with the surplus before Bush II frittered it away shortly after assuming office) They are going to complain about deficit spending now? – AT A TIME WHEN IT IS CRITICALLY NEEDED!?  If there ever was a time for deficit spending (well, except for 1933 of course) now is the time.  These guys are nothing more than lying blowhards and hypocrits!

Propaganda is when you keep repeating the same thing over and over until people actually start to think you know what you’re talking about and start believing you.  Now, I thought the American people had gotten beyond these Republicans as of November 4th, 2008.  However, two things seem to be happening at once.  First, President Obama seems determined to work with Republicans (giving them undeserved credibility) and push for a “bi-partisan” spirit in Washington.  Second, the Republicans could care less if they take this nation down to its knees, if it will help them insure the failure of the Obama administration.  And, make no mistake, they are very good at this.  Lying is second nature to virtually every Republican I am familiar with.  They’ve got Rush Limbaugh calling the shots from his radio mike with an audience of billions (if you ask him) – he calls them ditto heads (just the thought of that word makes my point – a bunch of peolpe who can’t think for themselves all repeating the same thing over and over until every last one of them believes that their lie is true – you know ditto (like ditto machine) – I call them butt heads – the kind of people who made Hitler powerful in Germany during the 1930’s.

If President Obama doesn’t succeed, and if the so-called stimulus package that comes out of Congress fails to stimulate the economy, I believe it will be because of Obama’s attempt to placate Republicans.  Today I heard that the so-called Blue Dog Democrats and the “moderate” Republicans had come up with some kind of compromise – and I truly hope it gets passed and it works.  But it has been very interesting, at the very least, watching this process.  The first 100 days of any Presidency, by all accounts, are critical to establish your administration.  To me, when you have a 70% approval rating and you’ve just won an election in a landslide, and the people on the “other side of the isle” have been leading you off a cliff, you don’t placate them – PERIOD!!!  If Obama fails, I believe this will be the simple answer – he tried to placate the Republicans.  This “stimulus” package is just the tip of the iceberg.  These guys are arguing over a few minor “flaws” in the plan as if to try to get their constituents to think they are really looking out for our nation’s interests.  There is a lot more arguing ahead of us!

Republicans are still controlling trillions of dollars which they have gleaned from taxpayers over the past 8 years, and this recession is a “buying opportunity” for the greedy ones.  They aren’t thinking for a minute what is the common good.  They can outlast, economically, all but the very few Democrats and don’t think for a minute that they wouldn’t attempt to do this.  I feel confident that they are scared to death of Obama coming in and being the second Roosevelt.  It would mean another 40 years or so on the sidelines for their party.  And, to them, their party is more important than our country.  During the Bush fiasco, one of my real frustrations was the Democrats willingness to “cave” in to Bush.  I just think they felt he was the President and they were thinking “country first” – the supposed Republican campaign slogan of 2008 (what a irony!) – that’s why they didn’t cut off funds for Iraq (which I still believe they should have), that’s why there has been millions of illegal wiretaps, and that is why Bush was not impeached – the Democrats were thinking “country first.”  This led to a miserable 8 years for many of us waiting for the Bush Presidency to FINALLY end!

Well, from the looks of things and despite the McCain campaign slogans, it doesn’t appear the Republicans are capable of “Country First.”  Obama will get some kind of “stimulus” package, but he will be considerably weakened by the time it’s done.  And make no mistake, this is just the “tip of the iceberg” as far as any rescue of our economy.  By my thoughts, the best that can be hoped for from this “stimulus” package is that the downward spiral will be stopped or considerably slowed down – so that we can take a breath and think things through more carefully as we proceed.  There is going to have to be ADDITIONAL SPENDING to the tune of possibly a couple trillion dollars – that’s just the reality of the situation as I see it.  And there’s no way of avoiding the fact that there will need to be ADDITIONAL REVENUE – YES! MORE TAXES – NOT LESS!!!  Now, that might be a year away or so, but it is going to have to happen – I don’t see any way around it.  At some point, we Americans, are going to have to realize that we must start paying for things – even if that effects our “standard of living” which everyone knows is exhorbitant – and can be easily reduced for most people.

I’m predicting – or suggesting – a 50 cent per gallon gas tax as a way to start.  That would spread the burden across the board (you could figure ways to exclude low income people, truck drivers, etc.) and it would bring in massive amounts of revenue while discouraging the use of gasoline.  Additionally, I’ll be very disappointed in President Obama if he fails to repeal the Bush tax cuts instead of just letting them run out.  That would NOT be what I would call a bold move.  Bold moves won’t be happening as long as there is this sense that we need to be bi-partisan.  Essentially, what I’m saying is the Republicans, despite a sound thrashing at the polls in November, despite a hugely poplular president from the opposing party, despite policies that have been proven failures, despite record low poll ratings, have used their skills at propaganda and their utter lack of concern for the future of this nation, to put President Obama on the defensive.  If he doesn’t quickly figure out what they are doing and counter act it with aggressiveness, I believe he will be a one term president and we will spend the next four years experiencing the kind of garbage that cluttered the airwaves during Bill Clinton’s Presidency – it will just be choreographed especially for Barrack Obama.

 This is all grandstanding on both sides, as far as I’m concerned.  And, in my mind, the Democrats are no match for the Republican propaganda machine.  As of this morning, based on polls that I heard, the Republicans had succeeded in “spinning” Obama’s support down to about 51 or 52% from the 70% where he started.  He had better figure out quickly that they don’t want him to succeed and he MUST go into attack mode – or his presidency will be doomed before it starts.  I was watching Chris Matthews the other day (the guy makes me want to throw up) and I realized that Obama has to overcome the intrenched media who seem to be willing to give “time” to some of the lowest of the Republicans as well as the Republicans themselves, evidently because controversy drives their ratings.  But, as far as I’m concerned, people like Matthews are concerned about as much for this nation as the Republicans who they regularly give a platform.  Either the Republicans are in better standing with these media folks, or the Democrats  just don’t know how to fight back.  But it’s almost unbelievable to me that I’m hearing Republicans on national TV proposing tax cuts to solve this problem and supposedly intelligent media people are letting them get away with it.  Every time Republicans suggest more tax cuts, they should be getting ridiculed.

Dick Cheney going to jail would do as much for turning this nation around as the stimulus package!

The other day I said, “I don’t want to beat a dead horse” in reference to my seemingly constant “encouragment for President Obama to stop courting Republicans and start prosecuting them.  Well, I wasn’t lying – I DON’T WANT TO KEEP DOING THIS! – but the truth is, I feel I have to.  And while I’m acting like anyone is actually reading this – according to 1 and 1 (my service provider – and by the way, they’re good and you can get 2500 email addresses and three domains for $10/month – don’t forget to tell them that I sent you :o)  there are people reading this blog, just not commenting – if you are reading this, please send a few emails to peolpe with the URL ( so that eventually I can find someone who either wants to agree with or argue with me.  Or better yet, email me at with your thoughts – I really would like to hear what other people think about what’s going on in our country.  OK, back to “business.”  A few days ago it was Rush Limbaugh, yesterday it was Samuel Wurzelbacher (I refuse to call him Joe the you know what), and today who’s back?  None other than Dick Cheney.  And, if the news media is at all correct, the stories I’m reading suggest that President Obama’s “stimulus package” is “in trouble.”  Trying to absorb all this (it’s alot) is tough enough, but focusing my thoughts for a single post is going to be a real challenge.  Those who know me think I have a tendency toward too many words – I’m trying to be kind to both them and me in my description :o)

I could stay up all night writing why I think it is imperative for a stimulus package to be implemented “sooner rather than later.”  Even though I agree with those who claim the “package” is too small and doesn’t do enough for infrastructure rebuilding, it is a start in the right direction.  And, while I fervently disagree with the tax cut provision of the bill, I understand the rationale behind it.  Putting $1000 into the hands of every working couple and $500 for every working individual will infuse money almost immediately into the system.  While this does nothing for the long-term problems created by 30 years of greed and supply side economics, it does provide a “jumpstart” that conceivably could prevent an untold number of businesses going upside down and jobs going the way of the dinosaur prior to the rest of the plan taking effect.  It is imperative FOR ALL OF US – NO MATTER WHAT ALLEGIANCES WE HAVE that the downward meltdown of our economy be halted ASAP!  Therefore, I’m willing to bite my lip and say maybe the tax cuts are a good idea, because much of the rest of the package will take several months to get “off the ground” so to speak.  OK, I’ve done it, I’ve at least briefly talked about the stimulus package that’s in trouble.  If this thing doesn’t get passed soon, well, I’ll have even more to say about Republicans and also about how our Senate works.  I’ll end this part of my discussion by saying I’d really like to see the Democrats force the Republicans to talk for months, if that is what it takes, to get them out of the filibuster mood.  The threat of filibuster seems to be the solution for every bit of legislation – which is not what was intended when the “art” of filibustering was “invented” – so Democrats, MAKE THEM DO IT – no more caving at the threat of a filibuster.

Back to the beating a “dead horse” part of the discussion.  Now I feel like I’m treating President Obama like I treat my sixth graders who prefer “World of Warcraft” to homework, and who have to listen to my rants over and over – with my desire being that at some point they would actually follow my instructions.  Of course, I would have to call this advice (not instructions) for President Obama, but I’m going to keep giving it to him until someone gets through to his brain, or until he reads my posts and comes to his senses! :o)  Talk about arrogant, huh?  I’m just watching where things are heading and I don’t like what I’m seeing.  I sent money I didn’t have to Obama during the campaign, so I think I’m justified in giving him my advice.  Here it is: LOSE THE REPUBLICANS!  This idea of crossing the partisan divide, while in theory very admirable, is going to get your ship sinking and if you’re not careful it’ll be difficult to bail the water out faster than it is coming in.  I think I’m going to have to be very direct here, and I hope no one’s totally offended by what I say, but, again – I’d love a discussion on the subject.

First: Mr. Obama, I’ve got to point out a very important point to you.  Despite the FACT that your Mom was white, the Republicans consider you a – I’m going to use my term, not theirs – African American.  Now, for many Americans that is no longer an issue.  But for the hard core Republicans (these are the ones whose voices are being heard the loudest – any Republican who agrees with you is afraid to step forward in fear of being put on the Rush Limbaugh show and we all know where Limbaugh stands on race) they don’t like you simply because of that.  Even John McCain pretty much got away with referring to you as “That one” in one of the debates, which made the hair on my back stand on end – not only that he said it right in front of God and everyone, but that there wasn’t more public disgust and outrage aimed at him for doing so (of course the voters showed their disgust in November).  I’m saying this because they absolutely want you to fail, and they are going to do everything in their power to insure that you do.  The FACT that you are trying so hard to include them in the debate is only causing two things to happen.  They think you’re weak and can be manipulated and your own party is probably getting a bit angry that you’re seemingly giving them more time than Democrats.  I don’t see how you can win here unless you admit to another “screwup” (even if it’s in private – or in your own thoughts) and quit cowing to these thugs.

They are the ones who have caused all the problems you’re trying to fix.  And they don’t “get it,” they’re not going to “get it,” and when you look at how the Bush administration was purposefully trying to destroy our government – they probably don’t want things fixed!  THINGS WORK BETTER FOR THEM THE WORSE THEY ARE FOR THE REST OF US!  The last thing the Republicans want to see is a black President coming in and fixing the mess they created.  That might cause people to take a good look at THEM.  Now, I’m not trying in any way to be demeaning here or imply there is still racism in this country (we all know the truth about that).  I’m just trying to tell it as I see it.  I’ve read one of your books, and I’m reading “The Dreams of my Father” right now.  I admire your intellect and your integrity.  There is so much about you that makes me feel like there is hope – but I believe with all my heart if you don’t tell the Republicans you are going to move on without them (there are a few that will jump on board) your presidency faces the posibility of being doomed.  For example, today you nominated a Republican who voted to abolish the Commerce department in the 90’s to run it in this time of national crisis as far as Commerce is concerned.  That sounds almost too Bushlike for me.  I’m really tired of these Republicans (it’s probably obvious, huh?) and the ones speaking out almost make me puke every time I hear their words coming out of their mouths.  President Obama,  ENOUGH ALREADY!!!

Today, former Vice President Cheney stepped over the line AGAIN.  I’ve been telling you, President Obama, what you need to do with this guy and I hope you listen – but today he was unbelievable.  Well, no he wasn’t – the truth is that nothing he said today surprised me at all.  The only thing that surprises me is that you have even the slightest hesitancy about letting the legal process regarding his actions “fall where they may.”  That is, encourage an investigation.  OUR NATION NEEDS TO BE RID OF THE BURDEN CHENEY AND BUSH PUT ON OUR SHOULDERS AS BAD AS WE NEED TO FIX THE ECONOMY!  I don’t see why you are missing this.  Today, Cheney did everything in his power to undermine everything you’re trying to do.  He’s going to continue, along with his former boss, to try to manipulate history in order to justify the gestapo like atmosphere they brought to our government.  YOU CAN’T JUST LOOK FORWARD – YOU HAVE TO LOOK BACK.  You can’t fix things if you ignore what got us to this place.  Cheney admitted again today,  as he was trying to undermine you, that he authorized torture (enhanced interrogation – don’t you just love euphamisms?), illegal wiretapping, and illegal wars.  He’s going to continue to play the “fear card” until you put some fear in him.  He needs to go to JAIL, and it is your administration which we are counting on to make this happen.  Today, Cheney upped the rhetoric they are going to use in calling you a WEAK PRESIDENT!  You can’t let this happen – SO START WITH THEM – BUSH AND CHENEY! 

My suggestion would be make a speech to the nation asking the 70% of Americans that are supporting you to call their congressional leaders and encourage them to vote for this stimulus package so that we can move on.  In the process, let the Republicans know if they want to act in a civilized manner they are welcomed in the discussion.  But “business as usual” is OVER!  If they can’t do better than Limbaugh, Hannity, Joe the whatever his name is, and Cheney – then they shouldn’t even be part of the discussion.  We voted for a progressive change in this country – and believe me Mr. Obama – that 70% can be gone in a flash – so don’t even give the hint that you are weak.  If it’s not obvious, I’m pretty “peeved” by what Cheney said today – If you haven’t heard, he was interviewed at and check it out.  It was pretty incredible.  Between Cheney, Limbaugh, Palin, and Joe what’shisname, are we going to let people who have nothing to offer continue to destroy this nation?  These people are vile.  They are the liars that believe their own lies.  They are dangerous to the very fabric of this representative republic.  We are not only fighting to restore the economy Republicans undermined we are fighting for the system of justice that, over the last 200+ years, has separated this nation from all others on the face of the earth.  Dick Cheney going to jail would do as much for turning this nation around as the stimulus package!

President Obama, the only thing the Republicans want from you, is your failure!

I don’t want to be sitting here at my computer giving President Obama advice.  But, well you can guess what’s about to happen, can’t you?  I mean, today, for the first time that I can remember (probably since Jimmy Carter – I hope this isn’t a bad omen) I saw a President say “I screwed up” on national TV. Now, I’m not exactly sure what he was referring to when he said that – ostensibly he was referring to the nomination of Tom Daschle to be Secretary of Health and Human services – Daschle withdrew his nomination because he failed to pay a substantial sum of income tax incurred when he accepted the use of a car and driver upon his departure from the US Senate a few years ago. Originally Obama stood behind him – kind of a blind loyalty, I suppose with the belief that Daschle was the best person for the job – which kind of undercut Obama’s pledge to “change” the culture of Washington (what President hasn’t made that pledge?). Obviously, Obama himself didn’t “vet” Daschle for the job, and just as obviously Daschle wasn’t totally forthcoming when offered the job – so it made it a bit interesting trying to figure out what Obama was apologizing for. Surely, it was appropriate for Daschle to apologize. Maybe, this is my optimistic self talking, President Obama is REALLY a “the buck stops here” kind of President and that’s why he took responsibility. I guess we’ll find out.

Getting back to my advice. Not only did Daschle withdraw his nomination, but another less well known person withdrew hers (I have no idea what her name is) because at some point in her life she failed to pay $900 in taxes for a person who worked for her as a nanny, or something like that. OK, I need a little more of a frame for my thoughts, so you’ll have to wait for the advice a bit longer. I see a couple problems with this tax crusade from whoever is “uncovering” these “mistakes.” Keep in mind that to change Washington’s culture, we may need some people from outside of Washington to fill some of the positions that require Senate confimation and the way it’s working back there now, I can forsee a time when they can’t get people willing to allow themselves to go through this grilling by a bunch of hypocrits (and, believe me, I fully understand that this hypocracy is one thing in Washington that is “bi-partisan”). Now, Daschle failed to pay well over a hundred thousand dollars over a period of three years (that’s taxes on the value of the gift – a car and driver – must have been some kind of car and some special driver) and he also received hundreds of thousands of dollars speaking to the very companies which he would have been dealing with in developing a national health insurance program. I think, “Upon further review,” President Obama realized Daschle represented “more of the same” and that is why he was apologizing for “screwing up.” Daschle should never have been nominated – it was done in haste and it was a mistake. The second person – who if I understand it correctly paid $900 late – are you kidding me? I mean I’d hate to go before the commitees who are approving/dispoving these nominees.

I always try to pay my taxes fairly. I’ve been homeless and jobless before. I’m thankful I “get” to pay taxes. That means I have a job and I’m actually making a liveable wage. That being said, I don’t know how accurate Turbo Tax is. I’ve never been audited (and I hope I never am) – probably because I don’t make much and it should be obvious to anyone that I’m not trying to cheat. But, if someone went over my last 10 years returns with a “fine tooth comb” I have no idea if they’d find a mistake. There can be no doubt, people like Daschle don’t figure out their own taxes either. They have high paid accountants (think of what it would be like to be Daschle’s accountant right now – yesterday I’m bragging that Daschle is my client, today I’m in the commercial that ends with “Want to get away?”) and they probably make so much money that they have no idea if all their taxes have been paid and it doesn’t seem to matter. I mean, if all of a sudden I had to come up with $140,000 to clear up a tax bill, I’d be on the phone immediately to one of those outfits on the radio who advertise that they can come up with alternate solutions which reduce the debt. I mean, that’s more than I take home from work in 4 years!

My point #1: someone is looking at the minutia and taking advantage of Obama’s pledge to clean up Washington. Now guess who this might be? What’s the old saying; “Three guesses and the first two don’t count.” OK, we know that the Republicans are about as far from squeaky clean as you can get, but they are really abusing the position they’re in right now. THEY ARE GOING TO DO EVERYTHING THEY CAN TO UNDERMINE BARRACK OBAMA’S PRESIDENCY! This is just a given. I guarantee you, if all the Republicans leading the charge against Daschle – and more ridiculously the lady who was late with $900 – had to submit to tax audits before they could use this as an excuse to vote against the nomination – this would not have even come up as an issue. Remember the Bible story where Jesus is at the well with the prostitute who the Pharisees wanted to stone to death – and he said “Let the man without sin throw the first stone” – which resulted in all the accusers walking away in shame – well I suspect the same would have happend here. So, has Obama backed himself into a corner with his pledge of “purity?” Well, I don’t think so, and I’ll tell you why.

Which brings me to point #2 – And this is my advice to President Obama: I’ve been writing for over two months now on the importance of allowing investigations of the Bush administration to go on on all fronts (this would undoubtedly bring in a few Republicans along the way). Insure they are run by non-partisan members of the Justice department and let the evidence speak for itself. Where people are exonerated, where laws have not been broken, just find out what happened for history’s sake and for the sake of correcting actions that we don’t want to happen again. Where there has been lawbreaking, let the judicial system that has made this the greatest nation on earth carry out fair and impartial justice. Let these Republicans flap their jaws for a few days because that’s about all they’ve got – and tell them, “You’re right, we’ve got to find out the details of what has been going on in this town – from everyone – including you.” That is the only way you’ll get their attention – DON’T BACK DOWN! You understand full well that their solution to the mess they’ve made – more of the same stupidity – TAX CUTS FOR THE WEALTHY – would get you thrown out of town quickly. Here’s the main problem, these guys have been running roughshod over the constitution, the Congress, the people, anyone and anything that gets in their way for far too long. PUT A HALT TO IT RIGHT NOW! Understand this Predident Obama; The Republicans are not going to work in a non-partisan fashion until they are convinced that you DON’T NEED THEM. At that point they will come grovelling – I guarantee it!

But for now – you’ve got to go on without them. They are trying to expose you as a weak President. You don’t have a lot of time to turn this around. I mean Mr. President – this is the party that is being led be a big fat blowhard who’s day job is to tell one lie after another on the radio airwaves – he’s perfected the art of lying – I’ll give him that. And it’s “leading” candidate to make a run for your job in 2012 is a governor of a state about the size of the county I live in (poplulation wise), who shoots wolves while hovering in a helicopter, is also a good liar,  and considers foreign policy being able to see Russia from her house (this is one of the ways she proved her incompetence).  On top of that, their new leading “front man” is another superb liar (must be a requirement to lead the Republican party – incompetence at everything but lying) Samuel Wurzelbacher, who you know as Joe the Plumber from the campaign, the unemployed plumber who gained five minutes (now hours) of fame by lying right to your face.  This is the type of “Economic expert” these Republicans rely on!  These people have no intention of cooperating with you – EVEN IF THE FUTURE OF THE COUNTRY IS AT STAKE. The only future they worry about is their own return to power – and they’ll get there any way they can at whatever expense they have to incurr. (the last eight years should make it clear what they’re made of Mr. Obama!)

Give them a chance this week to vote for the stimulus package as it’s presented. If they block it, go into attack mode. Let them know who’s running the show at this point. Take out the tax cuts, increase the spending on infrastructure, and dare them to filibuster. If they filibuster, let them talk until they’re blue in the face. Yes, if this doesn’t pass quickly we’re all going to suffer a bit more (possibly a lot more) but the long term benefits of demonstrating you are in charge and they are the minority party will be huge. And the investigations that I’ve been calling for will uncover so much corruption and lawbreaking that these guys won’t be back in power until their children are running for their seats in Congress, at the earliest. President Obama, the only thing the Republicans want from you, is your failure!

We, as a nation, can ill afford to EVER experience the Bush years again!

Honestly, I’m not trying to “beat a dead horse.” But today as I was thinking about what it’s going to take to move this great country in the direction of leader of the free world I couldn’t help but think we have to “walk the walk.” We’ve become very good at talking the “talk” but it’s the walk that seems to be so difficult. We are a nation of laws and not men, that is the mantra that has allowed the United States of America to survive as a self governing republic for over 200 years, something unachieved prior to this in the World’s history. It feels as if the foundation is cracking. Eight years of George W Bush and company has put this nation in jeopardy of losing its status as the world’s lone super power. The world, in my opinion, desperately needs America to return to its roots, so to speak, because we have the opportunity to lead by example as many nations struggle to find an identity in the 21st century.

My thoughts today centered on the fact that Karl Rove continues to thumb his nose at congressional subpoenas as if the law doesn’t apply to him. Virtually every member of the Bush administration, post Scooter Libby’s conviction for obstruction of justice and perjury, just refused to testify or provide any information about what was happening inside the “walls” of their “command center.” Everything was excused because of national security or executive privilege – both dubious claims that the Democrats never forced them to justify in court. While I blame the Democrats for that, it’s more understandable while Bush was still in office, but totally unacceptable now. I know that President Obama must be focused on getting the Stimulus legislation through Congress, but this lawbreaking cannot go unabated.

Rove, Harrriet Miers, Josh Bolton, they can’t get away with ignoring Congressional subpoenas. Letting that happen won’t be “looking ahead” it will be asking for a national disaster down the road as far as our legal system. The reason our system works is because the people of this country have a sense that it’s fair and they have confidence in it. I’m not suggesting a witch hunt for Republicans – I’m suggesting that citizens that are subpoened by Congress have two choices – appear and testify or go to jail for contempt of Congress. It can’t be any other way! I voted for Obama, but I don’t want him or any other future President thinking this is OK.

Our system of justice works largely based on interpretation of the original constitution by supposedly fair minded judges and juries. We trust that the prosecutors and those in government who take the oath to defend the constitution and execute the laws will act in a non-partisan manner. Now we know that during the Bush years this changed in the Justice department and people were hired and fired based on political motivations. THIS CAN’T HAPPEN IF WE ARE TO REMAIN A STRONG STABLE NATION! When Congress chose to investigate the firings of nine (republican) attorney’s general, possibly for political reasons, the Bush administration chose to refuse to cooperate. In the process they took an embarrassing situation – which probably wasn’t illegal – and turned it into an issue of critical importance to the future of this nation. If Rove, Miers, and Bolton get away with this, they are setting a disgusting precedent. It is through precedents that the constitution is molded to evolve with the changing times. This would be a terrible way to let the constitution evolve.

President Obama need not do any more than let Congressional leaders and the Justice department do what is right here – he should be able to stay out of the “fray.” But if they continue to allow themselves to be pushed around by Rove, in particular, then someone has to step in and say “enough already.” This guy was responsible for who knows how much of the illegal behavior of the Bush administration. There is little doubt in my mind that he participated in the “outing” of Valerie Plame – the covert CIA agent – a treasonous offense – and he was clearly involved in the firing of the US attorneys – which was also an abuse of his position in the White House. At the very least, Rove should be forced to testify about his role in these scandals in front of Congress and a national CSPAN audience. We deserve to know exactly what happened so that it can be prevented from happening again. And, just because he was the President’s advisor shouldn’t isolate him from his responsibility to act within the bounds of the law. I believe his lawbreaking went far beyond these two areas, but regardless, “We the People” should get a full accounting of his actions – if for no other reason than for history’s sake. How else can we insure his abuses are never repeated? We, as a nation, can ill afford to EVER experience the Bush years again!

We need to pull together as a nation and try to ensure that Obama doesn’t fail!

It’s late, and maybe I can actually write a short post. I’m going to give it a shot. I didn’t want to write anything tonight. I’m a school teacher and when grades are due, pretty much everything else stops until you get them done. Well, grades are due, I’m almost done with them (I’ll finish tomorrow evening) and it’s time for bed – except I’ve got to comment about Rush Limbaugh. I got to the point many years ago where I couldn’t stand to listen to this blowhard for more than a few seconds before I had to change the channel. To me, the fact that he’s still on the air (notwithstanding that he supposedly makes a hundred million dollars a year for spewing his venim) is a good reason why this country is in the state it’s in. I look forward to the day when people start calling or writing his sponsors to inform them they won’t use their products as long as they sponsor Rush. This guy epitomizes everything that is wrong with this nation. And I’m sorry to say that some of my friends listen to the guy, and – just like reasonable people can’t talk to Rush – I can’t even talk to my friends about this. Limbaugh is such a greedy, divisive, racist, thug – how can good people even find him entertaining?

I’m saying this to frame tonight’s thoughts based on something I heard while riding around in my car listening to the radio today. From several sources I heard that Rush was quoted as saying – regarding President Obama’s Stimulus package – “I hope he fails.” Now, I didn’t hear it directly out of his mouth with my own ears, but the number of different people I heard quoting him leads me to believe he said it. Rush has somehow been elevated to the “top” of the conservative movement – I guess because the movement is virtually bankrupt when it comes to leaders. I can tell you that until they cleanse themselves of this – I can’t think of a word that I would feel comfortable using on this website – I’ll just say BAD person – the Republicans are on their way to becoming nothing more than part of future history books. OUR NATION IS IN A STATE OF CRISIS THAT IS UNPRECEDENTED AND HE’S WISHING FOR THE PRESIDENT TO FAIL!!! To me, I’ve always considered him a traitor to the common good, but today I’m just feeling he’s a traitor! How can he wish the President’s policy will fail at a time like this.

And, what about his listeners? The next thing I need to find out is are they going along with this? Dear God, I hope not. I guess the reality is that not a single Republican voted for the stimulus package in the House of Representatives last week, so maybe it is the Republican position that they want this plan to fail. Are they going to continue to pretend that their supply side economics along with their adventurous foreign policy didn’t cause this mess? Do they really think we will buy the idea that EVEN MORE TAX CUTS will solve the problem largely created by excessive tax cuts? Do they really believe we can survive as a nation without a strong federal government? I guess they feel that if Obama succeeds it will be a long time until they get their greedy selves back into the White House! So much for McCain’s campaign slogan; “Country First.” I’m calling this absurd because I can’t think of a more descriptive term right at the moment. Make that absurd in bold type and capital letters!!!

I also heard that a republican member of the house said the truth about Limbaugh – called him out on his divisiveness – and was raked over the coals by the powers that be in the Republican party. Now that is even more absurd. Is Limbaugh really the spokesperson for their party? You’ve got to be kidding me if that is true. The other day, on Keith Olbermans’ show I saw a little snipit where Limbaugh evidently was pushing for Sarah Palin as the next Presidential candiate for the Republicans. As ridiculous as that sounds to me, I actually hope he gets his way. But, I have to say that the thought that Rush Limbaugh could be the leader of any political party – and for that party to have any traction whatsoever – is mind boggling to me, especially in a country that is supposed to have an educated electorate. I guess, if this is true, it tells us as Americans (and me as a teacher) the reality as to how educated our electorate is. I’m sure Sarah Palin is a nice person – but Presidential material? YOU’VE REALLY GOT TO BE KIDDING ME! I would certainly have a lot to write about.

Now that my post is obviously not going to be very short, I just have to say that I was angered at first and then just disgusted that at this point in time we would be having people in places where they can influence the unwitting – calling for the failure of something this important. If we were ever going to pull together as a nation, we need to do it now. Personally, I don’t like everything about the proposed stimulus package – BUT I DEFINITELY HOPE IT SUCCEEDS. Wouldn’t it be nice if true conservatives joined in the debate in a rational manner and tried to influence the legislation to insure its success? I always considered myself a conservative. But starting with Reagan, then GHW Bush, and especially with GW Bush, I felt no connection whatsoever. (I didn’t feel much of a connection with Clinton either, but he did balance the budget – which, to me, is high on the conservative mantra) I do believe the Democrats to be spineless – but now would be a good time for them to stand up and show some guts. Call this for what it is – these vile words coming from the mouth of one of the most vile people in our country – take this guy on for a change. Challenge those who listen to him about the very thing they challenged me when I pointed out the fallacy of invading Iraq and letting Osama bin Laden “off the hook.” Challenge their patriotism. If this stimulus package fails, we all fail. Now, if you have hundred’s of millions stashed somewhere, as does Limbaugh I suppose, you’ll get by just fine. But yesterday I spent the first part of the day feeding and providing warm clothing and toiletries for homeless people in Portland, Oregon. I am thankful that I’m not in that situation, but many are, and many more are headed that way – In the name of decency; We need to pull together as a nation and try to ensure that Obama doesn’t fail!

Unless we stop with the fear mongering, the terrorists win!

Fear; isn’t that the objective of terrorists. Just thinking about the term, terrorists, leads anyone, I believe, who is thinking logically to come to the conclusion that instilling fear in people would be exactly what people like Osama bin Laden are trying to accomplish through their actions. Therefore, if they succeed in doing this, does that mean they are winning? I’m following former President Bush’s logic in declaring a “war on terror.” To be honest, I never understood the logic behind that “philosophy” if that is what you could call that type of thinking. Isn’t terror, per se, a tactic? How do you declare war on a tactic? I’m trying to generate thought (it would be great to have a discussion, but so far my attempt at a blog has not resulted in any comments, let alone a discussion) about the consequences of having the leadership of our nation resorting to “fear mongering” to accomplish their goals. (when they do that, are they then, themselves, acting like terrorists?)

Now, I know in my heart that the American people are not afraid of bin Laden, or any other leader on the world stage. I believe that, with an honorable man at the helm, should this nation need to mobilize for some terrible reason, whoever might attack us would find the result quite devastating. I believe that most Americans were expecting exactly that after 9/11 and feel betrayed by the Bush administration and their allowing bin Laden to escape while lying this great nation into a disastrous occupation that has nearly destroyed our country. In fact, GW Bush used fear mongering to get the “green light” from Congress to invade Iraq, and they continued to use this tactic for the rest of their administration to get whatever they wanted. Unfortunately, they had a Congress that was way too willing to fall for their tactics. During the first 6 years of Bush’s term it’s a bit easier for me to understand this because the Republican Congress was nothing more than a rubber stamp for whatever Bush/Cheney wanted (I hope to have a discussion about that subject one of these days; I believe part of the reason Congress was so willing under the Republican leadership was because of Dick Cheney and their knowledge of what he would do to any dissenters – but that’s a story for another day)

The capitulating in Congress after the 2006 election, when the Democratic party gained the majority in both houses, is much more difficult for me to understand. There were many cases of where the Democrats allowed themselves to go along with Bush/Cheney because they succumbed to the fear mongering. I’m going to start at the last example of this and maybe work backward, but my purpose is to demonstrate how important it is that we, as Americans, not allow our leaders to “scare” us into making decisions. I DON’T WANT TO FEEL LIKE THE TERRORISTS HAVE WON! Take for example the TARP bailout program for Wall Street. Now, this wasn’t directly connected to the 9/11 attacks, but the strategy Bush/Paulsen used to get it through came directly from what Bush and company had been using to get what they wanted since the World Trade Center/Pentagan tragedies – fear mongering. If you can remember that far back into history, Henry Paulsen and George Bush had convinced everyone in Congress and a solid majority of Americans that the stock market would “tank” (my word) and the banking system could fail if we didn’t act and act quickly. If you remember, Paulsen originally showed up with a three page proposal that would give him total authority of the money with absolutely no oversight.

Of course, the Democrats – being in control (or so it was supposed to be) – said “no way!” They made multiple public statements about how absurd it was for Paulsen (and Bush) to have the nerve to think they were going to get $700 Billion with no strings attached. All the “great” minds of the two parties got together (in fact, if you remember, John McCain “suspended” his campaign for President because this was so important – and he, with virtually no knowledge of our economy – was going to lead the Congress to a solution) and in a couple “hectic” weeks came up with the TARP (Troubled Asset Relief Program) bailout. This program was going to give the Treasury enough money to buy up the “toxic” assets of the major banks who were hemmoraging from the result of all the sub prime mortgages going bad. Once relieved of these assets, the banks were supposedly going to be able to start lending again. There was talk of some kind of program, once the TARP was in place, to provide relief for the millions of Americans who were losing their homes to foreclosure. Everyone hailed the legislation as vital to saving our economy from disaster.

Well, as we now know, ALL OF THIS WAS UNTRUE – AND AFTER 8 YEARS OF BUSH, SHOULDN’T WE HAVE EXPECTED EXACTLY THAT? First off, the stock market tanked even further – and by my calculations has a fair bit to go before the “moneychangers” get the point. As I’m writing this it’s at about 8000 and it was somewhere around 9 or 10,000 at the time of the “bailout.” Second, not a dime was spent on buying up the so-called “toxic” mortgages which was the original intent of the legislation. Which leads me to point number three; there were virtually no guidelines on how Paulsen could spend the money. As incredible as that seems, IT IS TRUE! I was aghast at the time, and that would be a mild descriptor of how I feel today. And I don’t know who to be more upset with: Henry Paulsen? George Bush? Dick Cheney? – by this point in time – I didn’t expect any of them to do anything that was honorable. And, of course, they didn’t! Paulsen went right to the “brothers” he has spent the past 20+ years prior to his stint as Treasury Secretary to almost force them to take government bailout “loans” which he called investments. More on that a bit later – it’s the Democrats who I believe need to get “what for” for this blunder. They had the majority. They didn’t have the courage to say no. How many times does someone have to “screw” you before you get the picture?

The Democrats caved, just as they had on the war, just as they had on torture, just as they had on warrantless wiretapping, and just as they seem to be doing today as far as any post-Bush accountability. Well, getting back to the TARP bailout funds and what happened to them should finally get the Democrat’s attention. If it doesn’t, I don’t know what will – THEY’VE GOT TO STOP WITH THIS IDEA OF “LOOKING FORWARD!” If they don’t start looking backward, and in detail, Bush/Cheney/Paulsen/et al will have gotten away with BY FAR the greatest heist in the history of this world. I’m not talking exclusively about TARP – but it’s just an example of the brazenous of these b@#%*$ds – and shows how important it is to finally get some accountability. The Democrats essentially gave Paulsen what he originally wanted. They managed to change the original three page proposal into one of considerably more pages that could have been written on the original three pages. There was no oversight provision, no accountability, and Paulsen was able to do with the funds (I guess the only thing they did that might be considered thoughtful, was they limited Paulsen to half of the money – ONLY $350 BILLION – UGHHH!) exactly what he pleased.

So what did we discover this week? The Wall Street banks who received bailout funds from the taxpayers – supposedly banks which would fail (and they were “too big to allow to fail”) – doled out, collectively, $20,000,000,000 in bonuses! I used the zero’s for anyone who doesn’t understand how big a billion dollars is. This comes after finding out that they used the money for just about anything except what was originally intended, to get the flow of money going in the credit markets. The only reason this isn’t criminal is because the Democratic Congress gave Paulsen and his buddies on Wall Street a green light to screw the American taxpayers. As I said in my last post – these are the guys that the people who drive around with “Support the Troops” and McCain/Palin bumper stickers on their cars are supporting. What’s more embarrassing and disgusting for me, I have a “vote Democratic” sticker on my car. The Republicans don’t give a second thought to stealing from the American taxpayer (they’re totally against welfare – unless it’s coming their way) while the Democrats keep bending over and letting the Republicans “have their way with them.” THIS IS FRUSTRATING! President Obama needs to stop pandering to these people and get on with things WITHOUT THEM! And he needs to demostrate a backbone to the rest of his party. Fear mongering has brought us the Iraq war, torture, illegal wiretapping and the “shredding” of the 4th amendment, TARP, and when I really think about it – the second term of Bush/Cheney – they essentially scared people into voting for them. I’ll try to make this clear; Unless we stop with the fear mongering, the terrorists win!